< Numbers 20 >

1 Then the children of Israel came with ye whole Congregation to the desert of Zin in the first moneth, and the people abode at Cadesh: where Miriam died, and was buried there.
Un pirmā mēnesī visa Israēla bērnu draudze nāca Cin tuksnesī, un tie ļaudis apmetās Kādešā, un Mirjame tur nomira un tapa tur aprakta.
2 But there was no water for the Congregation, and they assembled them selues against Moses and against Aaron.
Un tai draudzei nebija ūdens; tad tie sapulcējās pret Mozu un pret Āronu.
3 And the people chode with Moses, and spake, saying, Would God we had perished, when our brethren died before the Lord.
Un tie ļaudis strīdējās ar Mozu un runāja sacīdami: kaut būtu bojā gājuši, kad mūsu brāļi bojā gāja priekš Tā Kunga!
4 Why haue ye thus brought the Congregation of the Lord vnto his wildernesse, that both we, and our cattell should die there?
Kāpēc jūs esat veduši Tā Kunga draudzi uz šo tuksnesi, ka še mums un mūsu lopiem jāmirst?
5 Wherefore nowe haue yee made vs to come vp from Egypt, to bring vs into this miserable place, which is no place of seede, nor figges, nor vines, nor pomegranates? neither is there any water to drinke.
Un kāpēc jūs mūs esat izveduši no Ēģiptes zemes un mūs atveduši šai posta vietā? tā nav sējama vieta, nedz vīģu nedz vīnu dārzu nedz granātābolu vieta, te arī ūdens nav, ko dzert.
6 Then Moses and Aaron went from the assemblie vnto the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and fell vpon their faces: and the glory of the Lord appeared vnto them.
Tad Mozus un Ārons gāja no tās draudzes pie saiešanas telts durvīm un metās uz savu vaigu; un Tā Kunga godība viņiem parādījās.
7 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
Tad Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu un sacīja:
8 Take the rod, and gather thou and thy brother Aaron the Congregation together, and speake yee vnto the rocke before their eyes, and it shall giue foorth his water, and thou shalt bring them water out of the rocke: so thou shalt giue the Congregation, and their beastes drinke.
Ņem to zizli un salpulcini to draudzi, tu un Ārons, tavs brālis, un runājiet uz to klinti priekš viņu acīm, tad tā dos ūdeni; tā tu viņiem izdabūsi ūdeni no klints un dzirdināsi to draudzi un viņas lopus.
9 Then Moses tooke the rod from before the Lord, as he had commanded him.
Tad Mozus ņēma to zizli no Tā Kunga priekšas, kā Viņš tam bija pavēlējis.
10 And Moses and Aaron gathered the Congregation together before the rocke, and Moses sayd vnto them, Heare nowe, ye rebels: shall we bring you water out of this rocke?
Un Mozus un Ārons sapulcēja to draudzi pie tās klints, un viņš uz tiem sacīja: klausāties jel, jūs pārgalvji, vai mēs jums izdabūsim ūdeni no šīs klints?
11 Then Moses lift vp his hande, and with his rod he smote the rocke twise, and the water came out aboundantly: so the Congregation, and their beastes dranke.
Tad Mozus pacēla savu roku un sita to klinti ar savu zizli divreiz, tad iznāca daudz ūdens ārā, tā ka tā draudze un viņas lopi dzēra.
12 Againe the Lord spake vnto Moses, and to Aaron, Because ye beleeued me not, to sanctifie mee in the presence of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this Congregation into the land which I haue giuen them.
Tad Tas Kungs sacīja uz Mozu un Āronu, tādēļ ka jūs Man neesat ticējuši un Mani neesat svētījuši priekš Israēla bērnu acīm, tādēļ jūs šo draudzi neievedīsiet tai zemē, ko Es tiem esmu devis.
13 This is the water of Meribah, because the children of Israel stroue with the Lord, and hee was sanctified in them.
Šis ir tas Meribas (strīdus) ūdens, kur Israēla bērni ar To Kungu strīdējās, un Viņš pie tiem svēts parādījās.
14 Then Moses sent messengers from Kadesh vnto the king of Edom, saying, Thus sayth thy brother Israel, Thou knowest all the trauaile that we haue had,
Tad Mozus sūtīja vēstnešus no Kādešas pie Edoma ķēniņa: tā saka tavs brālis Israēls: tu zini visas tās bēdas, kas mums uzgājušas,
15 How our fathers went downe into Egypt, and we dwelt in Egypt a long time, where the Egyptians handled vs euill and our fathers.
Ka mūsu tēvi ir nogājuši uz Ēģiptes zemi, un ka mēs ilgu laiku esam dzīvojuši Ēģiptes zemē, un ka ēģiptieši mums un mūsu tēviem ir ļaunu darījuši.
16 But when we cried vnto the Lord, he heard our voyce, and sent an Angel, and hath brought vs out of Egypt, and beholde, wee are in the citie Kadesh, in thine vtmost border.
Tad mēs brēcām uz To Kungu, un Viņš klausīja mūsu balsi un sūtīja eņģeli un mūs izveda no Ēģiptes zemes, un redzi, mēs esam Kādešas pilsētā tavu robežu malā.
17 I pray thee that we may passe through thy countrey: we will not goe through the fieldes nor the vineyardes, neither will we drinke of the water of the welles: we will goe by the kings way, and neither turne vnto the right hand nor to the left, vntill we be past thy borders.
Ļauj mums iet caur tavu zemi; mēs neiesim pār druvām, ne caur vīna dārziem, nedz dzersim ūdeni no akām, pa lielceļu mēs iesim un negriezīsimies ne pa labo ne pa kreiso roku, tiekams būsim izgājuši caur tavām robežām.
18 And Edom answered him, Thou shalt not passe by mee, least I come out against thee with the sword.
Bet Edoms uz to sacīja: tev nebūs iet caur mums, citādi es tev iziešu pretī ar zobenu.
19 Then the children of Israel said vnto him, We will goe vp by the hie way: and if I and my cattell drinke of thy water, I will then pay for it: I will onely (without any harme) goe through on my feete.
Tad Israēla bērni sacīja uz viņu: pa lielceļu mēs iesim, un ja dzersim no tava ūdens, mēs ar saviem lopiem, tad par to dosim maksu; cita nekā negribam kā kājām iet cauri.
20 Hee answered againe, Thou shalt not goe through. The Edom came out against him with much people, and with a mightie power.
Un viņš sacīja: tev nebūs iet cauri! Un Edoms viņam izgāja pretī ar varenu pulku un stipru roku.
21 Thus Edom denyed to giue Israel passage through his countrey: wherefore Israel turned away from him.
Tā Edoms Israēlim aizliedza un viņam neļāva iet caur savām robežām; un Israēls griezās nost no viņa.
22 And when the children of Israel with al the Congregation departed from Kadesh, they came vnto the mount Hor.
Un tie aizgāja no Kādešas, un visa Israēla bērnu draudze nāca pie Hora kalna.
23 And the Lord spake vnto Moses and to Aaron in the mount Hor neere the coast of the land of Edom, saying,
Tad Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu un Āronu pie Hora kalna, pie Edoma zemes robežām, sacīdams:
24 Aaron shall be gathered vnto his people: for hee shall not enter into the lande, which I haue giuen vnto the children of Israel, because ye disobeyed my commandement at the water of Meribah.
Āronam būs tapt piepulcinātam pie saviem ļaudīm, jo viņš nenāks tai zemē, ko Es dodu Israēla bērniem, tāpēc ka jūs Manam vārdam esat pretī turējušies pie strīdus ūdens.
25 Take Aaron and Eleazar his sonne, and bring them vp into the mount Hor,
Ņem Āronu un viņa dēlu Eleazaru, un ved tos augšā uz Hora kalnu.
26 And cause Aaron to put off his garmentes and put them vpon Eleazar his sonne: for Aaron shall be gathered to his fathers, and shall die there.
Un novelc Āronam viņa drēbes un apvelc tās Eleazaram, viņa dēlam, jo Ārons tur taps piepulcināts un nomirs.
27 And Moses did as the Lord had commanded: and they went vp into the mount Hor, in the sight of all the Congregation.
Tad Mozus darīja, itin kā Tas Kungs bija pavēlējis. Un tie uzkāpa uz Hora kalnu priekš visas draudzes acīm.
28 And Moses put off Aarons clothes, and put them vpon Eleazar his sonne: so Aaron dyed there in the top of the mount: and Moses and Eleazar came downe from off the mount.
Un Mozus Āronam novilka viņa drēbes un tās apvilka Eleazaram, viņa dēlam.
29 When al the Congregation sawe that Aaron was dead, al the house of Israel wept for Aaron thirtie dayes.
Un Ārons tur nomira, tā kalna galā; tad Mozus un Eleazars nāca no kalna zemē. Kad nu visa draudze redzēja Āronu esam nomirušu, tad viss Israēla nams Āronu apraudāja trīsdesmit dienas.

< Numbers 20 >