< Hebrews 10 >

1 For the Law hauing the shadowe of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can neuer with those sacrifices, which they offer yeere by yeere continually, sanctifie the commers thereunto.
U inko utize mazu mani mi imumu iriti sa i eze, da agi imum ika kadura kani ba. Igesa sa i eze mamu nan Asere ida cukuno ahira usadiya sa una katuma kadang ka Asere ma wuza niwe nan tiwe.
2 For would they not then haue ceased to haue bene offered, because that the offerers once purged, should haue had no more conscience of sinnes?
In daki ane ba, a ni me a ceki unyiza usadaka? A hira imumu igino me, agi wa sana ka inde cas amu nonzo a Asere wadada rusa u wuza imum iburiba.
3 But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance againe of sinnes euery yeere.
Masadaka magino me ma cukuno imum u ringizi imum iburi ni we ni tarsi niwe.
4 For it is vnpossible that the blood of bulles and goates should take away sinnes.
Barki ani'me ida wuna me ba maye ma bina nan bimani ma visi imum iburi.
5 Wherefore when he commeth into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offring thou wouldest not: but a body hast thou ordeined me.
Uganiya sa Yeso ma e une, magu, “Da usadaka nan unyinza um in nyara ba. A'anime barkam nipum barki usadaka.
6 In burnt offerings, and sinne offrings thou hast had no pleasure.
Uda wuza we iriba irum unu nyinza nan usadaka u punza u imum iburi.
7 Then I sayd, Lo, I come (In the beginning of the booke it is written of me) that I should doe thy will, O God.
Ban in gu, ira, imbe ma aye in wuzi imum iriba iwe, kasi sa ayetteke a nice num.”
8 Aboue, when he sayd, Sacrifice and offring, and burnt offrings, and sinne offrings thou wouldest not haue, neither hadst pleasure therein (which are offered by the Lawe)
Uni tuba magu, “Da usadakaba, nani unyinza, nani agu usadaka upunza sa a nyinza barki imum iburi ini unyara. Uda kunawe irunta u'ani me.”
9 Then sayd he, Lo, I come to doe thy wil, O God, he taketh away the first, that he may stablish the second.
Uganiya uginome magu, “Imbe ma aye barki in wuzi katuma ki iriba iwe.” Ma kari katuma ku utaba ma en inku kure.
10 By the which wil we are sanctified, euen by the offring of the body of Iesus Christ once made.
A katuma ku kure, a zankan duru ahira Asere, ahira iriba imeme ahira usadaka unipum ni Yeso U vavi u inde sarki ukinki.
11 And euery Priest standeth dayly ministring, and oft times offreth one maner of offring, which can neuer take away sinnes:
Ane ani, kondi uya unu katuma ka Asere ma tunzino kondi uya uwui barki uwuza katuma ka Asere. Kondi uya uwui ma wiro usadaka, u inde vat anime wa da ke wa kari vat imum iburi ba.
12 But this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sinnes, sitteth for euer at the right hand of God,
A ure una, Yeso ma witi usadaka su ka inde cas sarki ibinani. Ma cukuno atari tina reta Asere.
13 And from hencefoorth tarieth, till his enemies be made his footestoole.
Ma nyarga a kurzo anu ishina imeme imumu u hirza utibuna tumeme.
14 For with one offering hath he consecrated for euer them that are sanctified.
Barki ahira usadaka uginome ma mari sarki ibinani ahira adesa wa witi ace aweme ahira Asere.
15 For the holy Ghost also beareth vs record: for after that he had sayd before,
Bi be biriri ba bukim duru, Imumu ituba, Bigu.
16 This is the Testament that I will make vnto them after those dayes, sayth the Lord, I wil put my Lawes in their heart, and in their mindes I will write them.
“U inko utize ti ge tini sa indi wuzi nanshi ati ye tigeme, ubuka Asere indi in ki shi tize anyimo amu riba muwe, indi yetteke tiri ugamara uweme.
17 And their sinnes and iniquities will I remember no more.
Inda kuri in ringi ini imum iburi iwe ba nan usiziki me uweme.”
18 Nowe where remission of these things is, there is no more offering for sinne.
Ana me vat ahira sa akan u vete abanga ahira imum iginome uka nya usadaka uzoni barki imum I'buri.
19 Seeing therefore, brethren, that by the blood of Iesus we may be bolde to enter into the Holy place,
Barki ani, nihenu, ti zo duru in ma'aye mu ribe ahira adang alau barki maye ma Yeso.
20 By the newe and liuing way, which hee hath prepared for vs, through the vaile, that is, his flesh:
Uge uni una uvengize sa a pokin durini ahira u labule, ahira anipum numeme.
21 And seeing we haue an hie Priest, which is ouer the house of God,
Barki ti zin unu udang ukatuma ka akura Asere.
22 Let vs drawe neere with a true heart in assurance of faith, our hearts being pure from an euill conscience,
Nati ti e mamu ini iriba ika dure, unu kara uma'aye, ini iriba igebesa akpiio ini ahira ugamara uburi, nan ukpijo apum aru in mei ma lau.
23 And washed in our bodies with pure water, let vs keepe the profession of our hope, without wauering, (for he is faithfull that promised)
Na ti nita in nikara ubezi unya iriba nan uwuza iriba ire da unu zuroba, barki Asere ma tiri tize ti uhem.
24 And let vs consider one another, to prouoke vnto loue, and to good workes,
Na ti kuri hiri una uhirza uni henu hem nan katuma ka huma.
25 Not forsaking the fellowship that we haue among our selues, as the maner of some is: but let vs exhort one another, and that so much the more, because ye see that the day draweth neere.
Kati pasi ni ori nan anu henu, kasi sa aye wa wuza. A'anime, nati ringizi acece kondi uya uwui, kasi sa ihira uwui usa aze mammamu.
26 For if we sinne willingly after that we haue receiued and acknowledged that trueth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sinnes,
Barki ani me ingi tare aje unu wuza imum iburi gbas sa tamu kem urusa uka dure, una uwuza u gino me uka zome ba.
27 But a fearefull looking for of iudgement, and violent fire, which shall deuoure the aduersaries.
A'anime, u taza umaye miyan in mum be sa adi weki, nan ura ubanban, sa udi ri anu ishina Asere.
28 He that despiseth Moses Law, dieth without mercy vnder two, or three witnesses:
Vat desa ma game utarsa u inko utize ti Musa madi wi sarki ugogomi ahira anu tunno wa re nani wa taru.
29 Of howe much sorer punishment suppose ye shall hee be worthy, which treadeth vnder foote the Sonne of God, and counteth the blood of the Testament as an vnholy thing, wherewith he was sanctified, and doeth despite the Spirit of grace?
Uya uweki utize tini i hira ya wuna uri a wuzi a desa wa iza vana Asere, vat an desa wa zika maye mu utira utize kasi da ma lau mani ba, ahira a maye magino mani ainki mani ahira Asere, Adesa wa game bi'be biriri bi ubenki.
30 For we know him that hath sayd, Vengeance belongeth vnto mee: I will recompense, saith the Lord. And againe, The Lord shall iudge his people.
Barki ti rusa desa magu, “Uyarza um uni, indi kurizoni,” a anime “Asere adi weki tize ahira anu me.”
31 It is a fearefull thing to fall into the hands of the liuing God.
Imum ibiyan urizi a tari ta Aseri uvengeze!
32 Nowe call to remembrance the dayes that are passed, in the which, after ye had receiued light, ye endured a great fight in afflictions,
Ringi ni tiye ta adumo, sa ya kem masaa, sa ya tiri iriba anyimo ijas.
33 Partly while yee were made a gazing stocke both by reproches and afflictions, and partly while ye became companions of them which were so tossed to and from.
A yashi mu'i aje amu, ahira nibasa na ure umuhenu, ya zin na sa ani rere sa aye ashime wa ribeni.
34 For both ye sorowed with mee for my bonds, and suffered with ioy the spoyling of your goods, knowing in your selues howe that ye haue in heauen a better, and an enduring substance.
Barki izi uni gogoni barki adesa a kursozowe, ini iriba irum, ya kan imumu izatu umarsa iriri. Barki ya kunna ugogoni um sa ma raa udenge u kursa anu.
35 Cast not away therefore your confidence which hath great recompense of reward.
Barki ani kati i vete kaduna kashi meni, kazi ini mumu ikurzo gdardang.
36 For ye haue neede of patience, that after ye haue done the will of God, ye might receiue the promise.
Barki i nyara unatu iriba barki ikem imum be sa Asere ma tirin duru ni, in gi ya tarsa iriba imeme.
37 For yet a very litle while, and hee that shall come, will come, and will not tary.
Barki ku ganiya ku cin, unu aze ugino madi e sarki ucara uganiya.
38 Nowe the iust shall liue by faith: but if any withdrawe himselfe, my soule shall haue no pleasure in him.
Unu u lau um madi vengize ahira unya iriba.
39 But we are not they which withdrawe our selues vnto perdition, but follow faith vnto the conseruation of the soule.
Haru ti da raa anyimo ade sa wa kuri ina dumo u hana iwono. A'ani me, ti raa anyimo adesa wa zinu nya iriba barki uhira uvengize uwemw.

< Hebrews 10 >