< Hebrews 10 >

1 For the Law hauing the shadowe of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can neuer with those sacrifices, which they offer yeere by yeere continually, sanctifie the commers thereunto.
Mukuti mulao munzunde bulyo wezo zintu zilotu zi sikeza, isiñi luli impupeho yezo zintu zine. Abo ba chuna kwe Ireeza kete chiba wola kutendwa sakata zi tabelo zi swana izo Maprisita baba zwili habusu kuleta inako yonse chilimo ni chilimo.
2 For would they not then haue ceased to haue bene offered, because that the offerers once purged, should haue had no more conscience of sinnes?
Kambesi bulyo awo matabelo kambe na sana aba mani ku letwa? Chikuba bulyo, haiba ba jolozwa li mwina bulyo ni kumana, ba lapela ni basana baba lemuhi ze chibe.
3 But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance againe of sinnes euery yeere.
Kono chezo zitabelo kwina inkupuzo ya zibe ka chilimo ne chilimo.
4 For it is vnpossible that the blood of bulles and goates should take away sinnes.
Mukuti kaku woleki kuti malaha aba mpoho ni impene a zwise zibi.
5 Wherefore when he commeth into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offring thou wouldest not: but a body hast thou ordeined me.
Kresite heza mwi nkanda, abacho, “kahena ibali zitabelo kamba impo zoba tabeli. Chikuba bulyo, mubili umu bani bakanyezi.
6 In burnt offerings, and sinne offrings thou hast had no pleasure.
Mi kahena inubu zonse za ku jicha kamba zitabelo za chibi zimi sangisa.
7 Then I sayd, Lo, I come (In the beginning of the booke it is written of me) that I should doe thy will, O God.
Mi chinacho, 'bone, ime zunu, sina muku ñolelwe changu mwi ñolo, kuchita cimu saka.'”
8 Aboue, when he sayd, Sacrifice and offring, and burnt offrings, and sinne offrings thou wouldest not haue, neither hadst pleasure therein (which are offered by the Lawe)
Cha kutanga chati, “kana ibali chitabelo, kapa inewo, kapa chitabelo chonse cha kuhisa, kapa zitabelo ze chibe zimu ba tabeli. Kana muba zi tabeli nanga ka nini. “Izi zitabelo zihewa kakuya cha mulao.
9 Then sayd he, Lo, I come to doe thy wil, O God, he taketh away the first, that he may stablish the second.
Linu chati, “Bone, ime zunu kuchita mo sakila.” u zwisa mutendelo wa matangilo mukuti a tome mutendelo wa bubeli,
10 By the which wil we are sanctified, euen by the offring of the body of Iesus Christ once made.
Kache ina intato, tuba jolozwa kache nubu ya mubili wa kelesite kamwina bulyo niku mana.
11 And euery Priest standeth dayly ministring, and oft times offreth one maner of offring, which can neuer take away sinnes:
Ku limwi iyanza, Muprisita zumwi ni zumwi u zimana izuba ni zuba ku tendela Ireeza. Inako yonse u leta matabelo a swana, ni haike kazi woli ku zwisa zibi.
12 But this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sinnes, sitteth for euer at the right hand of God,
limwi iyanza, Kresite abahi chitabelo kamwina cha zibi kuya kusa mani, Abe kali hansi kwi yanza lya bulyo lye Ireeza.
13 And from hencefoorth tarieth, till his enemies be made his footestoole.
U lindile zila zakwe kusikila hete nizibe chilyatilo cha matende akwe.
14 For with one offering hath he consecrated for euer them that are sanctified.
Cha chitabelo chonke aba pangi sinte kuya kusamani kwabo bakwete ku jolozwa.
15 For the holy Ghost also beareth vs record: for after that he had sayd before,
Luhuho lu jolola nalo lutu pakila. Mi cha ku tanga abati,
16 This is the Testament that I will make vnto them after those dayes, sayth the Lord, I wil put my Lawes in their heart, and in their mindes I will write them.
“Ichi njichi likani chete nini tende nabo chi amana awo mazuba, ku wamba Simwine. Kani bike milao yangu mwi nkulo zabo, mi Kani iñole mumano abo.
17 And their sinnes and iniquities will I remember no more.
Mikete chini zeza hape zibi zabo ni bubi bwa bo.”
18 Nowe where remission of these things is, there is no more offering for sinne.
Linu hena inswalelo yezi, kaha sina chimwi chitabelo cha chibi.
19 Seeing therefore, brethren, that by the blood of Iesus we may be bolde to enter into the Holy place,
Kuzwaho, bamwangu, twina insepo yakwi njila mu cibaka chijolola ahulu cha malaha a Jesu.
20 By the newe and liuing way, which hee hath prepared for vs, through the vaile, that is, his flesh:
Iyo nji nzila inhya ni ihala yaba tuyalwili kayo ke jila, njikuti, che nyama yakwe.
21 And seeing we haue an hie Priest, which is ouer the house of God,
Kakuti twina muprisita mukando he nzubo ye Ireeza,
22 Let vs drawe neere with a true heart in assurance of faith, our hearts being pure from an euill conscience,
Tu chunine che nkulo ye niti, chakwi zula kwe nsepo ye ntumelo, inkulo zetu ni zi sanseletwe ku jolola ku bubi bwa mihupulo, ni kuba ni mibili yetu ishanjitwe ka menzi a jolola.
23 And washed in our bodies with pure water, let vs keepe the profession of our hope, without wauering, (for he is faithfull that promised)
Tukwatise cha ku kola ku buliwambililo bwe nsepo zetu, nikusena ku hakanyeha, kakuti Ireeza, yaba sepisi, u sepahala.
24 And let vs consider one another, to prouoke vnto loue, and to good workes,
Tuhupule mutu wola ku susuweleza zumwi ku zumwi ku suna ni mitendo milotu.
25 Not forsaking the fellowship that we haue among our selues, as the maner of some is: but let vs exhort one another, and that so much the more, because ye see that the day draweth neere.
Sanzi tu siyi kuli kopanya hamwina, ubu bamwi mubaba chitili, kusibulyo, muli susuweze ku zumwi ni zumwi ahulu-hulu, mi ni ku hitiliza chimu ka bubona mazuba na kwete ku chunina.
26 For if we sinne willingly after that we haue receiued and acknowledged that trueth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sinnes,
Heba nitu zwila habusu ku tenda chibi kabomu ni twizi buniti, chitabelo cha zibi kachi sikwina.
27 But a fearefull looking for of iudgement, and violent fire, which shall deuoure the aduersaries.
Kusibulyo, kwina bulyo chimwi chi lindilwe chitiza che nkatulo, mi ni mulilo utiza wete niumane zila ze Ireeza.
28 He that despiseth Moses Law, dieth without mercy vnder two, or three witnesses:
Yense yaba kani mulao wa mushe ufwa ni kusena chisemo habu paki bwa bobele kapa bo tatwe.
29 Of howe much sorer punishment suppose ye shall hee be worthy, which treadeth vnder foote the Sonne of God, and counteth the blood of the Testament as an vnholy thing, wherewith he was sanctified, and doeth despite the Spirit of grace?
Kana mulandu u hitiliza swanela uzo yaba lyatoki mwana we Ireeza, iye yaba shubuli malaha a chilikani ubu asa jolwele—kachawo malaha abajolozwa—mi nikutuka Luhuho lwa chisemo?
30 For we know him that hath sayd, Vengeance belongeth vnto mee: I will recompense, saith the Lord. And againe, The Lord shall iudge his people.
Mukuti twizi ya bati, “Kubozekeza njikwangu', Kani nilihise.” Mi hape, “Simwine ka atule bantu bakwe.”
31 It is a fearefull thing to fall into the hands of the liuing God.
Indaba i tiza ku wila mu mayanza a Ireeza yohala!
32 Nowe call to remembrance the dayes that are passed, in the which, after ye had receiued light, ye endured a great fight in afflictions,
Kono muzeze mazuba akwi sule, hamu munikilwa inzibo, mumu bali likozekezi mumanyando makando.
33 Partly while yee were made a gazing stocke both by reproches and afflictions, and partly while ye became companions of them which were so tossed to and from.
Muba letwa he mpatalaza cha ku tukolwa ni ku nyandiswa, mi mubali yabili nabo mu manyando ababa hiti mwali.
34 For both ye sorowed with mee for my bonds, and suffered with ioy the spoyling of your goods, knowing in your selues howe that ye haue in heauen a better, and an enduring substance.
Mi mubena inse ahulu kubabena mwi ntologo, mi muba zumini nche ntabo ku nyangwa zintu zenu. Muba kwizi inwe mubene kuti mwina zabutuka zi hita izo kubulotu zi samani.
35 Cast not away therefore your confidence which hath great recompense of reward.
Chobulyo kanji musoheli kule insepo, Yina mupuzo mukando.
36 For ye haue neede of patience, that after ye haue done the will of God, ye might receiue the promise.
Mukuti musakana kuba ni nkulo inde, njikuti mutambule chaba sepisi Ireeza, hamu mana ku tenda cha saka.
37 For yet a very litle while, and hee that shall come, will come, and will not tary.
“Imi mwi nakozana bulyo, iye yo keza mweze mi kete a liyehe.
38 Nowe the iust shall liue by faith: but if any withdrawe himselfe, my soule shall haue no pleasure in him.
Bangu ba jolwele muba hale che ntumelo. habola mwisule, Kete ni ni sange chakwe.”
39 But we are not they which withdrawe our selues vnto perdition, but follow faith vnto the conseruation of the soule.
Kono iswe kanjeswe abo ba bolela mwisule kuku sinyeha. Chobulyo, njeswe bamwi bena intumelo yo ku bukeleza luhuho lwetu.

< Hebrews 10 >