< Job 4 >

1 Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered, and sayde,
Elifaz, moun Teman an, pran lapawòl, li di konsa:
2 If we assay to commune with thee, wilt thou be grieued? but who can withholde himselfe from speaking?
-Jòb, si m' pale avè ou, ou p'ap fache, vye frè? Mwen pa ka pa pale.
3 Behold, thou hast taught many, and hast strengthened the wearie hands.
Yon lè, se ou ki te konn moutre moun anpil bagay, se ou ki te konn bay moun fòs lè yo fèb.
4 Thy wordes haue confirmed him that was falling, and thou hast strengthened the weake knees.
Pawòl nan bouch ou te yon ankourajman pou moun ki te dekouraje. Ou te ede yo kanpe sou de pye yo ankò.
5 But now it is come vpon thee, and thou art grieued: it toucheth thee, and thou art troubled.
Koulye a, paske se tou pa ou, ou pèdi tèt ou. Malè tonbe sou ou, w'ap depale.
6 Is not this thy feare, thy confidence, thy pacience, and the vprightnesse of thy wayes?
W'ap sèvi Bondye, ou fèt pou genyen l' konfyans. Ou mennen bak ou byen, ou pa fèt pou dekouraje.
7 Remember, I pray thee: who euer perished, being an innocent? or where were the vpright destroyed?
Repase tèt ou byen. Ou janm konnen yon inonsan ki mouri mal? Ou janm wè yo touye yon moun ki mache dwat?
8 As I haue seene, they that plow iniquitie, and sowe wickednesse, reape the same.
M'ap di sa m' wè ak je m': Moun ki kouve mechanste nan kè yo epi k'ap mache bay moun lapenn, se mechanste ak lapenn yo rekòlte.
9 With the blast of God they perish, and with the breath of his nostrels are they cosumed.
Lè Bondye fache, li soufle sou yo, yo mouri. Lè van tanpèt Bondye a leve, yo disparèt.
10 The roaring of the Lion, and the voyce of the Lionesse, and the teeth of the Lions whelpes are broken.
Mechan yo rele kou lyon, yo gwonde kou bèt sovaj. Men, Bondye fèmen bouch yo, li kase dan nan bouch yo.
11 The Lyon perisheth for lacke of pray, and the Lyons whelpes are scattered abroade.
Yo mouri tankou lyon ki pa jwenn bèt pou yo manje. Tout pitit yo gaye nan bwa.
12 But a thing was brought to me secretly, and mine eare hath receiued a litle thereof.
Yon lè, mwen tande Bondye t'ap pale tou dousman nan zòrèy mwen. Mwen pa t' fin tande nèt sa li t'ap di.
13 In the thoughtes of ye visions of the night, when sleepe falleth on men,
Tankou yon move rèv nan mitan lannwit, li mete yon bann vye lide nan tèt mwen. M' pa ka dòmi tèlman mwen pè.
14 Feare came vpon me, and dread which made all my bones to tremble.
Mwen pran tranble, mwen santi yon frison mache nan tout kò m'. Tout zo nan kò m' ap krake.
15 And the wind passed before me, and made the heares of my flesh to stande vp.
Yon souf pase bò figi m', tout cheve nan tèt mwen kanpe.
16 Then stoode one, and I knewe not his face: an image was before mine eyes, and in silence heard I a voyce, saying,
Mwen rete konsa mwen wè yon moun kanpe devan m'. Mwen pa t' rekonèt ki moun li ye. Men, fòm moun lan te la devan je m'. Mwen pa tande yon ti bri menm. Apre sa, mwen tande yon vwa ki t'ap pale tou dousman, li t'ap di:
17 Shall man be more iust then God? or shall a man be more pure then his maker?
Ki moun ki ka di li mache dwat devan Bondye? Ki moun ki san repwòch devan Bondye ki kreye l' la?
18 Beholde, he founde no stedfastnesse in his Seruants, and laid follie vpon his Angels.
Bondye pa janm fin fye sèvitè l' yo nèt. Ata zanj li yo, li jwenn bagay pou l' repwoche yo.
19 Howe much more in them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, which shalbe destroyed before the moth?
Ale wè atò pou moun ki fèt ak labou, pou moun ki soti nan pousyè tè, pou moun yo kapab kraze tankou poudbwa!
20 They be destroyed from the morning vnto the euening: they perish for euer, without regarde.
Yon sèl jou kont pou yo tounen pousyè, yo disparèt nèt. Pesonn pa wè sa.
21 Doeth not their dignitie goe away with them? do they not die, and that without wisdom?
Yo rete konsa yo kase kòd. Yo mouri san yo pa janm rive fin gen bon konprann.

< Job 4 >