< 2 Samuel 1 >

1 After the death of Saul, when Dauid was returned from the slaughter of the Amalekites and had beene two dayes in Ziklag,
Un notikās pēc Saula miršanas, kad Dāvids no Amalekiešu kaušanas bija atpakaļ griezies, tad Dāvids palika divas dienas Ciklagā.
2 Behold, a man came the third day out of the host from Saul with his clothes rent, and earth vpon his head: and when hee came to Dauid, he fell to the earth, and did obeisance.
Un redzi, trešā dienā viens vīrs nāca no lēģera, no Saula, un viņa drēbes bija saplosītas, un zeme bija uz viņa galvas. Un kad viņš pie Dāvida nāca, viņš klanījās pie zemes mezdamies.
3 Then Dauid saide vnto him, Whence commest thou? And he said vnto him, Out of the host of Israel I am escaped.
Un Dāvids uz to sacīja: no kurienes tu nāci? Un tas uz viņu sacīja: no Israēla lēģera esmu izbēdzis.
4 And Dauid saide vnto him, What is done? I pray thee, tell me. Then he said, that the people is fled from the battel, and many of the people are ouerthrowen, and dead, and also Saul and Ionathan his sonne are dead.
Tad Dāvids uz to sacīja: kā tur iet? Teic man jel! Un tas sacīja: tie ļaudis no kaušanās ir bēguši un daudz no tiem ļaudīm krituši un miruši, arī Sauls un Jonatāns, viņa dēls, ir miruši.
5 And Dauid saide vnto the yong man that tolde it him, Howe knowest thou that Saul and Ionathan his sonne be dead?
Tad Dāvids sacīja uz to puisi, kas viņam to teica: kā tu zini, ka Sauls un Jonatāns, viņa dēls, miruši?
6 Then the yong man that tolde him, answered, As I came to mount Gilboa, behold, Saul leaned vpon his speare, and loe, the charets and horsemen followed hard after him.
Tad tas puisis, kas viņam to teica, sacīja: nejauši es nācu uz Ģilboas kalniem un redzi, Sauls bija atspiedies uz savu šķēpu, un redzi, rati un jātnieki tam lauzās virsū.
7 And when he looked backe, he saw me, and called me. And I answered, Here am I.
Tad viņš griezās atpakaļ un mani ieraudzīja un mani sauca. Un es sacīju: še es esmu.
8 And he said vnto me, Who art thou? And I answered him, I am an Amalekite.
Un viņš uz mani sacīja: kas tu esi? Un es uz to sacīju: esmu Amalekietis.
9 Then saide hee vnto me, I pray thee come vpon mee, and slay me: for anguish is come vpon me, because my life is yet whole in me.
Un viņš uz mani sacīja: nāc šurp pie manis un nokauj mani, jo izbailes mani pārņēmušas, un mana dzīvība vēl ir vesela iekš manis.
10 So I came vpon him, and slewe him, and because I was sure that hee coulde not liue, after that hee had fallen, I tooke the crowne that was vpon his head, and the bracelet that was on his arme, and brought them hither vnto my lord.
Tad es pie tā piegāju un to nokāvu, jo es gan zināju, ka viņš pēc savas krišanas nevarēja dzīvot, un es paņēmu to kroni, kas bija uz viņa galvas, un viņa rokas greznumu un to nesu šurp pie sava kunga.
11 Then Dauid tooke hold on his clothes, and rent them, and likewise al the men that were with him.
Tad Dāvids sakampa savas drēbes un tās saplēsa, tāpat arī visi tie vīri, kas pie viņa bija.
12 And they mourned and wept, and fasted vntil euen, for Saul and for Ionathan his sonne, and for the people of the Lord, and for the house of Israel, because they were slaine with the sword.
Un tie žēlojās un raudāja un gavēja līdz vakaram par Saulu un par viņa dēlu Jonatānu un par Tā Kunga ļaudīm un par Israēla namu, tāpēc ka tie caur zobenu bija krituši.
13 Afterward Dauid saide vnto the yong man that tolde it him, Whence art thou? And hee answered, I am the sonne of a stranger an Amalekite.
Un Dāvids sacīja uz to puisi, kas viņam to bija teicis: no kurienes tu esi? Un viņš sacīja: es esmu sveša vīra, viena Amalekieša, dēls.
14 And Dauid said vnto him, How wast thou not afrayd, to put forth thine hand to destroy the Anoynted of the Lord?
Un Dāvids uz to sacīja: kā tu neesi bijies izstiept savu roku, nomaitāt Tā Kunga svaidīto?
15 Then Dauid called one of his yong men, and said, Goe neere, and fall vpon him. And hee smote him that he dyed.
Un Dāvids sauca vienu no tiem puišiem un sacīja: nāc, nokauj viņu. Un tas to kāva, ka tas nomira.
16 Then said Dauid vnto him, Thy blood be vpon thine owne head: for thine owne mouth hath testified against thee, saying, I haue slaine the Lords Anoynted.
Un Dāvids uz to sacīja, tavas asinis lai paliek uz tavas galvas, jo tava paša mute pret tevi ir liecinājusi sacīdama: es Tā Kunga svaidīto esmu nokāvis.
17 Then Dauid mourned with this lamentation ouer Saul, and ouer Ionathan his sonne,
Tad Dāvids dziedāja šo vaidu dziesmu par Saulu un par viņa dēlu Jonatānu,
18 (Also he bade them teach the children of Iudah to shoote, as it is written in the booke of Iasher)
Un pavēlēja lai Jūda bērniem to stopa dziesmu mācītu (redzi, tā ir rakstīta tā taisnā grāmatā):
19 O noble Israel, hee is slane vpon thy hie places: how are the mightie ouerthrowen!
Israēla glītums uz taviem kalniem nokauts! Kā tie varenie krituši!
20 Tell it not in Gath, nor publish it in the streetes of Ashkelon, lest the daughters of the Philistims reioyce, lest the daughters of the vncircumcised triumph.
Nestāstat to Gatā, neteiciet to Askalonas ielās, ka Fīlistu meitas nepriecājās, ka neapgraizīto meitas nelīksmojās!
21 Ye mountaines of Gilboa, vpon you be neither dewe nor raine, nor be there fieldes of offrings: for there the shielde of the mightie is cast downe, the shielde of Saul, as though he had not bene anointed with oyle.
Ģilboas kalni, lai rasa un lietus vairs nav uz jums, nedz tīrumi upuru dāvanām, jo tur to vareno priekšturamās bruņas ir nomestas, Saula priekšturamās bruņas ar eļļu nesvaidītas.
22 The bow of Ionathan neuer turned backe, neither did the sword of Saul returne emptie from the blood of the slaine, and from the fatte of the mightie.
Jonatāna stops nekad nav dzīts atpakaļ un Saula zobens nekad nav pārnācis bez nokauto asinīm un vareno taukiem.
23 Saul and Ionathan were louely and pleasant in their liues, and in their deaths they were not deuided: they were swifter then eagles, they were stronger then lions.
Sauls un Jonatāns, mīlīgi un laipni, dzīvībā un nāvē tie nav šķirti; tie bija vieglāki nekā ērgļi un stiprāki nekā lauvas.
24 Yee daughters of Israel, weepe for Saul, which clothed you in skarlet, with pleasures, and hanged ornaments of gold vpon your apparel.
Israēla meitas, raudiet par Saulu, kas jūs krāšņi tērpa ar purpuru, kas jūsu drēbes pušķoja ar zelta glītumiem.
25 Howe were the mightie slaine in the mids of the battel! O Ionathan, thou wast slaine in thine hie places.
Kā tie varenie ir krituši kara vidū! Jonatāns ir nokauts uz taviem kalniem.
26 Wo is me for thee, my brother Ionathan: very kinde hast thou bene vnto me: thy loue to me was wonderfull, passing the loue of women:
Man ir žēl pēc tevis, mans brāli Jonatān! Tu man biji ļoti mīļš, tava mīlestība man bija saldāka, nekā sievas mīlestība.
27 howe are the mightie ouerthrowen, and the weapons of warre destroyed!
Kā tie varenie krituši un kara ieroči gājuši bojā!

< 2 Samuel 1 >