< Matthew 1 >

1 The booke of the generation of Jesus Christ the sonne of Dauid, the sonne of Abraham.
Habari za ukoo wa Yesu Kristo mwana wa Daudi, mwana wa Abrahamu:
2 Abraham begate Isaac. And Isaac begate Iacob. And Iacob begat Iudas and his brethren.
Abrahamu akamzaa Isaki, Isaki akamzaa Yakobo, Yakobo akawazaa Yuda na ndugu zake,
3 And Iudas begate Phares, and Zara of Thamar. And Phares begate Esrom. And Esrom begate Aram.
Yuda akawazaa Peresi na Zera, ambao mama yao alikuwa Tamari, Peresi akamzaa Hesroni, Hesroni akamzaa Aramu,
4 And Aram begate Aminadab. And Aminadab begate Naasson. And Naasson begat Salmon.
Aramu akamzaa Aminadabu, Aminadabu akamzaa Nashoni, Nashoni akamzaa Salmoni,
5 And Salmon begate Booz of Rachab. And Booz begat Obed of Ruth. and Obed begat Iesse.
Salmoni akamzaa Boazi, na mama yake Boazi alikuwa Rahabu, Boazi akamzaa Obedi, ambaye mama yake alikuwa Ruthu, Obedi akamzaa Yese,
6 And Iesse begate Dauid the King. And Dauid the King begate Salomon of her that was the wife of Vrias.
Yese akamzaa Daudi ambaye alikuwa mfalme. Daudi akamzaa Solomoni, ambaye mama yake ni yule aliyekuwa mke wa Uria.
7 And Salomon begate Roboam. And Roboam begate Abia. And Abia begate Asa.
Solomoni akamzaa Rehoboamu, Rehoboamu akamzaa Abiya, Abiya akamzaa Asa,
8 And Asa begate Iosaphat. And Iosaphat begate Ioram. And Ioram begate Hozias.
Asa akamzaa Yehoshafati, Yehoshafati akamzaa Yoramu, Yoramu akamzaa Uzia,
9 And Hozias begat Ioatham. And Ioatham begate Achaz. And Achaz begate Ezekias.
Uzia akamzaa Yothamu, Yothamu akamzaa Ahazi, Ahazi akamzaa Hezekia,
10 And Ezekias begate Manasses. And Manasses begate Amon. And Amon begate Iosias.
Hezekia akamzaa Manase, Manase akamzaa Amoni, Amoni akamzaa Yosia,
11 And Iosias begate Iakim. And Iakim begate Iechonias and his brethren about the time they were caried away to Babylon.
wakati wa uhamisho wa Babeli, Yosia alimzaa Yekonia na ndugu zake.
12 And after they were caried away into Babylon, Iechonias begate Salathiel. And Salathiel begate Zorobabel.
Baada ya uhamisho wa Babeli: Yekonia alimzaa Shealtieli, Shealtieli akamzaa Zerubabeli,
13 And Zorobabel begate Abiud. And Abiud begate Eliacim. And Eliacim begate Azor.
Zerubabeli akamzaa Abiudi, Abiudi akamzaa Eliakimu, Eliakimu akamzaa Azori,
14 And Azor begate Sadoc. And Sadoc begate Achim. And Achim begate Eliud.
Azori akamzaa Sadoki, Sadoki akamzaa Akimu, Akimu akamzaa Eliudi,
15 And Eliud begate Eleazar. And Eleazar begate Matthan. And Matthan begate Iacob.
Eliudi akamzaa Eleazari, Eleazari akamzaa Matani, Matani akamzaa Yakobo,
16 And Iacob begat Ioseph ye husband of Mary, of whom was borne Jesus, that is called Christ.
naye Yakobo akamzaa Yosefu ambaye alikuwa mumewe Maria, mama yake Yesu, aitwaye Kristo.
17 So all the generations from Abraham to Dauid, are fourtene generations. And from Dauid vntil they were caried away into Babylon, fourtene generations: and after they were caried away into Babylon vntill Christ, fourteene generations.
Hivyo, kulikuwepo na jumla ya vizazi kumi na vinne tangu Abrahamu mpaka Daudi, vizazi kumi na vinne tangu Daudi hadi wakati wa uhamisho kwenda utumwani Babeli, na vizazi kumi na vinne tangu wakati wa uhamisho kwenda utumwani Babeli hadi Kristo.
18 Nowe the birth of Jesus Christ was thus, When as his mother Mary was betrothed to Ioseph, before they came together, shee was found with childe of the holy Ghost.
Basi Kuzaliwa kwake Yesu Kristo kulikuwa hivi: Maria mama yake alikuwa ameposwa na Yosefu, lakini kabla hawajakutana kimwili, Maria alionekana kuwa na mimba kwa uweza wa Roho Mtakatifu.
19 Then Ioseph her husband being a iust man, and not willing to make her a publike example, was minded to put her away secretly.
Kwa kuwa Yosefu, mwanaume aliyekuwa amemposa alikuwa mtu mwadilifu, hakutaka kumwaibisha Maria hadharani, aliazimu kumwacha kwa siri.
20 But whiles he thought these things, behold, the Angel of the Lord appeared vnto him in a dreame, saying, Ioseph, the sonne of Dauid, feare not to take Mary thy wife: for that which is conceiued in her, is of the holy Ghost.
Lakini mara alipoazimu kufanya jambo hili, malaika wa Bwana akamtokea katika ndoto na kusema, “Yosefu mwana wa Daudi, usiogope kumchukua Maria awe mke wako, kwa maana mimba aliyo nayo ni kwa uweza wa Roho Mtakatifu.
21 And she shall bring foorth a sonne, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for hee shall saue his people from their sinnes.
Naye atamzaa mwana, nawe utamwita Jina lake Yesu, kwa maana yeye ndiye atakayewaokoa watu wake kutoka dhambi zao.”
22 And al this was done that it might be fulfilled, which is spoken of the Lord by ye Prophet, saying,
Haya yote yalitukia ili litimie lile Bwana alilokuwa amenena kupitia nabii, akisema:
23 Behold, a virgine shalbe with childe, and shall beare a sonne, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which is by interpretation, God with vs.
“Tazama, bikira atachukua mimba, naye atamzaa mwana, nao watamwita Jina lake Imanueli”: maana yake, “Mungu pamoja nasi.”
24 Then Ioseph, being raised from sleepe, did as the Angel of the Lord had inioyned him, and tooke his wife.
Yosefu alipoamka kutoka usingizini, akafanya kama vile alivyoagizwa na malaika wa Bwana, akamchukua Maria kuwa mke wake.
25 But he knew her not, til she had broght forth her first borne sonne, and he called his name JESUS.
Lakini hawakukutana kimwili mpaka Maria alipojifungua mwanawe kifungua mimba akamwita Jina lake Yesu.

< Matthew 1 >