< Numbers 25 >

1 Nowe whiles Israel abode in Shittim, the people began to commit whoredome with the daughters of Moab:
Hagi Israeli vene'nemo'za Sitimima seli nonkuma ome ki'za mani'ne'za, agafa hu'za Moapu a'nene monko'za hu'naze.
2 Which called the people vnto the sacrifice of their gods, and the people ate, and bowed downe to their gods.
Na'ankure ana a'nemo'za havi anumzazmire'ma kresramna nevu'za, Israeli vene'nea ke hazage'za anampina vu'za ne'zana ome nene'za, ana havi anumzantera zmarenare'za monora hunte'naze.
3 And Israel coupled himselfe vnto Baal Peor: wherefore the wrath of the Lord was kindled against Israel:
Hagi ana nehu'za Peori agonafi Bali havi anumzante Israeli vahe'mo'za monora hunte'naze. Ana hazageno Ra Anumzamo'a tusi'a rimpahezmante'ne.
4 And the Lord sayde vnto Moses, Take all the heades of the people, and hang them vp before the Lord against ye sunne, that the indignation of the Lords wrath may be turned from Israel.
Hagi Ra Anumzamo'a Mosesena asamino, Ama anazama nehaza vahe'mokizmi kva vahera zamavarenka Ra Anumzamo'na navuga vahe'mo'za nezmagesageta amate ome zamahe nefrinke'na Israeli vahera Narimpa aheozmantaneno.
5 Then Moses sayd vnto the Iudges of Israel, Euery one slay his men that were ioyned vnto Baal Peor.
Hagi Mosese'a kema refako hu Israeli kva vahe'mokizmia amanage huno zamasmi'ne, Mago'magomota naga'tamifinti'ma Bali havi anumzante'ma Peori agonafima mono'ma hunte'nenaza veneneramina maka zamahe friho.
6 And behold, one of the children of Israel came and brought vnto his brethren a Midianitish woman in the sight of Moses, and in the sight of all the Congregation of the children of Israel, who wept before the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation.
Hagi Mosese'ene mika Israeli vahe'mo'za seli mono nomofo avuga zavinete'za zmasunku nehu'za negazageno, mago Israeli ne'mo'a Midieni ara naga'ama maninarega avreno vuno seli noma'afi ufre'ne.
7 And when Phinehas the sonne of Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the Priest sawe it, hee rose vp from the middes of the Congregation, and tooke a speare in his hand,
Hagi pristi ne' Aroni negeho Elieaza nemofo Finiesi'a ana vene a'enena negeno'a vahepintira atreno vuno karugru kevea azampi omenerino,
8 And followed ye man of Israel into the tent, and thrust them both through: to wit, the man of Israel, and the woman, through her belly: so the plague ceased from the children of Israel.
ana nera amage vuno seli noma'afi ufreno ana kevereti matevuno vemofona renkro huno a'mofona rimpa retragufene. Ana higeno Israeli vahepina ana knazamo'a vagare'ne.
9 And there died in that plague, foure and twentie thousand.
Hianagi ana knazamo'a 24 tauseni'a Israeli vahe ko zamahe fri'ne.
10 Then the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
Ra Anumzamo'a Mosesena anage huno asmi'ne,
11 Phinehas the sonne of Eleazar, the sonne of Aaron the Priest, hath turned mine anger away from the children of Israel, while hee was zealous for my sake among them: therefore I haue not consumed the children of Israel in my ielousie.
Eleasa ne'mofo Finiasi pristi nagapinti ne'mo, Nagri narimpa haviza hu'zana eri fru hu'ne. Na'ankure agrira Nagri'ma hiankna huno rimpahegeno anara hianki'na, Israeli vahera mago'ane kanivea razmante'na zamahe ofrigahue.
12 Wherefore say to him, Beholde, I giue vnto him my couenant of peace,
E'ina hu'negu antahio, Nagra agri'ene narimpa fru hu'na manisua huvempa kea hue.
13 And he shall haue it, and his seede after him, euen the couenant of the priestes office for euer, because he was zealous for his God, and hath made an atonement for the children of Israel.
Hagi Finiasi enena huvempa huankino agripinti'ma forehu anante anante hu'zama esaza vahe'mo'za pristi eri'zana erigahaze. Na'ankure Israeli vahe'mokizmi kumima atrezmantesugu kumite nona huno mizase'ne.
14 And the name of the Israelite thus slayne, which was killed with the Midianitish woman, was Zimri the sonne of Salu, prince of the familie of the Simeonites.
Hagi Midieni a' enema Israeli ne'ma ahefri'nea ne'mofo agi'a, Zimrikino Salu nemofo'e. Hagi Salu'a Simioni naga nofipina ugota kva nere.
15 And the name of the Midianitish woman, that was slayne, was Cozbi the daughter of Zur, who was head ouer the people of his fathers house in Midian.
Hagi ana ne'mo'ma avreno vu'nea Midieni a'mofo agi'a Kozbikino, Zuri mofare. Hagi Zuri'a Midieni vahepina ugota hu'naza nagapinti ne' mani'ne.
16 Againe ye Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
Anante Ra Anumzamo'a Mosesena asmino,
17 Vexe the Midianites, and smite them:
Midieni vahera ha' vahetami mani'nazanki zamahe friho.
18 For they trouble you with their wiles, wherewith they haue beguiled you as concerning Peor, and as concerning their sister Cozbi ye daughter of a prince of Midian, which was slayne in the day of the plague because of Peor.
Na'ankure zamagra ha' vahetamimo'za hazaza hu'za reramatga hazageta, Peori agonarera havi anumzantera monora hunentazageno, anazanteku Finiasi'a keve'areti Midieni kva ne'mofo mofa Kozbina karugru regeno fri'ne.

< Numbers 25 >