< Joshua 11 >

1 And whe Iabin King of Hazor had heard this, then he sent to Iobab King of Madon, and to the king of Shimron, and to the king of Achshaph,
Kwasekusithi lapho uJabini inkosi yeHazori ekuzwa, wathumela kuJobabi inkosi yeMadoni, lenkosini yeShimironi, lenkosini yeAkishafi,
2 And vnto the Kings that were by ye North in the mountaines and plaines toward the Southside of Cinneroth, and in the valleys, and in the borders of Dor Westward,
lemakhosini ayengenyakatho ezintabeni, lemagcekeni, eningizimu kweKinerothi, lesihotsheni, lemaqaqeni eDori entshonalanga,
3 And vnto the Canaanites, both by East, and by West, and vnto the Amorites, and Hittites, and Perizzites, and Iebusites in the mountaines, and vnto the Hiuites vnder Hermon in the land of Mizpeh.
amaKhanani empumalanga lentshonalanga, lamaAmori lamaHethi lamaPerizi lamaJebusi entabeni, lamaHivi ngaphansi kweHermoni elizweni leMizipa.
4 And they came out and all their hostes with them, many people as the sande that is on the sea shore for multitude, with horses and charets exceeding many.
Asephuma, wona lawo wonke amabutho awo kanye lawo, abantu abanengi, njengetshebetshebe elisekhunjini lolwandle ngobunengi, lamabhiza lenqola okunengi kakhulu.
5 So all these Kings met together, and came and pitched together at the waters of Merom, for to fight against Israel.
Wonke lamakhosi asehlangana, eza amisa inkamba ndawonye emanzini eMeroma, ukulwa emelene loIsrayeli.
6 Then the Lord sayd vnto Ioshua, Be not afrayd for them: for to morowe about this time will I deliuer them all slaine before Israel: thou shalt hough their horses, and burne their charets with fire.
INkosi yasisithi kuJoshuwa: Ungesabi ngenxa yabo, ngoba kusasa phose ngalesisikhathi ngizawanikela wonke esebulewe phambi kukaIsrayeli; uzaquma imisipha yamabhiza awo, utshise inqola zawo ngomlilo.
7 Then came Ioshua and al the men of warre with him against them by the waters of Merom suddenly, and fell vpon them.
UJoshuwa wasesiza, labo bonke abantu bempi kanye laye, bemelene lawo emanzini eMeroma bawajuma, bawadumela.
8 And the Lord gaue them into the hand of Israel: and they smote them, and chased them vnto great Zidon, and vnto Misrephothmaim, and vnto the valley of Mizpeh Eastward, and smote them vntill they had none remaining of them.
INkosi yasiwanikela esandleni sikaIsrayeli, owawatshaya waxotshana lawo kwaze kwaba seSidoni enkulu, kwaze kwaba seMisirefothi-Mayimi, kwaze kwaba sesihotsheni seMizipa empumalanga. Bawatshaya, kabaze batshiya insali kubo.
9 And Ioshua did vnto them as the Lord bade him: he houghed their horses, and burnt their charets with fire.
UJoshuwa wasesenza kiwo njengokutsho kweNkosi kuye; waquma imisipha yamabhiza awo, watshisa inqola zawo ngomlilo.
10 At that time also Ioshua turned backe, and tooke Hazor, and smote the King thereof with the sword: for Hazor before time was the head of all those kingdomes.
UJoshuwa wasebuya ngalesosikhathi, wathumba iHazori, watshaya inkosi yayo ngenkemba. Ngoba kuqala iHazori yayiyinhloko yayo yonke leyomibuso.
11 Moreouer, they smote all the persons that were therein with the edge of the sworde, vtterly destroying all, leauing none aliue, and hee burnt Hazor with fire.
Batshaya yonke imiphefumulo eyayikiyo ngobukhali benkemba, bayitshabalalisa; kakusalanga lokukodwa okuphefumulayo; wasetshisa iHazori ngomlilo.
12 So all ye cities of those Kings, and all the kings of them did Ioshua take, and smote them with the edge of the sword, and vtterly destroyed them, as Moses the seruant of the Lord had commanded.
Yonke-ke imizi yalawomakhosi lamakhosi ayo wonke uJoshuwa wakuthumba, wakutshaya ngobukhali benkemba, wakutshabalalisa, njengokulaya kukaMozisi inceku yeNkosi.
13 But Israel burnt none of the cities that stoode still in their strength, saue Hazor onely, that Ioshua burnt.
Kuphela imizi yonke eyayimi emadundulwini ayo uIsrayeli kayitshisanga, ngaphandle kweHazori kuphela uJoshuwa ayitshisayo.
14 And all the spoyle of these cities and the cattel the children of Israel tooke for their praye, but they smote euery man with the edge of the sword vntill they had destroyed them, not leauing one aliue.
Layo yonke impango yalimizi lezifuyo abantwana bakoIsrayeli baziphangela. Kuphela bonke abantu babatshaya ngobukhali benkemba baze babachitha; kabatshiyanga loyedwa ophefumulayo.
15 As the Lord had commanded Moses his seruant, so did Moses commande Ioshua, and so did Ioshua: he left nothing vndone of all that the Lord had commanded Moses.
Njengalokhu iNkosi yayimlayile uMozisi inceku yayo, ngokunjalo uMozisi wamlaya uJoshuwa, langokunjalo uJoshuwa wakwenza; kasusanga lutho kukho konke iNkosi eyakulaya uMozisi.
16 So Ioshua tooke all this land of the mountaines, and all the South, and all the lande of Goshen, and the lowe countrey, and the plaine, and the mountaine of Israel, and the lowe countrey of the same,
Ngakho uJoshuwa walithatha lelolizwe lonke, izintaba, leningizimu yonke, lelizwe lonke leGosheni, lesihotsha, lamagceke, lentaba zakoIsrayeli, lesigodi sakhe,
17 From the mount Halak, that goeth vp to Seir, euen vnto Baal-gad in the valley of Lebanon, vnder mount Hermon: and all their Kings he tooke, and smote them, and slewe them.
kusukela entabeni yeHalaki eyenyukela eSeyiri, kuze kube seBhali-Gadi esihotsheni seLebhanoni ngaphansi kwentaba yeHermoni. Wawathumba wonke amakhosi abo, wawatshaya wawabulala.
18 Ioshua made warre long time with all those Kings,
UJoshuwa wayilwa-ke impi insuku ezinengi lawo wonke lawomakhosi.
19 Neither was there any citie that made peace with the children of Israel, saue those Hiuites that inhabited Gibeon: all other they tooke by battell.
Kakubanga lamuzi owenza ukuthula labantwana bakoIsrayeli ngaphandle kwamaHivi abahlali beGibeyoni; bayithatha yonke ngempi.
20 For it came of the Lord, to harden their heartes that they shoulde come against Israel in battell to the intent that they shoulde destroye them vtterly, and shewe them no mercie, but that they shoulde bring them to nought: as the Lord had commanded Moses.
Ngoba kwakuvela eNkosini ukwenza lukhuni inhliziyo zabo ukuze bahlangabezane loIsrayeli empini, ukuze abatshabalalise, ukuze bangazuzi umusa, kodwa ukuze ababhubhise, njengokulaya kweNkosi kuMozisi.
21 And that same season came Ioshua, and destroyed the Anakims out of the mountaines: as out of Hebron, out of Debir, out of Anab, and out of all the mountaines of Iudah, and out of all the mountaines of Israel: Ioshua destroyed them vtterly with their cities.
UJoshuwa wasesiza ngalesosikhathi, waquma amaAnaki asuke ezintabeni, eHebroni, eDebiri, eAnabi, lentabeni zonke zakoJuda, lakuzo zonke intaba zakoIsrayeli; uJoshuwa wawatshabalalisa lemizi yawo.
22 There was no Anakim left in the lande of the children of Israel: onely in Azzah, in Gath, and in Ashdod were they left.
Kakusalanga amaAnaki elizweni labantwana bakoIsrayeli; kuphela eGaza, eGathi, leAshidodi, asala.
23 So Ioshua tooke the whole land, according to all that the Lord had saide vnto Moses: and Ioshua gaue it for an inheritance vnto Israel according to their portion through their tribes: then the land was at rest without warre.
UJoshuwa wasethatha ilizwe lonke njengakho konke iNkosi eyakukhuluma kuMozisi. UJoshuwa waselinika laba yilifa kuIsrayeli, njengokwehlukaniswa kwabo ngezizwe zabo. Ilizwe laseliphumula empini.

< Joshua 11 >