< Joshua 15 >

1 This then was the lot of the tribe of the children of Iudah by their families: euen to the border of Edom and the wildernesse of Zin, Southward on the Southcoast.
Hanki Juda naga'ma nagate nofite'ma hu'za mopama refko'ma huzami'nazana, fenkamu sauti kaziga Idomu vahe mopama ometete uramino, vuvava huno sauti kaziga Sinie nehaza ka'ma kotega vu'ne.
2 And their South border was the salt Sea coast, from the point that looketh Southward.
Hanki mopazmimofo agema'amo'a fenkamu sauti kazigati'ma agafama hu'neana, fri hagerimofo ankenaregati agafa huteno,
3 And it went out on the Southside towarde Maaleth-akrabbim, and went along to Zin, and ascended vp on the Southside vnto Kadesh-barnea, and went along to Hezron, and went vp to Adar, and fet a compasse to Karkaa.
anantetira vuno Akrabimie nehaza agonaregama mareneriza kana agatereno, kantu kaziga Sinie nehaza ka'ma kokantega vuteno, Kades Banea mopamofo sauti kazigati marerino vuno, Hezroni rankumara agatereno Ada rankumatega anagamu uhanatiteno, ananteti rukrahe huno Karka rankumate vu'ne.
4 From thence went it along to Azmon, and reached vnto the riuer of Egypt, and the end of that coast was on the Westside: this shall be your South coast.
Hagi anantetira vuno Asmoni kumate uhanatiteno, Isipi mopama emete'nere'ma osi tinkraho me'nea avaririno Mediterenieni ra hagerinte uhanatine. Ana higeno Juda nagamokizmi sauti kaziga mopamo'a anante ometre'ne.
5 Also the Eastborder shalbe the salt Sea, vnto the end of Iorden: and the border on the North quarter from the point of the Sea, and from the end of Iorden.
Hagi zage hanati kaziga mopamofo agema'amo'a Fri Hagerimpima Jodani timo'ma enefrerega vu'ne. Higeno noti kaziga mopamo'a Fri Hagerimpima Jodani timo'ma enefrereti agafa hu'ne.
6 And this border goeth vp to Beth-hogla, and goeth along by ye Northside of Beth-arabah: so the border from thence goeth vp to the stone of Bohan the sonne of Reuben.
Hanki anantetira ana mopamofo agema'amo'a marerino zage fre kaziga Bet-Hoglen uhanatiteno, vuno anagamu noti kaziga Bet-Araba Bohani Rubeni nemofo havema me'nere uhanati'ne.
7 Againe this border goeth vp to Debir from the valley of Achor, and Northwarde, turning toward Gilgal, that lyeth before the going vp to Adummim, which is on the Southside of the riuer: also this border goeth vp to the waters of En-shemesh, and endeth at En-rogel.
Hagi mopamofo agema'amo'a Akhori aguporegati marerino vuno Debiri uhanatiteno, rukrahe huno noti kaziga Gilgali agonamo'ma sauti kaziga Adumimi agonamofo asoparega vuteno, anantetira vuvava huno En-Semesima tima nehanatire vuno, En Rogeli ome atre'ne.
8 Then this border goeth vp to the valley of the sonne of Hinnom; on the Southside of the Iebusites: the same is Ierusalem. also this border goeth vp to the top of the mountaine that lyeth before the valley of Hinnom Westward, which is by the end of the valley of ye gyants Northward.
Hanki anantetira marerino Ben Hinomu agupoma emetre'nerega Jerusalemi kumamofona sauti kaziga me'nea agonamofo asoparega vu'ne. Anantetira Hinomu agupomofona zage fre kazigati, ana agonamofo morusapi marerino, Refaimi agupomofo noti kazigama ometretega vu'ne.
9 So this border compasseth from the top of the mountaine vnto the fountaine of the water of Nephtoah, and goeth out to the cities of mount Ephron: and this border draweth to Baalah, which is Kiriath-iearim.
Hagi ana agonamofo morusapintira vuno mopamofo agema'amo'a Neftoa tinkeriramima me'nere vuteno, vuno Efroni agona tvaonte me'nea rankumatminte uhanatiteno, anantetira rukrahe huno Ba'ala rankumate vu'ne. Hagi ana kumamofo mago agi'a Kiriat Jearimie hu'za menina nehaze.
10 Then this border compasseth from Baalah Westward vnto mount Seir, and goeth along vnto the side of mount Iearim, which is Chesalon on the Northside: so it commeth downe to Bethshemesh, and goeth to Timnah.
Hanki Ba'alatira zage fre kaziga rukrahe huno vuno Seiri agonare uhanatiteno, Jearimi agonamofo [e'i Kesalonie] noti kaziga asoparega vuteno vuvava huno Bet Semesi rugitagino Timna vu'ne.
11 Also this border goeth out vnto the side of Ekron Northwarde: and this border draweth to Shicron, and goeth along to mount Baalah, and stretcheth vnto Iabneel: and the endes of this coast are to the Sea.
Hagi anantetira ana mopamofo agema'amo'a vuno Ekroni noti kaziga ne'one agonaramintega vuteno, rukrahe huno Sihikeroni vuteno, anantetira Ba'ara agona erigama neteno Jabneli uhanati'ne. Higeno ana mopamofo agema'amo'a Mediterenia ra hagerinte ome atre'ne.
12 And the Westborder is to the great Sea: so this border shalbe the bounds of the children of Iudah round about, according to their families.
Hagi Juda naga'mokizmi zage fre kaziga mopamofo agema'amo'a, Mediterenia ra hagerimofo ankenare me'ne. Hagi Juda naga'mo'za ana mopafi nagate nofite hu'za mani'naze.
13 And vnto Caleb the sonne of Iephunneh did Ioshua giue a part among the children of Iudah, as the Lord commanded him, euen Kiriath-arba of the father of Anak, which is Hebron.
Ko'ma Ra Anumzamo'ma asami'nea kante anteno, Josua'a Jefune nemofo Kalepina Juda nagamokizmi mopafinti mago mopa refko humi'neana Kiriat Arbae, e'i menina Hebroni me'ne. (Arba'a Anaki tusinasi vahe'mokizmi nezamageho'e).
14 And Caleb droue thence three sonnes of Anak, Sheshai, and Ahiman, and Talmai, the sonnes of Anak.
Hagi Kalepi'a Hebroniti'ma 3'a Anaki mofavrerami zamahe natitre'neana Sesaiki, Ahimaniki, Talmaima huno zamahe natitre'ne.
15 And he went vp thence to the inhabitants of Debir: and the name of Debir before time was Kiriath-sepher.
Hanki Kalepi'a Debiri rankumapima mani'naza vahera marerino hara ome huzamante'ne. Hanki kora ana kumakura (Kiriat Sefa nehazane).
16 Then Caleb sayd, He that smiteth Kiriath-sepher, and taketh it, euen to him wil I giue Achsah my daughter to wife.
Hanki Kalepi'a amanage hu'ne, ina ne'mo'o Kiriat sefa vahe'ma ha'ma huzamagateresia nera mofani'a Aksana amisnugeno a' erintegahie.
17 And Othniel, the sonne of Kenaz, the brother of Caleb tooke it: and he gaue him Achsah his daughter to wife.
Higeno Kalepi nefu Kenasi mofavremo Otnieli Kiriat Sefa kumara hara huzmagateregeno, Kalepi'a mofa'a Aksana amigeno ara erinte'ne.
18 And as she went in to him, she moued him, to aske of her father a fielde: and she lighted off her asse, and Caleb sayd vnto her, What wilt thou?
Hagi Aksama Otnielinte'ma marea knazupa, Aksa'a nefa Kalepina mopagu ome antahigenaku Otnielina tutu hunte'ne. Hagi donki afu'mofo agumpinti'ma Aksa'ma anama takau neregeno'a, Kalepi'a antahigeno, na'a hugante'nuegu kave'nesie?
19 Then she answered, Giue me a blessing: for thou hast giuen mee the South countrey: giue me also springs of water. And hee gaue her the springs aboue and the springs beneath.
Higeno Aksa'a nefana amanage huno asmi'ne. Asomu hunantenka Kagra Negevi kaziga hagege mopa hago nami'nananki, mago'a kampu'i tinena namighane. Higeno anagamune fenkma kaziganema me'nea kampui tina Kalepi'a ami'ne.
20 This shalbe the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Iudah according to their families.
Hanki Juda naga'mo'zama rankuma'ene mopanema nagate nofite'ma hu'za erisantihare'naza kumatamimofo zamagi'a ama'ne,
21 And the vtmost cities of the tribe of the children of Iudah, toward the coastes of Edom Southward were Kabzeel, and Eder, and Iagur,
Sauti kaziga Idomu vahe mopa eme atretegama Juda naga'mokizmi rankumatmima me'neana, Kebzilima, Ederima, Jagurima.
22 And Kinah, and Dimonah, and Adadah,
Kinama, Dimonama, Adadama,
23 And Kedesh, and Hazor, and Ithnan,
Kedesima, Hazorima, Itnanima,
24 Ziph, and Telem, and Bealoth,
Zifima, Telemima, Bearotima,
25 And Hazor, Hadattah, and Kerioth, Hesron (which is Hazor)
Hazor-Hadatama, Keriot-Hezronima, (e'i Hazorie hu'za nehaza kumare),
26 Amam, and Shema, and Moladah,
Amamuma, Semama, Moladama,
27 And Hazar, Gaddah, and Heshmon, and Beth-palet,
Hazar-Gadama, Hesmonima, Bet-Peletima,
28 And Hasar-shual, and Beersheba, and Biziothiah,
Hazar-Sualima, Besibama Biziotiama,
29 Baalah, and Iim, and Azem,
Ba'alama, Imima, Ezemima,
30 And Eltolad, and Chesil, and Hormah,
Eltoladima, Kesilima, Homama,
31 And Ziklag, and Madmanna, and Sansannah,
Ziklagima, Madmanama, Sansanama,
32 And Lebaoth, and Shilhim, and Ain, and Rimmon: all these cities are twentie and nine with their villages.
Lebaotima, Silhimima, Ainima, Rimoni kuma'enene. Hagi ana makara 29ni'a ranra kumatmi me'negeno, ne'onse kumazmia megagitere hu'ne.
33 In the lowe countrey were Eshtaol, and Zoreah, and Ashnah,
Hanki zage fre kazigama ne'onse agonaramimofo asoparegama me'nea kumataminena Juda naga'ma zami'neana, Estaolima, Zorama, Asnama,
34 And Zanoah, and En-gannim, Tappuah, and Enam,
Zanoama, En-Ganimima, Tapuama, Enamuma,
35 Iarmuth, and Adullam, Socoh, and Azekah,
Jarmutima, Adulamuma, Sokoma, Azekama,
36 And Sharaim, and Adithaim, and Gederah, and Gederothaim: fourteene cities with their villages.
Sa'araimima, Atithaimima, Gederama, Gederotaimima huno me'ne. Ana makara 14ni'a ranra kumatmi me'negeno, ne'onse kumazmia megagitere hu'ne.
37 Zenam, and Hadashah, and Migdal-gad,
Hagi mago kazigama metru hu'nea ranra kumatmimofo zamagi'a, Zenanima, Hadasama, Migdal-Gatima,
38 And Dileam, and Mizpeh, and Ioktheel,
Dileanima, Mizpama, Joktelima,
39 Lachish, and Bozkath, and Eglon,
Lakhisima, Bozkatima, Eklonima,
40 And Cabbon, and Lahmam, and Kithlish,
Kabonima, Lamamuma, Kitlisima,
41 And Gederoth, Beth-dagon, and Naamah, and Makkedah: sixteene cities with their villages.
Gederotima, Bet-Dagonima, Na'ama, Makeda kuma'enene. Hagi ana makara 16ni'a ranra kumatmi megeno, ne'onse kumazmia megagitere hu'ne.
42 Lebnah, and Ether, and Ashan,
Hagi mago kazigama metru hu'nea ranra kumatmimofo zamagi'a, Libnama, Etama, Asanima,
43 And Iipthtah, and Ashnah, and Nezib,
Iftama, Asnama, Nezibima,
44 And Keilah, and Aczib, and Mareshah: nine cities with their villages.
Keilama, Akzibima, Maresa kumaki huno megeno, ana makara 9ni'a ranra kumatmi me'negeno, ne'onse kumazmia megagitere hu'ne.
45 Ekron with her townes and her villages,
Hanki Ekroni ran kuma e'neri'za ne'onse kumazmima megagi'nea kuma'taminema Juda naga'mo'zama eri'nazana,
46 From Ekron, euen vnto the Sea, all that lyeth about Ashdod with their villages.
Ekroni rankuma e'neri'za, Asdoti rankuma'ene e'neriza, vu'za hagerinkenaregama me'nea neonse kumataminena eri'naze.
47 Ashdod with her townes and her villages: Azzah with her townes and her villages, vnto the riuer of Egypt, and the great Sea was their coast.
Asdotima me'nea ranra kuma'ene ne'onse kumatamine, Gaza rankuma'ene tvaoma'are'ma me'nea neonse kumatamima, fenkamu sauti kaziga Isipi mopama eme atretegema me'nea tinkagomute vigeno, Mediteterenia ra hageri ankenare ome atre'ne.
48 And in the mountaines were Shamir, and Iattir, and Socoh,
Hagi agonaramimpima me'nea kumatmina, Samirima, Jatirima, Sokoma,
49 And Dannah, and Kiriath-sannath (which is Debir)
Danama, Kiriat-Sana [mago agi'a Debirie].
50 And Anab, and Ashtemoth, and Anim,
Hagi Anabuma, Estemoma, Animima,
51 And Goshen, and Holon, and Giloh: eleuen cities with their villages,
Gosenima, Holonima, Giloma huno megeno ana makara 11ni'a ranra kumatmi me'negeno, ne'onse kumazmia megagitere hu'ne.
52 Arab, and Dumah, and Eshean,
Hanki mago kaziga metru hu'nea ranra kumatmimofo zamagi'a, Arabuma, Dumama, Esanima,
53 And Ianum, and Beth-tappuah, and Aphekah,
Janimima, Bet-tapuama, Afekama,
54 And Humtah, and Kiriath-arba, (which is Hebron) and Zior: nine cities with their villages.
Humtama, Kiriat-Arbama, (e'i menina Hebronie nehaze), Ziorima huno megeno, ana makara 9ni'a ranra kumatmi me'negeno ne'onse kumazmimo megagitere hu'ne.
55 Maon, Carmel, and Ziph, and Iuttah,
Hanki mago kaziga metru hu'nea ranra kumatmimofo zamagi'a, Maonima, Kamelima, Zifima, Juttama,
56 And Izreel, and Iokdeam, and Zanoah,
Jezrielima, Jokdeamuma, Zanoama,
57 Kain, Gibeah, and Timnah: ten cities with their villages.
Kainima, Gibeama, Timna kumaki huno megeno, ana makara 10ni'a ranra kumatmi me'negeno, ne'onse kumazmia megagitere hu'ne.
58 Halhul, Beth-zur, and Gedor,
Hanki mago kaziga metru hu'nea ranra kumatmimofo zamagi'a, Halhulima, Bet-Zurima, Gedorima,
59 And Maarah, and Beth-anoth, and Eltekon: sixe cities with their villages.
Ma'aratima, Bet-Anotima, Eltekonima huno megeno, ana makara 6si'a ranra kumatmi megeno, ne'onse kumazmia megagitere hu'ne.
60 Kiriath-baal, which is Kiriath-iearim, and Rabbah: two cities with their villages.
Hanki mago kaziga me'nea rankumatremokizni zanagi'a, Kiriat-Ba'aline, (mago agi'a Kiriat Jearimie), Raba kuma'ene me'nakeno, ne'onse kumatmimo'a megagitere hu'ne.
61 In the wildernes were Beth-arabah, Middin, and Secacah,
Hagi ka'ma mopama me'nefima me'nea kumatmimofo zamagi'a, Bet Arabama, Midinima, Sekakama,
62 And Nibshan, and the citie of salt, and Engedi: sixe cities with their villages.
Nibsaninma Hage rankuma'ma En-Gedi kumaki hu'za me'naze. Hagi ana makara 6si'a ranra kumatmi me'negeno, ne'onse kumazmia megagitere hu'ne.
63 Neuerthelesse, the Iebusites that were the inhabitants of Ierusalem, could not the children of Iudah cast out, but the Iebusites dwell with the children of Iudah at Ierusalem vnto this day.
Hianagi Jebusi vahe'ma Jerusalema ko'ma mani'naza vahera, Juda naga'mo'za zamahenati otre'za, zamatrazage'za zamagrane magopi Jerusalemi kumapi mani'za e'za meninena mani'naze.

< Joshua 15 >