< Leviticus 3 >

1 Also if his oblation be a peace offering, if he will offer of the droue (whether it be male or female) he shall offer such as is without blemish, before the Lord,
Uba-ke umnikelo wakhe ungumhlatshelo weminikelo yokuthula, nxa enikela okwenkomo, ingabe iduna kumbe insikazi, uzawunikela ungelasici phambi kweNkosi.
2 And shall put his hande vpon the head of his offering, and kill it at the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation: and Aarons sonnes the Priestes shall sprinkle the blood vpon the altar rounde about.
Uzabeka isandla sakhe enhlokweni yomnikelo wakhe, awuhlabe emnyango wethente lenhlangano; amadodana kaAroni angabapristi azafafaza-ke igazi phezu kwelathi inhlangothi zonke.
3 So he shall offer part of the peace offerings as a sacrifice made by fire vnto the Lord, euen the fat that couereth the inwardes, and all the fat that is vpon the inwardes.
Uzanikela okuvela kuwo umhlatshelo weminikelo yokuthula umnikelo owenzelwe iNkosi ngomlilo, idanga, lamahwahwa wonke asemibilini,
4 He shall also take away the two kidneis, and the fat that is on them, and vpon the flankes, and the kall on the liuer with the kidneis.
lezinso zombili lamahwahwa akuzo asezinkalweni, lamahwahwa angaphezu kwesibindi uzawasusa lezinso.
5 And Aarons sonnes shall burne it on the altar, with the burnt offering, which is vpon the wood, that is on the fire: this is a sacrifice made by fire for a sweete sauour vnto the Lord.
Njalo amadodana kaAroni azawatshisa elathini phezu komnikelo wokutshiswa ophezu kwenkuni eziphezu komlilo; kungumnikelo owenziwe ngomlilo oloqhatshi olumnandi eNkosini.
6 Also if his oblation be a peace offring vnto the Lord out of ye flocke, whether it be male or female, he shall offer it without blemish.
Uba-ke umnikelo wakhe ongumhlatshelo weminikelo yokuthula eNkosini ungowomhlambi, iduna kumbe insikazi, uzawunikela ungelasici.
7 If he offer a lambe for his oblation, then he shall bring it before the Lord,
Uba enikela iwundlu, libe ngumnikelo wakhe, uzalinikela phambi kweNkosi,
8 And lay his hand vpon the head of his offring, and shall kill it before the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and Aarons sonnes shall sprinckle the blood thereof round about vpon the altar.
abeke isandla sakhe enhlokweni yomnikelo wakhe, awuhlabe phambi kwethente lenhlangano; amadodana kaAroni azafafaza-ke igazi lawo phezu kwelathi inhlangothi zonke.
9 After, of the peace offrings he shall offer an offring made by fire vnto the Lord: he shall take away the fat therof, and the rump altogether, hard by the backe bone, and the fat that couereth the inwardes, and all the fat that is vpon the inwards.
Uzanikela okuvela kuwo umhlatshelo weminikelo yokuthula, umnikelo owenzelwe iNkosi ngomlilo, amahwahwa awo, umsila wonke ononileyo ewuquma eduze lomgogodla, ledanga, lamahwahwa wonke asemibilini,
10 Also hee shall take away the two kidneis, with the fat that is vpon them, and vpon the flankes, and the kall vpon the liuer with the kidneis.
lezinso zombili lamahwahwa akuzo asezinkalweni, lamahwahwa angaphezu kwesibindi uzawasusa lezinso.
11 Then the Priest shall burne it vpon the altar, as the meat of an offring made by fire vnto the Lord.
Umpristi uzakutshisa-ke elathini, kuyikudla komnikelo owenzelwe iNkosi ngomlilo.
12 Also if his offring be a goate, then shall he offer it before the Lord,
Uba-ke umnikelo wakhe uyimbuzi, uzawunikela phambi kweNkosi,
13 And shall put his hande vpon the head of it, and kill it before the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and the sonnes of Aaron shall sprinkle the blood thereof vpon the altar round about.
abeke isandla sakhe enhlokweni yayo, ayihlabe phambi kwethente lenhlangano; amadodana kaAroni azafafaza-ke igazi layo phezu kwelathi inhlangothi zonke.
14 Then he shall offer thereof his offring, euen an offring made by fire vnto the Lord, the fat that couereth the inwardes, and all the fatte that is vpon the inwardes.
Uzanikela okuvela kiyo umnikelo wakhe, umnikelo owenzelwe iNkosi ngomlilo, idanga, lamahwahwa wonke asemibilini,
15 Also hee shall take away the two kidneis, and the fat that is vpon them, and vpon ye flankes, and the kall vpon the liuer with the kidneis.
lezinso zombili lamahwahwa akuzo asezinkalweni, lamahwahwa angaphezu kwesibindi uzawasusa lezinso.
16 So the Priest shall burne them vpon the altar, as the meate of an offering made by fire for a sweete sauour: all the fatte is the Lordes.
Njalo umpristi uzakutshisa elathini, kuyikudla komnikelo owenziwe ngomlilo, kube luqhatshi olumnandi. Wonke amahwahwa ngaweNkosi.
17 This shalbe a perpetual ordinance for your generations, throughout al your dwellings, so that ye shall eate neither fatte nor blood.
Yisimiso saphakade ezizukulwaneni zenu, emizini yenu yonke, sokuthi lingadli ngitsho amahwahwa lagazi.

< Leviticus 3 >