< Acts 11 >

1 Nowe the Apostles and the brethren that were in Iudea, heard, that the Gentiles had also receiued the worde of God.
Avasuhwa na valukolo avavale khu Yudea vakhapulikha ukhuta avanyapanji vupilile eilimenyu lya Nguluve.
2 And when Peter was come vp to Hierusalem, they of the circumcision contended against him,
U Peteli vu ein'chile ukhu khu Yelusalemu, eikhipuga kya vanu avagolofu vakhanja ukhuben'cha, Nukhun'chova,
3 Saying, Thou wentest in to men vncircumcised, and hast eaten with them.
“Wibatine na vanu avasavagolofu nu khulya navo!”
4 Then Peter beganne, and expounded the thing in order to them, saying,
Pu uPeteli akhatengula ukhunchova eilihumile; akhata,
5 I was in the citie of Ioppa, praying, and in a trance I sawe this vision, A certaine vessell comming downe as it had bene a great sheete, let downe from heauen by the foure corners, and it came to me.
“Nele khweisaya mkhilunga kya khuu Yafa, nei khalolo einyevonelo mu kyombo fikhwikha pasi nduu mwenda umbaha ugugukhwikha ukhuhuma khu kianya ingutu n'choni a'chwine. Khikhwikha khuliune.
6 Towarde the which when I had fastened mine eyes, I considered, and sawe foure footed beastes of the earth, and wilde beastes, and creeping things, and foules of the heauen.
Nikhalola nukhusaga pakianya pa kiene. Nei khavona ifikanu ifinyamalunde gane ifitama pasi pakhilunga nifikanu mwinyasi nifikanu itifi khwa fula ni fidege ifya khukianya.
7 Also I heard a voyce, saying vnto me, Arise, Peter: slay and eate.
Nikha pulikha eisavuti yin'chova nune, “Sisimukha, Peteli, un'chinje ulye!”
8 And I said, God forbid, Lord: for nothing polluted or vncleane hath at any time entred into my mouth.
Nikhata, “Siyo ewo, Daada, mundomo gwango sakhingile eikhinu kyu kyoni eikhivivi neikhi n'chafu”
9 But the voyce answered me the seconde time from heauen, The things that God hath purified, pollute thou not.
Pu eisavuti yekhan'chova ukhuhuma Khukianya, kheila Unguluve avalin'che savuwesya ukhuta kheivivi,
10 And this was done three times, and all were taken vp againe into heauen.
Ei ye yakhahumile mala kha datu, khila khinu khekhatoliwa khu kianya khavili.
11 Then behold, immediatly there were three men already come vnto the house where I was, sent from Cesarea vnto me.
Ukhulola, avanu vadatu vimile khuvulongolo khunyumba umutwale vasuhiwe ukhuma khu Kaisalia ukhwincha khuliune.
12 And the Spirit saide vnto me, that I should go with them, without doubting: moreouer these sixe brethren came with me, and we entred into the mans house.
Umepo akhambula ukhuluta navo, neisite ukhukalan'chana navo. Ava gosi sita vakhaluta paninie nune lwalutile munyumba ya munu yumo.
13 And he shewed vs, howe he had seene an Angel in his house, which stoode and said to him, Send men to Ioppa, and call for Simon, whose surname is Peter.
Akhativula umwambonile usuhwa va Nguluve umu eimile munyumba ya mwene akhata(akhanchova), ““Nitume Yafa nisuhe khwa simoni uyu eilitawa eilenge vii Peteli.
14 He shall speake wordes vnto thee, whereby both thou and all thine house shalbe saued.
Inchova eilimenyu khuliuve ei limunyu eilelikhukhupokha uvene nyumba yakhoyoni.”
15 And as I began to speake, the holy Ghost fell on them, euen as vpon vs at the beginning.
Vunetangule ukhun'chova navyo, Umepo umbalan'che akhadega khuvene nduvu ainchile khuliufye khuvutengulilo.
16 Then I remembred the word of the Lord, howe he said, Iohn baptized with water, but ye shalbe baptized with the holy Ghost.
Nikhumbukha amamenyu ga Nguluve, agaan'chovile, “uYohani aonchaga na magasi, leno nkhwonchaga nu Mepo Umbalan'che.”
17 For as much then as God gaue them a like gift, as he did vnto vs, when we beleeued in the Lord Iesus Christ, who was I, that I coulde let God?
Nduvu Unguluve ahumin'che eisawadi nduvu atupile ufye vatweidikhe mwa Kelisiti uYesu, une nene veni, niwesya ukhuben'cha Unguluve?
18 When they heard these things, they helde their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles graunted repentance vnto life.
Vuvapulikha imbombo n'chi, savakhavuncha, vakhagimwa Unguluve nu khun'chova, “Unguluve ahumin'che uvusyikhila khuvanjapanji vope”
19 And they which were scattered abroade because of the affliction that arose about Steuen, went throughout till they came vnto Phenice and Cyprus, and Antiochia, preaching the worde to no man, but vnto the Iewes onely.
Puvakhidikhi eitabu eiyatengwile ukhuhuma khuvofye khwa Sitefani vayaganikhe ukhuhuma khu Yelusalemu- aveidikhi ava vakhaluta khutali, khuu Foinike, Kipro nakhu Antiokia. Vakhavavula eilimenyu lya Yesu mwene khuvayahudi nasyoo khu vanu avange vuvoni.
20 Now some of them were men of Cyprus and of Cyrene, which when they were come into Antiochia, spake vnto the Grecians, and preached the Lord Iesus.
Pa khuva avanu avange vahumile khu Kipro na khu Krene, vainchile khu Antiokia nukhun'chova navayunani nukhundumbilila uYesu.
21 And the hand of the Lord was with them, so that a great number beleeued and turned vnto the Lord.
Nikhivokho kya Nguluve kyale paninie navene, na vanu vingi vakhedikha nukupindukhila Unguluve.
22 Then tydings of those things came vnto the eares of the Church, which was in Hierusalem, and they sent foorth Barnabas, that he should goe vnto Antiochia.
Imbombo n'cha vene n'chii khafikha mumbula khutun'cha tembile yakhu Yelusalemu: nukhusuha uBarnaba alute khu Antiokia.
23 Who when he was come and had seene the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted all, that with purpose of heart they would continue in the Lord.
Vu einchile nukhulola eikhikungilwa kya Nguluve akhahovokha nukhuvapa amakha voni ukhusigala nu Nguluve munumbula n'cha vene.
24 For he was a good man, and full of the holy Ghost, and faith, and much people ioyned them selues vnto the Lord.
Pakhuva alie munu iinonu adin'chine Umepo Umbalan'che vakhongelela mwa Kilisti.
25 Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus to seeke Saul:
Pongela uBarnaba akhatuta khu Tarso khukhombona uSavuli.
26 And when he had founde him, he brought him vnto Antiochia: and it came to passe that a whole yere they were conuersant with ye Church, and taught much people, in so much that the disciples were first called Christians in Antiochia.
Vu ambwene akhagega khu Antiokia. Yikhava umwakha uguge vakhalundamana paninie nei tembile nukhuvamanyisya avanu vingi. Na vakongi vakhilangiwa vakelesiti avatan'chii khu Antiokia.
27 In those dayes also came Prophets from Hierusalem vnto Antiochia.
Pu isikhu in'cho avasuhwa vakhikha ukhuhuma khu Yelusalemu vakhafikha khu Antiokia.
28 And there stoode vp one of them named Agabus, and signified by the Spirit, that there should be great famine throughout all the world, which also came to passe vnder Claudius Cesar.
Uninie yumo vi Agabo lyu litawa lya mwene, akhima nukhuvuliwa nu Mepo ukhuta khuiva ne njala eing'ala yihumila mukhilunga kyoni. Eiyei yihumila usikhe gwa Kraudio.
29 Then the disciples, euery man according to his ability, purposed to sende succour vnto the brethren which dwelt in Iudea.
Pu khila ikongi yumo uvei anogile alamwile ukhumlekha uvutangili khuvalukolo lwe avalekhu Vuyahudi.
30 Which thing they also did, and sent it to the Elders, by the hand of Barnabas and Saul.
Vavombile ewe; Vakhahumya ihela khukhivokho kya Barnabva nu Savuli.

< Acts 11 >