< Jeremiah 22 >

1 Thus said the Lord, Goe downe to the house of the King of Iudah, and speake there this thing,
Perwerdigar manga mundaq dédi: «Barghin, Yehuda padishahining ordisigha chüshüp bu sözni shu yerde qilghin: —
2 And say, Heare the worde of the Lord, O King of Iudah, that sittest vpon the throne of Dauid, thou and thy seruants, and thy people that enter in by these gates.
Perwerdigarning sözini angla, i Dawutning textige olturghuchi, Yehuda padishahi — Sen, elemdar-xizmetkarliring we mushu derwazilardin kirip-chiqidighan xelqing, —
3 Thus saith the Lord, Execute ye iudgement and righteousnes, and deliuer the oppressed from the hande of the oppressor, and vexe not the stranger, the fatherlesse, nor the widowe: doe no violence, nor sheade innocent blood in this place.
Perwerdigar mundaq deydu: Adalet we heqqaniyliq yürgüzünglar; bulan’ghan kishini ezgüchining qolidin qutquzunglar; musapirlarni, yétim-yésirlerni we tul xotunlarni héch xarlimanglar yaki bozek qilmanglar, gunahsiz qanlarni bu yerde tökmenglar.
4 For if ye do this thing, then shall the kings sitting vpon the throne of Dauid enter in by the gates of this House, and ride vpon charets, and vpon horses, both he and his seruants and his people.
Siler bu emrlerge heqiqeten emel qilsanglar, emdi Dawutning textige olturghan padishahlar, yeni ular, ularning emeldar-xizmetkarliri we xelqi jeng harwilirigha olturup we atlargha minip bu öyning derwaziliridin kirip chiqishidu.
5 But if ye will not heare these wordes, I sweare by my selfe, saith the Lord, that this House shalbe waste.
Biraq siler bu sözlerni anglimisanglar, Men Öz namim bilen qesem ichkenki, — deydu Perwerdigar, — bu orda bir xarabe bolidu.
6 For thus hath the Lord spoken vpon the Kings house of Iudah, Thou art Gilead vnto me, and the head of Lebanon, yet surely I wil make thee a wildernes and as cities not inhabited,
Chünki Perwerdigar Yehuda padishahining öyi toghruluq mundaq deydu: — Sen Manga xuddi Giléad, Liwanning choqqisidek bolghining bilen, berheq Men séni bir chöl-bayawan, ademler waz kechken sheherlerdek qilimen.
7 And I will prepare destroyers against thee, euery one with his weapons, and they shall cut downe thy chiefe cedar trees, and cast them in the fire.
Men herbiri yaxshi qorallan’ghan weyran qilghuchilarni sanga qarshi ewetimen; ular «ésil kédirliringni» késiwétip, otqa tashlaydu.
8 And many nations shall passe by this citie, and they shall say euery man to his neighbour, Wherefore hath the Lord done thus vnto this great citie?
Nurghun eller bu sheherdin ötüp, herbiri yéqinidin: «Némishqa Perwerdigar bu ulugh sheherni bundaq qilghandu?» dep soraydu.
9 Then shall they answere, Because they haue forsaken the couenant of the Lord their God, and worshipped other gods, and serued them.
We ular jawaben: «Chünki ular Perwerdigar Xudasining ehdisidin waz kéchip, bashqa ilahlargha choqunup ularning qulluqigha kirgen» — deydu.
10 Weepe not for the dead, and be not moued for them, but weepe for him that goeth out: for he shall returne no more, nor see his natiue countrey.
Ölginige yighlimanglar, uning üchün ah-zarlimanglar; belki sürgün bolghini üchün qattiq yighlanglar, chünki u öz yurtigha héchqachan qaytip kelmeydu.
11 For thus saith ye Lord, As touching Shallum the sonne of Iosiah King of Iudah, which reigned for Iosiah his father, which went out of this place, he shall not returne thither,
Chünki Yehuda padishahi Yosiyaning oghli, yeni atisi Yosiyaning ornigha textige olturghan, bu yerdin sürgün bolghan Shallum toghruluq Perwerdigar mundaq deydu: U hergiz bu yerge qaytmaydu;
12 But he shall die in the place, whither they haue ledde him captiue, and shall see this lande no more.
chünki u esir qilinip apirilghan yurtta ölidu, u bu zéminni ikkinchi körmeydu.
13 Wo vnto him that buildeth his house by vnrighteousnesse, and his chambers without equitie: he vseth his neighbour without wages, and giueth him not for his worke.
Öyini adilsizliq bilen, balixana-rawaqlirini adaletsizlik bilen qurghanning haligha way! U qoshnisini bikar ishlitip, emgikige héchqandaq heq bermeydu;
14 He saith, I will build me a wide house and large chambers: so he will make him selfe large windowes, and feeling with cedar, and paint them with vermilion.
u: «Özümge kengtasha bir ordini, azade rawaqlar bilen qoshup salimen; tamlirigha dérizilerni keng chiqirimen; tamlirini kédir taxtaylar bilen bézeymen, öylirini pereng sirlaymen» — deydu. [Uning haligha way]!
15 Shalt thou reigne, because thou closest thy selfe in cedar? did not thy father eate and drinke and prosper, when he executed iudgement and iustice?
Sen kédir yaghichidin yasalghan taxtaylarni chaplap, [ata-bowiliring] bilen besleshseng qandaqmu padishah bolushqa layiq bolisen? Séning atang yep-ichishke teshekkür éytip, adalet we durus ishlarni yürgüzgen emesmu? Shunga u buning yaxshiliqini körgen.
16 When he iudged the cause of the afflicted and the poore, he prospered: was not this because he knewe me, saith the Lord?
U möminlerning we namratlarning dewasini toghra sorighan; shunga xelqning ehwali yaxshi idi. Bundaq ish Méni tonushtin ibaret emesmu?» — deydu Perwerdigar.
17 But thine eyes and thine heart are but only for thy couetousnesse, and for to sheade innocent blood, and for oppression, and for destruction, euen to doe this.
— Biraq közüng we könglüng bolsa peqet öz jazane-menpeetingge érishish, gunahsizlarning qénini töküsh, zorluq-zumbuluq we bulangchiliq qilish peytini közlep tikilgendur.
18 Therefore thus saith the Lord against Iehoiakim, the sonne of Iosiah king of Iudah, They shall not lament him, saying, Ah, my brother, or ah, sister: neither shall they mourne for him, saying, Ah, lord, or ah, his glorie.
Shunga Perwerdigar Yehuda padishahi Yosiyaning oghli Yehoakim toghruluq mundaq deydu: — Xelq uning ölümide: «Ah, akam! Ah, singlim!» dep ah-zarlar kötürmeydu; yaki uning üchün: «Ah, bégim! Ah, uning heywisi!» dep ah-zarlar kötürmeydu;
19 He shalbe buryed, as an asse is buryed, euen drawen and cast foorth without the gates of Ierusalem.
u éshekning depnisidek kömülidu, jesiti Yérusalém derwazilirining sirtigha chörüp tashlinidu.
20 Goe vp to Lebanon, and cry: showte in Bashan and crye by the passages: for all thy louers are destroyed.
Liwan’gha chiqip peryad qil, Bashanda awazingni kötür, Abarimning choqqiliridinmu nale kötür; chünki séning «ashniliring»ning hemmisi nabut qilindi.
21 I spake vnto thee when thou wast in prosperitie: but thou saidest, I will not heare: this hath bene thy maner from thy youth, that thou wouldest not obey my voyce.
Men aman-ésen turghiningda sanga agahlandurdum; lékin sen: «Anglimaymen!» — déding. Yashliqingdin tartipla bundaq qilip Méning awazimgha qulaq salmasliq del séning yolung bolup kelgen.
22 The wind shall feede all thy pastors, and thy louers shall goe into captiuitie: and then shalt thou be ashamed and confounded of al thy wickednesse.
Shamal barliq «baqquchi»liringgha «baqquchi» bolup ularni uchurup kétidu, shuning bilen ashniliring sürgün bolushqa chiqidu; berheq, sen shu chaghda barliq rezilliking tüpeylidin xijil bolup reswa bolisen.
23 Thou that dwellest in Lebanon, and makest thy nest in the cedars, howe beautiful shalt thou be when sorowes come vpon thee, as the sorowe of a woman in trauaile?
I «Liwan»da turghuchi, kédir derexliri üstige uwilighuchi, sen tolghaq tutqan ayalning azabliridek, derd-elemler béshinggha chüshkende qanchilik ingrap kétersen!
24 As I liue, saith the Lord, though Coniah the sonne of Iehoiakim King of Iudah, were the signet of my right hand, yet would I plucke thee thence.
Öz hayatim bilen qesem ichimenki, — deydu Perwerdigar, — sen Yehoakimning oghli Koniya hetta ong qolumdiki möhürlük üzük bolsangmu, Men séni shu yerdin yulup tashlaymen;
25 And I will giue thee into the hande of them that seeke thy life, and into the hande of them, whose face thou fearest, euen into the hand of Nebuchad-nezzar king of Babel, and into the hande of the Caldeans.
Men séni jéningni izdigüchilerning qoligha we sen qorqqan ademlerning qoligha, yeni Babil padishahi Néboqadnesarning qoligha we kaldiylerning qoligha tapshurimen.
26 And I will cause them to cary thee away, and thy mother that bare thee, into another countrey, where ye were not borne, and there shall ye die.
Men séni hem séni tughqan anang ikkinglarni özünglar tughulmighan yat bir yurtqa chöriwétimen; siler shu yerde ölisiler.
27 But to the lande, whereunto they desire to returne, they shall not returne thither.
Jéninglar qaytip kélishke shunche teshna bolghan bu zémin’gha bolsa, siler hergiz qaytip kélelmeysiler.
28 Is not this man Coniah as a despised and broken idole? or as a vessell, wherein is no pleasure? wherefore are they caryed away, hee and his seede, and cast out into a lande that they knowe not?
Koniya dégen bu kishi chéqilghan, nezerge élinmaydighan sapal kozimu? Héchkim qarimaydighan bir qachimu? Emdi némishqa ular, yeni u we uning nesli bolghanlar chöriwétilgen, ular tonumaydighan bir yurtqa tashliwétilidu?
29 O earth, earth, earth, heare the worde of the Lord.
I zémin, zémin, zémin, Perwerdigarning sözini angla!
30 Thus saith the Lord, Write this man destitute of children, a man that shall not prosper in his dayes: for there shall be no man of his seede that shall prosper and sit vpon the throne of Dauid, or beare rule any more in Iudah.
Perwerdigar mundaq deydu: — Bu adem «perzentsiz, öz künide héch ghelibe qilalmighan bir adem» dep yazghin; chünki uning neslidin héchqandaq adem ghelibe qilip, Dawutning textige olturup Yehuda arisida höküm sürmeydu.

< Jeremiah 22 >