< Acts 18 >

1 After these thinges, Paul departed from Athens, and came to Corinthus,
Baada jha mambo agha, Paulo akabhoka Athene kulota Korintho.
2 And found a certaine Iewe named Aquila, borne in Pontus, lately come from Italie, and his wife Priscilla (because that Claudius had commanded all Iewes to depart from Rome) and he came vnto them.
Okhu akankabha myahudi jhaakutibhweghe Akwila munu ghwa kabila lya Ponto, muene ni n'dala munu jhaakutibhweghe Prisila bhahidili kuhoma okhu Italia, kwandabha Klaudia aamuiri bhayahudi bhoha bhabhokayi Roma; Paulo akahida kwa bhene;
3 And because hee was of the same crafte, he abode with them and wrought (for their crafte was to make tentes.)
Paulo aishili ni kubhomba mbombo nabhu kwani muene ibhomba mbombo jhajhiwaningana nijha bhene. Bhene bhajhele bhatengenesya mahema.
4 And he disputed in the Synagogue euery Sabbath day, and exhorted the Iewes, and the Grecians.
Paulo ajadiliene nabhu mu sinagogi kila ligono lya sabato. Abhashawishili bhayahudi pamonga ni Bhagiriki.
5 Now when Silas and Timotheus were come from Macedonia, Paul, forced in spirit, testified to the Iewes that Iesus was the Christ.
Lakini Sila ni Timotheo bhobhahidili kuhoma Makedonia, Paulo asukumibhu ni Roho kubhashuhudila bhayahudi kujha Yesu ndo Kristu.
6 And when they resisted and blasphemed, he shooke his raiment, and saide vnto them, Your blood be vpon your owne head: I am cleane: from henceforth will I goe vnto the Gentiles.
Wakati bhayahudi bham'belili ni kumdhihakili, hivyo Paulo akung'uindi liguanda lya muene mbele jha bhene, ni kubhajobhela, “Damu jha jhomu na jhijhelayi panani pa mitu gha jhomu mwebhene; Nene nijhelepi ni hatia. Kuhomela henu ni kujhendelela, nikabhalotela mataifa.”
7 So he departed thence, and entred into a certaine mans house, named Iustus, a worshipper of God, whose house ioyned hard to the Synagogue.
Efyo akabhoka kuhoma pala akalola kunyumba jha TitoYusto, munu jheakamwabudu K'yara. Nyumba jha muene jhihele karibu ni sinagogi.
8 And Crispus the chiefe ruler of the Synagogue, beleeued in the Lord with all his housholde: and many of the Corinthians hearing it, beleeued and were baptized.
Kripo, ndongo si ghwa sinagogi pamonga ni bhanu bha panyumba jha muene bhamwamini Bwana. Bhanu bhingi Bhakorintho bho bhampeliki Paulo ilongela bhakyeriri ni kubatifibhwa.
9 Then saide the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Feare not, but speake, and holde not thy peace.
Bwana akan'jobhela Paulo pakilu kwa njela jha maono, “Usitil, lakini longelayi na usigudami.
10 For I am with thee, and no man shall lay handes on thee to hurt thee: for I haue much people in this citie.
Kwani nene nijhe pamonga nabbi, naajhelepi jhaibetakukudhuru, maana nijhe ni bhanu bhingi katika mjiabho.”
11 So he continued there a yeere and six moneths, and taught ye worde of God among them.
Paulo atamili okhu kwa muda bhwa mwaka umonga ni miesi sita akajhaimanyisya lilobhi lya K'yara miongoni mwa bhene.
12 Now when Gallio was Deputie of Achaia, the Iewes arose with one accorde against Paul, and brought him to the iudgement seate,
Lakini Gali bho abhombibhu mtawala bhwa Akaya, Bhayahudi bhakayema pamonga kinyume ni Paulo ni kumpeleka mbele jha kiti kya hukumu,
13 Saying, This fellow persuadeth me to worship God otherwise then the Lawe appointeth.
Bhakajobha, “Munu ojho akabhashawishi bhanu kumwabudu K'yara kinyume kya sheria”
14 And as Paul was about to open his mouth, Gallio saide vnto the Iewes, If it were a matter of wrong, or an euill deede, O ye Iewes, I would according to reason maintaine you.
Bhwakati Paulo alondghe kujobha, gailo akabhajobhela Bhayahudi, Muenga Bhayahudi, kama ngalijhe likosa au bhuhalifu, ngajhijhe halali kubhashughulikila.
15 But if it bee a question of woordes, and names, and of your Lawe, looke yee to it your selues: for I will be no iudge of those things.
Lakini kwandabha ndo maswali ghaghihusu malobhi ni mahina ni sheria sya muenga basi muhukumulayi mwe bhene. Nene ninoghelalepi kujha hakimu kwa habari jha mambo aghu.”
16 And hee draue them from the iudgement seate.
Galio akabhaamuru bhabhokayi mbele jha kiti kya hukumu,
17 Then tooke al the Grecians Sosthenes the chiefe ruler of the Synagogue, and beat him before the iudgement seat: but Gallio cared nothing for those things.
Efyo, bhakan'kamula Sosthene ndongosighwa sinagogi, bhakantobha mbele jha kiti kya hukumu. Lakini Galio ajalilepi kya bhabhombili.
18 But when Paul had taried there yet a good while, hee tooke leaue of the brethren, and sailed into Syria (and with him Priscilla and Aquila) after that he had shorne his head in Cenchrea: for he had a vowe.
Paulo baada jha kutama pala kwa muda mrefu, akabhaleka ndugu ni kulota kwa meli Siria pamonga ni Prisila ni Akwila. Kabla jha kubhoka pa bandari, akaili njuili sya muene kwani ajhele alapili kujha mnadhiri.
19 Then hee came to Ephesus, and left them there: but hee entred into the Synagogue and disputed with the Iewes.
Bhebhafikili Efeso, Paulo akandeka Prisila ni Akwila pala lakini muene akajhingila mu sinagogi ni kujadili ni Bhayahudi.
20 Who desired him to tarie a longer time with them: but he would not consent,
Bhobhan'jobhili Paulo atama nabhu kwa muda mrefu muene abelili.
21 But bade the farewel, saying, I must needes keepe this feast that commeth, in Hierusalem: but I will returne againe vnto you, if God will. So he sailed from Ephesus.
Lakini akabhoka kwa bhene akabhajobhela, “Nibetakukerebhuka kabhele kwa jhomu, ikajhiajhi ndo mapenzi gha K'yara. Baada jhe hapu, akabhoka kwa meli kuhoma Efeso.
22 And when hee came downe to Cesarea, he went vp to Hierusalem: and when he had saluted the Church, he went downe vnto Antiochia.
Paulo bho atolili Kaisaria, akakuela kulota kujhemelela kanisa lya Antikia.
23 Nowe when he had taried there a while, he departed, and went thorowe the countrey of Galatia and Phrygia by order, strengthening all the disciples.
Baada jha lutama kwa muda mrefu pala, Paulo akabhoka kupetela maeneo gha Galataia ni Frigia ni kubhapela muoyo bhanafunzi bhoha.
24 And a certaine Iewe named Apollos, borne at Alexandria, came to Ephesus, an eloquent man, and mightie in the Scriptures.
Myahudi mmonga jhaakutibhweghe Apolo, jhaahogoliki okhu Alexandria, ahidi Efeso. Ajhele ni ufasaha katika kulongela ni hodari ghwa majhandiku.
25 The same was instructed in the way of the Lord, and hee spake feruently in the Spirite, and taught diligently the things of the Lord, and knew but the baptisme of Iohn onely.
Apolo ajheajhelekesibhu kumafundisu gha Bwana. Kwa jinsi kyaajhe ni bidiii ku roho, alongili ni kumanyisya kwa usahihi, mamabo ghaaghakan'husu Yesu, ila amanyi tu ubatizo bhwa Yohana.
26 And he began to speake boldely in the Synagogue. Whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they tooke him vnto them, and expounded vnto him the way of God more perfectly.
Apolo akajhanda kulongela kwa ujasiri mu mahekalu. Lakini Prisila ni Akwila bhobhapeliki bhabheki urafiki ni muene ni kunjelekesya juu jha njela sya K'yara kwa usahihi.
27 And when hee was minded to goe into Achaia, the brethren exhorting him, wrote to the disciples to receiue him: and after hee was come thither, he holpe them much which had beleeued through grace.
Bho anoghila kubhoka kulota Akaya, bhalongomunu bhakampela muoyo nikubhalembela barua bhanafunzi bhabhajhe Akaya ili bhakabhayi kumpokela. Bhoafikilili kwa neema abhasaidili sana bhala bhabhakyeriri.
28 For mightily hee confuted publikely the Iewes, with great vehemencie, shewing by the Scriptures, that Iesus was that Christ.
Kwa ngofu sya muene ni maarifa Apolo abhazidili Bhayahudi hadharani akajhailasya kupetela majhandiku gha kujha Yesu ndo Kristu.

< Acts 18 >