< Esther 9 >

1 So in the twelft moneth, which is the moneth Adar, vpon the thirteenth daye of the same, when the Kings commandement and his decree drew neere to be put in execution, in the day that the enemies of the Iewes hoped to haue power ouer them (but it turned contrary: for the Iewes had rule ouer them that hated them)
Hagi 12fu ikana Adarie nehaza ikamofo 13ni kna zupa kini ne'mo'ma huno Jiu vahera zamahe vagaregahaze hu'neana, ete rukrahe hu'za Jiu vahe'mo'za ha' vahe'zmia zamahe'naze.
2 The Iewes gathered themselues together into their cities throughout all the prouinces of the King Ahashuerosh, to lay hande on such as sought their hurt, and no man coulde withstande them: for the feare of them fel vpon al people.
Hagi Jiu vahe'mo'za maka kumatmimpina ha'ma huzmante'nia vahe'ma nona hu'za ha'ma huzmante'nagu eritru hu'za mani'naze. Hianagi mago'mo'e huno hara huozmante'naze. Na'ankure maka vahe'mo'za Jiu vahekura tusi koro hu'naze.
3 And all the rulers of the prouinces, and the princes and the captaines, and the officers of the King exalted the Iewes: for the feare of Mordecai fell vpon them.
Higeno mago mago provinsifima zamagima me'nea vahe'mo'zane, ranra kva vahe'mo'zane, gavana vahe'mo'zane, kini ne'mofo agi'ma eri'za ru kumate'ma nemaniza kva vahe'mo'zanena Jiu vahetega ante'naze. Na'ankure zamagra tusiza hu'za Modekainkura korora hu'naze.
4 For Mordecai was great in the kings house, and the report of him went through all the prouinces: for this man Mordecai waxed greater and greater.
Na'ankure Modekaina kini ne'mo'a ragi amino avregeno kini ne'mofo kumapi umanigeno, agi agenkemo'a maka kaziga haruharu higeno, maka kna tusi himamu'ane ne' efore hu'ne.
5 Thus the Iewes smote all their enemies with strokes of the sworde and slaughter, and destruction, and did what they woulde vnto those that hated them.
Hagi Jiu vahe'mo'za ha'marezmantea vahera bainati kazinteti maka zamahe hana nehu'za, ha'marezmantea vahera na'anoma huzmante'naku'ma haza zana amne huzmante'naze.
6 And at Shushan the palace slewe the Iewes and destroyed fiue hundreth men,
Hagi hanave vihuma hugagi'naza Susa rankumapina 500'a vahe Jiu vahe'mo'za zamahe fri'naze.
7 And Parshandatha, and Dalphon, and Aspatha,
Ana nehu'za Parsandatama, Dalfonima, Aspatama,
8 And Poratha, and Adalia, and Aridatha,
Poratama, Adaliama, Aridatama,
9 And Parmashta, and Arisai, and Aridai, and Vaiezatha,
Parmastama, Arisaima, Aridaima, Vaizatama hu'za,
10 The ten sonnes of Haman, ye sonne of Ammedatha, the aduersarie of the Iewes slewe they: but they layd not their hands on the spoyle.
Jiu vahe'ma ha'marenentea ne' Hamedata nemofo Hemanina 10ni'a ne' mofavreramina zamahe fri hana hu'naze. Hianagi Jiu vahe'mo'za anama zamahaza vahe'mofo fenona e'ori'naze.
11 On the same day came ye nomber of those that were slayne, vnto the palace of Shushan before the King.
Hagi ana kna zupama hankave vihuma hugagi'naza Susa rankumapima vahe'ma zamahaza agenkea kini ne'ma ome asamizageno'a,
12 And the King sayd vnto the Queene Ester, The Iewes haue slayne in Shushan the palace and destroyed fiue hundreth men, and the ten sonnes of Haman: what haue they done in the rest of the Kings prouinces? and what is thy petition, that it may be giuen thee? or what is thy request moreouer, that it may be performed?
kini ne'mo'a anage huno kuini a' Estana asami'ne, Hanave vihuma hugagi'naza Susa rankumapina 500'a vahe'ene 10ni'a Hemani ne'mofavreraminena Jiu vahe'mo'za zamahaze. Hagi e'ina'ma ama kumapima hazana mago'a kumapina hago rama'a vahe zamahe fri'negahaze. Hianagi menina na'anku mago'enena kavenesifi nantahigege'na kami'neno? Nazankuroma nantahima kesana zana amne kamigahuanki nasamio.
13 Then sayd Ester, If it please the King, let it be granted also to morow to the Iewes that are in Shushan, to do according vnto this daies decree, that they may hang vpon ye tree Hamans ten sonnes.
Higeno Esta'a kenona huno, Kini ne'mokama antahi'nanama knare'ma hina musema hanunka, menima hankezama hazaza hunka, okina Susa kumate'ma mani'naza Jiu vahetmina huizo huzmantege'za vahera nezamahe'za, Hemanina 10ni'a ne'mofavreramina zafare zamavufaga'a eri'za hantiho.
14 And the King charged to doe so, and the decree was giuen at Shushan, and they hanged Hamans ten sonnes.
Anage higeno kini ne'mo'a ana hiho nehuno, kasege retro hige'za Hemanina 10ni'a ne'mofavreramina zafare zamavufaga'a eri'za hanti'naze.
15 So the Iewes that were in Shushan, assembled themselues vpon the fourteenth day of the moneth Adar, and slew three hundreth men in Shushan, but on the spoyle they layd not their hand.
Ana nehu'za Adarie nehaza ikamofona 14ni zupa Jiu vahe'mo'za mago'ene 300'a vahe Susa rankumapina zamahe'nazanagi, kote'ma zamahe'naza vahetmimofo fenoma e'ori'nazaza hu'za e'ori'naze.
16 And the rest of the Iewes that were in the Kings prouinces assembled themselues, and stood for their liues, and had rest from their enemies, and slewe of them that hated them, seuentie and fiue thousand: but they layd not their hand on the spoyle.
Hagi ana'ma nehazageno'a kini ne'mo'ma ruga'ama kegavama hu'nea provinsifima nemani'za Jiu vahe'mo'za emeri atru hu'za zamagranena hahu'za zamagra'a zamagu'vazi'naze. E'inama hazafina ha'marezmantea vahetmina 75tauseni'a vahe zamahe fri'naze. Hianagi zamagranena anama zamahe friza vahe'mokizmi fenozana e'ori'naze.
17 This they did on the thirteenth day of the moneth Adar, and rested the fourteenth day thereof, and kept it a day of feasting and ioy.
Hagi Adarie nehaza ikamofona 13ni zupa, e'i ana zana hu'za vahera zamahete'za, 14ni knazupa manigsa hu'za mani'ne'za tusi ne'za kre'za nene'za musenkasea hu'naze.
18 But the Iewes that were in Shushan assembled themselues on the thirteenth day, and on the fourteenth therof, and they rested on the fifteenth of the same, and kept it a day of feasting and ioy.
Hianagi Susama nemaniza Jiu vahe'mo'za 13nine 14ni kna zupaga ha' vahezminena hara hute'za, 15ni kna zupa tusi ne'za kre'za nene'za musena hu'naze.
19 Therefore the Iewes of the villages that dwelt in the vnwalled townes, kept the foureteenth day of the moneth Adar with ioy and feasting, euen a ioyfull day, and euery one sent presents vnto his neighbour.
E'ina agafare osi kumatmimpima nemaniza Jiu vahe'mo'za Adariema nehaza ikamofona 14ni knazupa manigasa hu'za ne'zana kre'za nene'za musenkasea hu'za musezana omi ami nehaze.
20 And Mordecai wrote these words, and sent letters vnto all the Iewes that were through all the prouinces of the King Ahashuerosh, both neere and farre,
Higeno Modekai'a ama ana zamofo agenkea avontafepi kreno kini ne' Serksisi'ma mika kegavama hu'nea provinsifima nemaniza Jiu vahetmintega atregeno vuno eno hu'ne.
21 Inioyning them that they shoulde keepe the fourteenth day of the moneth Adar, and the fifteenth day of the same, euery yeere.
Hagi ana avona kreno Adari ikamofona 14nine 15ni kna zupaga maka kafufina ne'zama kreta neneta musenkasema hu kna erinteho.
22 According to the dayes wherein the Iewes rested from their enemies, and the moneth which was turned vnto them from sorowe to ioy, and from mourning into a ioyfull day, to keepe them the dayes of feasting, and ioy, and to sende presents euery man to his neyghbour, and giftes to the poore.
Hagi e'i ana knarera ne'za kreta neneta musenkase nehuta, musezana omi ami nehuta, zamunte omne vahetaminena ana huzmanteho. E'ina huta knazampinti'ene ha' vahetimofo zamazampinti'ene tasunku zampinti'ma atreta atiramita e'nona zankura antahimigahune.
23 And the Iewes promised to do as they had begun, and as Mordecai had written vnto them,
Ana hige'za Jiu vahe'mo'za hu'za, Amama eri agafama hu'nazana hu vava huta vugahune nehu'za, Modekaia'ma hiankegura mago zamarimpa hu'naze
24 Because Haman the sonne of Hammedatha the Agagite al the Iewes aduersarie, had imagined against the Iewes, to destroy them, and had cast Pur (that is a lot) to consume and destroy them.
Na'ankure korapara Agati ne' Hamedata nemofo Hemani'a Jiu vahe zamahe hana hunaku antahintahia retro hu'neane. Ana antahintahima retro'ma nehuno'a, purie nehaza satu zokago reno ke'negu anara hu'naze.
25 And when she came before the King, he commanded by letters, Let this wicked deuise (which he imagined against the Iewes) turne vpon his owne head, and let them hang him and his sonnes on the tree.
Hianagi kini ne'mofo avugama Esta'ma ne-egeno'a, Jiu vahetmima zamahenaku'ma Hemanima kefo antahi'zama retro'ma hu'neana, eri arukrahe hu'za agri ahe fri'naze. Ana nehu'za 10ni'a ne'mofavre'a zamahe'za zafare hanti'naze.
26 Therfore they called these dayes Purim, by the name of Pur, and because of all the wordes of this letter, and of that which they had seene besides this, and of that which had come vnto them.
E'ina agafare ne'zama kre'za nene'za musema nehaza knagura Purimie hu'za satu zokago agire asamre'naze.
27 The Iewes also ordeined, and promised for them and for their seede, and for all that ioyned vnto them, that they would not faile to obserue those two dayes euery yeere, according to their writing, and according to their season,
E'ina avu'ava zana Jiu vahe'mo'za kasege eri retro hazageno zamagripinti'ma fore'ma hanaza vahete'ene ru vahe'mo'zama Jiu vahe'enema mani'naku'ma hanaza vahete'enena kasegegna huno me'nena avaririgahaze. Hagi Jiu vahe'mo'za huama hu'za, maka kafua mani okanegosunanki ama ana tare knarera ne'zana kreta neneta musena hugahune hu'za hu'naze.
28 And that these dayes shoulde be remembred, and kept throughout euery generation and euery familie, and euery prouince, and euery citie: euen these daies of Purim should not faile among the Iewes, and the memoriall of them should not perish from their seede.
E'ina hu'negu mago mago nagapinti'ma forehu anante anante'ma hu'za vanaza vahe'mo'za maka kumatmimpina ama ana tare knarareke ne'zana kre'za nene'za musenkase hutere hu'za vugahaze. Hagi maka kafufina ama ana Purimi knama fore'ma hanige'za, mika Jiu vahe'mo'za zamageraokani manigasa antahitere hugahaze.
29 And the Queene Ester ye daughter of Abihail and Mordecai the Iew wrote with al authoritie (to cofirme this letter of Purim ye second time)
Ana higeno Abihaili mofa kuini a' Esta'ene Modekaike henka mago avona kreke Purimi knama kegava hu nanekea eri hankaveti'na'e.
30 And he sent letters vnto al the Iewes to the hundreth and seuen and twentie prouinces of the kingdome of Ahashuerosh, with words of peace and trueth,
Ana huteke ha'zama omnesige'za zamarimpa fruma hu'zama mani'naza nanekema kre'na'a avontafera 127ni'a provinsima kini ne' Serksisi'ma kegavama hu'nea kumatmimpima Jiu vahe'ma nemanizarega atrakeno vuno eno hu'ne.
31 To confirme these dayes of Purim, according to their seasons, as Mordecai the Iewe and Ester the Queene had appointed them, and as they had promised for them selues and for their seede with fasting and prayer.
Hagi Jiu ne' Modekai'ene kuini a' Esta'enema hu'na'a kante ante'za ana avoma kre atrakeno vuno eno'ma hia avomo'a Purimi knama ne-esige'zama kegavama hana zamofo ke eri hankaveti'ne. Hige'za Jiu vahe'mo'za ne'zama a'oma hu'za zavi krafama hu'naza zanku nentahi'za zamagragu'ene zamagripinti'ma fore'ma hanaza vahe'enenku hu'za ana knamo'a meno vugahie hu'za eri hankaveti'naze.
32 And the decree of Ester confirmed these words of Purim, and was written in the booke.
Hagi Purimi knama kegava hu kasegema kuini a' Esta'ma eri hanavetigeno kasegema fore'ma hu'nea agenkea ranra zantamima fore'ma nehige'za krenentaza avontafepi krentazageno me'ne.

< Esther 9 >