< Jeremiah 48 >

1 Concerning Moab, thus saith ye Lord of hostes, the God of Israel, Woe vnto Nebo: for it is wasted: Kiriathaim is confounded and taken: Misgab is confounded and afraide.
Imelene loMowabi, itsho njalo iNkosi yamabandla, uNkulunkulu kaIsrayeli: Maye ngeNebo, ngoba ichithiwe; iKiriyathayimi iyangekile, ithunjiwe; indawo ephakemeyo iyangekile, idilikile.
2 Moab shall boast no more of Heshbon: for they haue deuised euill against it. Come, and let vs destroy it, that it be no more a nation: also thou shalt be destroyed, O Madmen, and the sworde shall pursue thee.
Kakusayikuba khona udumo lukaMowabi eHeshiboni; baceba okubi bemelene layo, besithi: Wozani siyiqume ekubeni yisizwe; lawe Madimeni, uzathula, inkemba izakulandela.
3 A voyce of crying shall be from Horonaim with desolation and great destruction.
Ilizwi lokukhala livela eHoronayimi, incithakalo lokwephuka okukhulu!
4 Moab is destroyed: her litle ones haue caused their crie to be heard.
UMowabi wephukile; abancinyane bakhe benze ukukhala kuzwakale.
5 For at the going vp of Luhith, the mourner shall goe vp with weeping: for in the going downe of Horonaim, the enemies haue heard a cry of destruction,
Ngoba ekwenyukeni kweLubithi ukukhala kuzakwenyuka lokukhala, ngoba ekwehleni kweHoronayimi izitha zizwile ukukhala kokuchitheka.
6 Flee and saue your liues, and be like vnto the heath in the wildernesse.
Balekani, likhulule impilo yenu, libe njengesihlahla esiyize enkangala.
7 For because thou hast trusted in thy workes and in thy treasures, thou shalt also be taken, and Chemosh shall goe forth into captiuitie with his Priestes and his princes together.
Ngoba ngenxa yokuthembela kwakho emisebenzini yakho lemagugwini akho lawe uzathunjwa; loKemoshi uzaphumela ekuthunjweni, abapristi bakhe lezikhulu zakhe kanyekanye.
8 And the destroyer shall come vpon all cities, and no citie shall escape: the valley also shall perish and the plaine shalbe destroyed as the Lord hath spoken.
Lomchithi uzafikela wonke umuzi, njalo kakulamuzi ozaphunyuka; isihotsha laso sizachitheka, legceke liqothulwe, njengokutsho kweNkosi.
9 Giue wings vnto Moab, that it may flee and get away: for the cities thereof shalbe desolate, without any to dwell therein.
Nikani uMowabi amaphiko, ngoba uzaphapha aphume; lemizi yakhe izakuba lunxiwa, engelamhlali kuyo.
10 Cursed be he that doeth the worke of the Lord negligently, and cursed be he that keepeth backe his sword from blood.
Uqalekisiwe lowo owenza umsebenzi weNkosi ngokunganakekeli; uqalekisiwe lalowo ogodla inkemba yakhe egazini.
11 Moab hath bene at rest from his youth, and he hath setled on his lees, and hath not bene powred from vessell to vessell, neither hath he gone into captiuitie: therefore his taste remained in him and his sent is not changed.
UMowabi wonwabile kusukela ebutsheni bakhe, uphumule enzeceni zakhe, kathululelwanga esuka embizeni esiya embizeni, kahambanga ekuthunjweni; ngakho-ke ukunambitheka kwakhe kumi kuye, lephunga lakhe kaliphenduki.
12 Therefore beholde, the dayes come, saith the Lord, that I will send vnto him such as shall carie him away, and shall emptie his vessels, and breake their bottels.
Ngakho, khangela, insuku ziyeza, itsho iNkosi, lapho ngizathuma kuye abathambeki abazamthambeka, bathulule imbiza zakhe, babulale izinqayi zabo.
13 And Moab shalbe ashamed of Chemosh as the house of Israel was ashamed of Beth-el their confidence.
Khona uMowabi uzakuba lenhloni ngoKemoshi, njengalokho indlu kaIsrayeli yaba lenhloni ngeBhetheli, ithemba layo.
14 Howe thinke you thus, We are mightie and strong men of warre?
Lingatsho njani ukuthi: Singamaqhawe lamadoda empi alamandla?
15 Moab is destroyed, and his cities burnt vp, and his chose yong men are gone downe to slaughter, saith ye King, whose name is ye Lord of hostes.
UMowabi uchithiwe, wenyuka emizini yakhe, lekhethelo lamajaha akhe selehlele ekubulaweni, itsho iNkosi, obizo layo nguJehova wamabandla.
16 The destruction of Moab is ready to come, and his plague hasteth fast.
Inkathazo kaMowabi iseduze ukufika, lobubi bakhe buyaphangisa kakhulu.
17 All ye that are about him, mourne for him, and all ye that knowe his name, say, Howe is the strong staffe broken, and the beautifull rod!
Mlileleni, lina lonke elimzingelezeleyo, lani lonke elazi ibizo lakhe; lithi: Yephuke njani induku elamandla, udondolo oluhle!
18 Thou daughter that doest inhabite Dibon, come downe from thy glory, and sit in thirst: for the destroyer of Moab shall come vpon thee, and he shall destroy thy strong holdes.
Yehla ebukhosini, uhlale ekomeni, wena ndodakazi ohlala eDiboni; ngoba umchithi kaMowabi usenyukele ukumelana lawe, wachitha inqaba zakho.
19 Thou that dwellest in Aroer, stand by the way, and beholde: aske him that fleeth and that escapeth, and say, What is done?
Mana endleleni, ulinde, mhlalikazi weAroweri, ubuze obalekayo lowesifazana ophunyukileyo, uthi: Kwenzakaleni?
20 Moab is cofouded: for it is destroied: howle, and cry, tell ye it in Arnon, that Moab is made waste,
UMowabi uyangekile, ngoba udilikile; qhinqani isililo likhale; libike eArinoni ukuthi uMowabi uchithiwe.
21 And iudgement is come vpon the plaine countrey, vpon Holon and vpon Iahazah, and vpon Mephaath,
Lesahlulelo sehlele phezu kwelizwe elilamagceke, phezu kweHoloni, laphezu kweJahaza, laphezu kweMefahathi,
22 And vpon Dibon, and vpon Nebo, and vpon the house of Diblathaim,
laphezu kweDiboni, laphezu kweNebo, laphezu kweBeti-Dibilathayimi,
23 And vpon Kiriathaim, and vpon Beth-gamul, and vpon Beth-meon,
laphezu kweKiriyathayimi, laphezu kweBeti-Gamuli, laphezu kweBeti-Meyoni,
24 And vpon Kerioth, and vpon Bozrah, and vpon all the cities of ye land of Moab farre or neere.
laphezu kweKeriyothi, laphezu kweBhozira, laphezu kwayo yonke imizi yelizwe lakoMowabi, ekhatshana leseduze.
25 The horne of Moab is cut off, and his arme is broken, saith the Lord.
Uphondo lukaMowabi luqunyiwe, lengalo yakhe yephukile, itsho iNkosi.
26 Make ye him drunken: for he magnified himselfe against the Lord: Moab shall wallowe in his vomite, and he also shalbe in derision.
Mdakiseni, ngoba ezikhulisile emelene leNkosi; uMowabi uzazibhixa emahlanzweni akhe, abe yinhlekisa, ngitsho yena.
27 For diddest not thou deride Israel, as though he had bene found among theeues? for when thou speakest of him, thou art moued.
Ngoba uIsrayeli kabanga yinhlekisa yini kuwe? Watholakala yini phakathi kwamasela? Ngoba kusukela ngesikhathi samazwi akho ngaye wanyikinya ikhanda.
28 O ye that dwell in Moab, leaue the cities, and dwell in the rockes, and be like the doue, that maketh her nest in the sides of the holes mouth.
Tshiyani imizi, lihlale edwaleni, bahlali beMowabi, libe njengejuba elakha isidleke emaceleni omlomo womgodi.
29 We haue heard the pride of Moab (hee is exceeding proude) his stoutnesse, and his arrogancie, and his pride, and the hautinesse of his heart.
Sizwile ngokuzigqaja kukaMowabi (uyazigqaja kakhulu), ukuziphakamisa kwakhe, lokuzigqaja kwakhe, lokuzikhukhumeza kwakhe, lokuphakama kwenhliziyo yakhe.
30 I know his wrath, saith ye Lord, but it shall not be so: and his dissimulatios, for they do not right.
Mina ngiyayazi, itsho iNkosi, intukuthelo yakhe, kodwa kakuyikuba njalo; ukusoma kwakhe kakungenzi njalo.
31 Therefore will I howle for Moab, and I will crie out for all Moab: mine heart shall mourne for the men of Kir-heres.
Ngalokho-ke ngizaqhinqa isililo ngoMowabi, yebo, ngikhale ngaye wonke uMowabi; bazabubula ngabantu beKiri-Heresi.
32 O vine of Sibmah, I will weepe for thee, as I wept for Iazer: thy plants are gone ouer the sea, they are come to the sea of Iazer: ye destroyer is fallen vpon thy somer fruites, and vpon thy vintage,
Ngokukhala inyembezi kweJazeri ngizakukhalela inyembezi, wena vini leSibima. Ingatsha zakho zedlula ulwandle, zafinyelela elwandle lweJazeri; umchithi wehlele phezu kwezithelo zakho zehlobo lemavinini akho avuniweyo.
33 And ioye, and gladnesse is taken from the plentifull fielde, and from the land of Moab: and I haue caused wine to faile from the winepresse: none shall treade with shouting: their shouting shall be no shouting.
Lokuthaba lentokozo kususiwe esivandeni lelizweni lakoMowabi; ngiqedile lewayini ezikhamelweni; kabayikunyathela ngomsindo wentokozo; umsindo wentokozo kawuyikuba ngumsindo wentokozo.
34 From the cry of Heshbon vnto Elaleh and vnto Iahaz haue they made their noyse from Zoar vnto Horonaim, ye heiffer of three yere old shall go lowing: for ye waters also of Nimrim shalbe wasted.
Ngenxa yokukhala kweHeshiboni, kuze kube seEleyale, kuze kube seJahazi, bakhupha ilizwi labo, kusukela eZowari kuze kufike eJoronayimi, ithokazi leminyaka emithathu; ngoba lamanzi eNimirimi azakuba yincithakalo.
35 Moreouer, I will cause to cease in Moab, saith the Lord, him that offered in the high places, and him that burneth incense to his gods.
Njalo ngizaqeda koMowabi, itsho iNkosi, lowo onikela endaweni ephakemeyo, lotshisela onkulunkulu bakhe impepha.
36 Therefore mine heart shall sounde for Moab like a shaume, and mine heart shall sound like a shaume for the men of Ker-heres, because the riches that he hath gotten, is perished.
Ngenxa yalokho inhliziyo yami izakhalela uMowabi njengemihubhe, lenhliziyo yami izakhala njengemihubhe ngabantu beKiri-Heresi; ngoba inotho ababeyizuzile ichithekile.
37 For euery head shalbe balde, and euery beard plucked: vpon all the handes shall be cuttings, and vpon the loynes sackecloth.
Ngoba lonke ikhanda liyimpabanga, lazo zonke indevu zigeliwe; izandla zonke zisikiwe, lokhalweni kulesaka.
38 And mourning shall be vpon all the house toppes of Moab and in all the streetes thereof: for I haue broken Moab like a vessell wherein is no pleasure, sayeth the Lord.
Phezu kwazo zonke impahla zezindlu zakoMowabi lezitaladeni zakhe yonke indawo kulokuqhinqa isililo, ngoba ngimphahlazile uMowabi njengembiza engathokozelwayo, itsho iNkosi.
39 They shall howle, saying, How is he destroyed? howe hath Moab turned the backe with shame? so shall Moab be a derision, and a feare to all them about him.
Bazaqhinqa isililo besithi: Udilike njani! UMowabi uphendule njani umhlana elenhloni! Ngakho uMowabi waba yinhlekisa lesesabiso kuye wonke omzingelezeleyo.
40 For thus saith the Lord, Beholde, he shall flee as an eagle, and shall spread his wings ouer Moab.
Ngoba itsho njalo iNkosi: Khangela, uzaphapha ngesiqubu njengokhozi, elulele impiko zakhe phezu kukaMowabi.
41 The cities are taken, and the strong holdes are wonne, and ye mightie mens hearts in Moab at that day shalbe as ye heart of a woman in trauaile.
Imizi ithunjiwe, lezinqaba zibanjiwe, lenhliziyo yamaqhawe akoMowabi ngalolosuku ibe njengenhliziyo yowesifazana ohelelwayo.
42 And Moab shall be destroyed from being a people, because he hath set vp himselfe against the Lord.
LoMowabi uzachithwa angabi yisizwe, ngoba wazikhulisa emelene leNkosi.
43 Feare, and pit and snare shall be vpon thee, O inhabitant of Moab, saith the Lord.
Ukwesaba lomgodi lomjibila kuphezu kwakho, mhlali wakoMowabi, itsho iNkosi.
44 He that escapeth from the feare, shall fall in the pit, and he that getteth vp out of the pit, shall be taken in the snare: for I will bring vpon it, euen vpon Moab, the yeere of their visitation, sayeth the Lord.
Obalekela ukwesaba uzawela emgodini, lowenyuka ephuma emgodini uzabanjwa ngumjibila; ngoba ngizakwehlisela phezu kwakhe, phezu kukaMowabi, umnyaka wempindiselo yabo, itsho iNkosi.
45 They that fled, stoode vnder the shadowe of Heshbon, because of the force: for the fire came out of Heshbon, and a flame from Sihon, and deuoured the corner of Moab, and the top of the seditious children.
Emthunzini weHeshiboni ababalekayo bayema bengelamandla, ngoba umlilo uphumile eHeshiboni, lelangabi livela phakathi kukaSihoni, njalo kudlile ingonsi yakoMowabi, lenkanda yabantwana besiphithiphithi.
46 Wo be vnto thee, O Moab: the people of Chemosh perisheth: for thy sonnes are taken captiues, and thy daughters led into captiuitie.
Maye kuwe, Mowabi! Abantu bakaKemoshi baphelile, ngoba amadodana akho athethwe asiwa ekuthunjweni, lamadodakazi akho ekuthunjweni.
47 Yet will I bring againe the captiuitie of Moab in the latter dayes, sayeth the Lord. Thus farre of the iudgement of Moab.
Kodwa ngizabuyisa ukuthunjwa kukaMowabi ekucineni kwezinsuku, itsho iNkosi. Kuze kube lapha kuyisehlulelo sakoMowabi.

< Jeremiah 48 >