< 2 Samuel 16 >

1 When Dauid was a little past the top of the hill, behold, Ziba the seruant of Mephibosheth mette him with a couple of asses sadled, and vpon them two hundreth cakes of bread, and an hundreth bunches of raisins, and an hundreth of dryed figges, and a bottel of wine.
Kwathi uDavida esedlule kancinyane engqongeni, khangela, uZiba inceku kaMefiboshethi wamhlangabeza elabobabhemi ababili belezihlalo, bethwele izinkwa ezingamakhulu amabili, lamahlukuzo alikhulu ezithelo ezonyisiweyo zevini, lezithelo zehlobo ezilikhulu, lomgodla wewayini.
2 And the King said vnto Ziba, What meanest thou by these? And Ziba said, They be asses for the kings housholde to ride on, and bread and dryed figges for the yong men to eate, and wine, that the faint may drinke in the wildernesse.
Inkosi yasisithi kuZiba: Uthini ngalezizinto? UZiba wasesithi: Obabhemi ngabendlu yenkosi ukuthi bagade, lezinkwa lezithelo zehlobo ngezamajaha ukuthi adle, lewayini ngelabaphelelwa ngamandla enkangala ukuthi banathe.
3 And the king sayde, But where is thy masters sonne? Then Ziba answered the King, Beholde, he remayneth in Ierusalem: for he sayde, This day shall the house of Israel restore me the kingdome of my father.
Inkosi yasisithi: Pho, ingaphi indodana yenkosi yakho? UZiba wasesithi enkosini: Khangela, uhlezi eJerusalema, ngoba uthe: Lamuhla uIsrayeli uzabuyisela kimi umbuso kababa.
4 Then said the King to Ziba, Behold, thine are all that perteined vnto Mephibosheth. And Ziba saide, I beseech thee, let me finde grace in thy sight, my lord, O King.
Inkosi yasisithi kuZiba: Khangela, ngokwakho konke okukaMefiboshethi. UZiba wasesithi: Ngiyakhothama; kangithole umusa emehlweni akho, nkosi yami, nkosi.
5 And when king Dauid came to Bahurim, behold, thence came out a man of the familie of the house of Saul, named Shimei the sonne of Gera: and he came out, and cursed.
Kwathi inkosi uDavida ifika eBahurimi, khangela, kwaphuma khona umuntu wosendo lwendlu kaSawuli, obizo lakhe linguShimeyi indodana kaGera; waphuma, ehamba ethuka.
6 And he cast stones at Dauid, and at all the seruants of King Dauid: and all the people, and all the men of warre were on his right hande, and on his left.
Wasejikijela uDavida ngamatshe kanye lenceku zonke zenkosi uDavida, labo bonke abantu lamaqhawe wonke ngakwesokunene sakhe langakwesokhohlo sakhe.
7 And thus sayde Shimei when hee cursed, Come forth, come foorth thou murtherer, and wicked man.
Wasesitsho njalo uShimeyi ekuthukeni kwakhe: Phuma, phuma, muntu wegazi, muntu kaBheliyali!
8 The Lord hath brought vpon thee all the blood of the house of Saul, in whose stead thou hast reigned: and the Lord hath deliuered thy kingdome into the hand of Absalom thy sonne: and beholde, thou art taken in thy wickednesse, because thou art a murtherer.
INkosi ibuyisele phezu kwakho lonke igazi lendlu kaSawuli obubusa esikhundleni sakhe; iNkosi inikele umbuso esandleni sikaAbisalomu indodana yakho. Khangela, usebubini bakho, ngoba ungumuntu omele igazi.
9 Then saide Abishai the sonne of Zeruiah vnto the King, Why doeth this dead dog curse my lord the King? let me goe, I pray thee, and take away his head.
UAbishayi indodana kaZeruya wasesithi enkosini: Linja efileyo iyithukelani inkosi yami, inkosi? Ake ngedlule ngisuse ikhanda layo.
10 But the King saide, What haue I to doe with you, ye sonnes of Zeruiah? for he curseth, eue because the Lord hath bidden him curse Dauid: who dare then say, Wherfore hast thou done so?
Kodwa inkosi yathi: Ngilani lani, madodana kaZeruya? Ngakho kathuke, ngoba iNkosi ithe kuye: Thuka uDavida; pho, ngubani ozakuthi: Wenzeleni njalo?
11 And Dauid sayd to Abishai, and to all his seruants, Beholde, my sonne which came out of mine owne bowels, seeketh my life: then howe much more now may this sonne of Iemini? Suffer him to curse: for the Lord hath bidden him.
UDavida wasesithi kuAbishayi lakuzo zonke inceku zakhe: Khangela, indodana yami, ephume emibilini yami, idinga impilo yami; kangakanani-ke lumBhenjamini? Myekeleni, athuke, ngoba iNkosi ikhulumile kuye.
12 It may be that the Lord will looke on mine affliction, and doe me good for his cursing this day.
Mhlawumbe iNkosi izabona usizi lwami, iNkosi ingibuyisele okuhle esikhundleni sokuthuka kwakhe lamuhla.
13 And as Dauid and his men went by the way, Shimei went by the side of the mountaine ouer against him, and cursed as he went, and threw stones against him, and cast dust.
UDavida labantu bakhe basebehamba ngendlela; loShimeyi ehamba eceleni kwentaba maqondana laye, ehamba ethuka, emjikijela ngamatshe, emthela ngothuli.
14 Then came the King and all the people that were with him wearie, and refreshed them selues there.
Inkosi labo bonke abantu ababelayo bafika sebekhathele; yasihlumelela khona.
15 And Absalom, and all the people, the men of Israel, came to Ierusalem, and Ahithophel with him.
UAbisalomu labantu bonke, amadoda akoIsrayeli, basebefika eJerusalema, loAhithofeli elaye.
16 And when Hushai the Archite Dauids friend was come vnto Absalom, Hushai said vnto Absalom, God saue the King, God saue the King.
Kwasekusithi lapho uHushayi umArki, umngane kaDavida, esefike kuAbisalomu, uHushayi wathi kuAbisalomu: Kayiphile inkosi! Kayiphile inkosi!
17 Then Absalom sayd to Hushai, Is this thy kindenes to thy friend? Why wentest thou not with thy friend?
UAbisalomu wasesithi kuHushayi: Yiwo umusa wakho kumngane wakho yini? Kungani ungahambanga lomngane wakho?
18 Hushai then answered vnto Absalom, Nay, but whome the Lord, and this people, and all the men of Israel chuse, his will I be, and with him will I dwell.
UHushayi wasesithi kuAbisalomu: Hatshi, kodwa lowo emkhethayo iNkosi, lalababantu, lawo wonke amadoda akoIsrayeli, ngizakuba ngowakhe, njalo ngihlale laye.
19 And moreouer vnto whome shall I doe seruice? not to his sonne? as I serued before thy father, so will I before thee.
Ngokwesibili, mina ngizakhonza bani? Kungabi phambi kobuso bendodana yakhe na? Njengoba ngakhonza phambi kukayihlo, ngokunjalo ngizakuba phambi kwakho.
20 Then spake Absalom to Ahithophel, Giue counsell what we shall doe.
UAbisalomu wasesithi kuAhithofeli: Phanini iseluleko senu ukuthi sizakwenza njani?
21 And Ahithophel said vnto Absalom, Goe in to thy fathers concubines, which he hath left to keepe the house: and when all Israel shall heare, that thou art abhorred of thy father, the hands of all that are with thee, shall be strong.
UAhithofeli wasesithi kuAbisalomu: Ngena kubafazi abancane bakayihlo abatshiye ukulinda indlu; loIsrayeli wonke uzakuzwa ukuthi ulevumba kuyihlo; khona izandla zabo bonke abalawe zizaqina.
22 So they spread Absalom a tent vpon the top of the house, and Absalom went in to his fathers concubines in the sight of all Israel.
Basebemendlalela uAbisalomu ithente phezu kophahla; uAbisalomu wasengena kubafazi abancane bakayise phambi kwamehlo kaIsrayeli wonke.
23 And the counsell of Ahithophel which he counseled in those dayes, was like as one had asked counsell at the oracle of God: so was all the counsel of Ahithophel both with Dauid and with Absalom.
Iseluleko sikaAhithofeli aseluleka ngalezonsuku sasinjengomuntu ebuza ilizwi likaNkulunkulu; sasinjalo sonke iseluleko sikaAhithofeli kubo bobabili uDavida loAbisalomu.

< 2 Samuel 16 >