< Matthew 15 >

1 Then came to Iesus the Scribes and Pharises, which were of Hierusalem, saying,
اَپَرَں یِرُوشالَمْنَگَرِییاح کَتِپَیا اَدھْیاپَکاح پھِرُوشِنَشْچَ یِیشوح سَمِیپَماگَتْیَ کَتھَیاماسُح،
2 Why do thy disciples transgresse the tradition of the Elders? for they wash not their hands when they eate bread.
تَوَ شِشْیاح کِمَرْتھَمْ اَپْرَکْشالِتَکَرَے رْبھَکْشِتْوا پَرَمْپَراگَتَں پْراچِیناناں وْیَوَہارَں لَنْوَنْتے؟
3 But he answered and said vnto them, Why doe yee also transgresse the commandement of God by your tradition?
تَتو یِیشُح پْرَتْیُواچَ، یُویَں پَرَمْپَراگَتاچارینَ کُتَ اِیشْوَراجْناں لَنْوَدھْوے۔
4 For God hath commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and he that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.
اِیشْوَرَ اِتْیاجْناپَیَتْ، تْوَں نِجَپِتَرَو سَںمَنْییتھاح، یینَ چَ نِجَپِتَرَو نِنْدْییتے، سَ نِشْچِتَں مْرِییتَ؛
5 But ye say, Whosoeuer shall say to father or mother, By the gift that is offered by me, thou maiest haue profite,
کِنْتُ یُویَں وَدَتھَ، یَح سْوَجَنَکَں سْوَجَنَنِیں وا واکْیَمِدَں وَدَتِ، یُواں مَتّو یَلَّبھیتھے، تَتْ نْیَوِدْیَتَ،
6 Though hee honour not his father, or his mother, shalbe free: thus haue ye made the commandement of God of no aucthoritie by your tradition.
سَ نِجَپِتَرَو پُنَ رْنَ سَںمَںسْیَتے۔ اِتّھَں یُویَں پَرَمْپَراگَتینَ سْویشاماچارینیشْوَرِییاجْناں لُمْپَتھَ۔
7 O hypocrites, Esaias prophecied well of you, saying,
رے کَپَٹِنَح سَرْوّے یِشَیِیو یُشْمانَدھِ بھَوِشْیَدْوَچَنانْییتانِ سَمْیَگْ اُکْتَوانْ۔
8 This people draweth neere vnto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with the lips, but their heart is farre off from me.
وَدَنَے رْمَنُجا ایتے سَمایانْتِ مَدَنْتِکَں۔ تَتھادھَرَے رْمَدِییَنْچَ مانَں کُرْوَّنْتِ تے نَراح۔
9 But in vaine they worship me, teaching for doctrines, mens precepts.
کِنْتُ تیشاں مَنو مَتّو وِدُورَایوَ تِشْٹھَتِ۔ شِکْشَیَنْتو وِدھِینْ نْراجْنا بھَجَنْتے ماں مُدھَیوَ تے۔
10 Then hee called the multitude vnto him, and said to them, Heare and vnderstand.
تَتو یِیشُ رْلوکانْ آہُویَ پْروکْتَوانْ، یُویَں شْرُتْوا بُدھْیَدھْبَں۔
11 That which goeth into the mouth, defileth not the man, but that which commeth out of the mouth, that defileth the man.
یَنْمُکھَں پْرَوِشَتِ، تَتْ مَنُجَمْ اَمیدھْیَں نَ کَروتِ، کِنْتُ یَداسْیاتْ نِرْگَچّھَتِ، تَدیوَ مانُشَمَمیدھْیِی کَروتِی۔
12 Then came his disciples, and saide vnto him, Perceiuest thou not, that the Pharises are offended in hearing this saying?
تَدانِیں شِشْیا آگَتْیَ تَسْمَے کَتھَیانْچَکْرُح، ایتاں کَتھاں شْرُتْوا پھِرُوشِنو وْیَرَجْیَنْتَ، تَتْ کِں بھَوَتا جْنایَتے؟
13 But hee answered and saide, Euery plant which mine heauenly Father hath not planted, shalbe rooted vp.
سَ پْرَتْیَوَدَتْ، مَمَ سْوَرْگَسْتھَح پِتا یَں کَنْچِدَنْکُرَں ناروپَیَتْ، سَ اُتْپاوْدْیَتے۔
14 Let them alone, they be the blinde leaders of the blinde: and if the blinde leade ye blinde, both shall fall into the ditche.
تے تِشْٹھَنْتُ، تے اَنْدھَمَنُجانامْ اَنْدھَمارْگَدَرْشَکا ایوَ؛ یَدْیَنْدھونْدھَں پَنْتھانَں دَرْشَیَتِ، تَرْہْیُبھَو گَرْتّے پَتَتَح۔
15 Then answered Peter, and said to him, Declare vnto vs this parable.
تَدا پِتَرَسْتَں پْرَتْیَوَدَتْ، درِشْٹانْتَمِمَمَسْمانْ بودھَیَتُ۔
16 Then said Iesus, Are ye yet without vnderstanding?
یِیشُنا پْروکْتَں، یُویَمَدْیَ یاوَتْ کِمَبودھاح سْتھَ؟
17 Perceiue ye not yet, that whatsoeuer entreth into the mouth, goeth into the bellie, and is cast out into the draught?
کَتھامِماں کِں نَ بُدھْیَدھْبے ؟ یَداسْیَں پْریوِشَتِ، تَدْ اُدَرے پَتَنْ بَہِرْنِرْیاتِ،
18 But those thinges which proceede out of the mouth, come from the heart, and they defile the man.
کِنْتْواسْیادْ یَنِّرْیاتِ، تَدْ اَنْتَحکَرَناتْ نِرْیاتَتْواتْ مَنُجَمَمیدھْیَں کَروتِ۔
19 For out of the heart come euil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false testimonies, slaunders.
یَتونْتَحکَرَناتْ کُچِنْتا بَدھَح پارَدارِکَتا ویشْیاگَمَنَں چَیرْیَّں مِتھْیاساکْشْیَمْ اِیشْوَرَنِنْدا چَیتانِ سَرْوّانِ نِرْیّانْتِ۔
20 These are the things, which defile the man: but to eat with vnwashen hands, defileth not ye man.
ایتانِ مَنُشْیَمَپَوِتْرِی کُرْوَّنْتِ کِنْتْوَپْرَکْشالِتَکَرینَ بھوجَنَں مَنُجَمَمیدھْیَں نَ کَروتِ۔
21 And Iesus went thence, and departed into the coastes of Tyrus and Sidon.
اَنَنْتَرَں یِیشُسْتَسْماتْ سْتھاناتْ پْرَسْتھایَ سورَسِیدونَّگَرَیوح سِیمامُپَتَسْیَو۔
22 And beholde, a woman a Cananite came out of the same coasts, and cried, saying vnto him, Haue mercie on me, O Lord, the sonne of Dauid: my daughter is miserably vexed with a deuil.
تَدا تَتْسِیماتَح کاچِتْ کِنانِییا یوشِدْ آگَتْیَ تَمُچَّیرُواچَ، ہے پْرَبھو دایُودَح سَنْتانَ، مَمَیکا دُہِتاسْتے سا بھُوتَگْرَسْتا سَتِی مَہاکْلیشَں پْراپْنوتِ مَمَ دَیَسْوَ۔
23 But hee answered her not a worde. Then came to him his disciples, and besought him, saying, Sende her away, for she crieth after vs.
کِنْتُ یِیشُسْتاں کِمَپِ نوکْتَوانْ، تَتَح شِشْیا آگَتْیَ تَں نِویدَیاماسُح، ایشا یوشِدْ اَسْماکَں پَشْچادْ اُچَّیراہُویاگَچّھَتِ، ایناں وِسرِجَتُ۔
24 But he answered, and said, I am not sent, but vnto the lost sheepe of the house of Israel.
تَدا سَ پْرَتْیَوَدَتْ، اِسْراییلْگوتْرَسْیَ ہارِتَمیشانْ وِنا کَسْیاپْیَنْیَسْیَ سَمِیپَں ناہَں پْریشِتوسْمِ۔
25 Yet she came, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, helpe me.
تَتَح سا نارِیسَماگَتْیَ تَں پْرَنَمْیَ جَگادَ، ہے پْرَبھو مامُپَکُرُ۔
26 And he answered, and said, It is not good to take the childrens bread, and to cast it to whelps.
سَ اُکْتَوانْ، بالَکاناں بھَکْشْیَمادایَ سارَمیییبھْیو دانَں نوچِتَں۔
27 But she said, Trueth, Lord: yet in deede the whelpes eate of the crommes, which fall from their masters table.
تَدا سا بَبھاشے، ہے پْرَبھو، تَتْ سَتْیَں، تَتھاپِ پْرَبھو رْبھَنْچادْ یَدُچّھِشْٹَں پَتَتِ، تَتْ سارَمییاح کھادَنْتِ۔
28 Then Iesus answered, and saide vnto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it to thee, as thou desirest. And her daughter was made whole at that houre.
تَتو یِیشُح پْرَتْیَوَدَتْ، ہے یوشِتْ، تَوَ وِشْواسو مَہانْ تَسْماتْ تَوَ مَنوبھِلَشِتَں سِدْیَّتُ، تینَ تَسْیاح کَنْیا تَسْمِنّیوَ دَنْڈے نِرامَیابھَوَتْ۔
29 So Iesus went away from thence, and came neere vnto the sea of Galile, and went vp into a mountaine and sate downe there.
اَنَنْتَرَں یِیشَسْتَسْماتْ سْتھاناتْ پْرَسْتھایَ گالِیلْساگَرَسْیَ سَنِّدھِماگَتْیَ دھَرادھَرَمارُہْیَ تَتْروپَوِویشَ۔
30 And great multitudes came vnto him, hauing with them, halt, blinde, dumme, maymed, and many other, and cast them downe at Iesus feete, and he healed them.
پَشْچاتْ جَنَنِوَہو بَہُونْ کھَنْچانْدھَمُوکَشُشْکَکَرَمانُشانْ آدایَ یِیشوح سَمِیپَماگَتْیَ تَچَّرَنانْتِکے سْتھاپَیاماسُح، تَتَح سا تانْ نِرامَیانْ اَکَروتْ۔
31 In so much that the multitude wondered, to see the dumme speake, the maimed whole, the halt to goe, and the blinde to see: and they glorified the God of Israel.
اِتّھَں مُوکا واکْیَں وَدَنْتِ، شُشْکَکَراح سْواسْتھْیَمایانْتِ، پَنْگَوو گَچّھَنْتِ، اَنْدھا وِیکْشَنْتے، اِتِ وِلوکْیَ لوکا وِسْمَیَں مَنْیَمانا اِسْراییلَ اِیشْوَرَں دھَنْیَں بَبھاشِرے۔
32 Then Iesus called his disciples vnto him, and said, I haue compassion on this multitude, because they haue continued with mee already three dayes, and haue nothing to eate: and I wil not let them depart fasting, least they faint in the way.
تَدانِیں یِیشُح سْوَشِشْیانْ آہُویَ گَدِتَوانْ، ایتَجَّنَنِوَہیشُ مَمَ دَیا جایَتے، ایتے دِنَتْرَیَں مَیا ساکَں سَنْتِ، ایشاں بھَکْشْیَوَسْتُ چَ کَنْچِدَپِ ناسْتِ، تَسْمادَہَمیتانَکرِتاہارانْ نَ وِسْرَکْشْیامِ، تَتھاتْوے وَرْتْمَمَدھْیے کْلامْییشُح۔
33 And his disciples saide vnto him, Whence should we get so much bread in the wildernes, as should suffice so great a multitude!
تَدا شِشْیا اُوچُح، ایتَسْمِنْ پْرانْتَرَمَدھْیَ ایتاوَتو مَرْتْیانْ تَرْپَیِتُں وَیَں کُتْرَ پُوپانْ پْراپْسْیامَح؟
34 And Iesus said vnto them, How many loaues haue ye? And they said, Seuen, and a few litle fishes.
یِیشُرَپرِچّھَتْ، یُشْماکَں نِکَٹے کَتِ پُوپا آسَتے؟ تَ اُوچُح، سَپْتَپُوپا اَلْپاح کْشُدْرَمِیناشْچَ سَنْتِ۔
35 Then he commanded the multitude to sit downe on the ground,
تَدانِیں سَ لوکَنِوَہَں بھُوماوُپَویشْٹُمْ آدِشْیَ
36 And tooke the seuen loaues, and the fishes, and gaue thankes, and brake them, and gaue to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.
تانْ سَپْتَپُوپانْ مِیناںشْچَ گرِہْلَنْ اِیشْوَرِییَگُنانْ اَنُودْیَ بھَںکْتْوا شِشْییبھْیو دَدَو، شِشْیا لوکیبھْیو دَدُح۔
37 And they did all eate, and were sufficed: and they tooke vp of the fragments that remained, seuen baskets full.
تَتَح سَرْوّے بھُکْتْوا ترِپْتَوَنْتَح؛ تَدَوَشِشْٹَبھَکْشْیینَ سَپْتَڈَلَکانْ پَرِپُورْیَّ سَںجَگرِہُح۔
38 And they that had eaten, were foure thousand men, beside women, and litle children.
تے بھوکْتارو یوشِتو بالَکاںشْچَ وِہایَ پْرایینَ چَتُحسَہَسْرانِ پُرُشا آسَنْ۔
39 Then Iesus sent away the multitude, and tooke ship, and came into the partes of Magdala.
تَتَح پَرَں سَ جَنَنِوَہَں وِسرِجْیَ تَرِمارُہْیَ مَگْدَلاپْرَدیشَں گَتَوانْ۔

< Matthew 15 >