< Job 9 >

1 Then Iob answered, and sayd,
Jobu sì dáhùn ó sì wí pé,
2 I knowe verily that it is so: for howe should man compared vnto God, be iustified?
“Èmi mọ̀ pe bẹ́ẹ̀ ni ní òtítọ́. Báwo ní ènìyàn yóò ha ti ṣe jẹ́ aláre níwájú Ọlọ́run?
3 If I would dispute with him, hee could not answere him one thing of a thousand.
Bí ó bá ṣe pé yóò bá a jà, òun kì yóò lè dalóhùn kan nínú ẹgbẹ̀rún ọ̀rọ̀.
4 He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength: who hath bene fierce against him and hath prospered?
Ọlọ́gbọ́n nínú àwọn alágbára ní ipa ní Òun. Ta ni ó ṣe agídí sí i tí ó sì gbé fún rí?
5 He remoueth the mountaines, and they feele not when he ouerthroweth them in his wrath.
Ẹni tí ó sí òkè nídìí tí wọn kò sì mọ́: tí ó taari wọn ṣubú ní ìbínú rẹ̀.
6 Hee remooueth the earth out of her place, that the pillars thereof doe shake.
Tí ó mi ilẹ̀ ayé tìtì kúrò ní ipò rẹ̀, ọwọ̀n rẹ̀ sì mì tìtì.
7 He commandeth the sunne, and it riseth not: hee closeth vp the starres, as vnder a signet.
Ó pàṣẹ fún oòrùn kò sì le è ràn, kí ó sì dí ìmọ́lẹ̀ ìràwọ̀ mọ́.
8 Hee himselfe alone spreadeth out the heauens, and walketh vpon the height of the sea.
Òun nìkan ṣoṣo ni ó ta ojú ọ̀run, ti ó sì ń rìn lórí ìgbì Òkun.
9 He maketh the starres Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the climates of the South.
Ẹni tí ó dá ìràwọ̀ Beari àti Orioni, Pleiadesi àti ìràwọ̀ púpọ̀ ti gúúsù.
10 He doeth great things, and vnsearcheable: yea, marueilous things without nomber.
Ẹni tí ń ṣe ohun tí ó tóbi jù àwárí lọ, àní ohun ìyanu láìní iye.
11 Lo, when he goeth by me, I see him not: and when he passeth by, I perceiue him not.
Kíyèsi i, ó ń kọjá lọ ní ẹ̀bá ọ̀dọ̀ mi, èmi kò sì rí i, ó sì kọjá síwájú, bẹ́ẹ̀ ni èmi kò rí ojú rẹ̀.
12 Behold, when he taketh a pray, who can make him to restore it? who shall say vnto him, What doest thou?
Kíyèsi i, ó já a gbà lọ, ta ni ó lè fà á padà? Ta ni yóò bi í pé kí ni ìwọ ń ṣe nì?
13 God will not withdrawe his anger, and the most mightie helpes doe stoupe vnder him.
Ọlọ́run kò ní fa ìbínú rẹ̀ sẹ́yìn, àwọn onírànlọ́wọ́ ti Rahabu a sì tẹríba lábẹ́ rẹ̀.
14 Howe much lesse shall I answere him? or howe should I finde out my words with him?
“Kí ní ṣe tí èmi ti n o fi ba ṣàròyé? Tí èmi yóò fi ma ṣe àwáwí?
15 For though I were iust, yet could I not answere, but I would make supplication to my Iudge.
Bí ó tilẹ̀ ṣe pé mo ṣe aláìlẹ́bi, èmi kò gbọdọ̀ dá a lóhùn; ṣùgbọ́n èmi ó gbàdúrà fún àánú.
16 If I cry, and he answere me, yet woulde I not beleeue, that he heard my voyce.
Bí èmi bá sì ké pè é, tí Òun sì dá mi lóhùn, èmi kì yóò sì gbàgbọ́ pé, Òun ti fetí sí ohùn mi.
17 For he destroyeth mee with a tempest, and woundeth me without cause.
Nítorí pé òun yóò lọ̀ mí lúúlúú pẹ̀lú ìjì ńlá, ó sọ ọgbẹ́ mi di púpọ̀ láìnídìí.
18 He wil not suffer me to take my breath, but filleth me with bitternesse.
Òun kì yóò jẹ́ kí èmi kí ó rí ẹ̀mí mi, ṣùgbọ́n ó mú ohun kíkorò kún un fún mi.
19 If we speake of strength, behold, he is strog: if we speake of iudgement, who shall bring me in to pleade?
Bí mo bá sọ ti agbára, wò ó! Alágbára ni, tàbí ní ti ìdájọ́, ta ni yóò dá àkókò fún mi láti rò?
20 If I woulde iustifie my selfe, mine owne mouth shall condemne mee: if I would be perfite, he shall iudge me wicked.
Bí mo tilẹ̀ dá ara mi láre, ẹnu ara mi yóò dá mi lẹ́bi; bí mo wí pé olódodo ni èmi yóò sì fi mí hàn ní ẹni ẹ̀bi.
21 Though I were perfite, yet I knowe not my soule: therefore abhorre I my life.
“Olóòótọ́ ni mo ṣe, síbẹ̀ èmi kò kíyèsi ara mi, ayé mi ní èmi ìbá máa gàn.
22 This is one point: therefore I said, Hee destroyeth the perfite and the wicked.
Ohùn kan náà ni, nítorí náà ni èmi ṣe sọ: ‘Òun a pa ẹni òtítọ́ àti ènìyàn búburú pẹ̀lú.’
23 If the scourge should suddenly slay, should God laugh at the punishment of the innocent?
Bí ìjàǹbá bá pa ni lójijì, yóò rẹ́rìn-ín nínú ìdààmú aláìṣẹ̀.
24 The earth is giuen into the hand of ye wicked: he couereth the faces of the iudges therof: if not, where is he? or who is he?
Nígbà tí a bá fi ayé lé ọwọ́ ènìyàn búburú; ó sì bo àwọn onídàájọ́ rẹ̀ lójú; bí kò bá rí bẹ́ẹ̀ ǹjẹ́ ta ni?
25 My dayes haue bene more swift then a post: they haue fled, and haue seene no good thing.
“Ǹjẹ́ nísinsin yìí ọjọ́ mi yára ju oníṣẹ́ lọ, wọ́n fò lọ, wọn kò rí ayọ̀.
26 They are passed as with the most swift ships, and as the eagle that flyeth to the pray.
Wọ́n kọjá lọ bí ọkọ̀ eèsún papirusi tí ń sáré lọ; bí idì tí ń yára si ohùn ọdẹ.
27 If I say, I wil forget my complaynt, I will cease from my wrath, and comfort mee,
Bí èmi bá wí pé, ‘Èmi ó gbàgbé arò ìbìnújẹ́ mi, èmi ó fi ọkàn lélẹ̀, èmi ó sì rẹ ara mi lẹ́kún.’
28 Then I am afrayd of all my sorowes, knowing that thou wilt not iudge me innocent.
Ẹ̀rù ìbànújẹ́ mi gbogbo bà mí, èmi mọ̀ pé ìwọ kì yóò mú mi bí aláìṣẹ̀.
29 If I be wicked, why labour I thus in vaine?
Bí ó bá ṣe pé ènìyàn búburú ni èmi, ǹjẹ́ kí ni èmi ń ṣe làálàá lásán sí?
30 If I wash my selfe with snowe water, and purge mine hands most cleane,
Bí mo tilẹ̀ fi ọṣẹ dídì wẹ ara mi, tí mo fi omi aró wẹ ọwọ́ mi mọ́,
31 Yet shalt thou plunge mee in the pit, and mine owne clothes shall make me filthie.
síbẹ̀ ìwọ ó gbé mi wọ inú ihò ọ̀gọ̀dọ̀ aṣọ ara mi yóò sọ mi di ìríra.
32 For he is not a man as I am, that I shoulde answere him, if we come together to iudgement.
“Nítorí Òun kì í ṣe ènìyàn bí èmi, tí èmi ó fi dá a lóhùn tí àwa o fi pàdé ní ìdájọ́.
33 Neyther is there any vmpire that might lay his hand vpon vs both.
Bẹ́ẹ̀ ni kò sí alátúnṣe kan ní agbede-méjì wa tí ìbá fi ọwọ́ rẹ̀ lé àwa méjèèjì lára.
34 Let him take his rod away from me, and let not his feare astonish me:
Kí ẹnìkan sá à mú ọ̀pá Ọlọ́run kúrò lára mi, kí ìbẹ̀rù rẹ̀ kí ó má sì ṣe dáyà fò mí.
35 Then will I speake, and feare him not: but because I am not so, I holde me still.
Nígbà náà ni èmi ìbá sọ̀rọ̀, èmi kì bá sì bẹ̀rù rẹ̀; ṣùgbọ́n bí ó tí dúró tì mí, kò ri bẹ́ẹ̀ fún mi.

< Job 9 >