< Hosea 7 >

1 When I woulde haue healed Israel, then the iniquitie of Ephraim was discouered, and the wickednesse of Samaria: for they haue dealt falsly: and the theefe commeth in, and the robber spoyleth without.
Haddaba markii aan damco inaan dadka Israa'iil bogsiiyo ayaa waxaa la soo bandhigaa xumaantii reer Efrayim, iyo sharnimadii dadka Samaariya, waayo, waxay sameeyaan wax been ah, oo tuuggiina guduhuu galaa, guutada shuftada ahuna dibadday wax ka dhacaan.
2 And they consider not in their hearts, that I remember all their wickednes: now their owne inuentions haue beset them about: they are in my sight.
Oo qalbiga kagama ay fikiraan inaan xumaantooda oo dhan xusuusto. Haatan waxaa iyagii dhinacyada ka hareereeyey falimahoodii, oo way i hor yaallaan.
3 They make the King glad with their wickednesse, and the princes with their lies.
Waxay boqorka kaga farxiyaan xumaantooda, oo amiirradana beentooda.
4 They are all adulterers, and as a very ouen heated by ye baker, which ceaseth from raysing vp, and from kneading ye dough vntill it be leauened.
Dhammaantood waa dhillayo, oo waa sida foorno uu kibisdubuhu kululeeya oo dabka ololintiisa joojiyaa uun markuu cajiinka cajiimayo ilaa uu cajiinku khamiiro.
5 This is the day of our King: the princes haue made him sicke with flagons of wine: he stretcheth out his hand to scorners.
Maalinta boqorkayaga amiirradu way isku bukaysiiyeen kulaylka khamriga, isagu wuxuu gacanta u taagay kuwo wax quudhsada.
6 For they haue made ready their heart like an ouen whiles they lie in waite: their baker sleepeth all the night: in the morning it burneth as a flame of fire.
Waayo, iyagu waxay qalbigoodii u diyaariyeen sidii foorno oo kale intii ay wax u gabbanayeen, oo kibisdubahoodiina wuu hurdaa habeenkii oo dhan, oo aroortiina qalbigu waa u qaxmayaa sida dab ololaya oo kale.
7 They are all hote as an ouen, and haue deuoured their iudges: all their Kings are fallen: there is none among them that calleth vnto me.
Iyagu dhammaantood waxay u kulul yihiin sida foorno oo kale, oo waxay baabbi'iyaan xaakinnadooda, oo boqorradii oo dhammuna waxay yihiin kuwa dhacay, oo dhexdooda lagama arko innaba mid i barya.
8 Ephraim hath mixt himselfe among the people. Ephraim is as a cake on the hearth not turned.
Reer Efrayim dadyowguu isku dhex qasaa, reer Efrayim waa sida kibis aan la wada dubin.
9 Strangers haue deuoured his strength, and he knoweth it not: yea, gray heares are here and there vpon him, yet he knoweth not.
Shisheeyayaal ayaa xooggiisa dhammeeyey, oo isna maba oga. Xataa cirraa ka soo baxday, oo isna maba oga.
10 And the pride of Israel testifieth to his face, and they doe not returne to the Lord their God, nor seeke him for all this.
Waxaa dadka Israa'iil ku marag fura kibirkooda, laakiinse iyagu uma ay soo noqon Rabbiga Ilaahooda ah, mana ay doondoonin isaga in kastoo ay waxyaalahaa oo dhan sameeyeen.
11 Ephraim also is like a doue deceiued, without heart: they call to Egypt: they go to Asshur.
Reer Efrayim waa sida qoolley doqon ah oo aan waxgarasho lahayn, waayo, iyagu waxay u yeedhaan Masar oo waxay tagaan dalka Ashuur.
12 But when they shall go, I will spred my net vpon them, and drawe them downe as the foules of the heauen: I will chastice them as their congregation hath heard.
Markay tagaan waxaan ku kor fidin doonaa shabaggayga, oo iyagaan u soo dejin doonaa sida haadda samada, oo sidii ururkoodu maqlay ayaan iyaga u edbin doonaa.
13 Wo vnto them: for they haue fled away from me: destruction shalbe vnto them, because they haue transgressed against me: though I haue redeemed them, yet they haue spoken lyes against me.
Iyagaa iska hoogay, waayo, way iga ambadeen! Halaag ha ku dhaco, waayo, way igu xadgudbeen! In kastoo aan iyaga soo furan lahaa haddana been bay iga sheegeen.
14 And they haue not cryed vnto me with their hearts, when they houled vpon their beds: they assembled themselues for corne, and wine, and they rebell against me.
Oo qalbigooda igama ay baryin, laakiinse sariirahooday ku kor ooyaan. Waxay u soo wada shiraan hadhuudh iyo khamri aawadood, oo anigana way igu caasiyoobaan.
15 Though I haue boud and strengthened their arme, yet doe they imagine mischiefe against me.
In kastoo aan wax baray oo aan gacmahooda xoogeeyey, ayay weliba shar ii fikiraan.
16 They returne, but not to the most high: they are like a deceitfull bowe: their princes shall fall by the sword, for the rage of their tongues: this shall be their derision in the land of Egypt.
Way soo noqdaan, laakiinse uma ay soo noqdaan kan sarreeya. Iyagu waa sida qaanso khiyaano badan oo kale. Amiirradooduna seef bay ku le'an doonaan cadhada carrabkooda daraaddeed. Tanu waxay dalka Masar ku noqon doontaa wax iyaga lagu quudhsado.

< Hosea 7 >