< Luke 7 >

1 When hee had ended all his sayings in the audience of the people, he entred into Capernaum.
Ie nifonitse i nilañone’e añatrefa’ i màroy le niheo mbe Kapernaomy mb’eo,
2 And a certaine Ceturions seruant was sicke and readie to die, which was deare vnto him.
le teo ty mpitorom-pifehen-dahin-defon-jato nisoheñe, narare, toe heta’e.
3 And when he heard of Iesus, hee sent vnto him the Elders of the Iewes, beseeching him that he would come, and heale his seruant.
Ie nijanjiñe’e Iesoà, le nirahe’e homb’ ama’e ty androanavi’ o Jiosio hihalaly ama’e ty homb’eo hampijangañe i mpitoro’ey.
4 So they came to Iesus, and besought him instantly, saying that hee was worthy that hee should doe this for him:
Aa ie nifanampe amy Iesoà, le nimanea’ iareo toreo ami’ty hoe: Evae’e te hanoe’o,
5 For he loueth, said they, our nation, and he hath built vs a Synagogue.
amy t’ie mpitea ty tanen-tika naho namboatse anjombam-pitontoñañe.
6 Then Iesus went with them: but when he was now not farre from the house, the Centurion sent friendes to him, saying vnto him, Lord, trouble not thy selfe: for I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter vnder my roofe:
Aa le niongake vaho nindre lia am’iereo t’Iesoà. Ie narine i anjombay, le nampanala­kà’ i mpifelekey aze o rañe’eo hinday o entañe zao: O Rañandria, ko mañolañ’ ay fa tsy sazò ahy te ihe hiheo ambane’ ty tafo-trañoko.
7 Wherefore I thought not my selfe worthy to come vnto thee: but say the word, and my seruant shalbe whole:
Mbore ataoko tsy mañeva azo te izaho ro homb’ ama’o, fe mitsarà le ho jangañe i mpitorokoy.
8 For I likewise am a man set vnder authoritie, and haue vnder mee souldiers, and I say vnto one, Goe, and he goeth: and to another, Come, and hee commeth: and to my seruant, Doe this, and he doeth it.
Izaho ka fehèn-dily vaho mamehe lahindefoñe. Ie ataoko Akia ty raike le mandeha, naho ami’ty raike: Mb’etoa, le avy, vaho amy mpitorokoy: Anò zao, le anoe’e.
9 When Iesus heard these things, he marueiled at him, and turned him, and said to the people, that followed him, I say vnto you, I haue not found so great faith, no not in Israel.
Ie jinanji’ Iesoà, le nilatsa, naho nitolike, nanao ty hoe am’ ondaty nañorik’ azeo: Itaroñako te mbe lia tsy nahatrea fatokisam-bey hoe izay ndra e Israele atoy!
10 And when they that were sent, turned backe to the house, they founde the seruant that was sicke, whole.
Ie pok’ añ’ anjomba ao o nafanto’eo, le nizoe’ iereo jangañe i mpitoroñe natindriy.
11 And it came to passe the day after, that he went into a citie called Nain, and many of his disciples went with him, and a great multitude.
Ie amy loak’androy, nigodañe mb’ an-drova atao Naina mb’eo t’Iesoà; le nañorik’ aze ty maro amo mpiama’eo naho i lahialeñey.
12 Nowe when hee came neere to the gate of the citie, behold, there was a dead man caried out, who was the onely begotten sonne of his mother, which was a widowe, and much people of the citie was with her.
Ie nitotoke i lalambein-drovay, intoy ty takon-dolo boak’ao, ty ana-dahy bako tokan-drene’e, vantotse; le nañorik’ aze ty valobohòke boak’ an-drova ao.
13 And when the Lord sawe her, he had compassion on her, and said vnto her, Weepe not.
Ie nivazoho’ i Talè i rakembay le niferenaiña’e naho nanoe’e ty hoe: Ko mirovetse!
14 And he went and touched the coffin (and they that bare him, stoode still) and he said, Yong man, I say vnto thee, Arise.
Ni­mb’eo re nitsapa i horantsañey vaho nitsangañe o mpitakoñeo le hoe re: O kirahe, hoe iraho ama’o: Mivañòna!
15 And he that was dead, sate vp, and began to speake, and he deliuered him to his mother.
Nitroatse amy zao i nivetrakey naho nisaontsy vaho natolo’e aman-drene’e.
16 Then there came a feare on them all, and they glorified God, saying, A great Prophet is risen among vs, and God hath visited his people.
Hene niazo’ ty anifañe ondatio le nañomey engeñe an’ Andria­nañahare ami’ty hoe: Mpitoky ra’e­lahy ty nitroatse amantika; vaho ty hoe: Nitilike ondati’eo t’i Andrianañahare.
17 And this rumour of him went foorth throughout all Iudea, and throughout all the region round about.
Nanitsike Iehodà naho o rova mañohok’ aze iabio ty fiboelea’ i talily ty ama’ey.
18 And the disciples of Iohn shewed him of all these things.
Natalili’ o mpiana’ i Jaonao ama’e i hene rezay.
19 So Iohn called vnto him two certaine men of his disciples, and sent them to Iesus, saying, Art thou hee that should come, or shall we waite for another?
Aa le kinanji’ i Jaona ty mpiana’e roe le nampihitrife’e mb’amy Talè mb’eo hañontane aze ty hoe: Ihe hao i ho aviy, ke hafa ty ho tamàe’ay?
20 And when the men were come vnto him, they said, Iohn Baptist hath sent vs vnto thee, saying, Art thou hee that should come, or shall we waite for another?
Ie nivotraha’ indaty rey le hoe ty asa’ iareo: Nirahe’ i Jaona Mpandipotse mb’ama’o mb’etoan-jahay hañon­tàne ty hoe: Ihe hao i Ho aviy, kera mbe añe i tamaen-tikañey?
21 And at that time, he cured many of their sickenesses, and plagues, and of euill spirites, and vnto many blinde men he gaue sight freely.
Amy oray avao ty nañafaha’e ondaty maro amo areteñeo naho amo hasilofañeo naho amo anga-dratio vaho nampañisake ty goa maro.
22 And Iesus answered, and saide vnto them, Goe your wayes and shewe Iohn, what things ye haue seene and heard: that the blinde see, the halt goe, the lepers are cleansed, the deafe heare, the dead are raised, and the poore receiue the Gospel.
Le hoe ty natoi’ Iesoà: Akia, atalilio amy Jaona o raha niisa’areo naho nijanjiñeñeo; te maha­oniñe o feio, minokitse o komboo, malio o angamaeo, mijanjiñe o giñeo, miheren-ko veloñe o vilasio vaho taroñeñe amo rarakeo i Talili-soay.
23 And blessed is hee, that shall not be offended in me.
Haha ze tsy mitorifike amako.
24 And when the messengers of Iohn were departed, hee began to speake vnto the people, of Iohn, What went ye out into the wildernes to see? A reede shaken with the winde?
Ie niavotse i mpiana’ i Jaona rey, le nitalily i Jaona amy lahialeñey t’Iesoà, ami’ty hoe: Hisamba ino­ñe ty lia’areo mb’am-babangoañe añe? Ty Ba­ra­rata atroetroen-tioke hao?
25 But what went ye out to see? A man clothed in soft rayment? beholde, they which are gorgeously apparelled, and liue delicately, are in Kings courtes.
ke ino ty niakara’ areo ho isaheñe? Ondaty misikin-tsoa hao? Toe añ’ anjombam-pifehe ao o mpisaroñe lamba marerarerao naho o miaiñ’ añolèñañeo;
26 But what went ye foorth to see? A Prophet? yea, I say to you, and greater then a Prophet.
he ino ty niavota’ areo ho sambaeñe? Mpitoky hao? Eka! hoe iraho ama’areo: lombolombom-pitoky re.
27 This is he of whom it is written, Beholde, I sende my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.
Ie nipatereñe ty hoe: Ingo, iraheko aolon-dahara’o eo ty hañajary ty lala’o aolo’o.
28 For I say vnto you, there is no greater Prophet then Iohn, among them that are begotten of women: neuerthelesse, hee that is the least in the kingdome of God, is greater then he.
Aa hoe ty entako ama’areo: Amy ze sinaman-droakemba tsy teo ty mpitoky bey te amy Jaona Mpandipotse; fe jabajaba te ama’e ze minjilìte’e amy Fifehean’Añaharey.
29 Then all the people that heard, and the Publicanes iustified God, being baptized with the baptisme of Iohn.
Songa nañomey to an’ Andrianañahare ondaty nahajanjiñeo naho o mpamory vili-lohao, amy t’ie niliporeñe ami’ty filipora’ i Jaona,
30 But the Pharises and the expounders of the Law despised the counsell of God against themselues, and were not baptized of him.
fe nifarie’o Fariseoo naho o mpanoki-dilio ty nisafirien’ Añahare ho a iareo amy t’ie tsy nimete nilipotse ama’e.
31 And the Lord saide, Whereunto shall I liken the men of this generation? and what thing are they like vnto?
Inoñe arè ty handrazañako ondati’ ty tariratse toio, isareañe ami’ty ino?
32 They are like vnto litle children sitting in the market place, and crying one to another, and saying, We haue piped vnto you, and ye haue not daunced: we haue mourned to you, and ye haue not wept.
Ie hambañe ami’ty ajaja mitobok’ an-tsena ao mifampikoike ty hoe: fa nitiofa’ay soly fe tsy nitsinjaha’areo; nibekoa’ay fandalañe, fe tsy niroveta’areo.
33 For Iohn Baptist came, neither eating bread, nor drinking wine: and ye say, He hath the deuil.
Aa ie niloneake t’i Jaona Mpandipotse, tsy nikama mofo, tsy ninon-divay le hoe ty asa’ areo: Aman-kokolampa re.
34 The Sonne of man is come, and eateth and drinketh: and ye say, Beholde, a man which is a glutton, and a drinker of wine, a friend of Publicanes and sinners:
Ie nivotrake eo ka i Ana’ ondatiy mihinañe naho minoñe, le hoe ka nahareo: Hehe! milonja naho migenoke divay ty rañem-pamory vili-loha naho bey hakeo tia.
35 But wisdome is iustified of all her children.
Fe mahazo to amo ana’eo ty hihitse.
36 And one of the Pharises desired him that hee would eate with him: and hee went into the Pharises house, and sate downe at table.
Ie amy zay, nañambara Iesoà ty Fariseo hitrao-pikama. Aa le niheo mb’añ’anjomba’e ao re, niam­besatse.
37 And beholde, a woman in the citie, which was a sinner, when she knewe that Iesus sate at table in the Pharises house, shee brought a boxe of oyntment.
Le teo ty ampela beihakeo an-drova ao, ie naharendreke t’ie nandrenàndre nikama añ’anjomba’ i Fariseoy, le nandesa’e ­solike mañitse ami’ty anan-tsinihara.
38 And shee stoode at his feete behinde him weeping, and began to wash his feete with teares, and did wipe them with the heares of her head, and kissed his feete, and anoynted them with the oyntment.
Nijohañe amboho’e eo re nirovetse am-pan­dia’e, nandè o fandia’eo an-drano­maso’e naho nifòra’e amo volo’eo; le nitolom-pañoroke o fandia’eo vaho nihosora’e solike mañitse.
39 Nowe when the Pharise which bade him, saw it, he spake within himselfe, saying, If this man were a Prophet, hee woulde surely haue knowen who, and what maner of woman this is which toucheth him: for she is a sinner.
Ie nioni’ i fariseo nañambara aze le hoe ty tsakore’e: Naho toe nimpitoky ondatio, le ho nifohi’e te ia izay naho ty sata’ o ampela mitsapatsapa azeo; t’ie bei-hakeo.
40 And Iesus answered, and saide vnto him, Simon, I haue somewhat to say vnto thee. And he said, Master, say on.
Aa le natoi’ Iesoà ty hoe: O Simona, Inao ty ivolañako. Le hoe re: Isaontsio, Talè.
41 There was a certaine lender which had two detters: the one ought fiue hundreth pence, and the other fiftie:
Teo ty mpampisongo amam-pisongo roe. Ty raike nitsepake bogady liman-jato, ty raike limam-polo.
42 When they had nothing to pay, he forgaue them both: Which of them therefore, tell mee, will loue him most?
Aa kanao tsy eo ty hahavaha’ iareo, sindre nihevea’e. Toiño iraho, ia am’ iereo ty ho lako fitea aze?
43 Simon answered, and said, I suppose that he, to whom he forgaue most. And he said vnto him, Thou hast truely iudged.
Hoe ty natoi’ i Simona: Va’e i nihevea’e beiy. Hoe t’Iesoà tama’e: To i saontsi’oy.
44 Then he turned to the woman, and said vnto Simon, Seest thou this woman? I entred into thine house, and thou gauest mee no water to my feete: but she hath washed my feete with teares, and wiped them with the heares of her head.
Nitolik’ amy ampelay re le nisaon­tsy amy Simona ty hoe: Hehek’ o rakembao? Nizilik’ añ’ an­jomba’o atoan-draho le tsy nanjotsoa’o rano hanasàko tomboke, fe o rano-pihaino’eo ro nanasa o tombokoo vaho namaoke aze o maroi’eo.
45 Thou gauest me no kisse: but she, since the time I came in, hath not ceased to kisse my feete.
Tsy nondrohe’o; fe boak’ ami’ty nimoahako atoañe le lia’e tsy napo’e ty oroke o tombokoo.
46 Mine head with oyle thou didest not anoint: but she hath anoynted my feete with oyntment.
Tsy nañiliña’o menake ty lohako, fe hinoso’ ty rakemba tia solike mañitse o tombokoo.
47 Wherefore I say vnto thee, many sinnes are forgiuen her: for she loued much. To whom a litle is forgiuen, he doeth loue a litle.
Aa hoe ty taroko ama’o, O tahi’e nimaroo, fonga nimeatse, amy t’ie bey fikokoañe. Aa ze niheveañe kede, kede ka ty fitea’e.
48 And he saide vnto her, Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee.
Le hoe re tamy rakembay: Hene nilioveñe o hakeo’oo.
49 And they that sate at table with him, began to say within themselues, Who is this that euen forgiueth sinnes?
Aa hoe ty fiñeoñeo’ o nitrao-pikama ama’eo: Ia ka ty mbore mañaha hakeo tia?
50 And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saued thee: goe in peace.
Hoe t’Iesoà tamy ampelay: Nandrombak’ azo ty fatokisa’o; akia an-kanintsiñe.

< Luke 7 >