< Jeremiah 6 >

1 O ye children of Beniamin, prepare to flee out of the middes of Ierusalem, and blowe the trumpet in Tekoa: set vp a standart vpon Beth-haccerem: for a plague appeareth out of the North and great destruction.
Tamagra Benzameni nagamota Jerusalemi kumapintira atiramita atreta freho. Hagi Tekoa kumatetira ufena nerenke'za, Bet-hakeremi kumatetira mago avame zana inuna kreta resu nehinke'za nege'za vahe'mo'za korora fre'za ome zamagura vaziho. Na'ankure noti kazigati hankave sondia vahe neazanki'za knazana eme tamiza tamazeri havizantfa hugahaze.
2 I haue compared the daughter of Zion to a beautifull and daintie woman.
Jerusalemi kumamoka hentofaza hunka frufru kavufgane mofani'agna hu'nananagi Nagra kazeri haviza hugahue.
3 The pastors with their flockes shall come vnto her: they shall pitche their tentes rounde about by her, and euery one shall feede in his place.
Kini vahe'mo'za ha' huramante'naku sondia vahezamia zamavaretere hu'za e'za Jerusalemi rankumamofo megi'a mopa eme refko huza eri zmante hute'za seli nozmia kiza manine'za avazigi kagigahaze.
4 Prepare warre against her: arise, and let vs goe vp toward the South: wo vnto vs: for the day declineth, and the shadowes of the euening are stretched out.
Ana vahe'mo'za kezati'za, otita retrotra hinketa kinaga vuta hara ome huzmantamneno hu'za huga hazanagi, ete henka amanage hugahaze, ko zage ufre'za higeno zage tamema'amo'a ko ome zaza hie hu'za hugahaze.
5 Arise, and let vs goe vp by night, and destroy her palaces.
E'ina hu'neanagi ame huta otinketa hanimpi hara ome huzmanteta, hankave vihu keginazamia vuta ome tapage hutresanune hugahaze.
6 For thus hath the Lord of hostes said, Hewe downe wood, and cast a mounte against Ierusalem: this citie must be visited: all oppression is in the middes of it.
Hu'neanagi Monafi sondia vahe'mofo Ra Anumzamo'a amanage hu'ne, Jerusalemi kumamofo megi'ama megagi'nea zafaramina antagitreta ana zafareti tukera aheta kuma keginamofo tavaonte ante hihi hinkeno marerina, anante manineta hara huzmantegahaze. Na'ankure Jerusalemi kumapina vahe'ma azeri haviza hu'zamo avite'ne.
7 As the fountaine casteth out her waters, so she casteth out her malice: crueltie and spoyle is continually heard in her before me with sorowe and strokes.
Hagi Jerusalemi kumapintira, kefo avu'ava zamo'a tinkerifinti timo aviteteno herafiramino eviankna huno enevie. Ana kumapina vahe'ma hazenkema nezamiza zamo'ene, maka zama eri havizama nehaza zamofo agasasamo avite'ne. Ana hige'na Nagrama koana kri vahe'ene zamahe kuzafa'ma ante'naza vaheke'za zamage'noe.
8 Be thou instructed, O Ierusalem, lest my soule depart from thee, lest I make thee desolate as a land, that none inhabiteth.
Hagi Jerusalemi vahe'mota ama koro kema hanuana antahiho. Tamagra ama nanekema ontahisage'na, Nagra namefi hunerami'na mopatamia eri haviza hanugeno, ama ana mopafina vahera omanitfa hugahie.
9 Thus sayeth the Lord of hostes, They shall gather as a vine, the residue of Israel: turne backe thine hande as the grape gatherer into the baskets.
Hagi Monafi sondia vahe'mofo Ra Anumzamo'a amanage huno hu'ne. Mago vahe'mo waini hozafi vuno grepi ragama neragino atre'neama'a hakeno tagi vagareankna hu'za, Israeli vahe'ma osi'ama mani'naza vahera ha' vahe'mo'za eme zamahe vagaregahaze.
10 Vnto whome shall I speake, and admonish that they may heare? beholde, their eares are vncircumcised, and they cannot hearken: beholde, the worde of the Lord is vnto them as a reproche: they haue no delite in it.
Hagi ana koro kea ina vahete vu'na ome huama hugahue. Iza nagri kea antahigahie? Zamagesamo'a ko ankani re'neanki'za kea ontahigahaze. Ra Anumzamofo nanekemo'a kiza zokago zankna hige'za zamavesra nehaze.
11 Therefore I am full of the wrath of the Lord: I am weary with holding it: I will powre it out vpon the children in the streete, and likewise vpon the assembly of the yong men: for the husband shall euen be taken with the wife, and the aged with him that is full of daies.
E'ina hu'negu Ra Anumzamofo rimpa ahezamo nagripina avitege'na azeri'nama vuazamo'a tusiza huno navesra hu'ne. Anagema hugeno'a Ra Anumzamo'a huno, ana narimpa ahe'zana eri kaha hutregeno kumamofo karampima zokago'ma neraza mofavre nagate'ene, atruma hu'za nemaniza nahezave nagate'ene, veneneraminte'ene a'ne zamire'ene, tavava ozafaraminte esanige'za narimpa ahe'zana erigahaze.
12 And their houses with their landes, and wiues also shalbe turned vnto strangers: for I will stretch out mine hande vpon the inhabitants of the land, sayeth the Lord.
Hagi Nagra zamazeri haviza hanuge'za ru vahe'mo'za nozamine mopazamine a'nezaminena erigahaze. Na'ankure Nagra hankavenentake nazana erisga hu'na ama'na mopafima nemaniza vahera zamazeri haviza hugahue. Ra Anumzamo'na ama ana nanekea huama nehue.
13 For from the least of them, euen vnto the greatest of them, euery one is giuen vnto couetousnesse, and from the Prophet euen vnto the Priest, they all deale falsely.
Hagi maka zamagima omane vaheteti'ma vuno zamagima me'nea vahete'ma vigeno'a, antahintahi zamifina agraguke'ma nentahino havige'ma huno zagoma erino fenoma erivite zankuke zamave'nesie. Kasnampa vahe'mo'zane pristi vahe'mo'zanena anazanke hu'za vahera rezmataga hu'za zagoa e'nerize.
14 They haue healed also ye hurt of the daughter of my people with sweete woordes, saying, Peace, peace, when there is no peace.
Hagi Nagri vahera zamavufagafina ra namu me'neanagi pristi vahe'ene kasnampa vahe'mo'za antahi amneza hu'za ana namuna anaki so'e hunozamante'za anage nehaze, hazenkezana omne'neanki fru huta manigahaze hu'za vahera nezamasamize. Hianagi fruma huno manizana nomane.
15 Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not ashamed, no neither coulde they haue any shame: therefore they shall fall among the slaine: when I shall visite them, they shall be cast downe, sayth the Lord.
Hagi Israeli vahe'mo'za agoterfa avu'ava zama hu'naza zankura zamagazea nosifi? I'o ana zankura havi zamavugosa nehu'za magore hu'za zamagazegura nosaze. E'ina hu'neanki'na Nagrama zamazeri haviza hanua zupa mago'a vahe'ma zamahema frisufi zamagranena frigahaze huno Ra Anumzamo'a hu'ne.
16 Thus sayeth the Lord, Stande in the waies and beholde, and aske for the olde way, which is the good way and walke therein, and yee shall finde rest for your soules: but they saide, We will not walke therein.
Hagi Ra Anumzamo'a amanage huno hu'ne. Kama hatna'ma hu'nere oti'neta korapa'ma knare kama me'nege'za tagehe'zama vanoma hu'naza kana ina me'ne huta hiho. Hagi knare kama keta eri fore'ma hanuta ana kante nevuta tamarimpa frua erigahaze. Hianagi tamagra amanage huta nehaze, I'o e'i ana kantera ovugahune huta nehaze.
17 Also I set watchmen ouer you, which said, Take heede to the sound of the trumpet: but they said, We will not take heede.
Hagi Ra Anumzamo'a huno, Nagra hanine zagenena tamagrite'ma kvama hanaza vahera huhampari zamantoge'za mani'neza, ufe krafama antahisagu tamagesa anteta antahiho hu'za neramasami zanagi tamagra ontahigahune huta nehaze.
18 Heare therefore, yee Gentiles, and thou Congregation knowe, what is among them.
E'ina hu'negu Ra Anumzamo'a huno, kokankokama ama mopafima nemaniza vahe'mota antahiho. Vaheniare'ma eri fore'ma hanua zana akoheta mani'neta keho.
19 Heare, O earth, beholde, I will cause a plague to come vpon this people, euen the fruite of their owne imaginations: because they haue not taken heede vnto my woordes, nor to my Lawe, but cast it off.
Hagi kokankokama ama mopafima nemaniza vahe'mota antahiho. Nagra Israeli vahete'ma hazenke zama atresanugeno esaniana, zamagrama havi antahintahima retro'ma hu'naza zante nona hu'na knazana zamigahue. Na'ankure Nagrama hua nanekea amagera nonte'za, kasegeni'a zamefi humi'naze.
20 To what purpose bringest thou mee incense from Sheba, and sweete calamus from a farre countrey? Your burnt offerings are not pleasant, nor your sacrifices sweete vnto me.
Hagi Tamagra Seba kumateti'ma erita e'naza mananentake zama frenkinsensi reti'ma ofama nehaza ofagu'ene, Kalamusiema nehaza mananentake hake zotama, afete moparegati'ma eri'za e'naza zanteti'ma ofama hunantaza zankura Nagra musena nosue. Ana nehu'na tevefima kre fananehu ofama nehaza ofane ruga'a ofaramima nehaza ofama negogeno'a, Nagri navurera knarera nosie.
21 Therefore thus sayeth the Lord, Beholde, I will laie stumbling blockes before this people, and the fathers and the sonnes together shall fall vpon them: the neighbour and his friende shall perish.
E'ina hu'negu Ra Anumzamo'a amanage hu'ne. Nagri vahe'mo'zama kama vanoma nehazafina tanafa'ma hanazaza ante'nesanuge'za anampinti tanafa nehanage'za, venenemoza'ne ne' mofavrezamine, tvaonte'ma nemaniza vahe'ene rone zamimo'zanena maka tanafa hu'za mase'za frivaga regahaze.
22 Thus sayeth the Lord, Beholde, a people commeth from the North countrey, and a great nation shall arise from the sides of the earth.
Hagi Ra Anumzamo'a amanage huno hu'ne. Noti kazigama me'nea moparegati ha' vahera neazanki keho. Ana vahera mopa ome atretegati vaheki'za, zamagra hankavenentake hu'nazanki'za menina oti'za ha'zana retrotra nehaze.
23 With bowe and shield shall they be weaponed: they are cruell and will haue no compassion: their voyce roareth like the sea, and they ride vpon horses, well appointed, like men of warre against thee, O daughter Zion.
Hagi ana sondia vahe'mo'za atine kevenena zamazampi eri'neza neaze. Hagi zamagra vahekura zamasunku osu'za vahe'ma hazenkezmi vahekiza zamagra hosi afu'mofo agumpi mani'neza hahunaku erimpi hu'za neazankino, zamagasasamo'a hagerimo rupokraneseno neriankna zamagasasane neaze. Anama neazana so'e zantfama hu'nea Jerusalemi kuma eri haviza hunaku retro hu'za neaze.
24 We haue heard their fame, and our handes waxe feeble sorrowe is come vpon vs, as the sorrowe of a woman in trauaile.
Hagi Jerusalemi kumapi vahe'mo'za hu'za, tagra ana ha' vahe'mokizmi zamagenkea ko antahi nonankita, menina tahirahiku nehunkeno zaferinati omne amne nehie. Ana nehigeta menina tasu zampi mani'neta antahintahi hakare nehuta, mofavre antenaku nehia a'mo ata hoza e'neriankna huta tusi tatazampi nemanune.
25 Goe not foorth into the fielde, nor walke by the way: for the sword of the enemie and feare is on euery side.
Hagi ha' vahetimo'za mika kaziga manivaga razanki kampina vano nosuta, hozareganena vuta eta osiho. Na'ankure ha' vahe'mo'za bainati kazi eri'neza mika kaziga mani vagare'naze.
26 O daughter of my people, girde thee with sackecloth, and wallowe thy selfe in the ashes: make lamentation, and bitter mourning as for thine onely sonne: for the destroier shall suddenly come vpon vs.
Anage higeno Anumzamo'a huno, Nagri vahemota tamasunku kukena erinentanita, ta'nefa erita nefreta magoke ne'mofavrema ante'nea vahemo'ma ana mofavrema frigeno asunku huno zavi'ma ateaza huta tusi zavi krafa hiho. Na'ankure maka zama eri havizama nehaza sondia vahe'mo'za ame hu'za e'za eme tamazeri haviza hugahaze.
27 I haue set thee for a defence and fortresse among my people, that thou maiest knowe and trie their waies.
Hagi Ra Anumzamo'a nagrikura huno, ainima tevefi kreteno e'i ainifi huno rezaganeno keso'ema nehia vahekna hu'na, Jeremaiaga huhampri kantoe. Ana huankinka Nagri vahe'mokizmi zamavu'zmava zana rezaganenka keso'e hugahane.
28 They are all rebellious traitours, walking craftily: they are brasse, and yron, they all are destroyers.
Hagi zamagra zamagu'amo'a hankavetige'za keontahi vahe mani'naze. Ana vahera ke huhaviza hu'za vahera ke nezamasaza vahe mani'naze. Ana hu'nazanki'za zamagra vahe'ma zamazeri haviza huke hu'za vano nehazanki'za bronsimo'ene ainimoke'ma hankavema tiankna huno antahintahizmimo'a hankaveti'nea vahe mani'naze. Ana hu'nazanki'za maka kefo avu'avazanke nehaza vahe mani'naze.
29 The bellowes are burnt: the lead is consumed in the fire: the founder melteth in vaine: for the wicked are not taken away.
Tevema hugre akru'ma nehia tefereti tevea hugre anefa higeno silva te maramra huno aenia eri otege nehie. Hianagi ana silvafintira retiema nehia ainia kreno eri zo-onkigeno ana eri'zamo'a vuno amne zankna nehie. E'ina avamente vahe'mo'za havi avu'ava zana otre'za huvava hu'za nevaze.
30 They shall call them reprobate siluer, because the Lord hath reiected them.
Hagi zamagra haviza hu'nea silvama eri trazankna vahe mani'naze. Na'ankure Ra Anumzamo'a ko amefi huzami'ne.

< Jeremiah 6 >