< Judges 8 >

1 Then the men of Ephraim sayde vnto him, Why hast thou serued vs thus that thou calledst vs not, when thou wentest to fight with the Midianites? and they chode with him sharply.
Ary hoy ny lehilahy amin’ ny Efraima tamin’ i Gideona: Ahoana izao zavatra nataonao taminay izao, no tsy nantsoinao izahay, raha nandeha hiady tamin’ ny Midiana ianao? Dia nanome tsiny azy mafy ireo.
2 To whom he said, What haue I now done in comparison of you? is not the gleaning of grapes of Ephraim better, then the vintage of Abiezer?
Fa hoy Gideona taminy: Zinona izao nataoko izao, raha oharina amin’ izay nataonareo? Tsy tsara va ny fitsimponam-boalobok’ i Efraima noho ny fiotazam-boalobok’ i Abiezera?
3 God hath deliuered into your handes the princes of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb: and what was I able to do in comparison of you? and when he had thus spoken, then their spirits abated toward him.
Teo an-tananareo no nanoloran’ Andriamanitra ny andrianan’ ny Midiana, dia Oreba sy Zeba; ary inona no azoko atao, raha oharina amin’ ny nataonareo? Ary rehefa nilaza izany teny izany Gideona, dia nitony ny fahatezeran’ ireo taminy.
4 And Gideon came to Iorden to passe ouer, hee, and the three hundreth men that were with him, weary, yet pursuing them.
Ary Gideona nankany Jordana, ka nita izy sy ny telon-jato lahy teo aminy, na dia efa reraka aza, mbola nanenjika ihany.
5 And he said vnto the men of Succoth, Giue, I pray you, morsels of bread vnto the people that follow me (for they be wearie) that I may follow after Zebah, and Zalmunna Kings of Midian.
Ary hoy izy tamin’ ny mponina tao Sokota: Masìna ianareo, mba omeo mofo ny olona manaraka ahy, fa reraka izy, ary izaho manenjika an’ i Zebaha sy Zalmona, mpanjakan’ ny Midiana.
6 And the princes of Succoth sayde, Are the handes of Zebah and Zalmunna nowe in thine hads, that we should giue bread vnto thine army?
Fa hoy ireo andrianan’ i Sokota: Moa efa voahazon’ ny tananao ankehitriny va ny tànan’ i Zebaha sy Zalmona, no homenay mofo ny miaramilamao?
7 Gideon then sayde, Therefore when the Lord hath deliuered Zebah and Zalmunna into mine hand, I will teare your flesh with thornes of the wildernes and with breers.
Dia hoy Gideona: Rehefa voatolotr’ i Jehovah eo an-tanako Zehaba sy Zalmona, dia handalasiko amin’ ny tsilo avy any an-efitra sy ny sampivato ny tenanareo.
8 And he went vp thence to Penuel, and spake vnto them likewise, and the men of Penuel answered him, as the men of Succoth answered.
Ary niakatra avy teo izy ka nankany Penoela, dia nanao teny tahaka izany koa tamin’ ny olona tao; ary ny mponina tao Penoela koa dia namaly azy tahaka ny navalin’ ny mponina tao Sokota ihany.
9 And he sayd also vnto the men of Penuel, When I come againe in peace, I will breake downe this towre.
Dia niteny tamin’ ny mponina tao Penoela izy ka nanao hoe: Raha tafaverina soa aman-tsara aho, dia horavako ity tilikambo ity.
10 Now Zebah and Zalmunna were in Karkor, and their hostes with them, about fifteene thousande, all that were left of all the hostes of them of the East: for there was slaine an hundreth and twentie thousand men, that drew swordes.
Ary Zebaha sy Zalmona dia tonga tao Karkora mbamin’ ny miaramila teo aminy tokony ho dimy arivo sy iray alin-dahy, dia izay sisa rehetra tamin’ ny miaramila rehetra an’ ny zanaky ny atsinanana; ary ny maty kosa dia roa alina sy iray hetsy, samy lehilahy mpitan-tsabatra avokoa ireo.
11 And Gideon went through them that dwelt in Tabernacles on the East side of Nobah and Iogbehah, and smote the hoste: for the hoste was carelesse.
Ary Gideona niakatra tamin’ ny lalan’ ny mpitoetra an-day, atsinanan’ i Noha sy Jogbeha, ka dia namely ny toby, raha mbola ilay tsy nanampo iny ny olona.
12 And when Zebah and Zalmunna fled, hee followed after them, and tooke the two kings of Midian, Zebah and Zalmunna, and discomfited all the hoste.
Dia nandositra Zebaha sy Zalmona, ary nanenjika azy ny Isiraely ka nisambotra ny mpanjaka roa tamin’ ny Midiana, dia Zebaha sy Zalmona, fa efa nampihorohoroiny avokoa ny toby rehetra.
13 So Gideon the sonne of Ioash returned from battel, the sunne being yet hie,
Dia niverina avy tamin’ ny ady Gideona, zanak’ i Joasy, avy teo amin’ ny fiakarana Heresa;
14 And tooke a seruant of the me of Succoth, and inquired of him: and he wrote to him the princes of Succoth and the Elders thereof, euen seuentie and seuen men.
ary nisambotra zatovo tamin’ ny mponina tao Sokota izy ka nanontany azy; dia nosoratan’ ilay zatovo ny anaran’ ireo andrianan’ i Sokota sy ny loholona tao, ka fito amby fito-polo lahy izy.
15 And he came vnto the men of Succoth, and sayd, Behold Zebah and Zalmunna, by whome ye vpbrayded me, saying, Are the hands of Zebah and Zalmunna already in thine hands, that we should giue bread vnto thy weary men?
Ary Gideona dia nankany amin’ ny mponina tao Sokota ka nanao hoe: Indreo Zebaha sy Zalmona, izay efa nandatsanareo ahy hoe: Moa efa voahazon’ ny tananao ankehitriny va ny tànan’ i Zebaha sy Zalmona, no homenay mofo ny olonao efa reraka?
16 Then he tooke the Elders of the citie, and thornes of the wildernes and breers, and did teare the men of Succoth with them.
Dia naka ny loholona tao an-tanàna izy ary tsilo avy tany an-efitra sy sampivato, ka ireny no namaizany ny mponina tao Sokota.
17 Also he brake downe the towre of Penuel, and slew the men of the citie.
Ary nandrava ny tilikambo tao Penoela koa izy ka namono ny lehilahy tao an-tanàna.
18 Then saide he vnto Zebah and Zalmunna, What maner of men were they, whom ye slew at Tabor? and they answered, As thou art, so were they: euery one was like the children of a King.
Dia hoy izy tamin’ i Zebaha sy Zalmona: Lehilahy toy inona ange izay novonoinareo tany Tabara? Ary hoy izy roa lahy: Tahaka anao ihany izy. Nitarehin-janak’ andriana avokoa izy rehetra.
19 And he said, They were my brethren, euen my mothers children: as the Lord liueth, if ye had saued their liues, I would not slay you.
Ary hoy izy: Rahalahiko, zanaky ny reniko ireo. Raha velona koa Jehovah, dia tsy mba hovonoiko ianareo, raha novelominareo ireo.
20 Then he sayde vnto Iether his first borne sonne, Vp, and slay them: but the boy drew not his sword: for he feared, because he was yet yong.
Ary hoy izy tamin’ i Jatera lahimatoany: Mitsangàna, ka vonoy izy roa lahy. Fa ilay zatovo tsy nanatsoaka ny sabany, fa natahotra, satria mbola tanora fanahy izy.
21 Then Zebah and Zalmunna sayd, Rise thou, and fall vpon vs: for as the man is, so is his strength. And Gideon arose and slew Zebah and Zalmunna, and tooke away the ornamentes, that were on their camels neckes.
Ary hoy Zebaha sy Zalmona: Aoka ianao no hitsangana hamely anay; fa araka ny toetry ny olona ihany ny heriny. Dia nitsangana Gideona ka namono an’ i Zebaha sy Zalmona ary naka ny ravaka sarim-bolan-tsinana, izay teo amin’ ny vozon’ ny ramevany.
22 Then the men of Israel sayd vnto Gideon, Reigne thou ouer vs, both thou, and thy sonne, and thy sonnes sonne: for thou hast deliuered vs out of the hand of Midian.
Dia hoy ny lehilahy amin’ ny Isiraely tamin’ i Gideona: Manapaha anay ianao sy ny zanakao ary ny zafinao; fa efa namonjy anay tamin’ ny tanan’ ny Midiana ianao.
23 And Gideon sayde vnto them, I will not reigne ouer you, neither shall my childe reigne ouer you, but the Lord shall reigne ouer you.
Fa hoy Gideona taminy: Tsy hanapaka anareo aho, ary tsy hanapaka anareo koa ny zanako; Jehovah ihany no hanapaka anareo.
24 Againe Gideon sayd vnto them, I would desire a request of you, that you would giue mee euery man the earings of his pray (for they had golden earings because they were Ismaelites)
Ary hoy koa Gideona taminy: Zavatra iray loha monja no hany mba angatahiko aminareo; aoka samy hanome ahy ny kavina izay avy amin’ ny babony avy ianareo (fa nanana kavim-bolamena ireny, satria Isimaelita).
25 And they answered, Wee will giue them. And they spred a garment, and did cast therein euery man the earings of his pray.
Dia hoy kosa ny olona: Eny, fa homenay tokoa izany. Dia namelatra lamba ny olona, ka samy nanipy ny kavina izay avy tamin’ ny babony teo.
26 And the weight of the golden earings that he required, was a thousande and seuen hundreth shekels of golde, beside collers and iewels, and purple rayment that was on the kings of Midian, and beside the cheynes that were about their camels neckes.
Ary ny lanjan’ ny kavim-bolamena nangatahiny dia sekely volamena fiton-jato amby arivo, afa-tsy ny ravaka sarim-bolan-tsinana sy ny kavina voavola sy ny lamba volomparasy, izay teny amin’ ireo mpanjakan’ ny Midiana, ary ny rojo, izay teny amin’ ny vozon’ ny ramevany.
27 And Gideon made an Ephod thereof, and put it in Ophrah his citie: and all Israel went a whoring there after it, which was the destruction of Gideon and his house.
Dia nataon’ i Gideona efoda ireo, ka nataony tao an-tanànany, dia tao Ofra; ary ny Isiraely rehetra nankany nijangajanga nanaraka izany efoda izany; ary tonga fandrika tamin’ i Gideona sy ny ankohonany izany.
28 Thus was Midian brought lowe before the children of Israel, so that they lift vp their heads no more: and the countrey was in quietnes fourtie yeeres in the dayes of Gideon.
Dia resy teo anoloan’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely ny Midiana ka tsy nahatraka ny lohany intsony. Dia nandry efa-polo taona ny tany tamin’ ny andron’ i Gideona.
29 Then Ierubbaal the sonne of Ioash went, and dwelt in his owne house.
Dia nandeha Jerobala, zanak’ i Joasy, ka nitoetra tao an-tranony.
30 And Gideon had seuentie sonnes begotten of his body: for he had many wiues.
Ary Gideona nanan-janaka fito-polo lahy izay naterany: fa maro vady izy.
31 And his concubine that was in Shechem, bare him a sonne also, whose name he called Abimelech.
Ary ny vaditsindranony, izay tany Sekema, dia niteraka zazalahy taminy koa, ka ny anarany nataony hoe Abimeleka.
32 So Gideon the sonne of Ioash dyed in a good age, and was buried in the sepulchre of Ioash his father in Ophrah, of the father of ye Ezrites.
Dia maty Gideona, zanak’ i Joasy, rehefa tratrantitra tsara, ka nalevina tao amin’ ny fasan’ i Joasy rainy tao Ofran’ ny Abiezrita izy.
33 But when Gideon was dead, the children of Israel turned away and went a whoring after Baalim, and made Baal-berith their God.
Ary rehefa maty Gideona, dia nijangajanga nanaraka ireo Bala indray ny Zanak’ Isiraely ka nanao an’ i Bala-berita ho andriamaniny.
34 And the children of Israel remembred not the Lord their God, which had deliuered the out of the hands of all their enemies on euery side.
Ary ny Zanak’ Isiraely tsy nahatsiaro an’ i Jehovah Andriamaniny, Izay efa namonjy azy tamin’ ny tanan’ ny fahavalony rehetra nanodidina,
35 Neither shewed they mercy on the house of Ierubbaal, or Gideon, according to al the goodnesse which he had shewed vnto Israel.
sady tsy nanao soa tamin’ ny taranak’ i Jerobala (na Gideona), araka izay soa rehetra nataon’ i Gideona tamin’ ny Isiraely, izy.

< Judges 8 >