< Habakkuk 1 >

1 The burden, which Habakkuk the Prophet did see.
Men mesaj Bondye te bay pwofèt Abakouk nan yon vizyon.
2 O Lord, howe long shall I crye, and thou wilt not heare! euen crye out vnto thee for violence, and thou wilt not helpe!
Seyè! Konbe tan ankò pou m' pase ap rele ou, ap mande ou sekou anvan pou ou tande m'? Konbe tan ankò pou m' pase ap rele nan zòrèy ou anvan pou ou vin delivre nou anba moun k'ap maltrete nou yo?
3 Why doest thou shewe mee iniquitie, and cause me to beholde sorowe? for spoyling, and violence are before me: and there are that rayse vp strife and contention.
Poukisa w'ap fè m' wè tout mechanste sa yo? Ki jan ou ka rete kanpe konsa ap gade tout lenjistis sa yo? Se piyay ak mechanste ase ki devan je m'! Toupatou se goumen, se kont.
4 Therefore the Lawe is dissolued, and iudgement doeth neuer go forth: for the wicked doeth compasse about the righteous: therefore wrong iudgement proceedeth.
Lalwa a la, li pa sèvi anyen. Ou pa ka jwenn jistis. Mechan yo ap kraze moun k'ap mache dwat. Lajistis devan dèyè.
5 Beholde among the heathen, and regarde, and wonder, and maruaile: for I will worke a worke in your dayes: yee will not beleeue it, though it be tolde you.
Seyè a pale ak pèp li a, li di: -Voye je nou gade nasyon ki bò kote nou yo. Nou pral sezi, nou pral tranble. Mwen pral fè yon travay devan je nou. Si se moun ki ta vin di nou sa, nou pa ta kwè.
6 For lo, I raise vp the Caldeans, that bitter and furious nation, which shall goe vpon the breadth of the lande to possesse the dwelling places, that are not theirs.
M'ap fè moun peyi Kalde yo kanpe. Se yon pèp ki san pitye, ki san manman. Y'ap mache toupatou sou latè, y'ap pran peyi lòt pèp nan men yo.
7 They are terrible and fearefull: their iudgement and their dignitie shall proceede of theselues.
Kote yo pase, yo fè moun pè yo. Yo pa nan jwèt ak pesonn. Yo pa pran lòd nan men pesonn. Yo fè sa yo pi pito.
8 Their horses also are swifter then the leopards, and are more fierce then the wolues in the euening: and their horsemen are many: and their horsemen shall come from farre: they shall flie as the eagle hasting to meate.
Chwal yo kouri pi rèd pase chat mawon. Yo pi move pase chen mawon ki grangou. Kavalye yo soti byen lwen, y'ap kouri vini. Yo tankou malfini k'ap plonje sou poul.
9 They come all to spoyle: before their faces shalbe an Eastwinde, and they shall gather the captiuitie, as the sand.
Sòlda yo ap vini pou fè piyay. Tout moun pè lè yo wè yo ap pwoche, paske yo ranmase prizonye an kantite, san gad dèyè.
10 And they shall mocke the Kings, and the princes shalbe a skorne vnto them: they shall deride euery strong holde: for they shall gather dust, and take it.
Y'ap pase wa yo nan betiz. Y'ap pase chèf yo nan rizib. Pa gen fò ki ka rete yo. Yo annik anpile tè bò miray yo, lèfini yo moute pran yo.
11 Then shall they take a courage, and transgresse and doe wickedly, imputing this their power vnto their god.
Yo pase tankou yon koutvan, yo kraze brize, epi y' al fè wout yo. Bondye yo se fòs yo gen nan ponyèt yo. Se nan sa yo kwè.
12 Art thou not of olde, O Lord my God, mine holy one? we shall not die: O Lord, thou hast ordeined them for iudgement, and O God, thou hast established them for correction.
Seyè! Depi tout tan se ou ki Bondye. Ou se Bondye m', Bondye tout bon ki la pou tout tan an. Seyè, Bondye mwen, ou menm k'ap pwoteje m'! Se pèp sa a ou chwazi pou fè travay ou? Se pèp sa a ou voye pou pini nou?
13 Thou art of pure eyes, and canst not see euill: thou canst not behold wickednesse: wherefore doest thou looke vpon the transgressors, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked deuoureth the man, that is more righteous then he?
Ou twò bon pou ou kite moun ap fè mechanste devan je ou konsa! Ou pa ka rete ap gade moun ap fè lenjistis devan ou konsa! Ki jan ou fè rete ap gade bann moun trèt sa yo? Poukisa ou pa di anyen lè mechan yo ap fini ak moun ki pi inonsan pase yo?
14 And makest men as the fishes of the sea, and as the creeping things, that haue no ruler ouer them.
Kouman ou ka aji ak moun tankou si yo te pwason nan lanmè, tankou koulèv nan raje ki pa gen mèt?
15 They take vp all with the angle: they catch it in their net, and gather it in their yarne, whereof they reioyce and are glad.
Moun Babilòn yo pran moun nan zen tankou pwason. Yo rale yo nan senn, yo ranmase yo nan nas. Lèfini, yo kontan, y'ap fè fèt.
16 Therefore they sacrifice vnto their net, and burne incense vnto their yarne, because by them their portion is fat and their meat plenteous.
Se sak fè tou, yo fè ofrann bèt yo touye pou senn yo, yo boule lansan pou nas yo, paske se nan senn yo ak nan nas yo yo jwenn tout kalite bon pwason pou yo manje.
17 Shall they therefore stretch out their net and not spare continually to slay the nations?
Eske yo pral toujou sèvi ak nepe yo san rete, pou yo touye moun lòt nasyon san yo pa gen pitye pou yo?

< Habakkuk 1 >