< Joel 3 >

1 For beholde, in those dayes and in that time, when I shall bring againe the captiuitie of Iudah and Ierusalem,
Seyè a di ankò: -Lè sa a, jou sa yo, m'a fè peyi Jida a ak lavil Jerizalèm kanpe ankò.
2 I will also gather all nations, and wil bring them downe into the valley of Iehoshaphat, and will pleade with them there for my people, and for mine heritage Israel, whom they haue scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
Apre sa, m'a sanble tout nasyon yo. M'a fè yo desann nan Fon Jijman Bondye a. Se la mwen pral jije yo pou tou sa yo fè Izrayèl, pèp mwen an, moun pa m' yo. Paske, se yo ki te gaye moun pèp Izrayèl yo nan mitan lòt nasyon yo. Lèfini, yo te separe peyi mwen an.
3 And they haue cast lottes for my people, and haue giuen the childe for the harlot, and sold the girle for wine, that they might drinke.
Yo te tire osò pou konnen pou ki moun prizonye yo ap ye. Yo te vann ti gason yo pou yo te ka gen lajan pou al nan jennès. Yo te vann tifi yo pou yo te ka gen lajan pou achte bweson, Lèfini, yo bwè jouk yo sou.
4 Yea, and what haue you to do with me, O Tyrus and Zidon and all the costes of Palestina? will ye render me a recompence? and if ye recompence mee, swiftly and speedily will I render your recompence vpon your head:
Nou menm moun lavil Tir ak moun lavil Sidon, sa n'ap chache fè m' konsa? Nou menm tou ki rete nan tout zòn peyi Filisti a, se chache n'ap chache fè m' peye pou sa m' te fè nou? Si nou vle tire revanj nou sou mwen, enben, anvan nou bat je nou, m'ap fè nou peye sa.
5 For ye haue taken my siluer and my golde, and haue caried into your temples my goodly and pleasant things.
Nou te pran tout ajan ak tout lò mwen yo, nou pote tout bèl gwo richès mwen yo ale nan tanp nou yo.
6 The children also of Iudah and the children of Ierusalem haue you solde vnto the Grecians, that ye might send them farre from their border.
Nou pran moun peyi Jida yo ak moun lavil Jerizalèm yo, nou mennen yo byen lwen peyi yo: n' al vann yo bay moun peyi Lagrès.
7 Beholde, I will rayse them out of the place where ye haue sold them, and will render your reward vpon your owne head,
Koulye a, mwen pral fè yo soti kote nou te vann yo a. Mwen pral fè nou sa nou te fè yo a.
8 And I will send your sonnes and your daughters into the hande of the children of Iudah, and they shall sell them to the Sabeans, to a people farre off: for the Lord hath spoken it.
Mwen pral vann pitit gason ak pitit fi nou yo. Mwen pral lage yo nan men moun Jida yo. Yo menm, yo pral vann yo bay sabeyen yo ki rete nan yon peyi byen lwen. Se mwen menm, Seyè a, ki di sa.
9 Publish this among the Gentiles: prepare warre, wake vp the mightie men: let all the men of warre drawe neere and come vp.
Mache fè piblikasyon sa a nan mitan tout nasyon yo! Pare nou pou n' al fè lagè pou Bondye! Rele tout vanyan gason yo! Sanble tout sòlda yo! Fè yo mache pran yo!
10 Breake your plowshares into swords, and your sithes into speares: let the weake say, I am strong.
Pran lam fè ki nan chari nou yo fè nepe. Pran kouto digo nou yo, fè fwenn ak yo. Menm moun ki pi fèb yo pral di yo vanyan gason.
11 Assemble your selues, and come all yee heathen and gather your selues together round about: there shall the Lord cast downe the mightie men.
Nou menm, tout nasyon ki sou lizyè fwontyè peyi a, prese non! Kouri vini! Sanble nan fon an! Seyè, voye vanyan sòlda ou yo al atake yo!
12 Let the heathen be wakened, and come vp to the valley of Iehoshaphat: for there will I sit to iudge all the heathen round about.
Se pou tout nasyon ki sou lizyè fwontyè peyi a sanble tout lame yo pou yo vini nan Fon Jijman an, paske se la mwen pral chita pou m' jije tout nasyon ki sou lizyè fwontyè peyi a.
13 Put in your sithes, for the haruest is ripe: come, get you downe, for the winepresse is full: yea, the winepresses runne ouer, for their wickednesse is great.
Moun sa yo twò mechan. Koupe tèt yo tankou lè n'ap ranmase rekòt ki mi. Kraze yo anba pye nou tankou lè n'ap kraze rezen nan basen pou fè diven. Barik ji rezen yo plen ap debòde.
14 O multitude, O multitude, come into the valley of threshing: for the day of the Lord is neere in the valley of threshing.
Foul moun sou foul moun nan Fon Jijman an! Paske jou Seyè a pa lwen rive nan Fon Jijman an.
15 The sunne and moone shalbe darkened, and the starres shall withdrawe their light.
Solèy la ak lalin lan vin tou nwa. Zetwal yo pa klere nan syèl la.
16 The Lord also shall roare out of Zion, and vtter his voyce from Ierusalem, and the heauens and the earth shall shake, but the Lord wil be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel.
Seyè a rete sou mòn Siyon, l'ap gwonde. Li rete lavil Jerizalèm, l'ap pale byen fò. Syèl la ak latè a ap tranble. Men, se Seyè a k'ap pwoteje pèp li a. Se li k'ap pran defans moun Izrayèl yo.
17 So shall ye know that I am the Lord your God dwelling in Zion, mine holy Mountaine: then shall Ierusalem bee holy, and there shall no strangers go thorowe her any more.
Lè sa a, n'a konnen se mwen menm ki Seyè a, Bondye nou an. Mwen rete sou mòn Siyon, mòn yo mete apa pou mwen an. Jerizalèm va yon lavil apa pou Bondye. Moun lòt nasyon yo p'ap ka pran l' pou yo ankò.
18 And in that day shall the mountaines drop downe newe wine, and the hilles shall flowe with milke, and al the riuers of Iudah shall runne with waters, and a fountaine shall come forth of the House of the Lord, and shall water the valley of Shittim.
Jou sa a, mòn yo pral kouvri ak jaden rezen. Bèf pral sou tout ti mòn yo. Va gen kont dlo nan larivyè peyi Jida yo. Yon sous dlo pral koule soti nan kay Seyè a. Li pral wouze bafon zakasya yo.
19 Egypt shalbe waste, and Edom shall be a desolate wildernesse, for the iniuries of the childre of Iudah, because they haue shed innocent blood in their land.
Peyi Lejip pral tounen yon savann dezole. Peyi Edon pral tounen yon dezè. Paske, yo te fè moun peyi Jida yo mechanste, yo te touye yon bann inonsan nan peyi yo.
20 But Iudah shall dwell for euer, and Ierusalem from generation to generation.
-(we vèsè pwochen)
21 For I will clense their blood, that I haue not clensed, and the Lord will dwell in Zion.
Men, m'a pran revanj moun yo te touye yo. Mwen p'ap fè pa moun ki koupab yo. Men, va gen moun rete nan peyi Jida a ak nan lavil Jerizalèm pou tout tan. Epitou, mwen menm, Seyè a, m'a fè mòn Siyon an tounen kay mwen ankò.

< Joel 3 >