< Nehemiah 2 >

1 Nowe in the moneth Nisan in the twentieth yere of king Artahshashte, the wine stoode before him, and I tooke vp the wine, and gaue it vnto the King. nowe I was not before time sad in his presence.
Gbe ɖeka, le ɣleti enelia me le Fia Artazerses ƒe fiaɖuɖu ƒe ƒe blaevelia me, esi menɔ wain kum na fia la la, fia la biam be,
2 And the king said vnto me, Why is thy coutenance sad, seeing thou art not sicke? this is nothing, but sorow of heart. Then was I sore afrayd,
“Nu ka ta nèlé blanui ale, evɔ mèhele dɔ lém o? Esia menye naneke wu dzi ƒe nuxaxa o.”
3 And I said to the King, God saue the King for euer: why should not my countenance be sad, when the citie and house of the sepulchres of my fathers lieth waste, and the gates thereof are deuoured with fire?
Megblɔ na fia la be, “Fia nenɔ agbe tegbee.”
4 And the King said vnto me, For what thing doest thou require? Then I prayed to the God of heauen,
Fia la biam be, “Ekema nu ka woawɔ na wò?” Medo gbe ɖa na dziƒo ƒe Mawu la,
5 And sayde vnto the King, If it please the King, and if thy seruant haue found fauour in thy sight, I desire that thou wouldest send me to Iudah vnto the city of the sepulchres of my fathers, that I may buyld it.
eye megblɔ na fia la be, “Ne edze fia la ŋu, eye nève wò dɔla nu la, ekema dɔm ɖe Yuda ƒe du me, afi si woɖi fofonyewo ɖo ne magbugbɔ du la atu.”
6 And the King sayd vnto me, (the Queene also sitting by him) How long shall thy iourney be? and when wilt thou come againe? So it pleased the King, and he sent me, and I set him a time.
Emegbe fia la, ame si ƒe axadzi fiasrɔ̃ la nɔ anyi ɖo la biam be, “Ŋkeke nenie nèle mɔ zɔ ge, eye gbe ka gbee nàtrɔ agbɔ?” Edze fia la ŋu be wòadɔm, eya ta meɖo ŋkeke nɛ.
7 After I saide vnto the King, If it please the King, let them giue mee letters to the captaines beyond the Riuer, that they may conuay me ouer, till I come into Iudah,
Megabia nu bubu hã fia la be, “Ne edze ŋuwò la, ekema meɖe kuku be nàŋlɔ agbalẽ ade asinye na mɔmefia siwo le Frat tɔsisi la ƒe ɣetoɖoƒe, eye nàbia tso wo si be woaɖe mɔ nam mato woƒe dukɔwo me ayi Yudanyigba dzi dedie.
8 And letters vnto Asaph the keeper of the Kings parke, that hee may giue me timber to buylde the gates of the palace (which apperteined to the house) and for the walles of the citie, and for the house that I shall enter into. And the King gaue me according to the good hand of my God vpon me.
Kpe ɖe esia ŋu la, nàŋlɔ agbalẽ na Asaf, ame si kpɔa fia la ƒe ave dzi, eye nàna wòana atim hena daɖedziwo kple agbowo na mɔ si le gbedoxɔ la gbɔ, hena dua ƒe gliwo kple xɔ aɖe tutu na ɖokuinye.” Esi wònye be, nye Mawu ƒe amenuveve ƒe asi nɔ dzinye ta la, fia la lɔ̃ ɖe nye biabiawo dzi.
9 Then came I to the captaines beyonde the Riuer, and gaue them the Kings letters. And the King had sent captaines of the armie and horsemen with me.
Esi meɖo dukɔ siwo nɔ Frat Tɔsisi la ƒe ɣetoɖoƒe la, metsɔ fia la ƒe agbalẽwo na mɔmefiawo. Kpe ɖe esia ŋu la, etsɔ aʋafia kple asrafo sɔdolawo kpe ɖe ŋunye.
10 But Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah a seruant an Ammonite heard it, and it grieued them sore, that there was come a man which sought the wealth of the children of Israel.
Ke esi Sanbalat, Horonitɔ kple Tobia, Amonitɔ, ame siwo nye dɔnunɔlawo se nya sia la, dzi ku wo vevie ŋutɔ be ame aɖe va nyui di ge na Israelviwo.
11 So I came to Ierusalem, and was there three dayes.
Meyi Yerusalem, eye esi menɔ dua me ŋkeke etɔ̃ la,
12 And I rose in the night, I, and a fewe men with me: for I told no man, what God had put in mine heart to do at Ierusalem, and there was not a beast with me, saue the beast whereon I rode.
mía kple ŋutsu ʋɛ aɖewo míedo go le zã me. Nyemegblɔ nu si nye Mawu tsɔ de nye dzi me be mawɔ na Yerusalem na ame aɖeke o. Lã siwo wodona la ɖeke menɔ gbɔnye o, negbe esi dom menɔ ko.
13 And I went out by night by the gate of the valley, and came before the dragon well, and to the dung porte, and vewed the walles of Ierusalem, howe they were broken downe, and the portes thereof deuoured with the fire.
Le zã me la, míedo go to Balimegbo la me ɖo ta Yakal ƒe Vudo la gbɔ, heyi Aɖukpogbo la gbɔ be míakpɔ gli gbagbãwo kple agbo siwo wotɔ dzoe la ɖa.
14 Then I went foorth vnto the gate of the fountaine, and to the Kings fishpoole, and there was no rowme for the beast that was vnder me to passe.
Emegbe la, míeyi ŋgɔ heva Vudogbo la kple fia ƒe ta la gbɔ, gake teƒea mekeke na lã si dom menɔ la be wòato ayi ŋgɔ o,
15 Then went I vp in ye night by the brooke, and viewed the wall, and turned backe, and comming backe, I entred by the gate of the valley and returned.
eya ta meto balime la le zã me henɔ ŋku lém ɖe gli la ŋu. Mlɔeba la, metrɔ gava to Balimegbo la me heva aƒe me.
16 And the rulers knewe not whither I was gone, nor what I did, neither did I as yet tell it vnto the Iewes, nor to the Priestes, nor to the noble men, nor to the rulers, nor to the rest that laboured in the worke.
Dua ŋu dzɔlawo menya be medo go de afi siawo o, eye womenya nu si ta mede o, elabena nyemegblɔ nya aɖeke na Yudatɔwo, nunɔlawo, bubumewo kple dɔnunɔlawo tso nye ɖoɖowo ŋu haɖe kura o. Nyemegblɔe na ame siwo le dɔa wɔ ge gɔ̃ hã o.
17 Afterward I said vnto them, Ye see the miserie that we are in, how Ierusalem lyeth waste, and the gates thereof are burnt with fire: come and let vs buylde the wall of Ierusalem, that we be no more a reproche.
Megblɔ na wo azɔ be, “Mienya dzɔgbevɔ̃e si dzɔ ɖe Yerusalem dzi nyuie. Dua gbã, eye agboawo fia. Miva, mina míagbugbɔ Yerusalem ƒe gli aɖo, eye míaɖe ŋukpe sia ɖa le mía dzi!”
18 Then I tolde them of the hande of my God, (which was good ouer me) and also of the Kings wordes that he had spoken vnto me. And they sayd, Let vs rise, and buyld. So they strengthened their hand to good.
Megblɔ ale si Mawu ƒe amenuveve ƒe asi le dzinyee kple ale si fia la gblɔ nam hã na wo. Woɖo eŋuti enumake be, “Enyo! Mina míagbugbɔ gli la aɖo!” Ale míedze dɔ nyui sia gɔme.
19 But when Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the seruant an Ammonite, and Geshem the Arabian heard it, they mocked vs and despised vs, and said, What a thing is this that ye doe? Will ye rebell against the King?
Ke esi Sanbalat Horonitɔ kple Tobia Amonitɔ kple Gesem Arabiatɔ la, se nye ɖoɖoawo la, woɖu fewu le mía ŋu hegblɔ be, “Nu kae nye esi wɔm miele hele aglã dzem ɖe fia la ŋu ale?”
20 Then answered I them, and sayd to them, The God of heauen, he will prosper vs, and we his seruants will rise vp and buylde: but as for you, ye haue no portion nor right, nor memoriall in Ierusalem.
Ke meɖo eŋu be, “Dziƒo ƒe Mawu la ana dzidzedze mí eƒe dɔlawo míagbugbɔ gli sia aɖo, ke miawo la, miaƒe asi manɔ dɔ sia me loo alo miakpɔ gome le Yerusalem alo axɔ ŋkɔ le ewɔwɔ me alo eƒe ɖe nanye mia tɔ o.”

< Nehemiah 2 >