< Ezekiel 34 >

1 And the word of the Lord came vnto me, saying,
Seyè a pale avè m', li di m' konsa:
2 Sonne of man, prophesie against the shepherdes of Israel, prophesie and say vnto them, Thus saieth the Lord God vnto the shepherds, Wo be vnto the shepherds of Israel, that feede them selues: should not the shepherds feede the flockes?
-Nonm o! Bay mesaj sa a sou tout chèf ki reskonsab pèp Izrayèl la. Bay yo mesaj la, di yo: Men sa Seyè sèl Mèt la voye di yo: Madichon pou gadò pèp Izrayèl yo! Yo te mete yo la pou yo te swen pèp la, men se pwòp tèt yo ase yo konnen.
3 Yee eate the fat, and yee clothe you with the wooll: yee kill them that are fed, but ye feede not the sheepe.
Nou bwè lèt mouton yo, nou pran lenn sou do yo pou fè rad mete sou nou, nou touye sa ki pi gra yo pou nou manje. Men, nou pa janm swen mouton yo.
4 The weake haue ye not strengthened: the sicke haue ye not healed, neither haue ye bounde vp the broken, nor brought againe that which was driuen away, neither haue yee sought that which was lost, but with crueltie, and with rigour haue yee ruled them.
Nou pa bay sa ki mèg yo manje pou yo pran fòs. Nou pa swen sa ki malad yo. Nou pa mete renmèd sou sa ki blese yo. Nou pa fè sa ki te soti nan bann yo tounen nan plas yo. Nou pa al chache sa ki te pèdi yo. Lekontrè, nou sèvi ak pozisyon chèf nou an pou n' kraze yo, pou n' maltrete yo.
5 And they were scattered without a shepherde: and when they were dispersed, they were deuoured of all the beastes of the fielde.
Paske mouton yo te san gadò, yo gaye nan raje yo, bèt nan bwa touye yo.
6 My sheepe wandred through all the mountaines, and vpon euery hie hill: yea, my flocke was scattered through al the earth, and none did seeke or search after them.
Se konsa mouton yo gaye sou gwo mòn yo ak sou ti mòn yo. Mouton yo gaye toupatou sou latè. Pesonn pa okipe yo, pesonn pa chache kote yo ye.
7 Therefore ye shepherds, heare the woorde of the Lord.
Se poutèt sa, nou menm gadò ki reskonsab pèp Izrayèl la, koute sa Seyè a voye di nou.
8 As I liue, sayeth the Lord God, surely because my flocke was spoyled, and my sheepe were deuoured of all the beasts of the fielde, hauing no shepherde, neither did my shepherdes seeke my sheepe, but the shepherdes fedde them selues, and fedde not my sheepe,
Jan nou konnen mwen vivan vre a, se mwen menm, Seyè sèl Mèt la, k'ap pale. Bèt nan bwa atake mouton m' yo, yo devore yo, paske yo te san gadò. Gadò m' yo pa fè anyen pou mouton m' yo. Se tèt pa yo ase yo konnen. Yo pa swen mouton m' yo.
9 Therefore, heare ye the word of the Lord, O ye shepherds.
Konsa, nou menm gadò pèp la, koute pawòl mwen menm, Seyè a, m'ap di nou.
10 Thus saieth the Lord God, Behold, I come against the shepherds, and will require my sheepe at their hands, and cause them to cease from feeding the sheepe: neither shall the shepherds feede them selues any more: for I wil deliuer my sheepe from their mouthes, and they shall no more deuoure them.
Wi, men sa mwen menm, Seyè sèl Mèt la, voye di nou: M'ap leve dèyè nou! M'ap wete mouton yo nan men nou. Mwen p'ap kite nou reskonsab mouton m' yo ankò. Konsa nou p'ap rete chita ap angrese tèt nou ase sou do mouton m' yo. Wi, m'ap wete mouton m' yo anba dan nou. Nou p'ap ka pwofite sou yo ankò.
11 For thus sayeth the Lord God, Beholde, I will search my sheepe, and seeke them out.
Men sa Seyè sèl Mèt la di ankò: -Se mwen menm menm ki pral chache mouton m' yo pou m' swen yo.
12 As a shepherd searcheth out his flocke, when he hath bene among his sheepe that are scattered, so wil I seeke out my sheepe and wil deliuer them out of all places, where they haue beene scattered in the cloudie and darke day,
Menm jan yon gadò mache swen mouton l' yo ki te gaye, konsa m'ap mache sanble tout mouton m' yo, m'ap pran yo tout kote yo te gaye yo depi jou fènwa a, jou gwo malè a, m'ap fè yo tounen.
13 And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countreis, and will bring them to their owne lande, and feede them vpon the mountaines of Israel, by the riuers, and in all the inhabited places of the countrey.
M'ap fè yo soti nan mitan moun lòt nasyon yo, m'ap sanble yo, m'ap mennen yo tounen nan pwòp peyi pa yo. M'ap mennen yo vin manje sou tout mòn peyi Izrayèl yo, nan fon yo, tout kote moun ka rete nan peyi a.
14 I will feede them in a good pasture, and vpon the hie mountaines of Israel shall their folde be: there shall they lie in a good folde and in fat pasture shall they feede vpon the mountaines of Israel.
M'ap kite yo manje nan bon jaden zèb. Sou tout mòn byen wo nan peyi Izrayèl la, yo pral jwenn kote pou yo rete san danje. Se la yo pral poze kò yo, yo pral jwenn kont zèb vèt yo sou tout mòn peyi Izrayèl yo.
15 I will feede my sheepe, and bring them to their rest, sayth the Lord God.
Se mwen menm ki pral okipe mouton m' yo. Se mwen menm k'ap jwenn yon kote pou yo poze. Se mwen menm, Seyè sèl Mèt la, ki di sa.
16 I will seeke that which was lost, and bring againe that which was driue away, and will binde vp that which was broken, and will strengthen the weake but I wil destroy the fat and the strong, and I will feede them with iudgement.
Sa ki pèdi yo, m'ap chache yo. Sa ki te soti nan bann yo, m'ap fè yo tounen nan plas yo. Sa ki blese yo, m'ap mete renmèd pou yo. Sa ki malad yo, m'ap geri yo. Men, sa ki gra yo, sa ki byen gwo yo, m'ap touye yo. M'ap swen mouton m' yo jan m' dwe fè l' la.
17 Also you my sheepe, Thus saieth the Lord God, behold, I iudge betweene sheepe, and sheepe, betweene the rammes and the goates.
Pou nou menm, mouton m' yo, men sa mwen menm, Seyè sèl Mèt la, mwen voye di nou. Mwen pral jije nou chak. M'ap mete bon yo yon bò, move yo yon bò, belye mouton yo yon bò, bouk kabrit yo yon bò.
18 Seemeth it a small thing vnto you to haue eaten vp the good pasture, but yee must treade downe with your feete the residue of your pasture? and to haue drunke of the deepe waters, but yee must trouble the residue with your feete?
Genyen nan mitan nou, se yo ase ki pou manje pi bon zèb yo. Men, sa pa kont yo toujou. Se pou yo pilonnen anba pye yo sa ki pa manje yo. Se yo ase ki pou bwè bèl dlo fre. Men sa pa kont yo toujou, fòk yo sal rès dlo a ak pye yo.
19 And my sheepe eate that which yee haue troden with your feete, and drinke that which ye haue troubled with your feete.
Konsa, rès mouton m' yo blije manje zèb lòt yo te pilonnen anba pye yo. Yo blije bwè rès dlo lòt yo te sal ak pye yo.
20 Therefore thus sayth the Lord God vnto them, behold, I, euen I wil iudge betweene the fat sheepe and the leane sheepe.
Se konsa, koulye a, men sa mwen menm, Seyè sèl Mèt la, mwen voye di nou: Mwen pral jije mouton gra yo ak mouton mèg yo.
21 Because ye haue thrust with side and with shoulder, and pusht al the weake with your hornes, till ye haue scattered them abroade,
Nou pouse mouton ki san fòs yo sou kote, nou ba yo kou ak dèyè nou, ak pòtray nou, ak kòn nou jouk nou mete yo deyò, nou fè yo kite bann lan.
22 Therefore wil I helpe my sheepe, and they shall no more be spoyled, and I wil iudge betweene sheepe and sheepe.
Men, m'ap vin sove mouton m' yo, m' p'ap kite nou fè piyay sou do yo ankò. Se mwen menm k'ap jij nan mitan nou.
23 And I wil set vp a shepherd ouer them, and he shall feede them, euen my seruant Dauid, he shall feede them, and he shalbe their shepherd.
M'ap ba yo yon wa k'ap tankou David, sèvitè m' lan. Se li menm ki pral okipe yo, k'ap mennen yo manje. Se li menm k'ap gadò yo.
24 And I the Lord will be their God, and my seruant Dauid shalbe the prince amog them. I the Lord haue spoken it.
Se mwen menm, Seyè a, k'ap Bondye yo. Se yon wa, tankou David sèvitè m' lan, ki va sèl chèf nan mitan yo. Se mwen menm, Seyè a, ki di sa.
25 And I will make with them a couenant of peace, and will cause the euil beastes to cease out of the land: and they shall dwel safely in the wildernesse, and sleepe in the woods.
M'ap pase ak yo yon kontra k'ap garanti yo kè poze, m'ap fè tout bèt nan bwa disparèt nan peyi a. Konsa mouton m' yo va rete san pwoblèm nan savann yo, y'a dòmi nan rakbwa yo.
26 And I wil set them, as a blessing, euen roud about my mountaine: and I will cause rayne to come downe in due season, and there shalbe raine of blessing.
M'ap fè yo rete tout bò ti mòn ki apa pou mwen an. M'ap beni yo, m'ap ba yo bèl lapli lè pou lapli tonbe.
27 And the tree of the fielde shall yeeld her fruite, and the earth shall giue her fruite, and they shalbe safe in their land, and shall know that I am the Lord, when I haue broken the cordes of their yoke, and deliuered them out of the hands of those that serued themselues of them.
Pyebwa nan jaden yo va donnen, jaden yo va bay bèl rekòt, tout moun pral viv ak kè poze nan peyi yo a. Lè m'a wete chenn lan nan kou yo, lè m'a delivre yo anba men moun ki te fè yo tounen esklav, lè sa a y'a konnen se mwen menm ki Seyè a.
28 And they shall no more be spoyled of the heathen, neither shall the beastes of the land deuoure them, but they shall dwell safely and none shall make them afrayd.
Moun lòt nasyon p'ap piye yo ankò. Bèt nan bwa p'ap devore yo ankò nan peyi a. Yo pral rete lakay yo san danje. Pesonn p'ap vin chache yo kont.
29 And I will rayse vp for them a plant of renoume, and they shalbe no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither beare the reproche of the heathen any more.
M'ap ba yo bon venn tè nan jaden yo. Moun p'ap mouri grangou nan peyi a ankò. Lòt nasyon yo p'ap pase yo nan betiz ankò.
30 Thus shall they vnderstande, that I the Lord their God am with them, and that they, euen the house of Israel, are my people, sayth the Lord God.
Tout moun va konnen se mwen menm Seyè a, Bondye yo a, ki kanpe la avèk yo. Yo menm, moun fanmi Izrayèl yo, se pèp pa m' lan menm yo ye. Se mwen menm, Seyè sèl Mèt la, ki di sa.
31 And yee my sheepe, the sheepe of my pasture are men, and I am your God, saith the Lord God.
Nou menm, moun, se mouton mwen nou ye, bann mouton m'ap okipe yo. Mwen menm, se Bondye nou mwen ye. Se Seyè sèl Mèt la ki di sa.

< Ezekiel 34 >