< 2 Chronicles 28 >

1 Ahaz was twentie yeere old when he began to reigne, and reigned sixteene yeere in Ierusalem, and did not vprightly in the sight of the Lord, like Dauid his father.
Hagi Ahasi'a 20'a kafu hu'neno, Juda vahe kinia efore huno Jerusalemi kumatera 16ni'a kafufi kinia mani'ne. Hagi agra negeho Deviti'ma fatgo avu'ava'ma hu'neaza huno Ra Anumzamofo avurera fatgo avu'avara osu'ne.
2 But he walked in the wayes of ye Kings of Israel, and made euen molten images for Baalim.
Hianagi agra ko'ma Israeli kini vahe'mo'zama hu'naza zamavu'zamava nezmavaririno, Bali havi anumzante'ma mono'ma hunte'naza zana ainireti kremramra huno amema'a tro hunte'ne.
3 Moreouer he burnt incense in the valley of Ben-hinnom, and burnt his sonnes with fire, after the abominations of the heathen whom the Lord had cast out before the children of Israel.
Hagi ana mopafima mani'naza vahe'ma Ra Anumzamo'ma zamahekasopetreno Israeli vahe'ma mopazmima erizmi'nea vahetmimofo kefo hi'mnage avu'ava huno Ahasi'a Hinomu agupofi ofa nehuno, ne' mofavre naga'anena zamaheno tevefi Kresramana vu'ne.
4 He sacrificed also and burnt incense in the hie places, and on hilles, and vnder euery greene tree.
Hagi Ahasi'a havi anumzama mono'ma hunentaza agona kumatmimpine, zafa agafafine, havi anumzamofontera ofa nehuno, mnanentake zana kremna vu'ne.
5 Wherefore the Lord his God deliuered him into the hand of the King of the Aramites, and they smote him, and tooke of his, many prisoners, and brought them to Damascus: and he was also deliuered into the hande of the King of Israel, which smote him with a great slaughter.
E'ina higeno Ra Anumza agri Anumzamo'a Siria kini ne'mofo azampi Ahasina avrentegeno hara hu agatereno, rama'a vahekrerfa kina huzmanteno zamavareno Damaskasi kumate ome nezmantegeno, ana zanke huno Ra Anumzamo'a Israeli kini ne'mofo azampi Ahasina avrentegeno hara hunteno, rama'a sondia vahe'a hazenkea zami'ne.
6 For Pekah the sonne of Remaliah slewe in Iudah sixe score thousand in one day, all valiant men, because they had forsaken the Lord God of their fathers.
Hagi Israeli kini ne' Remalia nemofo Peka'a magoke knafina, 120tauseni'a koro osu hankavenentake Juda sondia vahetmina zamahe fri'ne. Na'ankure zamagra Ra Anumzana zamagehe'i Anumzamofona zamefi humi'nazagu anara hu'ne.
7 And Zichri a mighty man of Ephraim slew Maaseiah the Kings sonne, and Azrikam the gouernour of the house, and Elkanah the second after the King.
Hagi kini ne'mofona mofavre'a Maseiama, kini ne'mofo kuma'ma kegavama hu'nea sondia ne' Azrika'ma, kini ne'mofoma eme amefi'ma hu'neno'ma vahe'ma kegavama nehia ne' Elkananena, maka magoke kna zupage Efraemi kumateti harafa sondia ne' Zikri'a zamahe vagare'ne.
8 And the children of Israel tooke prisoners of their brethren, two hudreth thousand of women, sonnes and daughters, and caried away much spoyle of them, and brought the spoyle to Samaria.
Hagi Israeli sondia vahe'mo'za Juda vahera zamafuhe'i a'nene, ne' mofavreramine, mofa'nezminena 200tauseni'a zamavare'za, ha'pinti'ma eri'za zantamina tusi zantamine eri'za Sameria rankumate vu'naze.
9 But there was a Prophet of the Lordes, (whose name was Oded) and he went out before the hoste that came to Samaria, and said vnto them, Behold, because the Lord God of your fathers is wroth with Iudah, he hath deliuered them into your hand, and ye haue slaine them in a rage, that reacheth vp to heauen.
Hianagi Ra Anumzamofo kasnampa ne' Odeti'a ana Israeli sondia vahetmima hateti'ma Sameria kumate'ma neaza vahetmina amanage huno ome zamasami'ne, Keho, Ra Anumzana tamagehe'i Anumzamo'a Juda vahekura tusi arimpa ahenezmanteno, zamavare tamazampina antegeta zamaheta hara huzmagateraze. Hianagi tamasunkura osu kefo'za huta zamahazageno ana zamo'a Anumzamofo avure vigeno keno antahino hu'ne.
10 And nowe ye purpose to keepe vnder the children of Iudah and Ierusalem, as seruants and handmaides vnto you: but are not you such, that sinnes are with you before the Lord your God?
Ana huteta menina Juda kumate'ma nemaniza vene'nene a'nanene Jerusalemi kumate vene'nene a'nanena kazokzo vahe zamazeri tro hunaku tamagesa nentahize. Hianagi tamagra'enena Ra Anumzana tamagri Anumzamofo avurera kumi hu'naze.
11 Nowe therefore heare me, and deliuer the captiues againe, which ye haue taken prisoners of your brethren: for the fierce wrath of the Lord is toward you.
Hagi menia ke'ni'a antahita kinama huzmanteta zamavaretama aza tamafu tamagnana ete huzmantenke'za viho. Na'ankure menina Ra Anumzamo'a e'inahu tamavutamavama haza zankura tusi arimpa aheramante'ne.
12 Wherefore certaine of the chiefe of the children of Ephraim, Azariah the sonne of Iehohanan, Berechiah the sonne of Meshillemoth, and Iehizkiah the sonne of Shallum, and Amasa the sonne of Hadlai, stood vp against them that came from the warre,
Anankema nehigeno'a, Efraemi kva vahetmima, Jehonani nemofo Asaria'ma, Mesilemoti nemofo Berekaia'ma, Salumu nemofo Jehizkaia'ma, Hadlai nemofo Amasa'ma hu'za kasnampa ne'mofo kerera mago zamarimpa hute'za oti'za,
13 And said vnto them, Bring not in the captiues hither: for this shalbe a sinne vpon vs against the Lord: ye entende to adde more to our sinnes and to our trespasse, though our trespasse be great, and the fierce wrath of God is against Israel.
ana sondia vahetminkura amanage hu'naze, tamagra kinama huzmanteta zmavreta aza vahetmina zamavareta amarera omegahaze. Na'ankure Ra Anumzamofo avurera kumitimo'a ko marerino ra hu'neanki, mago'ene erinte agofetu huta kumira nehazageno, Israeli vahe'mota Ra Anumzamo'a tusi arimpa ahenerante.
14 So the armie left the captiues and the spoyle before the princes and all the Congregation.
Anage hazage'za ana sondia vahe'mo'za kinama huzmante'za zamavare'za aza vahetmina, ana kva vahetmimofo zamavugane, vahe'mokizmi zamavuga eme nezmatre'za, hapinti'ma eri'za aza zantaminena maka eme ante'naze.
15 And the men that were named by name, rose vp and tooke the prisoners, and with the spoyle clothed all that were naked among them, and arayed them, and shod them, and gaue them meate, and gaue them drinke, and anoynted them, and caryed all that were feeble of them vpon asses, and brought them to Iericho the citie of Palme trees to their brethren: so they returned to Samaria.
Hagi sondia vahe'mo'za ha'pinti'ma eri'za e'naza kukenaramine, zamaga nonena ana kva vahetmimo'za e'za emeri'za zamavufaga zamavapama zamavare'za e'naza kina vahetmina zamizage'za kukena nehazageno, nezane tinena zamizage'za nenazage'za zamavufagama tga hunerera masavena frezmante'naze. Ana hute'za kama vuga'ma osaza vahetmina, donki agumpi zamavarenente'za amne vahe'enena zamavare'za zamafuhe'zama mani'narega tofenke kumapi Jeriko kumate ome zamatrete'za, ete Sameria kumate e'naze.
16 At that time did King Ahaz sende vnto the Kings of Asshur, to helpe him.
Hagi ana knafina kini ne' Ahasi'a Asiria kini netega eme aza hinogu kea atre'ne.
17 (For the Edomites came moreouer, and slew of Iudah, and caryed away captiues.
Hagi Edomu vahe'mo'za ete mago'ane Juda vahera hara eme huzmante'za hara huzmagatere'za kina huzmante'za zamavare'za vu'naze.
18 The Philistims also inuaded the cities in the low countrey, and toward the South of Iudah, and tooke Bethshemesh, and Aialon, and Gederoth and Shocho, with the villages thereof, and Timnah, with her villages, and Gimzo, with her villages, and they dwelt there.
Hagi Filistia vahe'mo'za Juda agonaramimofo agafine, Negevi kazigama me'nea kumatmina arohu eme zamare'za, Bet-semesi kumapi vahetamine, Aijaloni kumapi vahetamine, Gederoti kumapi vahetamine, Soko kumapima nemaniza vahe'ene tavaonte'ma megagi'nea kumatmimpi vahetamine, Timna kuma'ma, tavaonte'ma megagi'nea kumatmimpi vahetamine, Gimzo kuma'ma, tavaonte'ma megagi'nea kumapi vahetamine maka ha eme huzmante'za zamahe'za hanare'za, ana kumatamimpi mani'naze.
19 For the Lord had humbled Iudah, because of Ahaz King of Israel: for he had brought vengeance vpon Iudah, and had grieuously transgressed against the Lord)
Kini ne' Ahasi'ma hia avu'avaku huno Ra Anumzamo'a Juda vahera zamazeri anterami'ne. Na'ankure agra hige'za Juda vahe'mo'za kefo kumi avu'avara nehu'za, Ra Anumzamofona zamagu'aretira huza amagera onte'za zamefi humi'naze.
20 And Tilgath Pilneeser king of Asshur came vnto him, who troubled him and did not strengthen him.
E'ina hu'negu Asiria kini ne' Tiglat-Pilesa'a eme aza hugaragi hara eme hunte'ne.
21 For Ahaz tooke a portion out of the house of the Lord and out of the Kings house and of the Princes, and gaue vnto the king of Asshur: yet it helped him not.
Ahasi'a agra nompinti'ene, eri'za vahe'aramimofo nompinti'ene, Ra Anumzamofo mono nompintira zago'amo'ma marerinea zantamina erino Asiria kini nera takisia eme ami'neanagi, ana zama hia zamo'a aza osu'ne.
22 And in ye time of his tribulation did he yet trespasse more against ye Lord, (this is King Ahaz)
Hagi Ahasi'ma ana hazenke knafima mani'neno'a, Anumzamofona antahinomino mago'ane kefo avu'avara nehuno, Ra Anumzamofontera mani fatgo osu'ne.
23 For he sacrificed vnto the gods of Damascus, which plagued him, and he sayd, Because the gods of the Kings of Aram helped them, I wil sacrifice vnto them, and they will helpe me: yet they were his ruine, and of all Israel.
Hagi Ahasi'a huno, Damaskasi kini vahetmima zamazama hige'za ha'ma hunagatere'naza havi anumzantaminte ofa kresramana vanuge'za nagrira naza hugahaze, nehuno ana havi anumzante ofa kresramana vu'ne. Hianagi agra zante hazenkea avreno egeno, mika Israeli vahe'mo'zanena hazenkefi ufre'naze.
24 And Ahaz gathered the vessels of ye house of God, and brake the vessels of the house of God, and shut vp the doores of the house of the Lord, and made him altars in euery corner of Ierusalem.
Hagi Ahasi'a Anumzamofo mono nompinti kavo zuomparamina erino emeri atru huteno, takoraku hunetreno Ra Anumzamofo mono no kafana ahe ankaninereno, Jerusalemi kumapina maka kaziga havi anumzante'ma Kresramanama vu ita tro hu'ne.
25 And in euery citie of Iudah hee made hie places, to burne incense vnto other gods, and prouoked to anger the Lord God of his fathers.
Hagi Juda mopafima me'nea ranra kumatamimpina havi anumzantaminte'ma ofama hanaza kumatami'ma troma huntetere'ma hiazamo higeno, Ra Anumzana agehe'i Anumzamo'a tusi arimpa ahente'ne.
26 Concerning the rest of his actes, and all his wayes first and last, beholde, they are written in the booke of the Kings of Iudah, and Israel.
Hagi Ahasi'ma kinima agafa huno mani'nereti'ma vuno ome vagare'nea knafima maka zama hu'nea zamofo agenkea, mika Juda kini vahe'ene, Israeli kini vahetmimofo zamagenkema krenentaza avontafepi krente'naze.
27 And Ahaz slept with his fathers, and they buried him in the citie of Ierusalem, but brought him not vnto the sepulchres of the Kings of Israel: and Hezekiah his sonne reigned in his stead.
Hagi Ahasi'a frige'za Jerusalemi rankumapi asente'naze. Na'ankure avufga'a eri'za kini vahe'tmimofo matipina ome ase onte'naze. Hagi anama hutegeno'a, nemofo Hezekai'a agri nona erino kinia mani'ne.

< 2 Chronicles 28 >