< Jeremiah 9 >

1 Oh, that mine head were full of water and mine eyes a fountaine of teares, that I might weepe day and night for the slayne of the daughter of my people.
Ao, sɛ me ti yɛ asuti, na mʼaniwa yɛ nusu abura a! Mɛtew nusu awia ne anadwo ama me nkurɔfo a wɔakunkum wɔn no.
2 Oh, that I had in the wildernes a cottage of wayfaring men, that I might leaue my people, and go from them: for they be all adulterers and an assembly of rebels,
Ao, sɛ mewɔ akwantufo asoɛe wɔ nweatam no so a anka megyaw me nkurɔfo hɔ na mafi wɔn nkyɛn; efisɛ wɔn nyinaa yɛ nguaman, nnipakuw a wonni nokware.
3 And they bende their tongues like their bowes for lyes: but they haue no courage for the trueth vpon the earth: for they proceede from euill to worse, and they haue not knowen mee, sayth the Lord.
“Wosiesie wɔn tɛkrɛma te sɛ agyan de di atoro; Ɛnyɛ nokware so na wɔnam di yiye wɔ asase yi so. Wɔyɛ bɔne toatoa so; na wonnye me nto mu,” Awurade na ose.
4 Let euery one take heede of his neighbour, and trust you not in any brother: for euery brother will vse deceite, and euery friend will deale deceitfully,
“Monhwɛ yiye wɔ mo nnamfonom ho; munnye obiara nni wɔ mo abusua mu. Efisɛ wɔn mu biara yɛ ɔdaadaafo, na adamfo biara yɛ ɔsɛefo.
5 And euery one wil deceiue his friende, and wil not speake the trueth: for they haue taught their tongues to speake lies, and take great paynes to do wickedly.
Adamfo daadaa adamfo, na wɔn mu biara nka nokware. Wɔn tɛkrɛma akokwaw atorodi mu, wɔde bɔneyɛ haw wɔn ho.
6 Thine habitation is in the middes of deceiuers: because of their deceit they refuse to know me, sayth the Lord.
Wote nnaadaa mfimfini; na wɔn nnaadaa mu wɔmpɛ sɛ wogye me to mu,” sɛnea Awurade se ni.
7 Therefore thus sayth the Lord of hostes, Behold, I wil melt them, and trie them: for what should I els do for the daughter of my people?
Ɛno nti, sɛɛ na Asafo Awurade se, “Hwɛ, mɛnan wɔn asɔ wɔn ahwɛ, na dɛn bio na metumi ayɛ esiane me nkurɔfo yi bɔne nti?
8 Their tongue is as an arow shot out, and speaketh deceite: one speaketh peaceably to his neighbour with his mouth, but in his heart hee layeth waite for him.
Wɔn tɛkrɛma yɛ agyan a ano wɔ bɔre; ɛka nnaadaasɛm. Obiara kasa asomdwoe mu kyerɛ ne yɔnko, nanso ne koma mu de, osum no afiri.
9 Shal I not visit them for these things, saith the Lord? or shall not my soule be auenged on such a nation as this?
Ɛnsɛ sɛ metwe wɔn aso wɔ eyi ho?” Sɛɛ na Awurade se. “Ɛnsɛ sɛ mʼankasa metɔ ɔman a ɛte sɛɛ so were ana?
10 Vpon the mountaines will I take vp a weeping and a lamentation, and vpon the fayre places of the wildernes a mourning, because they are burnt vp: so that none can passe through them, neyther can men heare the voyce of the flocke: both the foule of the aire, and the beast are fled away and gone.
Mesu na metwa adwo ama mmepɔw no, mɛbɔ abubuw a ɛfa nweatam adidibea ho. Ayɛ fo na obi mfa hɔ bio, na wɔnte anantwi su wɔ hɔ. Wim nnomaa no atutu kɔ na mmoa no nso aguan kɔ.
11 And I wil make Ierusalem an heape, and a den of dragons, and I will make the cities of Iudah waste, without an inhabitant.
“Mɛyɛ Yerusalem mmubui siw, sakraman atu; na mɛma Yuda nkurow ada mpan sɛnea obiara ntumi ntena hɔ.”
12 Who is wise, to vnderstande this? and to whome the mouth of the Lord hath spoken, euen he shall declare it. Why doth the land perish, and is burnt vp like a wildernesse, that none passeth through?
Onipa bɛn na onim nyansa ara sɛ ɔbɛte eyi ase? Hena na Awurade akyerɛkyerɛ no a obetumi akyerɛ ase? Adɛn nti na wɔasɛe asase no ama ada mpan sɛ nweatam a obiara ntumi mfa so?
13 And the Lord sayeth, Because they haue forsaken my Lawe, which I set before them, and haue not obeyed my voice, neither walked thereafter,
Awurade kae se, “Esiane sɛ wɔapo me mmara a mehyɛ maa wɔn no nti, wɔanyɛ osetie amma me na wɔanni me mmara so.
14 But haue walked after the stubbernesse of their owne heart, and after Baalims, which their fathers taught them,
Mmom, wɔadi wɔn koma asoɔden akyi, wɔadi Baalnom akyi sɛnea wɔn agyanom kyerɛɛ wɔn no.”
15 Therefore thus sayth the Lord of hostes, the God of Israel, Behold, I will feede this people with wormewood, and giue them waters of gall to drinke:
Ɛno nti, nea Asafo Awurade, Israel Nyankopɔn no se ni: “Hwɛ, mɛma saa nnipa yi adi aduan a ɛyɛ nwen na wɔanom nsu a wɔde awuduru afra.
16 I wil scatter them also among the heathen, whom neither they nor their fathers haue knowen, and I will send a sworde after them, til I haue consumed them.
Mɛbɔ wɔn ahwete amanaman a wɔn anaa wɔn agyanom nnim so no so, na mede afoa bɛtaa wɔn kosi sɛ mɛsɛe wɔn.”
17 Thus sayeth the Lord of hostes, Take heede, and call for the mourning women, that they may come, and send for skilfull women that they may come,
Sɛnea Awurade tumfo se ni: “Dwene ho! Frɛ mmea agyaadwotwafo no, frɛ wɔn a wɔakwadaw mu pa ara.
18 And let them make haste, and let them take vp a lamentation for vs, that our eyes may cast out teares and our eye liddes gush out of water.
Ma wɔmmra ntɛm mmesu ngu yɛn so kosi sɛ yɛn ani so bɛtaa nusu na nusu aguare yɛn.
19 For a lamentable noyse is heard out of Zion, Howe are we destroyed, and vtterly confounded, for we haue forsaken the land, and our dwellings haue cast vs out.
Wɔte agyaadwotwa nnyigyei fi Sion se, ‘Wɔasɛe yɛn! Yɛn anim agu ase yiye! Ɛsɛ sɛ yetu fi yɛn asase so efisɛ yɛn afi abubu.’”
20 Therefore heare the worde of the Lord, O ye women, and let your eares regard the words of his mouth, and teach your daughters to mourne, and euery one her neighbour to lament.
Afei, mo mmea, muntie Awurade asɛm; monyɛ aso mma nsɛm a efi nʼanom. Monkyerɛ mo mmabea sɛnea wotwa dwo; monkyerɛ mo ho mo ho abubuwbɔ.
21 For death is come vp into our windowes, and is entred into our palaces, to destroy the children without, and the yong men in the streetes.
Owu aforo afa yɛn mfɛnsere mu ahyɛn yɛn aban mu; apam mmofra afi mmɔnten so ne mmerante afi ɔman aguabɔbea.
22 Speake, thus sayth the Lord, The carkeises of men shall lye, euen as the doung vpon the fielde, and as the handfull after the mower, and none shall gather them.
Ka se, “Sɛɛ Na Awurade se, “‘Nnipa afunu bɛdeda hɔ te sɛ sumina a egugu petee mu, te sɛ aburow a nnɔbaetwafo atwa agu nʼakyi a obiara mmoaboaa ano.’”
23 Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisedome, nor the strong man glorie in his strength, neyther the riche man glorie in his riches.
Eyi ne nea Awurade se: “Mma onyansafo mfa ne nyansa nhyehyɛ ne ho anaa ɔhoɔdenfo mfa nʼahoɔden nhyehyɛ ne ho anaa ɔdefo mfa nʼahonya nhyehyɛ ne ho.
24 But let him that glorieth, glorie in this, that he vnderstandeth, and knoweth me: for I am the Lord, which shewe mercie, iudgement, and righteousnes in the earth: for in these things I delite, sayth the Lord.
Mmom ma nea ɔhyehyɛ ne ho nhyehyɛ ne ho sɛ ɔwɔ nhumu, na onim sɛ, me ne Awurade a ɔyɛ adɔe, na obu atɛntrenee na ɔyɛ adetrenee wɔ asase so, efisɛ eyinom na ɛsɔ mʼani,” sɛnea Awurade se ni.
25 Beholde, the dayes come, sayth the Lord, that I wil visite all them, which are circumcised with the vncircumcised:
“Nna no reba,” Awurade na ose, “A mɛtwe wɔn a wɔatwa twetia wɔ honam fam nko ara no nyinaa aso:
26 Egypt and Iudah, and Edom, and the children of Ammon, and Moab, and all the vtmost corners of them that dwell in the wildernesse: for all these nations are vncircumcised, and al the house of Israel are vncircumcised in the heart.
Misraimfo, Yudafo, Edomfo, Amonfo, Moabfo ne wɔn a wɔtete nweatam a ɛwɔ akyirikyiri nsase so nyinaa. Na nokware, saa aman yi nyinaa yɛ momonotofo na mpo Israelfi nyinaa yɛ koma mu momonotofo.”

< Jeremiah 9 >