< John 1 >

1 In the beginning was that Word, and that Word was with God, and that Word was God.
Aphutna taka han chong alei oma; ma chong ha Pathien kôm aoma, Chong ha ke Pathien ani.
2 This same was in the beginning with God.
Aphutna tak renga han chong hah Pathien kôm ke aom ani.
3 All things were made by it, and without it was made nothing that was made.
Neinunngei murdi Pathien sin riempet an nia, ama sin loi neinun inkhat luo omak.
4 In it was life, and that life was the light of men.
Ma Chong ha ke ringna bulpui ani, male ma ringna hah munisi ngei minvârpu ani.
5 And that light shineth in the darkenesse, and the darkenesse comprehended it not.
Ma vâr han ijîng a êlminvâra, ijîng han lei khap thei mak.
6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was Iohn.
Pathien'n a thangtheipu inkhat a juong tîra, a riming chu John ani,
7 This same came for a witnesse, to beare witnesse of that light, that all men through him might beleeue.
ha mi han vâr thurchi mingei min riet ranga juong ani, ama sikin mitinin an iem theina rangin.
8 He was not that light, but was sent to beare witnesse of that light.
Ama hah vâr chu nimaka; vâr thurchi mingei min riet ranga juong ani.
9 This was that true light, which lighteth euery man that commeth into the world.
Mahi vâr diktak chu ani; rammuola a juonga mingei murdi minvârpu hi.
10 He was in the world, and the worlde was made by him: and the worlde knewe him not.
Chong hah rammuola aoma, male Pathien'n Chong mangin rammuol ha sin khomsenla, rammuolin lei riet thei maka.
11 He came vnto his owne, and his owne receiued him not.
A mingei nanâk kôm a juonga, aniatachu a mingeiin lei modôm mak ngei.
12 But as many as receiued him, to them he gaue prerogatiue to be the sonnes of God, euen to them that beleeue in his Name.
Hankhoma ama modôm ngei kai le ama iem ngei chu Pathien nâi nina a pêk ngei zoi.
13 Which are borne not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of ye wil of man, but of God.
Ha mingei hah chu thisena inzir nimak ngeia, taksa nuomlama ânzir khom nimak ngeia, munisi ngei pa nuomlama ânzir khom ni uol mak ngei; Pathien ha kêng an Pa ani.
14 And that Word was made flesh, and dwelt among vs, (and we sawe the glorie thereof, as the glorie of the onely begotten Sonne of the Father) full of grace and trueth.
Hanchu, Chong hah munisi juong changin, moroina le chongtaka sipin ei lâia a juong om zoi. A roiinpuina ei mua, Pathien Nâikhât roiinpuina a man hah.
15 Iohn bare witnesse of him, and cryed, saying, This was he of whom I said, He that commeth after me, was before me: for he was better then I.
John'n a chungroi a misîra, ân ieka, Hi mi thurchi hih ki misîr ani, “Ku nûka juong rangpu hi keima nêka lien uol ani, kên zir mâna a lei om sai ani sikin,” a tia.
16 And of his fulnesse haue all we receiued, and grace for grace.
A lungkham satvurna akipin ei rêngin ei changa, moroina chunga moroi nôkna.
17 For the Lawe was giuen by Moses, but grace, and trueth came by Iesus Christ.
Pathien'n Balam chongpêk Moses a pêka, aniatachu moroina le chongtak chu Jisua Khrista sikin ahong om ani.
18 No man hath seene God at any time: that onely begotten Sonne, which is in the bosome of the Father, he hath declared him.
Tutên Pathien la mu mak ngeia. A Nâikhât vai, Pathien ân angpui le Pa tienga om ngêt han, a thurchi a min riet zoi.
19 Then this is the record of Iohn, when the Iewes sent Priestes and Leuites from Hierusalem, to aske him, Who art thou?
Jerusalema Juda rachamneipungei han, “John, hah tumo ani?” ti rekel rangin ochaingei le Levi richisuonpârngei an tîra.
20 And he confessed and denied not, and said plainely, I am not that Christ.
John'n ânthârtakin, “Messiah chu ni mu-ung” a lei tipe ngeia.
21 And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he said, I am not. Art thou that Prophet? And he answered, No.
“Nônte, Tumo ni ni? Elijah mo ni ni?” tiin an rekela. “Ni mu-ung,” tiin a thuon ngeia. “Dêipu mo ni ni?” tiin an rekela. “Ni mu-ung,” tiin a thuona.
22 Then said they vnto him, Who art thou, that we may giue an answere to them that sent vs? What sayest thou of thy selfe?
“Nônte tumo ni ni? mi hongtîr ngei chong kin mele theina rangin mi ril roh. Nu thurchi hi i angin mo ni ti?” an tia.
23 He said, I am the voyce of him that cryeth in the wildernesse, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the Prophet Esaias.
John'n dêipu Isaiah chong mangin a thuona: “Keima hi ramchâra mi inkhat tânghâipu ha ki ni: Pumapa lônna rang lampui mintûn roi!”
24 Nowe they which were sent, were of the Pharises.
Ma thangtheipungei, Phariseengei hongtîr ngei han John an rekel nôka,
25 And they asked him, and saide vnto him, Why baptizest thou then, if thou be not that Christ, neither Elias, nor that Prophet?
hanchu “Messiah ni ni noa, Elijah mo, Dêipu mo luo ni ni nônte ithomo mi na baptis ngâia?” tiin an rekela.
26 Iohn answered them, saying, I baptize with water: but there is one among you, whom ye knowe not.
John'n a thuona, “Keiman chu tui leh ka baptis'a, hannirese nin lâia hin nin riet loi mi inkhat ânding chiena.
27 He it is that commeth after me, which was before me, whose shoe latchet I am not worthie to vnloose.
Ama hah ku nûka a juong rang ania, kei chu a kekokrûi sût rang luon inhoi mu-ung,” a tia.
28 These things were done in Bethabara beyond Iordan, where Iohn did baptize.
Mangei hah Bethany khuo nisuo tieng Jordan tuidung râla, John'n a baptisna ngâi muna atung ani.
29 The next day Iohn, seeth Iesus comming vnto him, and saith, Beholde that Lambe of God, which taketh away the sinne of the world.
Anangtûka chu John'n Jisua a kôm hongin a mua male, “En ta u, Pathien Belrite rammuol sietna pêl rangpu soh,” a tia.
30 This is he of whom I saide, After me commeth a man, which was before me: for he was better then I.
Hi mi chungroi hih ani, “Mi ku nûka a juong a oma, aniatachu keima nêka lien uol ani, keima kên zir mâna a omsai ani sikin, ki ti hah.
31 And I knewe him not: but because he should be declared to Israel, therefore am I come, baptizing with water.
Tumo ani rang riet mu-ung, nikhomsenla, Israel mingei min riet rangin tuia baptis rangin ku juong ani.”
32 So Iohn bare recorde, saying, I behelde that Spirit come downe from heauen, like a doue, and it abode vpon him,
Male John'n hi thurchi hih a misîra: “Ratha hah invân renga juong chumin vasu angin a chunga a juong chum ku mu.
33 And I knewe him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, he saide vnto me, Vpon whom thou shalt see that Spirit come downe, and tary still on him, that is he which baptizeth with the holy Ghost.
Atûntena keiman chu la riet thei mu-ung, nikhomrese tuia mi baptis ranga mi tîrpu Pathien'n, Ratha hah invân renga juong chumin mi inkhat chunga chuongin mini mûng na ta; ama hih Ratha Inthienga leh mi baptis rangpu ha ani.”
34 And I sawe, and bare record that this is that Sonne of God.
John'n, “Ama hah ku mu zoi, Nangni ki ril, ama hah Pathien Nâipasal ani,” a tia.
35 The next day, Iohn stoode againe, and two of his disciples.
Anangtûka chu mahan John ha a ruoisi inik ngei lehan ânding nôka,
36 And he behelde Iesus walking by, and said, Beholde that Lambe of God.
Jisua lôn lâitak a mu lehan. “En ta u, Pathien Belrite soh!” a tia.
37 And the two disciples heard him speake, and followed Iesus.
Ma ruoisi inik ngei han a thurchi misîr an rieta Jisua leh an se kelena.
38 Then Iesus turned about, and saw them follow, and saide vnto them, What seeke ye? And they saide vnto him, Rabbi (which is to say by interpretation, Master) where dwellest thou?
Jisua ân heia, an hongjûi a mûn chu an kôm, “Khoimo nin rok?” a tipe ngeia. Anni han, “Rabbi, khonmo no om ngâi,” tiin an thuona. (Rabbi ti chu “Minchupu” tina ani).
39 He saide vnto them, Come, and see. They came and sawe where hee dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth houre.
Ama han, “Hong ungla en roi,” tiin a thuona. (ma zora ha chonûktieng dâr minli inring dôr ani.) Masuole chu an jûia a omna an mua, male mani sûna zora kai chu ama leh an mang minhek zoi.
40 Andrew, Simon Peters brother, was one of the two which had heard it of Iohn, and that followed him.
An lâia inkhat ha chu Andrew, Simon Peter lâibungpa ani.
41 The same founde his brother Simon first, and said vnto him, We haue founde that Messias, which is by interpretation, that Christ.
Ama han a upa Simon a mu kelena a kôm, “Messiah hah kin mu zoi,” a tia. (hi chongbâi aomtie chu “Khrista” tina ani.)
42 And he brought him to Iesus. And Iesus behelde him, and saide, Thou art Simon the sonne of Iona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, a stone.
Hanchu ama'n Simon hah Jisua kôm a tuonga. Jisua'n Simon hah a lei ena, “Ni riming chu Simon, John nâipasal ni ni, hannirese Kephas, tiin nang koi an ti zoi,” a tia. (Ma hih Peter tina leh munkhat ania, aomtie chu “lungpui” tina ani.)
43 The day following, Iesus woulde goe into Galile, and founde Philip, and said vnto him, Followe me.
Anangtûka chu Jisua Galileea se rangin a masata, Philip a mua, “Ni jûi roh a tipea!”
44 Nowe Philip was of Bethsaida, the citie of Andrew and Peter.
(Philip ha Andrew le Peter omna khopui Bethsaida mi ani.)
45 Philippe founde Nathanael, and saide vnto him, Wee haue founde him of whom Moses did write in the Lawe, and the Prophetes, Iesus that sonne of Ioseph, that was of Nazareth.
Philip han Nathanael a mua a kôm, “A thurchi Moses'n Balam lekhabua a lei miziek le dêipungei khomin an miziek Joseph nâipasal Nazareth Jisua hah kin mu zoi,” tiin a rila.
46 Then Nathanael sayde vnto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saide to him, Come, and see.
Nathanael'n a kôm, “Nazareth taka neinun sa asuok thei mini?” tiin a rekela. Philip'n a kôm, “Hongin la, en roh,” tiin a thuona.
47 Iesus sawe Nathanael comming to him, and saide of him, Beholde in deede an Israelite, in whom is no guile.
Jisua'n Nathanael a kôma hong a mua, a chungroi a misîra, “Ama hi Israel mi diktak; dikloina reng dôn loi ani!” a tia.
48 Nathanael sayde vnto him, Whence knewest thou mee? Iesus answered, and sayd vnto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast vnder the figge tree, I sawe thee.
Nathanael'n, “Kho angin mo mi ni riet?” tiin a rekela. Jisua'n a kôm, “Philip'n nang a koi mân theichang kung nuoia no om lâihan nang ku mu zoi,” tiin a thuona.
49 Nathanael answered, and saide vnto him, Rabbi, thou art that Sonne of God: thou art that King of Israel.
Nathanael'n a kôm, “Minchupu,” “Pathien Nâipasal ni ni! Israelngei Rêngpa ni ni!” tiin a thuona.
50 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto him, Because I sayde vnto thee, I sawe thee vnder the figtree, beleeuest thou? thou shalt see greater things then these.
Jisua'n a tia, “Theichang kung nuoia no om lâia nang ku mu kêng ani zoi nang ki ti sikin ni iem mini? Hi nêka neinun roiinpui uol ok la mûng ni tih!” a tipea.
51 And he saide vnto him, Verely, verely I say vnto you, hereafter shall yee see heauen open, and the Angels of God ascending, and descending vpon that Sonne of man.
Male Jisua'n an kôm, “Chongtak nangni ki ril: invân ajuon onga, Miriem Nâipasal chunga vântîrtonngei an juong chum le an kal, la mûng nin tih,” a tia.

< John 1 >