< Deuteronomy 23 >

1 None that is hurt by bursting, or that hath his priuie member cut off, shall enter into the Congregation of the Lord.
A boengha dongah aka hi khaw, yang ngun khaw BOEIPA kah hlangping taengah kun boel saeh.
2 A bastard shall not enter into the Congregation of the Lord: euen to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the Congregation of the Lord.
Halhca khaw BOEIPA kah hlangping taengah kun boel saeh. A khong parha due khaw BOEIPA kah hlangping taengah anih te kun boel saeh.
3 The Ammonites and the Moabites shall not enter into the Congregation of the Lord: euen to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the Congregation of the Lord for euer,
Ammoni neh Moab khaw BOEIPA kah hlangping taengah kun boel saeh. Amih te a khong parha due khaw BOEIPA kah hlangping taengah a kum a hal kun boel saeh.
4 Because they met you not with bread and water in the way, when yee came out of Egypt, and because they hyred against thee Balaam the sonne of Beor, of Pethor in Aram-naharaim, to curse thee.
Egypt lamkah na lo vaengkah longpueng ah tui neh buh neh nang n'doe uh pawt dongah ol te ana om coeng. Te vaengah nang thaephoei thil ham Aramnaharaim Pethor lamkah Beor capa Balaam te a paang coeng.
5 Neuerthelesse, the Lord thy God would not hearken vnto Balaam, but the Lord thy God turned the curse to a blessing vnto thee, because the Lord thy God loued thee.
Tedae Balaam ol hnatun ham te BOEIPA na Pathen loh a huem moenih. BOEIPA na Pathen loh nang n'lungnah dongah BOEIPA na Pathen loh rhunkhuennah te nang ham yoethennah la a maelh.
6 Thou shalt not seeke their peace nor their prosperitie all thy dayes for euer.
Amih kah ngaimongnah neh a hnothen te na hing tue khuiah kumhal duela na tlap mahpawh.
7 Thou shalt not abhorre an Edomite: for he is thy brother, neither shalt thou abhorre an Egyptian, because thou wast a strager in his land.
Edom he tuei boeh, anih tah na manuca ni. A kho ah yinlai la na om coeng dae Egypt loh nang n'tuei moenih.
8 The children that are begotten of them in their thirde generation, shall enter into the Congregation of the Lord.
Anih kah ca a sak te a khong thum due khaw BOEIPA kah hlangping taengah kun uh van saeh.
9 When thou goest out with the host against thine enemies, keepe thee then from all wickednesse.
Na thunkha taengah lambong la na khoong mai cakhaw a thae hno boeih te tah tuem.
10 If there be among you any that is vncleane by that which commeth to him by night, he shall goe out of the hoste, and shall not enter into the hoste,
Khoyin kah tamtah lamloh cuemcaih la aka om pawh hlang ni na khuiah a om atah rhaehhmuen vongvoel la cet saeh lamtah lambong lakli la kun boel saeh.
11 But at euen he shall wash him selfe with water, and when the sunne is downe, he shall enter into the hoste.
Tedae ana om saeh lamtah hlaem a pha vaengah tui neh sil saeh. Khomik a tlak vaengah rhaehhmuen khui la kun saeh.
12 Thou shalt haue a place also without the hoste whither thou shalt resort,
Rhaehhmuen vongvoel ah namah ham a hmuen pakhat om saeh lamtah tekah vongvoel hmuen lam ni yunpham na thak eh.
13 And thou shalt haue a paddle among thy weapons, and when thou wouldest sit downe without, thou shalt shalt digge therewith, and returning thou shalt couer thine excrements.
Te vaengah hlingcong te namah ham na kutpom la om saeh. Poeng la na ngol van vaengah te nen te too lamtah na mael vaengah na natcaeh te vuei.
14 For the Lord thy God walketh in the mids of thy campe to deliuer thee, and to giue thee thine enemies before thee: therefore thine hoste shalbe holy, that he see no filthie thing in thee and turne away from thee.
Nang aka huul ham neh na thunkha rhoek khaw na mikhmuh ah aka tloeng ham BOEIPA na Pathen loh na lambong lakli la a pongpa oeh dongah na rhaehhmuen khaw a cimcaih la om saeh lamtah yah hno he na khuiah hmu boel saeh. Nang taeng lamloh vik mangthung ve.
15 Thou shalt not deliuer the seruant vnto his master, which is escaped from his master vnto thee.
A boei taeng lamloh nang taengla aka huul uh sal te a boei taengla koep pae boeh.
16 He shall dwell with thee, euen among you, in what place he shall chuse, in one of thy cities where it liketh him best: thou shalt not vexe him.
Na khui kah hmuen pakhat la namah taengah khosa saeh. Te te na vongka pakhat ah a coelh coeng. Anih te a then la khueh lamtah amah khaw vuelvaek boeh.
17 There shalbe no whore of the daughters of Israel, neither shall there be a whore keeper of the sonnes of Israel.
Israel iola rhoek khui lamloh hlanghalh om boel saeh lamtah Israel ca khui lamkah long khaw hlanghalh om boel saeh.
18 Thou shalt neyther bring the hyre of a whore, nor the price of a dogge into the house of the Lord thy God for any vow: for euen both these are abomination vnto the Lord thy God.
Olcaeng khat khat dongah pumyoih paang neh ui phu he BOEIPA na Pathen im la khuen boeh. Te rhoi te BOEIPA na Pathen kah a tueilaehkoi ni.
19 Thou shalt not giue to vsurie to thy brother: as vsurie of money, vsurie of meate, vsurie of any thing that is put to vsurie.
Hno cungkuem dongah a casai na bawn vaengah tangka kah a casai khaw, caak kah a casai khaw na manuca taengah tah bawn boeh.
20 Vnto a stranger thou mayest lend vpon vsurie, but thou shalt not lend vpon vsurie vnto thy brother, that the Lord thy God may blesse thee in all that thou settest thine hand to, in the land whither thou goest to possesse it.
Kholong taengah na bawn mai cakhaw na manuca taengah tah bawn boeh. Te daengah ni BOEIPA na Pathen loh pang hamla na kun thil khohmuen ah na kut thuengnah boeih dongah nang te yoethen m'paek eh.
21 When thou shalt vowe a vowe vnto the Lord thy God, thou shalt not be slacke to paye it: for the Lord thy God will surely require it of thee, and so it should be sinne vnto thee.
BOEIPA na Pathen taengah olcaeng neh na caeng coeng atah na paek ham te uelh boeh. Namah te BOEIPA na Pathen loh n'cae n'cae vetih namah soah tholhnah la om ve.
22 But when thou absteinest from vowing, it shalbe no sinne vnto thee.
Tedae caeng ham te na rhael atah na soah tholhnah khaw om van mahpawh.
23 That which is gone out of thy lippes, thou shalt keepe and performe, as thou hast vowed it willingly vnto the Lord thy God: for thou hast spoken it with thy mouth.
Na hmuilai lamkah aka thoeng te ngaithuen lamtah na ka neh kothoh la na thui tih BOEIPA na Pathen taengah na caeng bangla saii.
24 When thou commest vnto thy neighbours vineyard, then thou mayest eate grapes at thy pleasure, as much as thou wilt: but thou shalt put none in thy vessell.
Na hui kah misurdum la na kun mai ni. Te vaengah misur te na hah hil na hinglu loh ca mai saeh. Tedae na hnopai khuila sang boeh.
25 When thou commest into thy neighbours corne thou mayest plucke the eares with thine hand, but thou shalt not moue a sickle to thy neighbours corne.
Na hui kah canghli la na caeh vaengah na kut neh cangvuei na yun mai cakhaw na hui kah canghli ah vin thueng boeh.

< Deuteronomy 23 >