< Daniel 8 >

1 In the thirde yeere of the reigne of King Belshazzar, a vision appeared vnto mee, euen vnto me Daniel, after that which appeared vnto mee at the first.
V tretjem letu kraljevanja kralja Belšacárja se mi je prikazalo videnje, celo meni, Danielu, po tistem, ki se mi je prikazalo najprej.
2 And I saw in a vision, and when I sawe it, I was in the palace of Shushan, which is in the prouince of Elam, and in a vision me thought I was by the riuer of Vlai.
Videl sem v videnju in pripetilo se je, ko sem gledal, da sem bil v [mestu] Suze, v palači, ki je v provinci Elám, in videl sem v videnju in bil sem pri reki Uláj.
3 Then I looked vp and sawe, and beholde, there stoode before the riuer a ramme, which had two hornes: and these two hornes were hie: but one was hier then another, and the hyest came vp last.
Potem sem povzdignil svoje oči, videl in glej, tam pred reko je stal oven, ki je imel dva rogova in dva rogova sta bila visoka. Toda eden je bil višji kakor drug in višji je prišel zadnji.
4 I sawe the ramme pusshing against ye West, and against the North, and against the South: so that no beastes might stande before him, nor could deliuer out of his hand, but he did what he listed, and became great.
Videl sem ovna bosti proti zahodu in proti severu in proti jugu, tako, da noben zvernik ni mogel stati pred njim niti tam ni bilo nikogar, ki bi ga lahko osvobodil iz njegove roke, temveč je počel glede na svojo voljo in postal velik.
5 And as I considered, beholde, a goate came from the West ouer the whole earth, and touched not the grounde: and this goate had an horne that appeared betweene his eyes.
Ko sem preudarjal, glej, je od zahoda prišel kozel na obličje celotne zemlje, tal pa se ni dotaknil, in kozel je imel med svojimi očmi opazen rog.
6 And he came vnto the ramme that had the two hornes, whome I had seene standing by the riuer, and ranne vnto him in his fierce rage.
Ta je prišel k ovnu, ki je imel dva rogova, ki sem ga videl stati pred reko in stekel k njemu v razjarjenosti svoje moči.
7 And I saw him come vnto the ramme, and being moued against him, he smote the ramme, and brake his two hornes: and there was no power in the ramme to stand against him, but he cast him downe to the grounde, and stamped vpon him, and there was none that coulde deliuer the ramme out of his power.
Videl sem ga približevati se ovnu in prevzet je bil z gnevom zoper njega in udaril ovna ter zlomil dva njegova rogova. V ovnu pa ni bilo moči, da stoji pred njim, temveč ga je vrgel dol k tlom in ga poteptal, in nikogar ni bilo, ki bi mogel ovna osvoboditi iz njegove roke.
8 Therefore the goate waxed exceeding great, and when he was at the strongest, his great horne was broken: and for it came vp foure that appeared toward the foure windes of ye heauen.
Zato je kozel postal zelo velik, in ko je bil močan, je bil veliki rog zlomljen in za tem so prišli gor štirje opazni, [razdeljeni] proti štirim vetrovom neba.
9 And out of one of them came foorth a litle horne, which waxed very great toward the South, and toward the East, and towarde the pleasant land.
Iz enega izmed njih je prišel majhen rog, ki je postal silno velik, proti jugu in proti vzhodu in proti prijetni deželi.
10 Yea, it grewe vp vnto the hoste of heauen, and it cast downe some of the hoste, and of the starres to the ground, and trode vpon them,
Ta je postal velik, celó do nebeške vojske, in ta je vrgel dol nekatere izmed vojske in od zvezd k tlom in poteptal nad njimi.
11 And extolled himselfe against the prince of the hoste from whome the dayly sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his Sanctuarie was cast downe.
Da, poveličeval je samega sebe, celo do princa vojske in z njim je bilo odvzeto dnevno žrtvovanje in prostor njegovega svetišča je bil vržen dol.
12 And a time shall be giuen him ouer the dayly sacrifice for the iniquitie: and it shall cast downe the trueth to the ground, and thus shall it doe, and prosper.
In dana mu je bila vojska zoper dnevno žrtvovanje zaradi razloga prestopka in ta je vrgel resnico dol k tlom in to izvedel in uspel.
13 Then I heard one of the Saints speaking, and one of the Saints spake vnto a certaine one, saying, Howe long shall endure the vision of the dayly sacrifice, and the iniquitie of the desolation to treade both the Sanctuarie and the armie vnder foote?
Potem sem zaslišal nekega svetega govoriti in drugi sveti je rekel temu nekemu svetemu, ki je govoril: »Doklej bo videnje glede dnevnega žrtvovanja in prestopka zapuščenosti, da bosta tako svetišče kakor vojska pogažena pod stopalom?«
14 And he answered me, Vnto the euening and the morning, two thousand and three hundreth: then shall the Sanctuarie be clensed.
Rekel mi je: »Do dva tisoč tristo dni, potem bo svetišče očiščeno.«
15 Nowe when I Daniel had seene the vision, and sought for the meaning, beholde, there stoode before me like the similitude of a man.
Pripetilo se je, ko sem jaz, celó jaz, Daniel, videl videnje in si prizadeval najti pomen, potem, glej, je tam pred menoj stal kakor videz moža.
16 And I heard a mans voyce betweene the bankes of Vlai, which called, and sayde, Gabriel, make this man to vnderstand the vision.
Zaslišal sem človeški glas med bregovoma Ulája, ki je zaklical in rekel: »Gabriel, stôri temu človeku, da razume videnje.«
17 So he came where I stood: and when hee came, I was afraide, and fell vpon my face: but he sayd vnto me, Vnderstand, O sonne of man: for in the last time shalbe the vision.
Tako se je približal, kjer sem stal. Ko je prišel, sem bil prestrašen in padel na svoj obraz, toda rekel mi je: »Razumi, oh človeški sin, kajti videnje bo ob času konca.«
18 Nowe as he was speaking vnto me, I being a sleepe fell on my face to the ground: but he touched me, and set me vp in my place.
Torej, ko je govoril z menoj, sem bil v globokem spanju, s svojim obrazom proti tlom, toda dotaknil se me je in me postavil pokonci.
19 And he sayde, Beholde, I will shewe thee what shalbe in the last wrath: for in the end of the time appointed it shall come.
Rekel je: »Glej, dal ti bom spoznati kaj bo v zadnjem koncu ogorčenja, kajti ob določenem času bo konec.
20 The ramme which thou sawest hauing two hornes, are the Kings of the Medes and Persians.
Oven, ki si ga videl, ki je imel dva rogova, sta kraljestvi Medije in Perzije.
21 And the goate is the King of Grecia, and the great horne that is betweene his eyes, is the first King.
Razmršen kozel je kralj Grčije, in velik rog, ki je med njegovimi očmi, je prvi kralj.
22 And that that is broken, and foure stoode vp for it, are foure kingdomes, which shall stand vp of that nation, but not in his strength.
Torej ta je bil zlomljen, medtem ko so štirje vstali namesto tega; štiri kraljestva bodo vstala iz naroda, toda ne v njegovi moči.
23 And in the end of their kingdome, when the rebellious shalbe consumed, a King of fierce countenance, and vnderstanding darke sentences, shall stand vp.
V zadnjem času njihovega kraljestva, ko pridejo prestopniki v polni meri, bo vstal kralj krutega obličja in razumevanja temnih razsodb.
24 And his power shalbe mightie, but not in his strength: and hee shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mightie, and the holy people.
Njegova moč bo mogočna, toda ne z njegovo lastno močjo. Ta bo izvrstno uničeval in uspeval bo in izvedel in uničil bo mogočnega in sveto ljudstvo.
25 And through his policie also, hee shall cause craft to prosper in his hand, and he shall extoll himselfe in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: hee shall also stande vp against the prince of princes, but he shalbe broken downe without hand.
Zaradi svoje strategije bo tudi povzročil, da bo prebrisanost uspevala v njegovi roki, in poveličeval se bo v svojem srcu in z mirom bo uničil mnoge. Stal bo tudi zoper Princa princev, toda zlomljen bo brez roke.
26 And the vision of the euening and the morning, which is declared, is true: therefore seale thou vp the vision, for it shall be after many dayes.
Videnje večera in jutra, ki je bilo povedano, je resnično. Zato zastri videnje, kajti to bo za mnoge dni.
27 And I Daniel was striken and sicke certaine dayes: but when I rose vp, I did the Kings busines, and I was astonished at the vision, but none vnderstood it.
Jaz, Daniel, sem bil nekaj dni slaboten in bolan. Potem sem se dvignil in opravljal kraljeva opravila, bil pa sem osupel nad videnjem, toda nihče ga ni razumel.

< Daniel 8 >