< Leviticus 25 >

1 And the Lord spake vnto Moses in mount Sinai, saying,
Seyè a pale ak Moyiz sou mòn Sinayi a, li di l' konsa:
2 Speake vnto the children of Israel, and say vnto them, When ye shall come into the lande which I giue you, the lande shall keepe Sabbath vnto the Lord.
-Pale ak moun pèp Izrayèl yo, w'a di yo pou mwen: Lè n'a antre nan peyi m'ap ban nou an, n'a bay tè a yon repo pou Seyè a.
3 Sixe yeeres thou shalt sowe thy field, and sixe yeeres thou shalt cut thy vineyarde, and gather the fruite thereof.
Pandan sizan n'a plante jaden nou, n'a taye pye rezen nou yo, epi n'a ranmase rekòt pandan sizan.
4 But the seuenth yeere shalbe a Sabbath of rest vnto the lande: it shall be the Lordes Sabbath: thou shalt neither sowe thy fielde, nor cut thy vineyarde.
Men, setyèm lanne a n'a kite tè a poze nèt. Se va yon gwo lanne repo pou tè a. Se va yon lanne n'a kite tè a pran repo pou Seyè a. Nou p'ap simen anyen nan jaden nou, ni nou p'ap taye pye rezen nou yo.
5 That which groweth of it owne accorde of thy haruest, thou shalt not reape, neither gather the grapes that thou hast left vnlaboured: for it shalbe a yeere of rest vnto the land.
Piga nou ranmase grenn ki pouse konsa nan jaden nou pou nou vann. Ni piga nou keyi rezen ki donnen nan pye rezen nou pa t' taye pou nou vann. Se va yon lanne repo nèt pou te a.
6 And the rest of the lande shall be meate for you, euen for thee, and for thy seruant, and for thy mayde, and for thy hired seruant, and for the stranger that soiourneth with thee:
Pandan tout lanne a tè a va rete san nou pa travay li. Men, sa l'a bay la va sèvi manje pou nou ak pou tout moun k'ap viv lakay nou, pou moun lòt nasyon ki fè ladesant lakay nou.
7 And for thy cattell, and for the beastes that are in thy lande shall all the encrease thereof be meate.
Bèt domestik nou yo ak bèt bwa ki nan peyi a va manje nan sa tè a bay la tou.
8 Also thou shalt number seuen Sabbaths of yeeres vnto thee, euen seuen times seuen yeere: and the space of the seuen Sabbaths of yeeres will be vnto thee nine and fourtie yeere.
N'a konte sèt lanne Repo, ki vle di sèt fwa sèt lanne, sa va ban nou karantnèf lanne.
9 Then thou shalt cause to blow the trumpet of the Iubile in the tenth day of the seuenth moneth: euen in the day of the reconciliation shall ye make the trumpet blowe, throughout all your lande.
Sou dizyèm jou setyèm mwa a ki jou pou n' mande Bondye gras la, n'a fè kònen twonpèt nan tout peyi a.
10 And ye shall halowe that yeere, euen the fiftieth yeere, and proclaime libertie in the lande to all the inhabitants thereof: it shalbe the Iubile vnto you, and ye shall returne euery man vnto his possession, and euery man shall returne vnto his familie.
N'a mete senkantyèm lanne sa a apa pou Bondye, epi n'a bay lòd pou yo bay tout moun ki esklav nan peyi a libète yo pou tout lanne a. Se va yon lanne rejwisans pou tout moun. Lanne sa a, tou sa yo te vann anvan ap tounen pou ansyen mèt yo ankò osinon pou eritye yo. Tout moun ki te esklav ap tounen lib lakay yo.
11 This fiftieth yeere shalbe a yeere of Iubile vnto you: ye shall not sowe, neither reape that which groweth of it selfe, neither gather the grapes thereof, that are left vnlaboured.
Senkantyèm lanne sa a va yon lanne rejwisans pou tout moun: Nou p'ap simen anyen nan jaden nou yo, ni nou p'ap ranmase grenn ki pouse konsa nan jaden nou yo pou nou vann, ni nou p'ap keyi rezen ki donnen nan pye rezen nou pa t' taye pou nou vann.
12 For it is the Iubile, it shall be holy vnto you: ye shall eate of the encrease thereof out of the fielde.
Paske se va yon lanne rejwisans, se va yon lanne n'a mete apa nèt pou Seyè a. Men n'a manje tou sa jaden nou pa t' plante yo bay.
13 In the yeere of this Iubile, ye shall returne euery man vnto his possession.
Nan lanne rejwisans sa a, tout tè ki te vann ap tounen pou ansyen mèt yo ankò.
14 And when thou sellest ought to thy neighbour, or byest at thy neighbours hande, ye shall not oppresse one another:
Konsa, si n'ap vann yon moun pèp Izrayèl parèy nou yon tè osinon si n'ap achte tè nan men l', piga nou fè koutay yonn sou do lòt.
15 But according to the nomber of yeeres after the Iubile thou shalt bye of thy neighbour: also according to the nomber of the yeeres of the reuenues, he shall sell vnto thee.
Lè n'ap achte yon tè osinon lè w'ap vann yon tè, se pou nou kalkile pri a sou kantite lanne tè a ka travay anvan lanne rejwisans k'ap vini an rive.
16 According to the multitude of yeeres, thou shalt increase the price thereof, and according to the fewnesse of yeeres, thou shalt abate the price of it: for the nomber of fruites doeth he sell vnto thee.
Plis gen lanne anvan lanne rejwisans lan rive, se plis pri a va pi wo. Mwens gen lanne, se plis pri a va pi ba, paske se kantite lanne rekòt tè a ka bay la n'ap vann osinon n'ap achte.
17 Oppresse not ye therefore any man his neighbour, but thou shalt feare thy God: for I am the Lord your God.
Pa fè lajan sou do moun pèp Izrayèl parèy nou. Men, se pou nou gen krentif pou Bondye nou, paske se mwen menm ki Seyè a, Bondye nou an.
18 Wherefore ye shall obey mine ordinances, and keepe my lawes, and do them, and ye shall dwell in the land in safetie.
Se pou nou swiv lòd mwen ban nou yo, se pou nou kenbe tout kòmandman m' yo. Se pou nou swiv yo, se konsa n'a kapab viv nan peyi a san nou pa bezwen pè anyen.
19 And the lande shall giue her fruite, and ye shall eate your fill, and dwell therein in safetie.
Tè a va bay rekòt li, n'a manje kont nou, epi n'a viv nan peyi a ak kè poze.
20 And if ye shall say, What shall we eate the seuenth yeere, for we shall not sowe, nor gather in our increase?
Men, gen moun ki va mande kisa y'a manje setyèm lanne a si yo pa plante, si yo pa ranmase rekòt.
21 I will sende my blessing vpon you in the sixt yeere, and it shall bring foorth fruite for three yeeres.
Mwen menm, Seyè a, m'a voye benediksyon m' sou tè a pandan sizyèm lanne a pou l' ka donnen rekòt kantite pou twazan.
22 And ye shall sowe the eight yeere, and eate of the olde fruite vntill the ninth yeere: vntill the fruite thereof come, ye shall eate the olde.
Konsa, lè wityèm lanne a va rive pou nou plante jaden nou yo, n'a jwenn manje toujou nan ansyen rekòt sizyèm lanne a. N'a gen kont pou nou manje jouk nevyèm lanne a rivè, lè n'a gen pou n' ranmase rekòt wityèm lanne sa a.
23 Also the lande shall not be solde to be cut off from the familie: for the land is mine, and ye be but strangers and soiourners with me.
Yon tè pa fèt pou vann pou tout tan, paske tè a pa pou nou, se pou mwen li ye. Nou menm, nou tankou moun lòt peyi ki rete lakay mwen: mwen ban nou dwa sèvi sou tè a.
24 Therefore in all the land of your possession ye shall graunt a redemption for the lande.
Lè n'ap achte yon tè nan peyi nou an, se pou nou rekonèt dwa ansyen mèt tè a genyen pou l' reachte tè a ankò.
25 If thy brother be impouerished, and sell his possession, then his redeemer shall come, euen his neere kinsman, and bye out that which his brother solde.
Lè yon moun pèp Izrayèl parèy nou vin nan nesesite, epi li blije vann pòsyon tè ki pou li a, fanmi ki pi pre l' la va reachte tè li te vann lan, paske se li ki gen dwa fè sa.
26 And if he haue no redeemer, but hath gotten and founde to bye it out,
Men, si yon nonm pa gen fanmi pre pou reachte tè a, epi apre kèk tan zafè l' vin bon ankò, l'a reachte tè a lè l'a gen kont lajan pou sa.
27 Then shall he count the yeeres of his sale, and restore the ouerplus to the man, to whome he solde it: so shall he returne to his possession.
L'a kalkile depi ki tan li te vann tè a, epi l'a renmèt moun ki te achte tè a nan men l' lan lajan ki koresponn ak kantite lanne ki rete anvan lanne rejwisans k'ap vini an, epi l'a reprann tè li.
28 But if he can not get sufficient to restore to him, then that which is solde, shall remaine in the hande of him that hath bought it, vntill the yere of the Iubile: and in the Iubile it shall come out, and he shall returne vnto his possession.
Men, si li pa gen kont kòb pou reachte tè a, tè a va rete nan men moun ki te achte l' la jouk lanne rejwisans k'ap vini an. Lè sa a, tè a va tounen nan men ansyen mèt li ankò.
29 Likewise if a man sell a dwelling house in a walled citie, he may bye it out againe within a whole yeere after it is solde: within a yeere may he bye it out.
Si yon nonm vann yon kay ki nan yon bouk ki gen ranpa, li gen yon lanne delè, depi dat li te vann kay la, pou l' reachte l' ankò. Pase yon lanne, li pèdi dwa a.
30 But if it be not bought out within ye space of a ful yeere, then the house that is in the walled citie, shalbe stablished, as cut off from the familie, to him that bought it, throughout his generations: it shall not goe out in the Iubile.
Si li kite tout lanne a pase san li pa reachte kay la, kay la ap rete pou moun ki te achte l' la ak pou pitit pitit li yo. Yo p'ap renmèt li kay la lè lanne rejwisans la rive.
31 But the houses of villages, which haue no walles round about them, shalbe esteemed as the fielde of the countrey: they may be bought out againe, and shall goe out in the Iubile.
Men, kay ki nan bouk kote ki pa gen ranpa, y'ap konsidere yo menm jan ak yon jaden. Ansyen mèt la gen dwa reachte l' ankò. Men, tout jan se pou yo renmèt li kay la, lè lanne rejwisans lan rive.
32 Notwithstanding, the cities of the Leuites, and the houses of the cities of their possession, may the Leuites redeeme at all seasons.
Moun Levi yo menm ap gen lavil pa yo apa. Yon moun Levi ap toujou gen dwa reachte kay ki te pou li nenpòt kilè.
33 And if a man purchase of the Leuites, the house that was solde, and the citie of their possession shall goe out in the Iubile: for the houses of the cities of the Leuites are their possession among the children of Israel.
Si yon moun Levi rive vann yon kay ki nan lavil moun Levi yo, epi li pa reachte l', se pou yo renmèt li kay la lè lanne rejwisans lan rive, paske lè yon moun Levi gen yon kay nan mitan pèp la, kay la pou li nèt.
34 But the fielde of the suburbes of their cities, shall not be solde: for it is their perpetuall possession.
Konsa tou, pou jaden ki tout arebò lavil moun Levi yo, yo pa gen dwa vann li, paske se pou yo li ye pou tout tan.
35 Moreouer, if thy brother be impouerished, and fallen in decay with thee, thou shalt relieue him, and as a stranger and soiourner, so shall he liue with thee.
Si yon moun pèp Izrayèl parèy nou k'ap viv toupre lakay nou vin nan nesesite, epi li tonbe nan malsite, se pou nou lonje men ba li tankou nou ta dwe fè l' pou yon moun lòt nasyon k'ap travay lakay nou osinon ki vin fè ladesant lakay nou. Konsa, l'a toujou ka viv bò kote nou.
36 Thou shalt take no vsurie of him, nor vantage, but thou shalt feare thy God, that thy brother may liue with thee.
Pa fè l' peye ankenn enterè, pa ba l' ponya. Gen krentif pou Bondye. Bay moun pèp Izrayèl parèy nou an yon chans pou l' viv tou.
37 Thou shalt not giue him thy money to vsurie, nor lende him thy vitailes for increase.
Piga nou mande l' enterè sou lajan nou prete l'. Piga nou ba l' ponya pou manje nou vann li.
38 I am the Lord your God, which haue brought you out of the lande of Egypt, to giue you the lande of Canaan, and to be your God.
Se mwen menm Seyè a, Bondye nou an. Se mwen menm ki te fè nou soti kite peyi Lejip pou m' te ka ban nou peyi Kanaran an epitou pou m' te ka Bondye nou.
39 If thy brother also that dwelleth by thee, be impouerished, and be sold vnto thee, thou shalt not compel him to serue as a bond seruant,
Si yon moun pèp Izrayèl parèy nou k'ap viv toupre lakay nou vin nan nesesite, epi li vann tèt li ban nou pou li sèvi nou esklav, piga nou fè l' fè travay yon domestik.
40 But as an hired seruant, and as a soiourner he shalbe with thee: he shall serue thee vnto the yeere of the Iubile.
L'ap rete lakay nou tankou moun lòt nasyon yo k'ap travay pou lajan lakay nou. L'a sèvi nou jouk lanne rejwisans k'ap vini an.
41 Then shall he depart from thee, both hee, and his children with him, and shall returne vnto his familie, and vnto the possession of his fathers shall he returne:
Lè sa a, li menm ak tout pitit li yo, y'a kite lakay nou, y'a tounen al jwenn fanmi yo, epi y'a renmèt yo tè zansèt yo te kite pou yo a.
42 For they are my seruants, whom I brought out of the lande of Egypt: they shall not be solde as bondmen are solde.
Paske se esklav mwen nou ye, se mwen menm ki te fè nou soti kite peyi Lejip. Yo pa gen dwa vann nou pou fè nou sèvi esklav lòt moun.
43 Thou shalt not rule ouer him cruelly, but shalt feare thy God.
Piga nou aji mal ak moun pèp Izrayèl parèy nou yo. Se pou nou gen krentif pou Bondye nou an.
44 Thy bond seruant also, and thy bond maid, which thou shalt haue, shalbe of the heathen that are rounde about you: of them shall ye bye seruants and maydes.
Lè n'a bezwen gason osinon fi pou sèvi esklav lakay nou, nou ka achte yo nan moun lòt nasyon k'ap viv lòt bò fwontyè peyi nou an.
45 And moreouer of the children of the stragers, that are soiourners among you, of them shall ye bye, and of their families that are with you, which they begate in your lande: these shall be your possession.
Nou ka achte pitit moun lòt nasyon k'ap viv nan mitan nou tou. Konsa tou, lè yo rete lakay nou, si yo fè pitit sou tè ki pou nou, pitit yo va pou nou tou.
46 So ye shall take them as inheritance for your children after you, to possesse them by inheritance, ye shall vse their labours for euer: but ouer your brethren the children of Israel ye shall not rule one ouer another with crueltie.
N'a kite yo tankou byen pou pitit nou yo. Y'a sèvi yo jouk yo mouri. Nou pa dwe maltrete moun pèp Izrayèl parèy nou. Men, se pou nou aji avèk yo tankou frè ak frè.
47 If a soiourner or a stranger dwelling by thee get riches, and thy brother by him be impouerished, and sell him selfe vnto the stranger or soiourner dwelling by thee, or to the stocke of the strangers familie,
Sipoze yon moun lòt nasyon k'ap viv nan mitan nou nan peyi a vin gen anpil mwayen epi yon moun pèp Izrayèl parèy nou k'ap viv lakay nou, osinon pre kay moun lòt nasyon an, vin nan nesesite epi l al vann tèt li bay moun lòt nasyon an, osinon bay yonn nan fanmi moun lòt nasyon an pou li sèvi l' esklav.
48 After that he is solde, he may be bought out: one of his brethren may bye him out,
Apre li vann tèt li a, l'a toujou gen avantaj moun ka reachte l' pou ba li libète l'. Se bagay yonn nan frè li yo,
49 Or his vncle, or his vncles sonne may bye him out, or any of the kindred of his flesh among his familie, may redeeme him: either if he can get so much, he may bye him selfe out.
osinon tonton l', osinon pitit gason tonton l' yo, osinon yonn nan fanmi pre li yo ka fè pou li. Si li menm li vin gen mwayen, li ka reachte tèt li tou.
50 Then he shall recken with his byer from the yeere that he was solde to him, vnto the yere of Iubile: and the money of his sale shalbe according to the number of yeeres: according to the time of an hyred seruant shall he be with him.
Dakò ak moun ki te achte l' la, se pou l' konte konbe lanne ki gen depi lanne li te vann tèt li bay moun lan jouk lanne rejwisans k'ap vini an. Lè sa a, l'a kalkile lajan pou l' bay la sou kantite lanne l'a jwenn lan, epi sou pri yo peye lè konsa pou yon moun k'ap travay pou lajan lakay moun.
51 If there be many yeeres behind, according to them he shall giue againe for his deliuerance, of the money that he was bought for.
Lè gen anpil lanne ki rete, l'a kalkile sou yo pou l' konnen valè lajan pou l' renmèt pou l' ka reachte tèt li.
52 If there remaine but fewe yeeres vnto the yeere of Iubile, then he shall count with him, and according to his yeeres giue againe for his redemption.
Men, si pa gen lanne ki rete anvan lanne rejwisans lan, y'a kalkile ansanm, epi l'a renmèt li lajan dapre kantite lanne ki rete a pou l' ka reachte tèt li.
53 He shalbe with him yeere by yeere as an hired seruant: he shall not rule cruelly ouer him in thy sight.
Paske l'ap travay ak moun lan tankou domestik k'ap travay pou lajan pa an, ou pa fèt pou kite moun lan maltrete li.
54 And if he be not redeemed thus, he shall go out in the yeere of Iubile, he, and his children with him.
Si li pa reachte tèt li konsa, lè lanne rejwisans lan rive, ni li menm, ni pitit gason l' yo va lib ankò. Epi y'a kite kay moun lan.
55 For vnto me the children of Israel are seruants: they are my seruants, who I haue brought out of the land of Egypt: I am ye Lord your God.
Se pou nou swiv regleman sa yo, paske se esklav pa m' moun pèp Izrayèl yo ye. Yo se esklav mwen te fè soti kite peyi Lejip. Se mwen menm ki Seyè a, Bondye nou an.

< Leviticus 25 >