< Luke 8 >

1 And it came to passe afterwarde, that hee himselfe went through euery citie and towne, preaching and publishing the kingdome of God, and the twelue were with him,
Lan den pugini waami, ke jesu gedi a longbanani yen i dogiciamani, k muadi U Tienu maama.
2 And certaine women, which were healed of euill spirites, and infirmities, as Mary which was called Magdalene, out of whom went seuen deuils,
O Den ye yen o ŋuankaaba piig n bonbilie, yen bi puobi yaaba kuli den bieli t cicibianda ke gɔ paagidi bi yiama: Mari, Magidala pua yua ko den paagu k cicibiada lele den kub bo.
3 And Ioanna the wife of Chuza Herods steward, and Susanna, and many other which ministred vnto him of their substance.
Sann, chuza denpua, chuza den tie Herod tuonsɔnli, Suzann yeni o lieba kuli den todi jesu yeni o ŋuankaaba yeni bi ŋalimanu
4 Nowe when much people were gathered together, and were come vnto him out of all cities, he spake by a parable.
O nuwuligu den ñan a longbana nni k cua o kani, k jesu pua ba ya maa kpanjama ne:
5 A sower went out to sowe his seede, and as he sowed, some fell by the wayes side, and it was troden vnder feete, and the foules of heauen deuoured it vp.
O kpakpaalo den ñani, ke bi pagi o bonbi, wan den pagi yeni, ke mi bonbima baa o sankuni, k bi ŋmaadi, ke ti bonyugiti dini.
6 And some fell on the stones, and when it was sprong vp, it withered away, because it lacked moystnesse.
Tianli baa a tana ni ke pani ke kpe, kelima i tinga den kuoni.
7 And some fell among thornes, and the thornes sprang vp with it, and choked it.
Li tianli mɔ baa ti konkondi ke pani, ama ti konkondi fii ki luoni li po.
8 And some fell on good ground, and sprang vp, and bare fruite, an hundreth folde. And as hee sayd these things, he cryed, He that hath eares to heare, let him heare.
Ke li liela baa i tinŋanga po, ke pani ke loni a luana. Jesu pugini ke maadi: ... yua pia a tuba ke cengi, wan cengi
9 Then his disciples asked him, demaunding what parable that was.
O ŋuandikaaba bual'o l maa kpanjama niima ni.
10 And he sayd, Vnto you it is giuen to know the secrets of ye kingdome of God, but to other in parables, that when they see, they shoulde not see, and when they heare, they should not vnderstand.
Ko maadi ba: yinba la li yumanli gbia U Tienu diema ŋasiili, ama lieba po li tie maa kpanjama. Bi pia i nuni, ama bi naa nua; bi cengi, bi naa gbia.
11 The parable is this, The seede is the worde of God.
Diidi mani li maa kpanjama niima ni: U Tienu maama,
12 And they that are beside the way, are they that heare: afterward commeth the deuill, and taketh away the worde out of their hearts, least they should beleeue, and be saued.
“o sankuni” tie yaaba cengi mi maama, ama sitaan n cua ke kua bi pala ni ke bel'o, wan da daani li maama po ke la mi faabma.
13 But they that are on the stones, are they which when they haue heard, receiue ye word with ioy: but they haue no rootes: which for a while beleeue, but in the time of tentation goe away.
A tana po tie: yaabi n cengi mi maam, ke tuo yeni li pamanli, ama ke kan ŋa lan kpa jiina bi po. Bigili yogunu, wan sundi li kuli po.
14 And that which fell among thornes, are they which haue heard, and after their departure are choked with cares and with riches, and voluptuous liuing, and bring forth no fruite.
“Mi bonbima yaali baa ti konkondini” wangidi, yaaba cengi mi maama, ama ke ŋa mi maalima, mi piama yen li ŋandunli bona n cedi wan da loni luana.
15 But that which fell in good ground, are they which with an honest and good heart heare the worde, and keepe it, and bring forth fruite with patience.
“Mi bonbima yaali baa i tinnŋanga ni”maadi ti, ya niba n cengi U Tienu maama ke biligidi bi pala ni ke suani yenli li tuonli, ke puni li juunli ke loni a luana.
16 No man when he hath lighted a candle, couereth it vnder a vessell, neither putteth it vnder the bed, but setteth it on a candlesticke, that they that enter in, may see the light.
... Bi ki congi fidili ki cubidi bobili ni bii k wuondi gadogu yagima nni, bi yi tuani naani ke bi niba ya kua, ban la mi yinyema.
17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be euident: neither any thing hid, that shall not be knowen, and come to light.
Yaali wuo mɔlane kuli, te bi juodi ke ña mi yinyema nni yen ya bonli n tie ŋasiili, te ba dogidi li daa gbengili daali.
18 Take heede therefore how ye heare: for whosoeuer hath, to him shall be giuen: and whosoeuer hath not, from him shalbe taken euen that which it seemeth that he hath.
ŋanbi mani ki diidi i yula po, yin cengi maama, kelima, yua pia bi ba pugini wani; ama yua pia, ban gaa wan daani ke pia yaali.
19 Then came to him his mother and his brethren, and could not come neere to him for the preasse.
Jesu naa yen o ŋuandikaaba cua ki lagu, ama bi bo ki fidi nagin'o ki dugini o nuwuligu po.
20 And it was tolde him by certaine which said, Thy mother and thy brethren stand without, and would see thee.
Ke bi maad'o: a naa yen a ŋuandikaaba ye cincanli ki kpaan'a.
21 But he answered, and sayd vnto them, My mother and my brethren are these which heare the worde of God, and doe it.
... N naa yen n ŋuandikaab tie yaaba n cengi U Tienu maama, ki gɔ tugidi k suani li tuonli lan buali maama.
22 And it came to passe on a certaine day, that he went into a ship with his disciples, and he sayd vnto them, Let vs goe ouer vnto the other side of the lake. And they lanched forth.
Daa yenli k jesu den kua o ñin biaguni wan i yeni o ŋɔdkaaba. Yeni ko maadi ba: ... tin puodi mani bongbantianli po. K bi tugi o ñin-gbanu.
23 And as they sayled, he fell a sleepe, and there came downe a storme of winde on the lake, and they were filled with water, and were in ieopardie.
Ban bo puodi ya yogunu, k jesu guandi. Ko faaciangu kpil k fidi o ñinbɔnguni. Mi ñima den bua cubini o ñinbiagu. Li ji den paa bi po.
24 Then they went to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, Master, we perish. And he arose, and rebuked the winde, and the waues of water: and they ceased, and it was calme.
K jesu ŋɔdikaaba den nagini ki yigini ki fiin'o: canbaa, canbaa mi ñima bu di ti naa. Ko findi k gaa mi jama o faalu yen a ñinguona po, k li kuli sedi suoo.
25 Then he sayde vnto them, Where is your fayth? and they feared, and wondered among them selues, saying, Who is this that commandeth both the windes and water, and they obey him!
Li puoli po ko maadi o ŋɔdikaaba: ... i dindanli ye le e? ti jawandi yeni o yaalidigu den kua ba, k bi maadi bi ŋmialini: O ne tie ŋma i? diidi mani: o pia ti yikodi o faalu yeni a ñinguona po, k bi cɔlini o.
26 So they sailed vnto the region of the Gadarenes, which is ouer against Galile.
B ji bo kua Gerasa doguni, li bo ye Galile nuntuali.
27 And as he went out to land, there met him a certaine man out of the citie, which had deuils long time, and he ware no garment, neither abode in house, but in the graues.
Ya yogunu k jesu bo tugi o taali ki ŋmaa i tinga po, o doguni o nulo yua k ti cicibiadi bo kub'o yeni, bo sani ki cend'o. O den ki yie tiadi ki gɔ ki kpendi deni, ama o den yi dua a kakula nni.
28 And when he sawe Iesus, he cryed out and fell downe before him, and with a loude voyce sayd, What haue I to doe with thee, Iesus the Sonne of God the most High? I beseech thee torment me not.
Ya yogunu ko la jesu, ko baa ki gbaani o taana po ki yigini yeni o paalu kuli. ... A bua be n po, jesu, U Tienu badicamo biga? N miad'a sugili, da wangidini fala.
29 For he commanded ye foule spirit to come out of the man: (for oft times he had caught him: therefore he was bound with chaines, and kept in fetters: but he brake the bands, and was caried of the deuill into wildernesses.)
O bo maadi yeni kelima jesu bo cedi k ti cicibiadi kuli siedi ki ŋagu. Yeni ban bo yi lol'o yeni i kudiseseli a taana yeni o nugi, o bo yi cie li kuli, ti cicibiadi n tug'o ke kua yen'o li fuali nni.
30 Then Iesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? and he sayd, Legion, because many deuils were entred into him.
Jesu bual'o: ... A yeli i? ... ŋmian'o: ti yabi. Kelima ti fuobiidi boncianli den ŋuagu.
31 And they besought him, that he would not commaund them to goe out into the deepe. (Abyssos g12)
Li fuobiidi den miadi jesu sugili k wan da kuan ba naani tie fala kangbediguni. (Abyssos g12)
32 And there was there by, an hearde of many swine, feeding on an hill: and the deuils besought him, that he would suffer them to enter into them. So he suffered them.
Li den sua ki duoli boncianli den kobi li kani k bi kpaab li juali po. K ti cicibiadi ne mia jesu sugili, k wan cabi ba, k ban gedi ki kua li duoli nni. Ko cabi ba.
33 Then went the deuils out of the man, and entred into the swine: and the hearde was caried with violence from a steepe downe place into the lake, and was choked.
K bi ŋaa li ja, ki ji kua li duoli nni. Ki li duoli ñani li juali, k san sani ki baa mi ñima nni kpe.
34 When the heardmen sawe what was done, they fled: and when they were departed, they tolde it in the citie and in the countrey.
A duogula n la yeni, ki bi sani k gedi ki pagi o dogu nni, yen i dogbanbimu nni
35 Then they came out to see what was done, and came to Iesus, and found the man, out of whom the deuils were departed, sitting at the feete of Iesus, clothed, and in his right minde: and they were afrayd.
K bi niba ña, k caa ki diidi yaali bo tieni. Bi bo pundi jesu kani, k la o ja yua k ti fuobiidi bo siedi kani yeni, ko kaa jesu taana po. O den la ti tiadi, ki li ba kuli ji k kub, o. Ti jawandi den kua ba.
36 They also which saw it, tolde them by what meanes he that was possessed with the deuill, was healed.
Yaabi bo la ya bona n bo tieni kuli lan kani, ki bi dugini maama ki ti fuobiidi yaadi k ŋaa li ja, ko ji la mi faabima.
37 Then the whole multitude of the countrey about the Gadarenes, besought him that he would depart from them: for they were taken with a great feare: and he went into the ship, and returned.
Gerase dogu niba kuli, ti jawandi bo kua ba boncianli. K bi maadi jesu k wan ña bi dogu nni. Ko guani k kua o ñinbiagu nni k lebidi
38 Then the man, out of whome the deuils were departed, besought him that hee might be with him: but Iesus sent him away, saying,
Ko ja yua ti fuobiidi bo ñan o kani yeni, buali jesu k wan cian'o, ama jesu bo bel'o, k maad'o: kuni a deni k pan waan ba, yaali ko tienu tieni a po.
39 Returne into thine owne house, and shewe what great things God hath done to thee. So hee went his way, and preached throughout all the citie, what great things Iesus had done vnto him.
Ko kuni ki pagi yaali n tieni ne kuli.
40 And it came to passe, when Iesus was come againe, that the people receiued him: for they all waited for him.
Wan den guani galile, bi niba boncianli den gagu kelima bi den gu o baama.
41 And beholde, there came a man named Iairus, and he was the ruler of the Synagogue, who fell downe at Iesus feete, and besought him that he would come into his house.
Li yogunu ja ba cua jesu kani ko yeli tie jayiris, o den tie o jandieguni canbaa. Ko baa k gbaani jesu taana po ki miagu sugili k wan cua o deni.
42 For he had but a daughter onely, about twelue yeeres of age, and she lay a dying (and as he went, the people thronged him.
O bonpuoyenga ko pia nani piiga yen bina lie yeni, k den mɔ yeni mi kuuma. K jesu fii k gedi o kani, ko nuwuligu tudi k mɔ ban nagini jesu kani.
43 And a woman hauing an yssue of blood, twelue yeeres long, which had spent all her substance vpon physicians, and could not be healed of any:
Li kani pua ba den ye ki wuuli o faadi kli k koligidi, hali piiga yeni bina lie. O bo biani o ligi kuli dogida deni, ama o bo ki fidi ki tebi o ba.
44 When she came behind him, she touched the hemme of his garment, and immediatly her yssue of blood stanched.
Ko nagini jesu puoli po ki sii o liadili, ki li yogunu mɔno, ko faadi sedi.
45 Then Iesus sayd, Who is it that hath touched me? When euery man denied, Peter sayd and they that were with him, Master, the multitude thrust thee, and tread on thee, and sayest thou, Who hath touched me?
K jesu buali: ... ŋma n sii nni? Nani bi kuli n bo tieni mi niama, k Pial maadi: ... canbaa, tin diidi mani, o nuwuligu lini ki maba.
46 And Iesus sayde, Some one hath touched me: for I perceiue that vertue is gone out of me.
Ama kop ŋmian'o: ... o nulo sii nni, kelima mi tuama o paalu ñani n gbano nni.
47 When the woman sawe that she was not hid, she came trembling, and fell downe before him, and tolde him before all the people, for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediatly.
Wan bo la li kuli k li k tie wuolin bonli, ko pua nagini, ki jegili, ki baa ki gbaani jesu taana po k cili ki dugidi yaali ya po ko siigu yeni wan paag'o maama toma.
48 And he said vnto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath saued thee: go in peace.)
K jesu maadi li pua: ... n bipuoga, a paagi ki dugini a dindanli yabi n po. Ya caa k laafia n cian'a
49 While he yet spake, there came one from the ruler of the Synagogues house, which sayde to him, Thy daughter is dead: disease not the Master.
O da den k maadi ki gbeni, ko nulo ñan li jandidieli nni canbaa deni, k maad'o: a jafaanu kpe o, ji da mabi canbaa.
50 When Iesus heard it, he answered him, saying, Feare not: beleeue onely, and she shall be saued.
Jesu den gbadi li maama, ko maadi Sayiris: ... da jie, ya duu n po baba, a jafaano ba paagi.
51 And when he went into the house, he suffered no man to goe in with him, saue Peter, and Iames, and Iohn, and the father and mother of the maide.
Wan pundi deni, o ki cabi ki nulo ba kua, lan ñani: Pial, San, Sak yeni i biga náa yeni o baà.
52 And all wept, and sorowed for her: but he sayd, Weepe not: for she is not dead, but sleepeth.
Kaana kuli den tie: bubuuli yeni i fanfabini. K Jesu maadi: da buudi mani, o ki kpe ka, ama o guandi.
53 And they laught him to scorne, knowing that she was dead.
Bi niba den ñuadi laagu ki ban nani ko kpe i.
54 So he thrust them all out, and tooke her by the hand, and cryed, saying, Maide, arise.
Yeni k jesu cuo i bonpuo biga nugu, k maadi yeni o paalu: ... n biga fii!
55 And her spirite came againe, and she rose straightway: and he comanded to giue her meate.
O den guani ki fuodi, k fii, k jesu maadi: k ban ten'o mi jiema wan je.
56 Then her parents were astonied: but hee commanded them that they should tell no man what was done.
K li yaa ki lidi o dama. Jesu den kpaaba tiadiba, k ban da ŋa bi niba n bandi yaala n tieni.

< Luke 8 >