< Deuteronomy 9 >

1 Heare O Israel, Thou shalt passe ouer Iorden this day, to goe in and to possesse nations greater and mightier then thy selfe, and cities great and walled vp to heauen,
Israeli vahe'mota antahiho! Menina Jodani tina takaheta rama'a vahe mani'nazageno hankave zamimo tamagri hankavema agatere'nea vahe'mokizmi mopa omerigahaze. Hagi ana vahe'mo'za kumazmimofoma hugagi'nazana vihumo'a za'za huno mona avako hu'za nehigeno,
2 A people great and tall, euen the children of the Anakims, whom thou knowest, and of whom thou hast heard say, Who can stand before the children of Anak?
Hagi ana kumatmimpina za'za hu'za tusinasi vahetami Anaki mofavrerami mani'nazanki, ina vahemo knarera hu'neno hara huzamantegahie higeta ko antahi'naza vahetami mani'naze.
3 Vnderstand therefore that this day ye Lord thy God is he which goeth ouer before thee as a consuming fire: he shall destroy them, and he shall bring them downe before thy face: so thou shalt cast them out and destroy them suddenly, as the Lord hath said vnto thee.
E'ina hu'negu menima keta antahitama hanazana, Ra Anumzana tamagri Anumzamo'a Agra ugota huno keonke'zama tefananehu tevegna huno ana mopafina nevuno, vahera zamahe rava nehanigeta, Ra Anumzamo'ma huhampri tamante'nea kante, ana mopafi vahe'tmina ame huta zamahe fanane hugahaze.
4 Speake not thou in thine heart (after that the Lord thy God hath cast them out before thee) saying, For my righteousnesse the Lord hath brought me in, to possesse this land: but for the wickednesse of these nations the Lord hath cast them out before thee.
Hagi tagri fatgo avu'ava zanku huno Ra Anumzana tagri Anumzamo'a ana vahetmina zamahe natitregeta mopazmia erune huta tamagesa ontahiho. Hianagi Agra ana vahe'mokizmi kefo avu'avazamigu huno zamahe natitregahie.
5 For thou entrest not to inherite their lande for thy righteousnesse, or for thy vpright heart: but for the wickednesse of those nations, the Lord thy God doth cast them out before thee, and that he might performe the worde which the Lord thy God sware vnto thy fathers, Abraham, Izhak, and Iacob.
Ana mopama omeri santima haresuta, tagri fatgo avu'ava zante Ra Anumzana tagri Anumzamo'a taza higeta erune huta tamagesa ontahiho. Agra zamagri kefo avu'ava zanku mopa zamifintira zamahe natinetreno, tamagehe'i Abrahamuma, Aisakima, Jekopunema huvempa huno huhampri zamante'nea kea eri knare hugahie.
6 Vnderstand therefore, that ye Lord thy God giueth thee not this good land to possesse it for thy righteousnes: for thou art a stifnecked people.
Tamagrama antahisazana, tagri fatgo avu'avazante Ra Anumzana tagri Anumzamo'a ama knare mopa tamigeta erune huta tamagesa ontahiho. Na'ankure tamagra keontahi vahe mani'naze.
7 Remember, and forget not, howe thou prouokedst the Lord thy God to anger in the wildernesse: since the day that thou diddest depart out of the land of Egypt, vntill ye came vnto this place ye haue rebelled against the Lord.
Ra Anumzana tamagri Anumzamofoma ka'ma kokampima azeri arimpama ahe avu'avazama huta e'nazazana tamagera okanita tamagesa antahiho. Isipiti'ma atiramitama e'naza knareti'ma eno amare'ma ehanati'nazana, Ra Anumzamofona hara rentevava huta neaze.
8 Also in Horeb ye prouoked the Lord to anger so that the Lord was wroth with you, euen to destroy you.
Hagi Sainai agonare'enena Ra Anumzamofo rimpa eri haviza hazageno, tusi arimpa aheramanteno tamahe fanane hunaku hu'ne.
9 When I was gone vp into the mount, to receiue the tables of stone, the tables, I say, of the couenant, which the Lord made with you: and I abode in the mount fourtie daies and fourtie nights, and I neither ate bread nor yet dranke water:
Hagi anazama fore'ma hu'neana, Ra Anumzamo'ma tamagranema hu hagerafi huvempa kema have tafete'ma kre'nea kasege erinaku agonafima mreri'nogeta anara hu'naze. Ana agonafina 40'a zagegi 40'a haninki hu'na ne'zane tinena one umani'noe.
10 Then the Lord deliuered me two tables of stone, written with the finger of God, and in them was conteyned according to all the wordes which the Lord had said vnto you in the mount out of the middes of the fire, in the day of the assemblie.
Hagi anante'ma umani'nogeno'a Ra Anumzamo'a tare have tafete'ma Agra'a azanuti'ma eri vakakino krente'nea kasegea nami'ne. Ana maka kasegema agonamofo agafima mani'nazageno, teve anefapinti'ma tamasami'nea kasegea ana have tafetrente krente'ne.
11 And when the fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes were ended, the Lord gaue me the two tables of stone, the tables, I say, of the couenant.
Hagi 40'a zagegi 40'a hanima evigeno'a, Ra Anumzamo'a anama huhagerafi huvempa kasegema krente'nea haverarena nenamino,
12 And the Lord said vnto me, Arise, get thee downe quickly from hence: for thy people which thou hast brought out of Egypt, haue corrupt their wayes: they are soone turned out of the way, which I commanded them: they haue made them a molten image.
amanage huno hu'ne, otinka ame hunka uramio. Na'ankure Isipiti'ma zamavarenkama etiraminka e'nana vahekamo'za kefo zamavu'zmava hu'za havia nehaze. Zamagra avaririhoma hu'noa kemofona ame hu'za zamefi hunami'za, golire havi anumza tro hu'naze.
13 Furthermore, the Lord spake vnto me, saying, I haue seene this people, and beholde, it is a stifnecked people.
Mago'ane Ra Anumzamo'a amanage huno nasami'ne, Nagrama Israeli vahe'ma zamagoana, tamage huno zamagu'amo'a tusiza huno hankaveti vahe mani'naze.
14 Let me alone, that I may destroy them, and put out their name from vnder heaue, and I wil make of thee a mightie nation, and greater then they be.
Hagi natrege'na zamahe hana hu'na ama mopafintira zamagi'a eri fanane nehu'na, kagripinti hankavenentake huno zamagri hankavema zamagatereno tusi'a ohampriga'a vahera zamazeri fore ha'neno.
15 So I returned, and came downe from the Mount (and the Mount burnt with fire, and ye two Tables of the couenant were in my two handes)
Hagi ana agonafina tevenefamo'a hagana hagana nehige'na, have tafetre'na nazampi eri'ne'na erami'noe.
16 Then I looked, and beholde, ye had sinned against the Lord your God: for ye had made you a molten calfe, and had turned quickly out of the way which the Lord had commanded you.
Hagi enerami'na koana tamagra Ra Anumzana tamagri Anumzamofo avurera kumi hu'naze. Tamagra ame huta tamefi Ra Anumzamofona hunemita, ke'a ovaririta, havi anumzana golireti bulimakao anenta'mofo amema'a tro huntetma, monora hunte'naze.
17 Therefore I tooke the two Tables, and cast them out of my two handes, and brake them before your eyes.
E'ina hazage'na ana have tafetre'na negazage'na mate'vu'na atrogeno, rufrage'ne.
18 And I fell downe before the Lord, fourtie dayes, and fourtie nightes, as before: I neither ate bread nor dranke water, because of al your sinnes, which ye had committed, in doing wickedly in the sight of the Lord, in that ye prouoked him vnto wrath.
Ana hute'na 40'a zagene, 40'a hanine ne'zana one ko'ma hu'noaza hu'na Ra Anumzamofo avurera navugosaregati mase'noe. Na'ankure tamagra maka kumi'ma hu'nazana Ra Anumzamo'ma ago'netia avu'ava huta azeri arimpa ahe'naze.
19 (For I was afraide of the wrath and indignation, wherewith the Lord was mooued against you, euen to destroy you) yet the Lord heard me at that time also.
Ana'ma hazage'na nagra tusi koro hu'noe. Na'ankure Ra Anumzamo'a tusi arimpa ahe'neramanteno tamahe fanane hu'za hu'ne. Hianagi Ra Anumzamo'a mago'ene nagri kea antahi'ne.
20 Likewise ye Lord was very angrie with Aaron, euen to destroy him: but at that time I prayed also for Aaron.
Hagi Aronina Ra Anumzamo'a tusi arimpa ahenteno ahe fri'za hu'neanagi, tamagri'ma huramantoaza hu'na Aronina nunamu huntogeno ahe ofri'ne.
21 And I tooke your sinne, I meane the calfe which ye had made, and burnt him with fire, and stamped him and ground him small, euen vnto very dust: and I cast the dust thereof into the riuer, that descended out of the mount.
Anante tro'ma huntetama kumi'ma hu'naza bulimakao anenta'mofo amema'a eri'na tevefi krete'na, rufuzafupogeno tanefa setege'na, ana agonaregati'ma uneramia timpi aruherafitre'noe.
22 Also in Taberah, and in Massah and in Kibrothhattaauah ye prouoked ye Lord to anger.
Hagi Tabera kumate'ene Masa kumate'ene Kibrot-Hatava kumate'enema mani'neta Ra Anumzamofona arimpa eri haviza hazageno, tusi arimpa aheramante'ne.
23 Likewise when the Lord sent you from Kadesh-barnea, saying, Goe vp, and possesse the land which I haue giuen you, then ye rebelled against the commandement of the Lord your God, and beleeued him not, nor hearkened vnto his voyce.
Hagi Kates-Barneama mani'nazageno'a Ra Anumzamo'a amanage huno huramante'ne, Mareritma mopama neramamua mopa omeriho. Hianagi tamagra Ra Anumzana tamagri Anumzamofo kemofontera tamentintia nosuta ovariri'naze.
24 Ye haue bene rebellious vnto the Lord, since the day that I knewe you.
Hagi tamagri'ma tamage'na antahi'nama hu'noa knareti'ma e'no'ma menima e'neana, tamagra Ra Anumzamofo kea ontahita, tamagefi humi vahe mani'naze.
25 Then I fell downe before ye Lord fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes, as I fell downe before, because ye Lord had said, that he woulde destroy you.
Ana'ma hazageno Ra Anumzamo'a tamahe fanane hugahuema hige'na, 40'a zagegi 40'a haninki navugosaregati Ra Anumzamofo avuga umase'ne'na,
26 And I prayed vnto the Lord, and saide, O Lord God, destroy not thy people and thine inheritance, which thou hast redeemed through thy greatnesse, whom thou hast brought out of Egypt by a mightie hand.
amanage hu'na nunamuna hu'noe, Ra Anumzamoka Isipima mani'nazagenka hankavenentake kazanuti'ma Nagri vahe fatgo manisaze hunka zamavarenka atirami'nana vaheka'a, zamahe fananea osuo.
27 Remember thy seruants Abraham, Izhak, and Iaakob: looke not to ye stubburnes of this people, nor to their wickednes, nor to their sinne,
Kagri eri'za vahe Abrahamuma, Aisakima, Jekopuma, antahi nezaminka, ama vahetmimofo kumiku'ene ke ontahi zamavu'zmavakura ontahio.
28 Lest the countrey, whence thou broughtest them, say, Because ye Lord was not able to bring them into the land which he promised them, or because he hated them, he caried them out, to slay them in the wildernesse.
Hagi kagrama vaheka'a zamahe fananema hananke'za, Isipi vahe'mo'za amanage hugahaze, Ra Anumzamo'a zamigahue huno'ma huvempama hu'nea mopafina zamavareno ufregara osuno zamahe fanane hie hu'za huge, avesra huzamanteteno eme zamavareno atiramino ka'ma mopafi zamahe fanane hie hu'za hugahaze.
29 Yet they are thy people, and thine inheritance, which thou broughtest out by thy mightie power, and by thy stretched out arme.
Hianagi ama ana vahera hihamu hankavekareti'ene hanavenentake kazanuti'ma Nagri vahe fatgo manisaze hunka Isipiti'ma zamavarenka atirami'nana vaheka'a mani'naze.

< Deuteronomy 9 >