< Deuteronomy 10 >

1 In the same time the Lord said vnto me, Hewe thee two Tables of stone like vnto the first, and come vp vnto me into the Mount, and make thee an Arke of wood,
Ngalesosikhathi iNkosi yathi kimi: Zibazele izibhebhe ezimbili zamatshe njengezakuqala, wenyukele kimi entabeni, uzenzele umtshokotsho wezigodo.
2 And I will write vpon the Tables ye wordes that were vpon the first Tables, which thou brakest, and thou shalt put them in the Arke.
Ngizabhala-ke phezu kwezibhebhe amazwi ayesezibhebheni zakuqala owazibulalayo, uzibeke emtshokotshweni.
3 And I made an Arke of Shittim wood, and hewed two Tables of stone like vnto the first, and went vp into the Mountaine, and the two Tables in mine hand.
Ngasengisenza umtshokotsho ngesihlahla sesinga, ngabaza izibhebhe ezimbili zamatshe njengezakuqala, ngenyukela entabeni, lezibhebhe ezimbili zisesandleni sami.
4 Then he wrote vpon the Tables according to the first writing (the tenne commandements, which the Lord spake vnto you in the Mount out of the middes of the fire, in the day of the assemblie) and the Lord gaue them vnto me.
Yasibhala ezibhebheni njengokubhala kwakuqala, imilayo elitshumi iNkosi eyayikhuluma kini entabeni iphakathi komlilo ngosuku lokuhlangana; njalo iNkosi yanginika zona.
5 And I departed, and came downe from the Mount, and put the Tables in the Arke which I had made: and there they be, as the Lord commanded me.
Ngasengiphenduka ngisehla entabeni, ngazifaka izibhebhe emtshokotshweni engangiwenzile. Njalo zikhona lapho, njengokungilaya kweNkosi.
6 And ye children of Israel tooke their iourney from Beeroth of the children of Iaakan to Mosera, where Aaron dyed, and was buried, and Eleazar his sonne became Priest in his steade.
Abantwana bakoIsrayeli basebesuka eBeyerothi-Bene-Jakani, baya eMosera; uAroni wafela lapho, wangcwatshwa khona; indodana yakhe uEleyazare wasebenza njengompristi esikhundleni sakhe.
7 From thence they departed vnto Gudgodah, and from Gudgodah to Iotbath a land of running waters.
Besuka lapho, baya eGudigoda; basuka eGudigoda, baya eJotibatha, ilizwe lezifula zamanzi.
8 The same time ye Lord separated the tribe of Leui to beare the Arke of the couenant of the Lord, and to stand before ye Lord, to minister vnto him, and to blesse in his Name vnto this day.
Ngalesosikhathi iNkosi yehlukanisa isizwe sakoLevi ukuthi sithwale umtshokotsho wesivumelwano seNkosi, ukuthi sime phambi kweNkosi, siyikhonze, sibusise ebizweni layo, kuze kube lamuhla.
9 Wherefore Leui hath no part nor inheritance with his brethren: for the Lord is his inheritance, as the Lord thy God hath promised him.
Ngalokhu uLevi kalasabelo lelifa kanye labafowabo; iNkosi iyilifa lakhe, njengokuthembisa kweNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho kuye.
10 And I taried in the mount, as at ye first time, fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes, and the Lord heard me at that time also, and the Lord would not destroy thee.
Mina ngasengihlala entabeni njengensuku zendulo, insuku ezingamatshumi amane lobusuku obungamatshumi amane; leNkosi yangizwa langalesosikhathi; iNkosi kayithandanga ukukubhubhisa.
11 But the Lord said vnto me, Arise, goe forth in the iourney before the people, that they may goe in and possesse the land, which I sware vnto their fathers to giue vnto them.
INkosi yasisithi kimi: Sukuma, uhambe phambi kwabantu, ukuze bangene badle ilifa lelizwe engafunga kuboyise ukubanika lona.
12 And nowe, Israel, what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to feare the Lord thy God, to walke in all his wayes, and to loue him, and to serue the Lord thy God, with all thine heart, and with all thy soule?
Khathesi-ke, Israyeli, kuyini iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho ekufuna kuwe, ngaphandle kokuyesaba iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho, ukuhamba ngendlela zayo zonke, lokuyithanda, lokuyikhonza iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho ngenhliziyo yakho yonke langomphefumulo wakho wonke,
13 That thou keepe the commandements of the Lord, and his ordinances, which I commaund thee this day, for thy wealth?
ukugcina imilayo yeNkosi lezimiso zayo engikulaya zona lamuhla, ukuthi kukulungele?
14 Beholde, heauen, and the heauen of heauens is the Lords thy God, and the earth, with all that therein is.
Khangela, amazulu, lezulu lamazulu ngaweNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho, umhlaba lakho konke okukuwo.
15 Notwithstanding, the Lord set his delite in thy fathers to loue them, and did choose their seede after them, euen you aboue all people, as appeareth this day.
Kuphela iNkosi yehlisela uthando lwayo phezu kwaboyihlo, ukubathanda, yakhetha inzalo yabo emva kwabo, ngitsho lina phakathi kwazo zonke izizwe, njengalamuhla.
16 Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and harden your neckes no more.
Ngakho sokani ijwabu laphambili lenhliziyo yenu, lingabe lisazenza lukhuni intamo zenu.
17 For the Lord your God is God of gods, and Lord of lordes, a great God, mightie and terrible, which accepteth no persons nor taketh reward:
Ngoba iNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu inguNkulunkulu wabonkulunkulu, leNkosi yamakhosi, uNkulunkulu omkhulu, olamandla, lowesabekayo, ongemukeli ubuso bomuntu, ongemukeli umvuzo.
18 Who doeth right vnto the fatherlesse and widowe, and loueth the stranger, giuing him foode and rayment.
Eyenza isahlulelo sentandane lomfelokazi, njalo ethanda owezizweni ngokumnika ukudla lezembatho.
19 Loue ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.
Ngakho lizamthanda owezizweni, ngoba lalingabezizweni elizweni leGibhithe.
20 Thou shalt feare the Lord thy God: thou shalt serue him, and thou shalt cleaue vnto him, and shalt sweare by his Name.
Uzayesaba iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho, uyikhonze, unamathele kuyo, ufunge ngebizo layo.
21 He is thy praise, and hee is thy God, that hath done for thee these great and terrible things, which thine eyes haue seene.
Iludumo lwakho, njalo inguNkulunkulu wakho, okwenzele lezizinto ezinkulu lezesabekayo, amehlo akho azibonileyo.
22 Thy fathers went downe into Egypt with seuentie persons, and now the Lord thy God hath made thee, as ye starres of ye heauen in multitude.
Oyihlo behlela eGibhithe belabantu abangamatshumi ayisikhombisa; khathesi-ke iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho ikwenzile waba njengenkanyezi zamazulu ngobunengi.

< Deuteronomy 10 >