< Exodus 12 >

1 Then the Lord spake to Moses and to Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying,
dixit quoque Dominus ad Mosen et Aaron in terra Aegypti
2 This moneth shalbe vnto you the beginning of moneths: it shalbe to you the first moneth of the yere.
mensis iste vobis principium mensuum primus erit in mensibus anni
3 Speake ye vnto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth of this moneth let euery man take vnto him a lambe, according to the house of the fathers, a lambe for an house.
loquimini ad universum coetum filiorum Israhel et dicite eis decima die mensis huius tollat unusquisque agnum per familias et domos suas
4 And if the housholde be too litle for the lambe, he shall take his neighbour, which is next vnto his house, according to the nomber of the persons: euery one of you, according to his eating shall make your count for the lambes,
sin autem minor est numerus ut sufficere possit ad vescendum agnum adsumet vicinum suum qui iunctus est domui eius iuxta numerum animarum quae sufficere possunt ad esum agni
5 Your lambe shalbe without blemish, a male of a yeere olde: ye shall take it of the lambes, or of the kiddes.
erit autem agnus absque macula masculus anniculus iuxta quem ritum tolletis et hedum
6 And yee shall keepe it vntill the fourteenth day of this moneth: then al the multitude of the Congregation of Israel shall kill it at euen.
et servabitis eum usque ad quartamdecimam diem mensis huius immolabitque eum universa multitudo filiorum Israhel ad vesperam
7 After, they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two postes, and on the vpper doore post of the houses where they shall eate it.
et sument de sanguine ac ponent super utrumque postem et in superliminaribus domorum in quibus comedent illum
8 And they shall eate the flesh the same night, roste with fire, and vnleauened bread: with sowre herbes they shall eate it.
et edent carnes nocte illa assas igni et azymos panes cum lactucis agrestibus
9 Eate not thereof rawe, boyled nor sodden in water, but rost with fire, both his head, his feete, and his purtenance.
non comedetis ex eo crudum quid nec coctum aqua sed assum tantum igni caput cum pedibus eius et intestinis vorabitis
10 And ye shall reserue nothing of it vnto the morning: but that, which remaineth of it vnto the morowe, shall ye burne with fire.
nec remanebit ex eo quicquam usque mane si quid residui fuerit igne conburetis
11 And thus shall yee eate it, Your loynes girded, your shoes on your feete, and your staues in your handes, and yee shall eate it in haste: for it is the Lords Passeouer.
sic autem comedetis illum renes vestros accingetis calciamenta habebitis in pedibus tenentes baculos in manibus et comedetis festinantes est enim phase id est transitus Domini
12 For I will passe through the lande of Egypt the same night, and will smite all the first borne in the land of Egypt, both man and beast, and I will execute iudgement vpon all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord.
et transibo per terram Aegypti nocte illa percutiamque omne primogenitum in terra Aegypti ab homine usque ad pecus et in cunctis diis Aegypti faciam iudicia ego Dominus
13 And the blood shalbe a token for you vpon the houses where ye are: so when I see the blood, I will passe ouer you, and the plague shall not be vpon you to destruction, when I smite the lande of Egypt.
erit autem sanguis vobis in signum in aedibus in quibus eritis et videbo sanguinem ac transibo vos nec erit in vobis plaga disperdens quando percussero terram Aegypti
14 And this day shalbe vnto you a remembrance: and ye shall keepe it an holie feast vnto the Lord, throughout your generations: yee shall keepe it holie by an ordinance for euer.
habebitis autem hanc diem in monumentum et celebrabitis eam sollemnem Domino in generationibus vestris cultu sempiterno
15 Seuen daies shall ye eat vnleauened bread, and in any case ye shall put away leauen the first day out of your houses: for whosoeuer eateth leauened bread from the first daie vntill the seuenth day, that person shalbe cut off from Israel.
septem diebus azyma comedetis in die primo non erit fermentum in domibus vestris quicumque comederit fermentatum peribit anima illa de Israhel a primo die usque ad diem septimum
16 And in the first day shalbe an holie assemblie: also in the seuenth day shalbe an holy assemblie vnto you: no worke shalbe done in them, saue about that which euery man must eate: that onely may ye do.
dies prima erit sancta atque sollemnis et dies septima eadem festivitate venerabilis nihil operis facietis in eis exceptis his quae ad vescendum pertinent
17 Ye shall keepe also the feast of vnleauened bread: for that same daye I will bring your armies out of the lande of Egypt: therefore ye shall obserue this day, throughout your posteritie, by an ordinance for euer.
et observabitis azyma in eadem enim ipsa die educam exercitum vestrum de terra Aegypti et custodietis diem istum in generationes vestras ritu perpetuo
18 In the first moneth and the fourteenth day of the moneth at euen, yee shall eate vnleauened bread vnto the one and twentieth day of the moneth at euen.
primo mense quartadecima die mensis ad vesperam comedetis azyma usque ad diem vicesimam primam eiusdem mensis ad vesperam
19 Seuen daies shall no leauen be founde in your houses: for whosoeuer eateth leauened bread, that person shalbe cut off from the Congregation of Israel: whether he bee a stranger, or borne in the land.
septem diebus fermentum non invenietur in domibus vestris qui comederit fermentatum peribit anima eius de coetu Israhel tam de advenis quam de indigenis terrae
20 Ye shall eate no leauened bread: but in all your habitations shall ye eate vnleauened bread.
omne fermentatum non comedetis in cunctis habitaculis vestris edetis azyma
21 Then Moses called all the Elders of Israel, and saide vnto them, Choose out and take you for euerie of your housholdes a lambe, and kill the Passeouer.
vocavit autem Moses omnes seniores filiorum Israhel et dixit ad eos ite tollentes animal per familias vestras immolate phase
22 And take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the basen, and strike the lintell, and the doore cheekes with the blood that is in the basen, and let none of you goe out at the doore of his house, vntill the morning.
fasciculumque hysopi tinguite sanguine qui est in limine et aspergite ex eo superliminare et utrumque postem nullus vestrum egrediatur ostium domus suae usque mane
23 For the Lord will passe by to smite the Egyptians: and when he seeth the blood vpon the lintel and on the two doore cheekes, the Lord wil passe ouer the doore, and wil not suffer the destroyer to come into your houses to plague you.
transibit enim Dominus percutiens Aegyptios cumque viderit sanguinem in superliminari et in utroque poste transcendet ostium et non sinet percussorem ingredi domos vestras et laedere
24 Therefore shall ye obserue this thing as an ordinance both for thee and thy sonnes for euer.
custodi verbum istud legitimum tibi et filiis tuis usque in aeternum
25 And when ye shall come into the land, which the Lord will giue you as hee hath promised, then ye shall keepe this seruice.
cumque introieritis terram quam Dominus daturus est vobis ut pollicitus est observabitis caerimonias istas
26 And when your children aske you, What seruice is this ye keepe?
et cum dixerint vobis filii vestri quae est ista religio
27 Then ye shall saye, It is the sacrifice of the Lordes Passeouer, which passed ouer the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when he smote the Egyptians, and preserued our houses. Then the people bowed them selues, and worshipped.
dicetis eis victima transitus Domini est quando transivit super domos filiorum Israhel in Aegypto percutiens Aegyptios et domos nostras liberans incurvatusque populus adoravit
28 So the children of Israel went, and did as the Lord had commanded Moses and Aaron: so did they.
et egressi filii Israhel fecerunt sicut praeceperat Dominus Mosi et Aaron
29 Nowe at midnight, the Lord smote all the first borne in the lande of Egypt, from the first borne of Pharaoh that sate on his throne, vnto the first borne of the captiue that was in prison, and all the first borne of beastes.
factum est autem in noctis medio percussit Dominus omne primogenitum in terra Aegypti a primogenito Pharaonis qui sedebat in solio eius usque ad primogenitum captivae quae erat in carcere et omne primogenitum iumentorum
30 And Pharaoh rose vp in the night, he, and all his seruants and all the Egyptians: and there was a great crye in Egypt: for there was no house where there was not one dead.
surrexitque Pharao nocte et omnes servi eius cunctaque Aegyptus et ortus est clamor magnus in Aegypto neque enim erat domus in qua non iaceret mortuus
31 And hee called to Moses and to Aaron by night, and saide, Rise vp, get you out from among my people, both yee, and the children of Israel, and goe serue the Lord as ye haue sayde.
vocatisque Mosen et Aaron nocte ait surgite egredimini a populo meo et vos et filii Israhel ite immolate Domino sicut dicitis
32 Take also your sheepe and your cattell as yee haue sayde, and depart, and blesse me also.
oves vestras et armenta adsumite ut petieratis et abeuntes benedicite mihi
33 And the Egyptians did force the people, because they would send them out of the land in haste: for they said, We die all.
urguebantque Aegyptii populum de terra exire velociter dicentes omnes moriemur
34 Therfore the people tooke their dough before it was leauened, euen their dough bound in clothes vpon their shoulders.
tulit igitur populus conspersam farinam antequam fermentaretur et ligans in palliis posuit super umeros suos
35 And the children of Israel did according to the saying of Moses, and they asked of ye Egyptians iewels of siluer and iewels of gold, and raiment.
feceruntque filii Israhel sicut praeceperat Moses et petierunt ab Aegyptiis vasa argentea et aurea vestemque plurimam
36 And the Lord gaue the people fauour in the sight of the Egyptians: and they graunted their request: so they spoyled the Egyptians.
dedit autem Dominus gratiam populo coram Aegyptiis ut commodarent eis et spoliaverunt Aegyptios
37 Then the children of Israel tooke their iourney from Rameses to Succoth about sixe hundreth thousand men of foote, beside children.
profectique sunt filii Israhel de Ramesse in Soccoth sescenta ferme milia peditum virorum absque parvulis
38 And a great multitude of sundrie sortes of people went out with them, and sheepe, and beeues, and cattel in great abundance.
sed et vulgus promiscuum innumerabile ascendit cum eis oves et armenta et animantia diversi generis multa nimis
39 And they baked the dough which they brought out of Egypt, and made vnleauened cakes: for it was not leauened, because they were thrust out of Egypt, neither coulde they tarie, nor yet prepare themselues vitailes.
coxeruntque farinam quam dudum conspersam de Aegypto tulerant et fecerunt subcinericios panes azymos neque enim poterant fermentari cogentibus exire Aegyptiis et nullam facere sinentibus moram nec pulmenti quicquam occurrerant praeparare
40 So the dwelling of the children of Israel, while they dwelled in Egypt, was foure hundreth and thirtie yeres.
habitatio autem filiorum Israhel qua manserant in Aegypto fuit quadringentorum triginta annorum
41 And when the foure hundreth and thirtie yeeres were expired, euen the selfe same day departed all the hostes of the Lord out of the land of Egypt.
quibus expletis eadem die egressus est omnis exercitus Domini de terra Aegypti
42 It is a night to be kept holie to the Lord, because he brought them out of the lande of Egypt: this is that night of the Lord, which all the children of Israel must keepe throughout their generations.
nox est ista observabilis Domini quando eduxit eos de terra Aegypti hanc observare debent omnes filii Israhel in generationibus suis
43 Also the Lord said vnto Moses and Aaron, This is the Lawe of the Passeouer: no stranger shall eate thereof.
dixitque Dominus ad Mosen et Aaron haec est religio phase omnis alienigena non comedet ex eo
44 But euerie seruant that is bought for money, when thou hast circumcised him, then shall he eat thereof.
omnis autem servus empticius circumcidetur et sic comedet
45 A stranger or an hyred seruant shall not eat thereof.
advena et mercennarius non edent ex eo
46 In one house shall it bee eaten: thou shalt carie none of ye flesh out of the house, neither shall ye breake a bone thereof.
in una domo comedetur nec efferetis de carnibus eius foras nec os illius confringetis
47 All the Congregation of Israel shall obserue it.
omnis coetus filiorum Israhel faciet illud
48 But if a stranger dwell with thee, and will obserue the Passeouer of the Lord, let him circumcise all the males, that belong vnto him, and then let him come and obserue it, and he shall be as one that is borne in the land: for none vncircumcised person shall eate thereof.
quod si quis peregrinorum in vestram voluerit transire coloniam et facere phase Domini circumcidetur prius omne masculinum eius et tunc rite celebrabit eritque sicut indigena terrae si quis autem circumcisus non fuerit non vescetur ex eo
49 One lawe shalbe to him that is borne in the land, and to the stranger that dwelleth among you.
eadem lex erit indigenae et colono qui peregrinatur apud vos
50 Then all the children of Israel did as the Lord commanded Moses and Aaron: so did they.
fecerunt omnes filii Israhel sicut praeceperat Dominus Mosi et Aaron
51 And the selfe same day did the Lord bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their armies.
et in eadem die eduxit Dominus filios Israhel de terra Aegypti per turmas suas

< Exodus 12 >