< Judges 6 >

1 Afterwarde the children of Israel committed wickednesse in the sight of the Lord, and the Lord gaue them into the handes of Midian seuen yeres.
Pèp Izrayèl la lage kò l' ankò nan fè sa ki mal nan je Seyè a. Seyè a kite moun peyi Madyan yo mete pye sou kou yo pandan sètan.
2 And the hand of Midian preuayled against Israel, and because of the Midianites the children of Israel made them dennes in the mountaines, and caues, and strong holdes.
Moun peyi Madyan yo te pi fò pase moun pèp Izrayèl yo. Se poutèt sa, moun pèp Izrayèl yo al kache kò yo nan fon ravin, nan gwòt, nan twou wòch yo jwenn nan mòn yo.
3 When Israel had sowen, then came vp the Midianites, the Amalekites, and they of the East, and came vpon them,
Chak fwa moun Izrayèl yo te fè yon ti plante, moun Madyan yo moute ansanm avèk moun Amalèk yo ak lòt bann moun k'ap viv sou bò solèy leve, yo vin atake yo.
4 And camped by them, and destroyed the fruite of the earth, euen til thou come vnto Azzah, and left no foode for Israel, neither sheepe, nor oxe, nor asse.
Yo moute tant yo sou tè moun Izrayèl yo, yo ravaje tout rekòt yo rive jouk toupre lavil Gaza. Yo pa kite anyen pou moun Izrayèl yo manje, pa menm yon mouton, yon bèf osinon yon bourik.
5 For they went vp, and their cattel, and came with their tentes as grashoppers in multitude: so that they and their camels were without number: and they came into the land to destroy it.
Lè konsa, yo moute ak tout tant yo ak bann bèt yo. Yo moute an kantite, ou ta di bann krikèt vèt. Ou pa ka konte konbe ki genyen, ni kantite chamo yo mennen ak yo. Yo te vin nan peyi a pou ravaje l'.
6 So was Israel exceedingly impouerished by the Midianites: therefore the children of Israel cryed vnto the Lord.
Moun peyi Madyan yo te fini ak moun Izrayèl yo. Lè sa a, moun Izrayèl yo kriye nan pye Seyè a, yo mande l' sekou.
7 And when the children of Israel cryed vnto the Lord because of the Midianites,
Lè pèp Izrayèl la te kriye nan pye Seyè a pou moun peyi Madyan yo,
8 The Lord sent vnto the children of Israel a Prophet, who sayd vuto them, Thus sayth the Lord God of Israel, I haue brought you vp from Egypt, and haue brought you out of the house of bondage,
Seyè a te voye yon pwofèt bay pèp la ki di yo: -Men sa Seyè a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, voye di nou: Se mwen menm ki te fè nou soti nan peyi Lejip kote nou te nan esklavaj la.
9 And I haue deliuered you out of the hand of the Egyptians, and out of the hand of all that oppressed you, and haue cast them out before you, and giuen you their land.
Mwen te delivre nou anba men moun Lejip yo ak anba men tout lòt moun ki t'ap malmennen nou isit la. Mwen mete yo deyò pou yo fè plas pou nou, lèfini mwen ban nou peyi moun sa yo pou nou rete.
10 And I sayde vnto you, I am the Lord your God: feare not the gods of the Amorites in whose lande you dwell: but ye haue not obeyed my voyce.
Mwen te di nou se mwen menm Seyè a ki Bondye nou an. Koulye a nou rete nan peyi moun Amori yo, piga n' al sèvi bann bondye moun sa yo. Men, nou pa t' koute m' lè m' te pale nou.
11 And the Angell of the Lord came, and sate vnder the oke which was in Ophrah, that perteined vnto Ioash the father of the Ezrites, and his sonne Gideon threshed wheate by the winepresse, to hide it from the Midianites.
Lè sa a, zanj Seyè a vini, li chita anba pye chenn ki toupre yon ti bouk yo rele Ofra, ki te pou Joas, moun fanmi Abyezè yo. Jedeyon, pitit gason l' lan, t'ap bat ble an kachèt anndan kay kote yo konn kraze rezen an, pou moun Madyan yo pa t' vin pran l' nan men l'.
12 Then the Angel of the Lord appeared vnto him, and said vnto him, The Lord is with thee, thou valiant man.
Zanj Seyè a parèt devan l', li di l' konsa: -Bonjou, vanyan sòlda! Seyè a avè ou!
13 To whome Gideon answered, Ah my Lord, if the Lord be with vs, why then is all this come vpon vs? and where be all his miracles which our fathers tolde vs of, and sayd, Did not the Lord bring vs out of Egypt? but now the Lord hath forsaken vs, and deliuered vs into the hand of the Midianites.
Jedeyon reponn li: -Adye, msye! Si Seyè a avè nou vre, manyè di m' poukisa tout bagay sa yo rive nou! Kote tout bèl bagay zansèt nou yo te rakonte nou Seyè a te konn fè, jan se li menm ki te fè nou soti kite peyi Lejip? Men koulye a, Seyè a lage nou, li kite moun Madyan yo fè sa yo vle ak nou.
14 And the Lord looked vpon him, and sayd, Goe in this thy might, and thou shalt saue Israel out of the handes of the Midianites: haue not I sent thee?
Lè sa a, Seyè a bay Jedeyon lòd sa a, li di l': -Ale non. Avèk fòs kouraj ou genyen an, w'a delivre pèp Izrayèl la anba men moun peyi Madyan yo. Se mwen menm menm ki voye ou!
15 And he answered him, Ah my Lord, whereby shall I saue Israel? beholde, my father is poore in Manasseh, and I am the least in my fathers house.
Jedeyon reponn li! -Tanpri, mèt! Avèk kisa mwen pral delivre pèp Izrayèl la? Fanmi mwen, se li ki gen pi piti moun nan branch fanmi Manase a. Lèfini, mwen menm pou tèt pa m', se mwen menm ki pi piti lakay papa m'.
16 Then the Lord sayd vnto him, I wil therefore be with thee, and thou shalt smite the Midianites, as one man.
Seyè a di l': -Ou ka fè l', paske m'ap kanpe la avè ou. Ou pral kraze moun Madyan yo tankou si se te yon sèl moun yo te ye.
17 And he answered him, I pray thee, if I haue founde fauour in thy sight, then shewe me a signe, that thou talkest with me.
Jedeyon reponn: -Si reyèlman vre ou vle fè m' favè sa a, ban m' yon prèv se ou menm tout bon k'ap pale avè m' la a.
18 Depart not hence, I pray thee, vntil I come vnto thee, and bring mine offring, and lay it before thee. And he sayde, I will tary vntill thou come againe.
Tanpri, pa deplase kote ou ye a jouk m'a pote yon ofrann mete nan pye ou. Li reponn: -M'ap rete la tann ou.
19 Then Gideon went in, and made ready a kidde, and vnleauened bread of an Ephah of floure, and put the flesh in a basket, and put the broth in a pot, and brought it out vnto him vnder the oke, and presented it.
Se konsa, Jedeyon antre, li kwit yon jenn ti kabrit. Li pran yon mamit farin frans, li fè pen san li pa mete ledven ladan l'. Li mete vyann lan nan yon ti panyen, li mete sòs vyann lan nan yon gode, li pote yo bay zanj Seyè a anba pye chenn lan. Li lonje yo ba li.
20 And the Angell of God saide vnto him, Take the flesh and the vnleauened bread, and lay them vpon this stone, and powre out the broth: and he did so.
Zanj lan di l': -Mete vyann lan ak pen yo sou gwo wòch ou wè la a, epi vide sòs la sou yo. Jedeyon fè sa vre.
21 Then the Angell of the Lord put forth the ende of the staffe that he had in his hand, and touched the flesh and the vnleauened bread: and there arose vp fire out of the stone, and consumed the flesh and the vnleauened bread: so the Angel of the Lord departed out of his sight.
Zanj Seyè a leve baton ki te nan men l' lan, li lonje l', li manyen vyann lan ak pen yo ak pwent baton an. Yon dife soti nan wòch la, li boule tout vyann lan ak pen yo. Epi, lamenm zanj Seyè a disparèt devan li.
22 And when Gideon perceiued that it was an Angel of the Lord, Gideon then sayde, Alas, my Lord God: for because I haue seene an Angell of the Lord face to face, I shall die.
Lè Jèdeyon wè se zanj Seyè a menm ki te parèt devan l', li di: -Bondye Seyè o! Gade malè ki rive m' non! Mwen wè zanj Seyè a fas pou fas!
23 And the Lord said vnto him, Peace be vnto thee: feare not, thou shalt not die.
Men, Seyè a di l' konsa: -Ou pa bezwen pè. Poze san ou. Ou p'ap mouri pou sa.
24 Then Gideon made an altar there vnto the Lord, and called it, Iehouah shalom: vnto this day it is in Ophrah, of the father of the Ezrites.
Jedeyon bati yon lotèl pou Seyè a la menm. Epi li rele l': Seyè a bay kè poze. Jouk jòdi a lotèl la la nan ti bouk Ofra a, sou pwopryete ki pou moun Abyezè yo.
25 And the same night the Lord sayd vnto him, Take thy fathers yong bullocke, and an other bullocke of seuen yeeres olde, and destroy the altar of Baal that thy father hath, and cut downe the groue that is by it,
Menm jou lannwit sa a, Seyè a di Jedeyon konsa: -Pran towo bèf papa ou la, ansanm ak yon lòt towo ki gen sètan. Kraze lotèl papa ou te fè pou Baal la. Koupe poto Achera ki bò kote l' la.
26 And build an altar vnto the Lord thy God vpon the top of this rocke, in a plaine place: and take the seconde bullocke, and offer a burnt offringe with the woode of the groue, which thou shalt cut downe.
Moute sou ti bit sa a, bati yon lotèl pou Seyè a, Bondye ou la, jan yo konn fè l' la. Lèfini, pran dezyèm towo a, boule l' nèt sou lotèl la pou mwen nan dife w'a fè avèk moso poto Achera ou te koupe a.
27 Then Gideon tooke tenne men of his seruants, and did as ye Lord bade him: but because he feared to doe it by day for his fathers housholde, and the men of the citie, he did it by night.
Jedeyon pran dis nan domestik li yo, epi li fè tou sa Seyè a te di l' fè. Men, li te pè fanmi l' yo ak lòt moun yo ki rete nan lavil la. Li pa t' fè sa lajounen, l' al fè l' lannwit.
28 And when the men of the citie arose early in the morning, beholde, the altar of Baal was broken, and the groue cut downe that was by it, and the seconde bullocke offred vpon the altar that was made.
Lè mesye yo ki rete nan lavil la leve granmaten, yo wè lotèl Baal la kraze, poto Achera a koupe, epi dezyèm towo a menm boule sou lotèl yo te bati la a.
29 Therefore they saide one to another, Who hath done this thing? and when they inquired and asked, they saide, Gideon the sonne of Ioash hath done this thing.
Yonn di lòt: Ki moun ki fè sa, en? Yo tonbe chache, yo t'ap mande moun ki jan sa fè fèt. Yo vin konnen se Jedeyon, pitit Joas la, ki te fè sa.
30 Then the men of the citie said vnto Ioash, Bring out thy sonne, that hee may dye: for he hath destroyed the altar of Baal, and hath also cut downe the groue that was by it.
Mesye yo al di Joas konsa: -Fè pitit gason ou lan soti vin jwenn nou isit la. Se pou n' touye l'! Li kraze lotèl Baal la, epi li koupe gwo poto Achera ki te bò kote l' la.
31 And Ioash said vnto all that stood by him, Will ye pleade Baals cause? or will ye saue him? he that will contend for him, let him dye or the morning. If he be God, let him pleade for himselfe against him that hath cast downe his altar.
Joas reponn tout moun ki te kanpe devan l' yo. Li di yo: -Anhan! Se nou ki pou goumen pou Baal? Se nou ki pou defann li? Enben, moun ki vle goumen pou Baal gen pou l' mouri anvan solèy leve. Si Baal se yon bondye vre, se li ki pou defann tèt li. Se lotèl li a yo kraze!
32 And in that day was Gideon called Ierubbaal, that is, Let Baal pleade for himselfe because he hath broken downe his altar.
Depi jou sa a yo rele Jedeyon Jewoubaal paske Joas te di: Kite Baal koresponn ak li, paske se lotèl Baal la li te kraze.
33 Then all the Midianites and the Amalekites and they of ye East, were gathered together, aud went and pitched in the valley of Izreel.
Lè sa a, tout moun Madyan yo, tout moun Amalèk yo ak tout moun k'ap viv nan dezè a bò solèy leve yo mete tèt ansanm, yo janbe lòt bò larivyè Jouden an, yo moute kan yo nan plenn Jizreyèl la.
34 But the Spirit of the Lord came vpon Gideon, and he blew a trumpet, and Abiezer was ioyned with him.
Lespri Seyè a desann sou Jedeyon. Li soufle nan yon kòn belye mouton, li rele tout gason nan fanmi Abyezè a vin jwenn li.
35 And he sent messengers thorowout al Manasseh, which also was ioyned with him, and he sent messengers vnto Asher, and to Zebulun and to Naphtali, and they came vp to meete them.
Apre sa, li voye mesaje nan tout peyi Manase a al rele moun yo pou yo vin jwenn li tou. Li voye mesaje nan peyi Asè, nan peyi Zabilon ak nan peyi Neftali. Tout moun sa yo moute vin jwenn li.
36 Then Gideon said vnto God, If thou wilt saue Israel by mine hand, as thou hast sayd,
Lè sa a, Jedeyon di Bondye konsa: -Si se ou menm vre ki vle sèvi avè m' pou delivre pèp Izrayèl la,
37 Beholde, I wil put a fleece of wooll in the threshing place: if the dewe come on the fleece onely, and it be drie vpon all the earth, then shall I be sure, that thou wilt saue Israel by mine hand, as thou hast said.
men mwen mete yon moso lenn sou glasi a. Si denmen maten mwen wè gen lawouze sou moso lenn lan sèlman epi tout rès glasi a chèch, lè sa a m'a konnen se ou menm vre ki pral sèvi avè m' pou delivre pèp Izrayèl la.
38 And so it was: for he rose vp earely on the morow, and thrust the fleece together, and wringed the dew out of the fleece, and filled a bowle of water.
Se sa ki te rive vre. Nan denmen maten, lè Jedeyon leve byen bonè, li tòde moso lenn lan, li wete dlo ladan l' kont pou ta plen yon bòl.
39 Againe, Gideon sayde vnto God, Be not angry with me, that I may speake once more: let me prooue once againe, I pray thee, with the fleece: let it now be drie onely vpon the fleece, and let dewe be vpon all the ground.
Lèfini, Jedeyon di Bondye ankò: -Tanpri, pa fache sou mwen non! Kite m' di ou yon dènye bagay. Kite m' fè esperyans moso lenn lan yon lòt fwa ankò. Men, fwa sa a se pou moso lenn lan rete chèch, epi pou lawouze sou tout glasi a.
40 And God did so that same night: for it was drie vpon the fleece onely, and there was dewe on all the ground.
Jou lannwit sa a, Bondye fè sa konsa vre: moso lenn lan te rete byen chèch, men te gen lawouze sou tout glasi a.

< Judges 6 >