< Deuteronomy 22 >

1 Thou shalt not see thy brothers oxe nor his sheepe go astray, and withdraw thy selfe from them, but shalt bring the againe vnto thy brother.
Negafu bulimakao afuro, sipisipi afuro, meme afu'mo'ma hazamagreno megi'ma vano nehinama kesunka, kegenka otrenka avrenka negafuna ome amio.
2 And if thy brother bee not neere vnto thee, or if thou knowe him not, then thou shalt bring it into thine house, and it shall remaine with thee, vntill thy brother seeke after it: then shalt thou deliuer it to him againe.
Hagi ana afu'mofo nefa'ma tava'onka'are'ma omanige, ete ana afu'mofo nefama kenka antahinka osu'nesunka ana afura avrenka, keginaka'afi ome ante'negeno iza'o afu venafo'ma eno'ma eme hakesigenka avremio.
3 In like maner shalt thou do with his asse, and so shalt thou do with his rayment, and shalt so doe with all lost things of thy brother, which he hath lost: if thou hast found them, thou shalt not withdraw thy selfe from them.
Hagi tava'onka'are'ma nemanisimofo donki afuro, kukena'o, inankna zama'ama fanane hu'nenama kesunka kegenka otrenka, ana zanke huo.
4 Thou shalt not see thy brothers asse nor his oxe fal downe by the way, and withdrawe thy selfe from them, but shalt lift them vp with him.
Hanki tava'onka'are'ma nemanisimofo donki afu'mo'o, bulimakao afu'mo'ma traka huno mase'nena kesunka, kegenka otrenka aza hunka ana afura azeri otio.
5 The woman shall not weare that which perteineth vnto the man, neither shall a man put on womans rayment: for all that doe so, are abomination vnto the Lord thy God.
A'nemo'a venenemofo kukena osinkeno, venenemo'a a'nemofo kukena osino. Na'ankure iza'o e'inahu avu'ava'ma hania vahe'mo'a Ra Anumzana tamagri Anumzamofo avufina kasrino havizantfa hu'nea avu'ava hugahie.
6 If thou finde a birdes nest in the way, in any tree, or on the ground, whether they be yong or egges, and the damme sitting vpon the yong, or vpon the egges, thou shalt not take ye damme with the yong,
Hagi namamo'ma zafarero, mopafino nomagino amu'arero, anenta'are'ma anukino mase'nesigenka, nererane anenta'anena aze'orio.
7 But shalt in any wise let the damme go, and take the yong to thee, that thou mayest prosper and prolong thy dayes.
Hagi amne anenta'aramina azerigahazanagi, arerana atrenkeno freno. E'ina'ma hanageno'a Ra Anumzamo'a asomu hurmantena za'zate manitma vugahaze.
8 When thou buildest a newe house, thou shalt make a battlemet on thy roofe, that thou lay not blood vpon thine house, if any man fal thence.
Hagi kasefa noma kisuta ana nomofo agofetura, vahe'ma mani'afina kegina hugagiho. Hagi keginama hugagi'nesageno mago vahe'mo'ma takaureno'ma fri'niana, ana knazamo'a tamagritera omegahie.
9 Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with diuers kinds of seedes, lest thou defile the increase of the seede which thou hast sowen, and the fruite of the vineyarde.
Wainima kri'nesana kankamumpina ru avimzana ohankro. Hagi ana huta wainima kri'ne'naza kankamumpima ru avimzama hankresuta, ana avimzama hankresaza avimzamofo raga'ane, waini zafa raganena hamareta onegahaze.
10 Thou shalt not plow with an oxe and an asse together.
Bulimakao afu'ene donki afu'enena magoke karenamare zafarera reznantenegeke hoza reko'ori'o.
11 Thou shalt not weare a garment of diuers sorts, as of woollen and linen together.
Hagi sipisipi azokateti'ene, efeke tavravereti eri havia huno tro'ma hu'ne'nia kukena ontaniho.
12 Thou shalt make thee fringes vpon the foure quarters of thy vesture, wherewith thou couerest thy selfe.
Zamanunte'ma antazage'no'ma uneramia tavravema tro hanunka, 4'a agentera avasese'a tro hunteho.
13 If a man take a wife, and when he hath lyen with her, hate her,
Hagi mago ne'mo'ma a'ma erino anteno maseteno'ma ana a'ma avesionteno,
14 And laye slaunderous thinges vnto her charge, and bring vp an euill name vpon her, and say, I tooke this wife, and when I came to her, I found her not a mayde,
havige hugofinteno, ama a'mo'a vene mase'nea a' eri'noe huno'ma hi'na,
15 Then shall the father of the mayde and her mother take and bring the signes of the maydes virginitie vnto the Elders of the citie to the gate.
ana a'mofo nerera'ene nefa'enena venema omase'nea nanekea ranra vahe'mokizmi zmavuga kuma'mofo kafante vu'ne ome eri'ama hi'o.
16 And the maydes father shall say vnto the Elders, I gaue my daughter vnto this man to wife, and he hateth her:
Ana nehuno ana a'mofo nefa'a amanage hino, nagra mofa'ni'a ama ne'mo erisie hugeno eri'neanagi, menina avesinonteno avesra hunenteno,
17 And lo, he layeth slaunderous things vnto her charge, saying, I founde not thy daughter a mayde: loe, these are the tokens of my daughters virginitie: and they shall spreade the vesture before the Elders of the citie.
vene mase'nea mofa ara eri'noe huno nehie. Hianagi agra havige nehianki, ama'na tamage zana me'ne huno nehuno, ranra vahe zamavuga ese zupama ana mofa'ene nevekema masike mase'na'a tvaravea eri rutaregahie.
18 Then the Elders of the citie shall take that man and chastise him,
Anama hanigeno'a anante ranra vahe'mo'za ana nera azeri'za sefu amiho.
19 And shall condemne him in an hundreth shekels of siluer, and giue them vnto the father of the mayde, because he hath brought vp an euill name vpon a mayde of Israel: and she shalbe his wife, and he may not put her away all his life.
Anama hutenkeno'a ana a'mofo nefana 100'a silva zago amigahie. Na'ankure agra Israeli mofa'mofona havi agi eri ami'ne. Hagi ana ara otregahianki, a' erintegahie.
20 But if this thing be true, that the mayde be not found a virgine,
Hianagi tamagema huno ana mofa'mo'ma venema maseteno'ma emare'nenigeno'a,
21 Then shall they bring forth the mayde to the doore of her fathers house, and the men of her citie shall stone her with stones to death: for shee hath wrought follie in Israel, by playing ye whore in her fathers house: so thou shalt put euill away from among you.
ana ara avre'za nefa nonkahante vu'za ana kumapi venenemo'za have knonu ome ahe friho. Na'ankure Israeli vahepina knare osu hazenke eri fore huno nerera nefa nompima mani'neno venena mase'ne. E'i ana hutma amu'notmifintira kefo avu'ava zana eri atregahaze.
22 If a man be found lying with a woman marryed to a man, then they shall dye euen both twaine: to wit, the man that lay with the wife, and the wife: so thou shalt put away euil from Israel.
Hagi ru ne'mofo a'enema mago ne'mo'ma savri avu'ava'ma nehanige'za ke'za erifore hanazana, ana taregamokizni zanahe frisageke frigaha'e. Einahu avu'ava'ma hanuta Israeli vahe amu'nompintira kefo avu'avara eritregahaze.
23 If a maid be betrothed vnto an husband, and a man finde her in the towne and lye with her,
Hagi vene omase mofa'ma mago ne'mo a' erigahie huno huhampri ante'nesia mofa'ma kuma'mofo agu'afima, ru ne'mo'ma azeri savri'ma huno monko'zama nehanakeno'ma zanageno eri fore'ma hina,
24 Then shall yee bring them both out vnto the gates of the same citie, and shall stone them with stones to death: the mayde because she cried not, being in the citie, and the man, because he hath humbled his neighbours wife: so thou shalt put away euill from among you.
anantarega zanavreta kuma'mofo kafante vuta, have knonu ome zanahe friho. Na'ankure mofa'mo'a aze'manerigeno'a krafa osu'ne. Hagi vemo'a ru ne'mofo a'ene monko'zana hu'ne. E'ina'ma hanuta amu'nontmifintira kefo avu'ava zana eri atregahaze.
25 But if a man finde a betrothed mayde in the field, and force her, and lye with her, then the man that lay with her, shall dye alone:
Hianagi vene omase'nesia mofa'ma mago ne'mo a' erigahie huno huhamprinte'nesia mofa'ma, ru ne'mo'ma kuma'mofo fegi'a kazigazi huno azerino monkozama hunte'nenigeno keno eri fore'ma haniana, ana ne'mofonke'za ahe friho.
26 And vnto the mayd thou shalt do nothing, because there is in the mayde no cause of death: for as when a man riseth against his neighbour and woundeth him to death, so is this matter.
Hianagi ana mofara mago'zana huonteho, agra vahe'ma ahefriga hazenkea osu'ne. Na'ankure ama ana hazenkemo'a, mago ne'mo'ma tava'onte'ma nemanimofoma hafra hunteno ahe nefriankna hu'ne.
27 For he found her in the fieldes: the betrothed mayde cryed, and there was no man to succour her.
Na'ankure ana a'mo'a kumamofo megia agrake vahe omani'afi vano nehigeno, ana ne'mo'a keteno aze'nerigeno krafage hu'neanagi, azahu vahera omani'neno vuno aza osu'ne.
28 If a man finde a mayde that is not betrothed, and take her, and lye with her, and they be founde,
Hagi vene omase mofa'ma mago vere'ma huhampri onte'nesia mofama, mago ne'mo'ma azerino monko'zama hunentesigeno keno eri fore'ma haniana,
29 Then the man that lay with her, shall giue vnto the maydes father fiftie shekels of siluer: and she shalbe his wife, because he hath humbled her: he can not put her away all his life.
ana ne'mo'a ana mofa'mofo nefana 50'a silva zago mizasenenteno, ana mofara a' erintegahie. Na'ankure agra ko anteno maseno azeri haviza hu'ne. Hagi manino vanifina ana ara otrefta hugahie.
30 No man shall take his fathers wife, nor shall vncouer his fathers skirt.
Hagi mago ne'mo'a nefa ara azeri savrira huno nefana agaze eri omino.

< Deuteronomy 22 >