< Job 28 >

1 The siluer surely hath his veyne, and ye gold his place, where they take it.
Toe ao ty lakato fitsikaraham-bolafoty naho ty toem-pitranaham-bolamena.
2 Yron is taken out of the dust, and brasse is molten out of the stone.
Akareñe an-debok’ ao ty viñe, le tranaheñe am-bongam-bato ty torisike.
3 God putteth an end to darkenesse, and he tryeth the perfection of all things: he setteth a bond of darkenesse, and of the shadowe of death.
Fongore’e ty ieñe, tsikarahe’e pak’ am-para-piefera’e ao ty vato, an-kamoromoroñañe naho an-talinjon-kavilasy ao.
4 The flood breaketh out against the inhabitant, and the waters forgotten of the foote, being higher then man, are gone away.
Anokafa’e lalam-pigodañañe, ­lavi-pimoneñañe; andikofam-pandia, ­miradorado ao, mitsikadròtse ­lavits’ ondaty.
5 Out of the same earth commeth bread, and vnder it, as it were fire is turned vp.
Ty tane toy, ama’e ty iboaha’ ty mahakama; ambane’e ao hoe trobotroboen’ afo.
6 The stones thereof are a place of saphirs, and the dust of it is golde.
Angalan-tsafira o vato’eo, naho volamena an-debo’e ao.
7 There is a path which no foule hath knowen, neyther hath the kites eye seene it.
Tsy hay o voro-pamaokeo i lalañey; tsy trea’ ty maso’ i hitikitikey.
8 The lyons whelpes haue not walked it, nor the lyon passed thereby.
Tsy nilià’ o bibi-ly mpireñetseo; mbe tsy nipiapia ambone’e eo ty liona.
9 He putteth his hand vpon the rockes, and ouerthroweth the mountaines by the rootes.
Ahiti’e mb’amo vato-pilakeo ty fità’e vaho avalitaboa’e reke-bahatse o vohitseo.
10 He breaketh riuers in the rockes, and his eye seeth euery precious thing.
Kaohe’e amo vatoo ty talàha vaho oni-pihaino’e ze atao vara.
11 He bindeth the floods, that they doe not ouerflowe, and the thing that is hid, bringeth he to light.
Sebaña’e o torahañeo tsy hiorike; aboa’e mb’an-kazavàñe o raha nikafitseo.
12 But where is wisdome found? and where is the place of vnderstanding?
Fe aia ty hahaoniñañe hihitse? Aia ka ty toe’ o hilalao?
13 Man knoweth not the price thereof: for it is not found in the land of the liuing.
Tsy fohi’ondaty ty vili’e, toe tsy tendrek’ an-tane’ o veloñeo.
14 The depth sayth, It is not in mee: the sea also sayth, It is not with me.
hoe i lalekey, Tsy amako atoa; le hoe i riakey, Tsy amako etoa.
15 Golde shall not be giuen for it, neyther shall siluer be weighed for the price thereof.
Tsy ikaloam-bolamena, vaho tsy andanjàm-bolafoty.
16 It shall not be valued with the wedge of golde of Ophir, nor with the precious onix, nor the saphir.
Tsy añoharañe ami’ty volamena’ i Ofire, ndra an-tsohame sarotse ndra safira.
17 The golde nor the chrystall shall be equall vnto it, nor the exchange shalbe for plate of fine golde.
Tsy añirinkiriña’ ty volamena ndra ty kristaly, tsy tsalohem-panake volamena ki’e.
18 No mention shall be made of coral, nor of the gabish: for wisedome is more precious then pearles.
Tsy ivolañañe ty vaton-driake ndra vato-soa; ambone’ o hangeo ty fikaloan-kihitse.
19 The Topaz of Ethiopia shall not be equall vnto it, neither shall it be valued with the wedge of pure gold.
Tsy oharañe ama’e ty pit-dae’ i Kose, tsy ibalibalihem-bolamena hiringiri’e.
20 Whence then commeth wisedome? and where is the place of vnderstanding,
Hirik’ aia arè o hihitseo? Vaho aia ty toe’ o hilalao?
21 Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all the liuing, and is hid from the foules of the heauen?
Ie mikafits’ am-pihaino’ ze atao veloñe, vaho mietak’ amo voron-tiokeo.
22 Destruction and death say, We haue heard the fame thereof with our eares.
Hoe ty Tsikeokeoke naho i Havilasy: fa nahatsanon-talily aze o sofi’aio.
23 But God vnderstandeth the way thereof, and he knoweth the place thereof.
Arofoanan’ Añahare i lala’ey, fohi’e ka i toe’ey.
24 For he beholdeth the endes of the world, and seeth all that is vnder heauen,
Jilove’e pak’ añ’olo’ ty tane toy, vazoho’e ze he’e ambanen-dikerañe ao.
25 To make the weight of the windes, and to weigh the waters by measure.
Ie nanolora’e lanja o tiokeo, vaho nanjara’e an-kapoake o ranoo;
26 When he made a decree for the rayne, and a way for the lightening of the thunders,
ie nafepè’e o orañeo, naho ty lala’ o helats’ampiñeo;
27 Then did he see it, and counted it: he prepared it and also considered it.
Le nivazohoe’e, nitseize’e; najado’e vaho tsinikara’e.
28 And vnto man he said, Behold, the feare of the Lord is wisedome, and to depart from euil is vnderstanding.
Le hoe re am’ondatio, Inao: Ty fañeveñañe amy Talè, Izay ro hihitse; ty fisitahañe an-karatiañe ro hilala.

< Job 28 >