< Isaiah 58 >

1 Crye aloude, spare not: lift vp thy voyce like a trumpet, and shewe my people their transgression, and to the house of Iaakob, their sinnes.
Seyè a di m' konsa: -Rele ak tout fòs ou, rele mezi ou kapab! Fè vwa ou sonnen tankou klewon! Fè pèp mwen an konnen tout mechanste li fè yo! Fè moun fanmi Jakòb yo konnen tout peche yo te fè!
2 Yet they seeke me dayly, and will knowe my wayes, euen as a nation that did righteously, and had not forsaken the statutes of their God: they aske of me the ordinances of iustice: they wil drawe neere vnto God, saying,
Chak jou, y'ap fè sèvis pou mwen. Yo pretann yo konnen chemen m' yo, tankou si se yon nasyon ki fè sa ki dwat devan m', epi ki pa t' janm lage lòd mwen te ba yo. Y'ap mande m' pou m' defann kòz yo. Yo ta vle pou Bondye kanpe la ak yo.
3 Wherefore haue we fasted, and thou seest it not? we haue punished our selues, and thou regardest it not. Beholde, in the day of your fast you will seeke your will, and require all your dettes.
Pèp la ap di: -Sa nou bezwen fè jèn fè si Bondye p'ap wè sa? Sa nou bezwen pran lapenn pou sa nou fè ki mal si ou p'ap gade sou sa? Seyè a reponn yo: -M'ap di nou laverite. Jou n'ap fè jèn lan, se jou sa a tou n'ap chache fè sa ki nan enterè nou ase. Se lè sa a n'ap plede peze moun k'ap travay pou nou yo.
4 Beholde, ye fast to strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickednesse: ye shall not fast as ye doe to day, to make your voyce to be heard aboue.
Konsa tou, jou n'ap fè jèn lan, se lè sa a tou n'ap joure, n'ap fè kont, n'ap goumen, n'ap bay move kou. Jan mwen wè n'ap fè jèn lan jòdi a se pa konsa pou nou fè l' si nou vle lapriyè nou yo rive nan zòrèy mwen.
5 Is it such a fast that I haue chosen, that a man should afflict his soule for a day, and to bowe downe his head, as a bull rush, and to lie downe in sackecloth and ashes? wilt thou call this a fasting, or an acceptable day to the Lord?
Eske mwen ka pran plezi nan kalite jèn sa a? Se sa nou rele yon jou n'ap pran lapenn pou sa nou fè ki mal? Fè jèn pou nou, se bese tèt nou jouk atè tankou wozo van ap pliye, se kouche plat atè sou sak nan mitan sann dife. Atò se sa nou rele fè jèn? Se sa ki pou fè Bondye plezi a?
6 Is not this the fasting, that I haue chosen, to loose the bandes of wickednes, to take off the heauie burdens, and to let the oppressed goe free, and that ye breake euery yoke?
Non! Men kalite jèn ki pou fè kè m' kontan an: Sispann fè mechanste. Sispann fè lenjistis. Bay esklav nou yo libète! Mete chay k'ap foule moun yo atè.
7 Is it not to deale thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poore that wander, vnto thine house? when thou seest the naked, that thou couer him, and hide not thy selfe from thine owne flesh?
Separe sa nou genyen ak moun ki grangou. Louvri pòt kay nou pou nou resevwa malere ki pa gen kote pou yo dòmi. Si nou wè yon frè nou toutouni, ba li rad pou li mete sou li. Pa refize lonje men bay frè parèy ou.
8 Then shall thy light breake foorth as the morning, and thine health shall grow speedily: thy righteousnes shall goe before thee, and the glorie of the Lord shall embrace thee.
Lè sa a, tankou solèy k'ap leve, m'ap klere nou, m'a fè nou wè jan mwen renmen nou. Lapoula m'a geri nou, m'a toujou mache ak nou pou m' delivre nou. Pouvwa Bondye a va mache dèyè nou pou pwoteje nou.
9 Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answere: thou shalt cry and hee shall say, Here I am: if thou take away from the mids of thee the yoke, the putting foorth of the finger, and wicked speaking:
Lè sa a, si nou lapriyè nan pye m', m'a reponn nou. Si nou rele m', m'a di men mwen! Si nou rache tout mechanste nan kè nou voye jete, si nou sispann kraponnen moun, si nou sispann pale moun mal,
10 If thou powre out thy soule to the hungrie, and refresh the troubled soule: then shall thy light spring out in the darkenes, and thy darkenes shalbe as the noone day.
si nou manje ak moun ki grangou, si nou plen vant moun ki nan nesesite, limyè va klere pou nou nan mitan fènwa. Lannwit va fè klè pou nou tankou gwo midi.
11 And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfie thy soule in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watred garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters faile not.
Se tout tan Seyè a va moutre nou chemen pou nou pran, l'a rafrechi nanm nou nan tan chechrès. L'a ban nou fòs ak kouraj. N'a tankou yon jaden ki byen wouze, tankou yon sous dlo ki pa janm chèch.
12 And they shalbe of thee, that shall builde the olde waste places: thou shalt rayse vp the foundations for many generations, and thou shalt be called the repairer of the breach and the restorer of the pathes to dwell in.
N'a rebati vye kay nou yo ki te fin tonbe. N'a moute lòt kay sou ansyen miray fondasyon tan lontan yo. Y'a rele nou moun ki konn repare miray fann yo, moun ki konn balize granchemen yo, moun k'ap refè kay ki kraze yo pou moun ka vin rete nan peyi a ankò.
13 If thou turne away thy foote from the Sabbath, from doing thy will on mine holy day, and call the Sabbath a delite, to consecrate it, as glorious to the Lord, and shalt honour him, not doing thine owne wayes, nor seeking thine owne will, nor speaking a vaine word,
Si nou veye kò nou pou nou respekte jou repo a, pou nou pa regle pwòp zafè nou jou ki apa pou mwen an, si se yon plezi pou nou lè jou repo a rive, si nou respekte jou ki apa pou mwen menm, Seyè a, pou jou sa a nou pa nan fè sa ki nan lide nou, nou pa nan vwayaje, nou pa nan fè travay, ni nou pa nan pale vye koze,
14 Then shalt thou delite in the Lord, and I wil cause thee to mount vpon the hie places of the earth, and feede thee with the heritage of Iaakob thy father: for the mouth of ye Lord hath spoken it.
lè sa a, n'a jwenn plezi nou nan fè sèvis pou mwen. M'a fè tout moun sou latè pote nou anlè, n'a jwi lavi nan peyi mwen te bay Jakòb, zansèt nou an. Se mwen menm, Seyè a, ki di sa!

< Isaiah 58 >