< 2 Samuel 8 >

1 After this now, Dauid smote the Philistims, and subdued them, and Dauid tooke the bridle of bondage out of the hand of the Philistims.
Ana'ma hutegeno mago zupa Deviti'a Filistia vahe'mokizmi hara huzamagatereno kegava hunezamanteno, ugotama hu'nea Meteke-ama rankuma'zminena erino kegava huzmante'ne.
2 And hee smote Moab, and measured them with a corde, and cast them downe to the ground: he measured them with two cordes to put them to death, and with one full corde to keepe them aliue: so became the Moabites Dauids seruants, and brought giftes.
Hagi Deviti'a Moapu vahe'enena ha' huzamanteno ha'ma huzamagatenereno, ana vahera mopafi maseho hige'za masempi hu'za vazageno, nofiteti avazuhuno mesarimi huno ke'ne. Hagi 3a kevu vahepintira tare kevu vahera zamahe vaganereno, mago kevu vahera ozamaheno zamatrege'za agri agoraga mani'naze. Hagi Moapu vahe'ma ozmahe zamatrea vahe'mo'za agri agorga mani'za takesi zagoa Devitina ami'naze.
3 Dauid smote also Hadadezer the sonne of Rehob King of Zobah, as he went to recouer his border at the riuer Euphrates.
Hagi Zoba kini ne' Rehobu nemofo Hadadezeri'ma sondia vahe'anema Yufretis tintega vuno mopa'a ome hahuno eri'naku nevigeno, Deviti'a hara hunteno hara hugatere'ne.
4 And Dauid tooke of them a thousand and seuen hundreth horsemen, and twenty thousande footemen, and Dauid destroyed all the charets, but he reserued an hundreth charets of them.
Hagi Deviti'a 1tausen 700'a hosifima vanoma nehaza sondia vahetaminki, 20 tauseni'a mopafima vanoma nehu'za ha'ma nehaza sondia vahe zamaheno nezmavreno, maka hosi afutamina zamagigruna taga nehuno 100'a karisima avazu huno vuga hosi afutaminke zamatre'ne.
5 Then came the Aramites of Dammesek to succour Hadadezer king of Zobah, but Dauid slewe of the Aramites two and twenty thousande men.
Hagi ana knafina Damaskasi kumateti Aramu sondia vahe'mo'za vu'za, Joba kini ne' Hadadezeri ome aza hu'za hara nehazageno, Deviti'a ana ne'mofo sondia vahera 22 tauseni'a vahe zamahe'ne.
6 And Dauid put a garison in Aram of Damesek: and the Aramites became seruants to Dauid, and brought gifts. And the Lord saued Dauid wheresoeuer he went.
Hagi Deviti'a sondia vahe'aramimofo kumatamina Aramu vahe'mofo mopafi Damasakasi kumapi retro huno zamantege'za mani'neza kegava hu'nazage'za, Aramu vahe'mo'za Deviti agorga mani'ne'za takesi zagoa ami'naze. Ana nehazageno Ra Anumzamo'a Deviti'ma vuno eno'ma huno'ma ha'ma hirega, hanave amigeno hara huzmagatere'ne.
7 And Dauid tooke the shieldes of gold that beloged to the seruants of Hadadezer, and brought them to Ierusalem.
Hagi Hadadezeri sondia vahe'mo'za golireti'ma tro'ma hu'naza hankoramina Devitia erino Jerusalemi vu'ne.
8 And out of Betah, and Berothai (cities of Hadadezer) king Dauid brought exceeding much brasse.
Hagi Hadadezeri'ma kegava hu'nea tare rankumara Beta kuma'ene Berotai kumapintira Deviti'a rama'a bronsi eri'ne.
9 Then Toi king of Hamath heard howe Dauid had smitten all the hoste of Hadadezer,
Hagi Hamati kumate kini ne' Toi'ma antahiama Deviti'a Hadadezeri sondia vahe hara huzmagatere'ne hazanke nentahino'a,
10 Therefore Toi sent Ioram his sonne vnto King Dauid, to salute him, and to reioyce with him because he had fought against Hadadezer, and beaten him (for Hadadezer had warre with Toi) who brought with him vessels of siluer, and vessels of golde, and vessels of brasse.
Toi'a nemofo Joramuna huntegeno Deviti ome musenke hunte'naku vu'ne. Hagi Toi'ene Hadadezeri'enena zanagra za'zate hara hu'na'a netre'ne. Hagi Joramu'a musezana silvane, goline bronsinena erineno Devitina aminaku vu'ne.
11 And King Dauid did dedicate them vnto the Lord with the siluer and golde that he had dedicate of all the nations, which he had subdued:
Hagi kini ne' Deviti'a miko ha' vahe'amokizmi ha' huzmanteno eri'nea zantamimpinti ko'ma hu'neaza huno, ana musezantamina Ra Anumzamofo zane huno erinte otage huno Ra Anumzamofo ami'ne.
12 Of Aram, and of Moab, and of the children of Ammon, and of the Philistims, and of Amalek, and of the spoyle of Hadadezer ye sonne of Rehob King of Zobah.
Hagi ana zantamima Ra Anumzamofoma eri otage huno ami'neana, Idomu vahe zanki, Moapu vahe zanki, Amoni vahe zanki, Filistia vahe zanki Ameleki vahe zanki huno eri'ne. Hagi Rehopu nemofo Soba kini ne' Hadadezeri zantaminema eri'nea zanena Ra Anumzamofo eri otage huno ami'ne.
13 So Dauid gate a name after that hee returned, and had slayne of the Aramites in the valley of salt eighteene thousand men.
Hagi Deviti'a Hage nehaza agupofima 18tauseni'a Idomu sondia vahe'ma ome zamaheteno ege'za, ra agi amizageno agimo'a mareri'ne.
14 And he put a garison in Edom: throughout all Edom put he souldiers, and all they of Edom became Dauids seruants: and the Lord kept Dauid whithersoeuer he went.
Hagi Deviti sondia vahe'mo'za manisaza kumatamina Idomu mopafi tro huno zamantege'za umani emani hu'ne'za kegava hazage'za, Idomu vahe'mo'za Deviti agoraga mani'naze. Hagi inantego Devitima vunoma ha'ma ome hirega, Ra Anumzamo'a aza huno hanave amigeno hara agatere'ne.
15 Thus Dauid reigned ouer all Israel, and executed iudgement and iustice vnto all his people.
Ana huteno Deviti'a fatgo avu'ava huno Israeli vahera knare'za huno kegava huzamante'ne.
16 And Ioab the sonne of Zeruiah was ouer the hoste, and Ioshaphat the sonne of Ahilud was recorder.
Hagi Seruai nemofo Joapu'a Sondia vahe kva mani'geno, Ahiluti nemofo Jehosafati'a maka'zama nehazazamofo avonkreno eri fatgo hu eri'za vahe mani'ne.
17 And Zadok the sonne of Ahitub, and Ahimelech the sonne of Abiathar were the Priestes, and Seraiah the Scribe.
Hagi Ahitubu nemofo Zadoki'ene, Ahimeleki nemofo Abiatakea pristi netre manikeno, kini ne'mo'ma hiazantamima avonkreno eri fatgo hu eri'za nera Seraia'a mani'ne.
18 And Benaiah the sonne of Iehoiada and the Cherethites and the Pelethites, and Dauids sonnes were chiefe rulers.
Hagi Jehoiada nemofo Benaia'a kini ne'mofo avate kva nera mani'ne. Hagi Deviti ne'mofavremo'za pristi eri'za vahete kegava huzmante'naze.

< 2 Samuel 8 >