< Job 29 >

1 So Iob proceeded and continued his parable, saying,
A i korero tonu a Hopa i tana pepeha, i mea,
2 Oh that I were as in times past, when God preserued me!
Aue, me i rite ki nga marama o mua, ki nga ra i tiaki ai te Atua i ahau!
3 When his light shined vpon mine head: and when by his light I walked thorowe the darkenesse,
I tiaho mai ai tana rama ki toku matenga, a na tana whakamarama i haere ai ahau i te pouri:
4 As I was in the dayes of my youth: when Gods prouidence was vpon my tabernacle:
Me i pera ano me ahau i nga ra o toku taiohitanga, i te mea nei kei runga to te Atua whakaaro puku i toku teneti;
5 When the almightie was yet with me, and my children round about me.
I te mea e noho ana ano te Kaha Rawa i ahau, a kei tetahi taha oku aku tamariki, kei tetahi taha;
6 When I washed my pathes with butter, and when the rocke powred me out riuers of oyle:
I horoia ai oku takahanga ki te pata, a rere mai ana nga awa hinu ki ahau i roto i te kohatu!
7 When I went out to the gate, euen to the iudgement seat, and when I caused them to prepare my seate in the streete.
I toku haerenga atu ki te kuwaha ki te pa, a whakapai ana i te nohoanga moku i te waharoa,
8 The yong men saw me, and hid themselues, and the aged arose, and stood vp.
Ka kite nga taitamariki i ahau, a piri ana ratou: whakatika ana nga koroheke, tu ana ki runga;
9 The princes stayed talke, and layde their hand on their mouth.
Mutu pu te korero a nga tino tangata, kua kopania te ringa ki o ratou mangai;
10 The voyce of princes was hidde, and their tongue cleaued to the roofe of their mouth.
Ngaro ana te reo o nga rangatira, piri ana o ratou arero ki o ratou ngao.
11 And when the eare heard me, it blessed me: and when the eye sawe me, it gaue witnesse to me.
No te rongonga hoki o te taringa i ahau manaaki ana i ahau; te kitenga o te kanohi i ahau, whakaae mai ana ki aku mahi:
12 For I deliuered the poore that cryed, and the fatherlesse, and him that had none to helpe him.
No te mea naku i whakaora te rawakore i a ia e karanga ana, te pani me te tangata hoki kahore nei ona kaiawhina.
13 The blessing of him that was ready to perish, came vpon me, and I caused the widowes heart to reioyce.
I tau ki runga ki ahau te manaaki a te tangata e tata ana ki te whakangaromanga; harakoa ana i ahau te ngakau o te pouaru.
14 I put on iustice, and it couered me: my iudgement was as a robe, and a crowne.
I kakahuria e ahau te tika, a ko tera toku kakahu: e rite ana taku whakarite whakawa he koroka, he karauna.
15 I was the eyes to the blinde, and I was the feete to the lame.
He kanohi ahau ki te matapo, he waewae ki te kopa.
16 I was a father vnto the poore, and when I knewe not the cause, I sought it out diligently.
He matua ahau ki nga rawakore: a i ata rapua e ahau te tikanga o te totohe a te tangata kihai nei ahau i mohio.
17 I brake also the chawes of the vnrighteous man, and pluckt the praye out of his teeth.
Wawahia ana e ahau nga kauae o te tangata kino, a takiritia mai ana e ahau tana mea pahua i roto i ona niho.
18 Then I sayde, I shall die in my nest, and I shall multiplie my dayes as the sand.
Katahi ahau ka mea, Tera ahau e mate i roto i toku ohanga; ka whakanuia oku ra kia rite ki te onepu te maha:
19 For my roote is spread out by the water, and the dewe shall lye vpon my branche.
Ko toku pakiaka tautoro tonu ki nga wai, a i te po tau ana te tomairangi ki runga ki toku peka:
20 My glory shall renue towarde me, and my bowe shall be restored in mine hand.
Ko toku kororia hou tonu i roto i ahau, a hoki ake ana te kaha o taku kopere i toku ringa.
21 Vnto me men gaue eare, and wayted, and helde their tongue at my counsell.
I whakarongo mai nga tangata ki ahau, i tatari, whakarongo puku ana ratou i ahau e whakatakoto whakaaro ana.
22 After my wordes they replied not, and my talke dropped vpon them.
I muri i aku kupu kore ake ratou i korero ano; maturuturu iho ana aku kupu ki runga ki a ratou.
23 And they wayted for me, as for the raine, and they opened their mouth as for the latter rayne.
I taria mai ahau e ratou ano ko te ua; hamama mai ana o ratou mangai ano e tatari ana ki te ua o muri.
24 If I laughed on them, they beleeued it not: neither did they cause the light of my countenance to fall.
Ka kata ahau ki a ratou, kihai i whakaponohia e ratou; kihai hoki ratou i whakataka i te marama o toku mata.
25 I appoynted out their way, and did sit as chiefe, and dwelt as a King in the army, and like him that comforteth the mourners.
Naku to ratou ara i whiriwhiri, a noho ana ahau hei rangatira, noho ana hoki ahau ano he kingi i roto i te ope; i rite ahau ki te kaiwhakamarie o te hunga e tangi ana.

< Job 29 >