< Job 29 >

1 So Iob proceeded and continued his parable, saying,
Job loh amah kah thuidoeknah a pom te a cong tih,
2 Oh that I were as in times past, when God preserued me!
“Kai he hlamat kah hla bangla aka khueh tih Pathen kah khohnin bangla kai aka tuem te unim?
3 When his light shined vpon mine head: and when by his light I walked thorowe the darkenesse,
Amah loh a hmaithoi te ka lu soah a thangthen tih amah kah vangnah nen ni a hmuep ah khaw ka caeh.
4 As I was in the dayes of my youth: when Gods prouidence was vpon my tabernacle:
Ka cavaa tue vaengah khaw ka dap ah Pathen kah baecenol la ka om.
5 When the almightie was yet with me, and my children round about me.
Tlungthang te kai taengah om pueng tih, ka kaepvai ah ka ca rhoek om.
6 When I washed my pathes with butter, and when the rocke powred me out riuers of oyle:
Ka khokan te suknaeng neh a hluk tih lungpang loh kai ham situi sokca a long sak.
7 When I went out to the gate, euen to the iudgement seat, and when I caused them to prepare my seate in the streete.
Vangpuei vongka ah ka thoeng tih, toltung ah ka ngolhmuen ka cikngae sak.
8 The yong men saw me, and hid themselues, and the aged arose, and stood vp.
Kai m'hmuh uh vaengah cadong rhoek te thuh uh. Patong rhoek khaw thoo uh tih pai uh.
9 The princes stayed talke, and layde their hand on their mouth.
Mangpa rhoek loh olthui te a phah uh tih a kut te a ka dongla a khueh uh.
10 The voyce of princes was hidde, and their tongue cleaued to the roofe of their mouth.
Rhaengsang rhoek loh ol a phah tih a lai khaw a dang dongla kap.
11 And when the eare heard me, it blessed me: and when the eye sawe me, it gaue witnesse to me.
Hna loh a yaak vaengah kai n'uem tih, mik loh a hmuh vaengah kai n'rhalrhing sak.
12 For I deliuered the poore that cryed, and the fatherlesse, and him that had none to helpe him.
Mangdaeng loh bomnah a bih tih, cadah neh a taengah aka bom, aka om pawt khaw ka loeih sak.
13 The blessing of him that was ready to perish, came vpon me, and I caused the widowes heart to reioyce.
Hlang milh kah yoethennah te kai soah pai tih, nuhmai kah lungbuei khaw ka tamhoe sak.
14 I put on iustice, and it couered me: my iudgement was as a robe, and a crowne.
Duengnah te ka bai tih hnikul bangla kai n'khuk. Ka tiktamnah he ka sammuei nah ni.
15 I was the eyes to the blinde, and I was the feete to the lame.
Mikdael taengah mik la, khokhaem taengah kho la ka om.
16 I was a father vnto the poore, and when I knewe not the cause, I sought it out diligently.
Kai tah khodaeng taengah a napa la ka om tih, ming pawt kah tuituknah te ka khe pah.
17 I brake also the chawes of the vnrighteous man, and pluckt the praye out of his teeth.
Boethae kah pumcu te ka thuk pah tih a no lamkah maeh te ka voeih pah.
18 Then I sayde, I shall die in my nest, and I shall multiplie my dayes as the sand.
Te dongah, “Ka bu ah ka pal mako,” ka ti tih, laivin bangla khohnin khaw puh.
19 For my roote is spread out by the water, and the dewe shall lye vpon my branche.
Ka yung loh tui taengla a muk tih, buemtui loh ka cangvuei dongah rhaeh.
20 My glory shall renue towarde me, and my bowe shall be restored in mine hand.
Ka thangpomnah ka taengah thai tih, ka lii ka kut dongah tinghil.
21 Vnto me men gaue eare, and wayted, and helde their tongue at my counsell.
Kai taengah a hnatun uh tih, a lamtawn uh dongah ka cilsuep ham kuemsuem uh.
22 After my wordes they replied not, and my talke dropped vpon them.
Ka ol hnukah talh uh voel pawt tih, kai olthui he amih soah tla.
23 And they wayted for me, as for the raine, and they opened their mouth as for the latter rayne.
Kai ham tah khotlan bangla a lamtawn uh tih, a ka loh tlankhol bangla a ang uh.
24 If I laughed on them, they beleeued it not: neither did they cause the light of my countenance to fall.
Amih taengah ka luem dae n'tangnah uh pawt tih, ka maelhmai vangnah dongah khaw yalh uh pawh.
25 I appoynted out their way, and did sit as chiefe, and dwelt as a King in the army, and like him that comforteth the mourners.
Amih kah longpuei te ka coelh tih boeilu la ka ngol Caem lakli ah manghai bangla kho ka sak tih, rhahdoe cangpoem akhaw a hloep.

< Job 29 >