< Hosea 4 >

1 Heare the worde of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controuersie with the inhabitants of the lande, because there is no trueth nor mercie nor knowledge of God in the lande.
Hagi Ra Anumzamo'a amanage hianki Israeli vahe'mota antahiho, Ra Anumzamo'a amanage huno ama mopafima mani'naza vahera keaga huramanteanki antahiho, Tamagra avariri fatgo nosuta, avesi ante'zana omanegeno, Anumzamofoma keno antahino'ma hu'zana ama mopafina omanene.
2 By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and whoring they breake out, and blood toucheth blood.
Hagi tamagripina vahe'ma sifna hunte'zanki, havigema huzanki, hazenkezmi omane vahe zamahe fri'zanki, kumzafa zane, monko avu'avazane, mika kaziga ha' frama hu'zane, vahe'ma aheno korama eri tagi'zamo avite'ne.
3 Therefore shall the land mourne, and euery one that dwelleth therein, shall be cut off, with the beasts of the fielde, and with the foules of the heauen, and also the fishes of the sea shall be taken away.
E'i ana agafare mopatamifina zavi krafagemo'a avitegeno, mopafina tina omaneno hagege nehigeno, monafima hare'za vano nehaza namaramine, hagerimpi nozameramine, afi' zagagafamozanena fri vagare'naze.
4 Yet let none rebuke, nor reproue another: for thy people are as they that rebuke the Priest.
Hagi mago vahe'mo'a mago vahekura huno kagri hazenke me'ne huno osino. Na'ankure ama hazenkea pristi vahe'mota eri fore hu'nagu keaga huneramantoe.
5 Therefore shalt thou fall in the day, and the Prophet shall fall with thee in the night, and I will destroy thy mother.
Hu'negu tamagra zage ferupina tanafa huta nemasesage'za, havige kasnampa vahe'mo'zanena hanimpina tanafa hugahaze. Hagi anta'tamimofo Israelina azeri haviza hugahue.
6 My people are destroyed for lacke of knowledge: because thou hast refused knowledge, I will also refuse thee, that thou shalt be no Priest to me: and seeing thou hast forgotten the Lawe of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
Hagi vahe'nima zamazeri havizama hanuana, na'ankure Nagrira nage'za antahiza zamagra osu'nazagu anara hugahue. Hagi pristi vahe'mo'za Nagrira nagenira osu'nagu, zamagri'enena antahi nozamue. Hagi tamagra Nagri kasegea tamagekanizagu, tamagrira tamagekani neramante'na mofavretamia asomura huozmantegahue.
7 As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I chaunge their glorie into shame.
Hagi rama'a pristi vahe'ma fore'ma nehu'za, rama'a kumi hu'naze. Hagi ra zamagima eneriza zana zamazeri zamagaze hugahue.
8 They eate vp the sinnes of my people, and lift vp their mindes in their iniquitie.
Hagi vahe'mo'zama kumizmire'ma ofama hunaku'ma eri'za aza ofa pristi vahe'mo'za ne'naze. E'ina hu'negu vahe'mo'zama kumima nehazage'za, pristi vahe'mo'za rama'a muse nehaze.
9 And there shalbe like people, like Priest: for I wil visite their wayes vpon them, and reward them their deedes.
Hagi nazano pristi vahe'mo'zama haza zamavu zamavara vahe'mo'zanena ana zamavu zamava avaririza kefo zamavu zamavara nehaze. Ana hu'nazagu pristi vahe'ene amne vahe'enena ana zamavu'zmava hu'naza zante zamazeri haviza hugahue.
10 For they shall eate, and not haue ynough: they shall commit adulterie, and shall not increase, because they haue left off to take heede to ye Lord.
Hagi rama'a ne'zana negahazanagi, zamura osugahie. Hagi savri monko avu'ava zana hugahazanagi, mofavrea kase hakarea osugahaze. Na'ankure tamagra Nagrira Ra Anumzana natreta ru anumzamofo amage ante'nazagu anara hugahaze.
11 Whoredome, and wine, and newe wine take away their heart.
Hagi waini tine, kasefa waini tine, savri monko avu'ava'ma hu'zamo, antahi ama'ma hu'zana Nagri vahepintira eri netre.
12 My people aske counsell at their stockes, and their staffe teacheth them: for the spirite of fornications hath caused them to erre, and they haue gone a whoring from vnder their God.
Hagi Nagri vahe'mo'za zafare'ma kaza osu havi anumzama antre'za tro hunte'naza havi anumzane, rampa zante'ma tro'ma hunte'naza havi anumzana antahinegaze. Hagi zamagra savri monko avu'avazama hazazamo zamazeri havia hige'za zamagra Anumzamofontera mani fatgo hu'za nomaniza monora huonte'naze.
13 They sacrifice vpon the toppes of ye mountaines, and burne incense vpon the hilles vnder the okes, and the poplar tree, and the elme, because the shadow thereof is good: therefore your daughters shall be harlots, and your spouses shall be whores.
Hagi zamagra agonaramimpi mareriza kaza osu havi anumzantera kresramana vunentaze. Hagi knare tona'ma hu'nea oki zafane, popra zafane, terebinti zafa agafafi kre manavu ofa hunte'naze. E'ina agafare mofa'netamimo'za ana zanke hu'za monkote hu'za vano nehazageno, tamanoferehe'za ana zanke hu'za savri hu'za monkote vano nehaze.
14 I will not visite your daughters when they are harlots: nor your spouses when they are whores: for they themselues are separated with harlots, and sacrifice with whores: therefore the people that doeth not vnderstand, shall fall.
Hianagi monkozama hu'za vanoma nehaza mofa'netamine, tamanoferehe'inena Nagra knazana zami'na zamazeri havizana osugahue. Na'ankure tamagra vene'nemotanena ana zanke huta zagore'ma monkoza nehaza a'nanene monkozana ome nehuta, havi anumzamofo mono nompi savri'ma nehaza a'nene ofa ome Kresramana nevaze. E'ina hu'negu ama' antahi'zana omanenigeta haviza hugahaze.
15 Though thou, Israel, play the harlot, yet let not Iudah sinne: come not ye vnto Gilgal, neither goe ye vp to Beth-auen, nor sweare, The Lord liueth.
Hagi Israeli vahe'mota monko a'negna huta mani fatgo huta nomanizanki, Juda vahe'motanema ana zama huzankura kva hiho. Hagi havige anumzante'ma Gilgalima mono'ma hunentaza zankura kva nehuta, kasefa'ma huno mani'nea Ra Anumzamofo agifima huvempa nehaza zankura kva hiho.
16 For Israel is rebellious as an vnruly heyfer. Nowe the Lord will feede them as a lambe in a large place.
Hagi Israeli vahe'mokizmi zamasenimo'a hankavetigege huno keontahi bulimakao afu'mofo asenimo'ma hiaza hu'ne. Hianagi inankna hu'na e'inahu vahera sipisipi afu anentama avare'noma vanoma nehigeno tra'zama nenea knara hu'na kegava huzmantegahue.
17 Ephraim is ioyned to idoles: let him alone.
Hagi Israeli vahera zamatrenke'za zamagra'a zamavesi'za avaririza kaza osu havi anumzantera viho.
18 Their drunkennes stinketh: they haue committed whoredome: their rulers loue to say with shame, Bring ye.
Hagi Israeli vahe'mo'za aka tima nete'za monko a'negu ome hake'za ana a'nene monkoza ome nehaze. Hagi ranra kva vahe'mo'za zamagima eri'zana netre'za zamagazema hu avu'ava zanku zamave'nesie.
19 The winde hath bounde them vp in her wings, and they shalbe ashamed of their sacrifices.
Hagi hanave zaho'mo mikaza eme eri hareno freankna hu'na zamavare atregahue. Na'ankure zamagrama havi anumzantema kresramnama vunte'nazagu anara hanuge'za zamagazegu hugahaze.

< Hosea 4 >