< Ezekiel 38 >

1 And the worde of the Lord came vnto mee, saying,
Un Tā Kunga vārds uz mani notika sacīdams:
2 Sonne of man, set thy face against Gog, and against the lande of Magog, the chiefe prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophecie against him,
Cilvēka bērns, griez savu vaigu pret Gogu Magoga zemē, Roša, Mešeha un Tūbala valdnieku, un sludini pret viņu
3 And say, Thus sayth the Lord God, Behold, I come against thee, O Gog the chiefe prince of Meshech and Tubal.
Un saki: tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: redzi, Es celšos pret tevi, Gog, tu Roša, Mešeha un Tūbala valdnieks.
4 And I wil destroy thee, and put hookes in thy chawes, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine host both horses, and horsemen, all clothed with al sorts of armour, eue a great multitude with bucklers, and shieldes, all handling swords.
Un Es tevi vedīšu un likšu makšķeri tavos žokļos, un tevi izvedīšu ar visu tavu karaspēku, zirgiem un jātniekiem, kas visi labi ģērbti, lielu pulku, ar krūšu bruņām un priekšturamām bruņām, kas visi nes zobenus;
5 They of Paras, of Cush, and Phut with the, euen all they that beare shielde and helmet.
Persieši, Moru ļaudis un Libieši viņiem līdz, tie visi ar priekšturamām bruņām un dzelzs cepurēm.
6 Gomer and all his bands, and the house of Togarmah of the North quarters, and al his bands, and much people with thee.
Gomers un visi viņa karavīri, Togarmas nams, kas pašā ziemeļu galā, ar visiem saviem karogiem; daudz tautu līdz ar tevi.
7 Prepare thy selfe, and make thee ready, both thou, and al thy multitude, that are assembled vnto thee, and be thou their sauegard.
Esi gatavs un taisies, tu un viss tavs pulks, kas pie tevis sapulcēts, un esi tiem par vadoni. Pēc daudz dienām tu tapsi piemeklēts,
8 After many dayes thou shalt bee visited: for in the latter yeres thou shalt come into the land, that hath bene destroyed with the sworde, and is gathered out of many people vpon the mountaines of Israel, which haue long lien waste: yet they haue bene brought out of the people, and they shall dwell all safe.
Un pēdīgā laikā tu nāksi uz to zemi, kas ir atkal atvesta no zobena un sapulcēta no daudz tautām, uz Israēla kalniem, kas bez mitēšanās tapa postīti, un tā ir izvesta no tautām, un tie visnotaļ dzīvos droši.
9 Thou shalt ascende and come vp like a tempest, and shalt be like a cloude to couer the land, both thou, and all thy bandes, and many people with thee.
Tad tu celsies, nāksi kā vētra, būsi kā padebesis, kas zemi apklāj, līdz ar visiem taviem karogiem, un daudz tautu tev līdz.
10 Thus saith the Lord God, Euen at ye same time shall many things come into thy minde, and thou shalt thinke euil thoughts.
Tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: tai dienā celsies tavā sirdī padomi, un tu domāsi niknas domas,
11 And thou shalt say, I wil go vp to the land that hath no walled towres: I will goe to them that are at rest, and dwell in safetie, which dwell all without walles, and haue neither barres nor gates,
Un sacīsi: es celšos pret to neapstiprināto zemi, es nākšu pret tiem, kas dzīvo mierīgi un droši, kas dzīvo visi bez mūriem, un kam nav nedz aizšaujamo, nedz vārtu,
12 Thinking to spoyle the pray, and to take a bootie, to turne thine hande vpon the desolate places that are nowe inhabited, and vpon the people, that are gathered out of the nations which haue gotten cattell and goods, and dwell in the middes of the land.
Laupīt laupīdams un postīt postīdams, savu roku griezdams pret tām posta vietām, kur atkal dzīvo, un pret tiem ļaudīm, kas no pagāniem ir sapulcēti, kas lopus un mantu krājās un dzīvo zemes vidū.
13 Sheba and Dedan, and the marchantes of Tarshish with all the lions thereof shall say vnto thee, Art thou come to spoyle the praye? hast thou gathered thy multitude to take a booty? to cary away siluer and golde, to take away cattell and goods, and to spoyle a great pray?
Zaba un Dedans un Taršiša tirgotāji un visi viņu varenie uz tevi sacīs: vai tu nāci laupīdams laupīt? Vai tu savu pulku esi sapulcinājis postīdams postīt, sudrabu un zeltu projām vest, lopus un mantu atņemt, lielu laupījumu laupīt?
14 Therefore, sonne of man, prophecie, and saye vnto Gog, Thus sayeth the Lord God, In that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safe, shalt thou not knowe it?
Tādēļ sludini, cilvēka bērns, un saki uz Gogu: tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs, vai tu tai dienā, kad Mani Israēla ļaudis dzīvos droši, to nemanīsi?
15 And come from thy place out of the North partes, thou and much people with thee? all shall ride vpon horses, euen a great multitude and a mightie armie.
Tad tu nāksi no savas vietas no ziemeļa gala, tu un daudz tautas tev līdz, visi, zirgu jājēji, liels pulks un varens spēks.
16 And thou shalt come vp against my people of Israel, as a cloude to couer the land: thou shalt be in the latter dayes, and I will bring thee vpon my lande, that the heathen may knowe mee, when I shalbe sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.
Un tu celsies pret Maniem Israēla ļaudīm kā padebesis, zemi apklāj. Tas notiks pēdīgā laikā, ka Es tevi vedīšu pret Savu zemi, lai tās tautas Mani pazīst, kad Es pie tevis, Gog, svēts parādīšos priekš viņu acīm.
17 Thus saith the Lord God, Art not thou he, of whom I haue spoken in olde time, by ye hand of my seruants the Prophets of Israel which prophecied in those dayes and yeeres, that I woulde bring thee vpon them?
Tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: tu tas esi, par ko Es pagājušos laikos esmu runājis caur Saviem kalpiem, Israēla praviešiem, kas tanīs dienās, caur daudz gadiem, sludināja, ka Es tevi vedīšu pret tiem.
18 At the same time also whe Gog shall come against the land of Israel, sayth the Lord God, my wrath shall arise in mine anger.
Bet notiks tai dienā, kad Gogs nāks pret Israēla zemi, saka Tas Kungs Dievs, tad Mana bargā dusmība iedegsies.
19 For in mine indignation and in the fire of my wrath haue I spoken it: surely at that time there shalbe a great shaking in the land of Israel,
Un Es Savā karstumā esmu runājis un Savas dusmības ugunī, ka tai dienā liela drebēšana būs Israēla zemē,
20 So that the fishes of the sea, and the foules of the heauen, and the beasts of the field and al that moue and creepe vpon the earth, and al ye men that are vpon the earth, shall tremble at my presence, and the mountaines shalbe ouerthrowen, and the staires shall fall, and euery wall shall fall to the ground.
Tā ka Manā priekšā trīcēs zivis jūrā, un putni apakš debess un zvēri laukā un visi tārpi, kas virs zemes lien, un visi cilvēki, kas zemes virsū, un kalni gāzīsies, un kalnu gali kritīs, un visi mūri grūs pie zemes.
21 For I will call for a sworde against him throughout all my mountaines, saith the Lord God: euery mans sword shalbe against his brother.
Un Es aicināšu zobenu pret viņu uz visiem Maniem kalniem, saka Tas Kungs Dievs, brāļa zobens būs pret brāli.
22 And I will pleade against him with pestilence, and with blood, and I will cause to raine vpon him and vpon his bands, and vpon the great people, that are with him, a sore raine, and hailestones, fire, and brimstone.
Un Es ar tiem tiesāšos caur mēri un caur asinīm un likšu stipram lietum līt ar lielu krusu, uguni un sēru uz viņu un uz viņa karogiem un uz visām tām tautām, kas viņam līdz.
23 Thus will I be magnified, and sanctified, and knowen in the eyes of many nations, and they shall knowe, that I am the Lord.
Tā Es parādīšos liels un svēts un Sevi darīšu zināmu daudz tautu acīs, un tās atzīs, ka Es esmu Tas Kungs.

< Ezekiel 38 >