< Matthew 14 >

1 At that time Herod the Tetrarche heard of the fame of Iesus,
N'aquelle tempo ouviu Herodes, o tetrarca, a fama de Jesus,
2 And sayde vnto his seruaunts, This is that Iohn Baptist, hee is risen againe from the deade, and therefore great woorkes are wrought by him.
E disse aos seus creados: Este é João Baptista; resuscitou dos mortos, e por isso as maravilhas obram n'elle.
3 For Herod had taken Iohn, and bounde him, and put him in prison for Herodias sake, his brother Philips wife.
Porque Herodes tinha prendido João, e tinha-o manietado e encerrado no carcere, por causa de Herodias, mulher de seu irmão Philippe;
4 For Iohn saide vnto him, It is not lawfull for thee to haue her.
Porque João lhe dissera: Não te é licito possuil-a.
5 And when hee woulde haue put him to death, hee feared the multitude, because they counted him as a Prophet.
E, querendo matal-o, temia o povo; porque o tinham como propheta.
6 But when Herods birth day was kept, the daughter of Herodias daunced before them, and pleased Herod.
Festejando-se, porém, o dia natalicio de Herodes, dançou a filha de Herodias diante d'elle, e agradou a Herodes.
7 Wherefore he promised with an othe, that he would giue her whatsoeuer she would aske.
Pelo que prometteu com juramento dar-lhe tudo o que pedisse;
8 And shee being before instructed of her mother, sayde, Giue mee here Iohn Baptists head in a platter.
E ella, instruida previamente por sua mãe, disse: Dá-me aqui n'um prato a cabeça de João Baptista.
9 And the King was sorie: neuerthelesse because of the othe, and them that sate with him at the table, he commanded it to be giuen her,
E o rei affligiu-se, mas, por causa do juramento, e dos que estavam com elle, mandou que se lhe désse.
10 And sent, and beheaded Iohn in the prison.
E mandou degolar João no carcere,
11 And his head was brought in a platter, and giuen to the maide, and shee brought it vnto her mother.
E a sua cabeça foi trazida n'um prato, e dada á menina, e ella a levou a sua mãe.
12 And his disciples came, and tooke vp the bodie, and buried it, and went, and tolde Iesus.
E chegaram os seus discipulos, e levaram o corpo, e o sepultaram; e foram annuncial-o a Jesus.
13 And when Iesus heard it, hee departed thence by shippe into a desert place apart. And when the multitude had heard it, they followed him on foote out of the cities.
E Jesus, ouvindo isto, retirou-se d'ali n'um barco, para um logar deserto, apartado; e, sabendo-o o povo, seguiu-o a pé desde as cidades.
14 And Iesus went foorth and sawe a great multitude, and was mooued with compassion toward them, and he healed their sicke.
E Jesus, saindo, viu uma grande multidão, e foi possuido de intima compaixão para com ella, e curou os seus enfermos.
15 And when euen was come, his disciples came to him, saying, This is a desart place, and the time is alreadie past: let the multitude depart, that they may goe into the townes, and bye them vitailes.
E, sendo chegada a tarde, os seus discipulos approximaram-se-lhe, dizendo: O logar é deserto, e a hora é já avançada; despede a multidão, para que vão pelas aldeias, e comprem comida para si.
16 But Iesus saide to them, They haue no neede to goe away: giue yee them to eate.
Jesus, porém, lhes disse: Não é mister que vão: dae-lhes vós de comer.
17 Then saide they vnto him, Wee haue here but fiue loaues, and two fishes.
Então elles lhe disseram: Não temos aqui senão cinco pães e dois peixes.
18 And he saide, Bring them hither to me.
E elle disse: Trazei-m'os aqui.
19 And hee commanded the multitude to sit downe on the grasse, and tooke the fiue loaues and the two fishes, and looked vp to heauen and blessed, and brake, and gaue the loaues to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.
E, mandando que a multidão se assentasse sobre a herva, e tomando os cinco pães e os dois peixes, e erguendo os olhos ao céu, os abençoou, e, partindo os pães, deu-os aos discipulos, e os discipulos á multidão.
20 And they did all eate, and were sufficed, and they tooke vp of the fragments that remained, twelue baskets full.
E comeram todos, e saciaram-se; e levantaram dos pedaços, que sobejaram, doze alcofas cheias.
21 And they that had eaten, were about fiue thousande men, beside women and litle children.
E os que comeram foram quasi cinco mil homens, além das mulheres e creanças.
22 And straightway Iesus compelled his disciples to enter into a shippe, and to goe ouer before him, while he sent the multitude away.
E logo ordenou Jesus que os seus discipulos entrassem no barco, e fossem adiante d'elle para a outra banda, emquanto despedia a multidão.
23 And assoone as hee had sent the multitude away, he went vp into a moutaine alone to pray: and when the euening was come, hee was there alone.
E, despedida a multidão, subiu ao monte para orar á parte. E, chegada já a tarde, estava ali só
24 And the shippe was nowe in the middes of the sea, and was tossed with waues: for it was a contrarie winde.
E o barco estava já no meio do mar, açoitado pelas ondas; porque o vento era contrario;
25 And in the fourth watch of the night, Iesus went vnto them, walking on the sea.
Mas, á quarta vigilia da noite, dirigiu-se Jesus para elles, caminhando por cima do mar.
26 And when his disciples sawe him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit, and cried out for feare.
E os discipulos, vendo-o caminhar sobre o mar, assustaram-se, dizendo: É um phantasma. E gritaram com medo.
27 But straight way Iesus spake vnto them, saying, Be of good comfort, It is I: be not afraide.
Jesus, porém, lhes fallou logo, dizendo: Tende bom animo, sou eu, não tenhaes medo.
28 Then Peter answered him, and saide, Master, if it be thou, bid me come vnto thee on the water.
E respondeu-lhe Pedro, e disse: Senhor, se és tu, manda-me ir ter comtigo por cima das aguas.
29 And he saide, Come. And when Peter was come downe out of the shippe, he walked on the water, to goe to Iesus.
E elle disse: Vem. E Pedro, descendo do barco, andou sobre as aguas para ir ter com Jesus.
30 But when he sawe a mightie winde, he was afraide: and as he began to sinke, he cried, saying, Master, saue me.
Mas, sentindo o vento forte, teve medo; e, começando a afundar-se, clamou, dizendo: Senhor, salva-me.
31 So immediatly Iesus stretched foorth his hande, and caught him, and saide to him, O thou of litle faith, wherefore diddest thou doubt?
E logo Jesus, estendendo a mão, segurou-o, e disse-lhe: Homem de pouca fé, porque duvidaste?
32 And assoone as they were come into the ship, the winde ceased.
E, quando subiram para o barco, acalmou o vento.
33 Then they that were in the ship, came and worshipped him, saying, Of a trueth thou art the Sonne of God.
Então approximaram-se os que estavam no barco, e adoraram-o, dizendo: És verdadeiramente o Filho de Deus.
34 And when they were come ouer, they came into the land of Gennezaret.
E, tendo passado para a outra banda, chegaram á terra de Genezareth.
35 And when the men of that place knewe him, they sent out into all that countrey rounde about, and brought vnto him all that were sicke,
E, quando os homens d'aquelle logar o conheceram, mandaram por todas aquellas terras em redor, e trouxeram-lhe todos os que estavam enfermos.
36 And besought him, that they might touch the hemme of his garment onely: and as many as touched it, were made whole.
E rogavam-lhe para que ao menos elles tocassem a orla do seu vestido; e todos os que a tocavam ficavam sãos.

< Matthew 14 >