< Isaiah 25 >

1 O Lord, thou art my God: I will exalt thee, I will prayse thy Name: for thou hast done wonderfull things, according to the counsels of old, with a stable trueth.
Oe Jehovah, nang teh kaie Cathut lah na o. Na bari vaiteh, na min ka pholen han. Bangkongtetpawiteh, nang ni kângairu hnonaw hah na sak toe. Ayan e na pouknae teh, yuemkamcunae lahoi a cak awh.
2 For thou hast made of a citie an heape, of a strong citie, a ruine: euen the palace of strangers of a citie, it shall neuer be built.
Kho hah songnawng lah na coung sak teh, kacakpounge kho hah na tip sak. Ramlouknaw e imnaw teh kho lah awm hoeh toe. Hotnaw hah nâtuek hai bout sak awh mahoeh toe.
3 Therefore shall the mightie people giue glory vnto thee: the citie of the strong nations shall feare thee.
Hatdawkvah, athakaawme miphun teh, Bawipa nang na pholen awh han. Taki ka tho e miphunnaw e kho ni nang teh na taki awh han.
4 For thou hast bene a strength vnto the poore, euen a strength to the needie in his trouble, a refuge against the tempest, a shadow against the heate: for the blaste of the mightie is like a storme against the wall.
Bawipa nang teh mathoenaw e rapan, runae koe ka phat e vonhlamrincinaw hanelah kângue e, cakho a tho nah kâhatnae, khumbei um vah tâhlip lah na o. Bangkongtetpawiteh, taki ka tho naw e lungkhueknae teh, tapang kahmâng e cakho patetlah thoseh,
5 Thou shalt bring downe the noyse of the strangers, as the heate in a drie place: he wil bring downe the song of the mightie, as the heate in the shadowe of a cloude.
ramkenae koehoi e khumbei patetlah thoseh ao. Bawipa nang ni, ramlouknaw e pawrin teh na roum sak pouh. Tâmai tâhlip dawk khumbei a bet e patetlah taki ka thonaw e la sak lawk teh a kahma han.
6 And in this mountaine shall the Lord of hostes make vnto all people a feast of fat thinges, euen a feast of fined wines, and of fat thinges full of marow, of wines fined and purified.
Rasahu BAWIPA niyah, kahawipoung e ai kawi, cakawi naw hoi misur yamunaw hoi tami pueng hanelah, hete mon dawk canei pawi pui a to pouh awh han.
7 And he will destroy in this mountaine the couering that couereth all people, and the vaile that is spread vpon all nations.
Tami pueng ka ramuk e minhmai ramuknae hoi ram pueng ka ramuk e minhmai ramuknae hah, hete mon dawk Bawipa ni a takhoe han.
8 He wil destroy death for euer: and the Lord God wil wipe away the teares from all faces, and the rebuke of his people will he take away out of all the earth: for the Lord hath spoken it.
Duenae hah a yungyoe a payawp han toe. Bawipa Jehovah ni, tami pueng e minhmai dawk hoi mitphi hui pouh vaiteh, a taminaw ni a khang awh e pathoenae hah, talai van dawk hoi takhoe pouh han toe. Bangkongtetpawiteh, BAWIPA ni hottelah a dei.
9 And in that day shall men say, Loe, this is our God: we haue waited for him, and he wil saue vs. This is the Lord, we haue waited for him: we will reioyce and be ioyfull in his saluation.
Hat hnin vah, khenhaw! Hete Bawipa teh, maimouh rungngang hanelah, maimouh ni ngaihawi e maimae BAWIPA doeh. Bawipa e rungngangnae dawkvah, maimouh teh lunghawi awh sei, telah la a sak awh han.
10 For in this mountaine shall the hand of the Lord rest, and Moab shalbe threshed vnder him, euen as strawe is thresshed in Madmenah.
Bangkongtetpawiteh, BAWIPA e a kut teh, hete mon dawk ao han. Cakong teh vaipuen tangdong dawk vitvit coungroe patetlah Moab ram teh Bawipa e khok rahim vah, vitvit coungroe lah ao han.
11 And he shall stretche out his hande in the middes of them (as he that swimmeth, stretcheth them out to swimme) and with the strength of his handes shall he bring downe their pride.
Tui ka kale e ni tui kale hanelah a kut a dâw e patetlah, Bawipa ni hote ram lungui vah a kut dâw vaiteh, hot ram e kâoupnae teh a thaonae kut hoi rahim lah a pabo han.
12 The defence also of the height of thy walles shall he bring downe and lay lowe, and cast them to the ground, euen vnto the dust.
Bawipa ni nange rapan koehoi kacakpounge ramvengim hah raphoe vaiteh, talai totouh a pabo dawkvah, vaiphu dawk a rawp han.

< Isaiah 25 >