< 2 Chronicles 10 >

1 Then Rehoboam went to Shechem: for to Sheche came all Israel to make him king.
Rehoboam chu Shachem muna achetan ahi, ajeh chu hichelai munna chu Israel mipi chu hung kikhom uva ama chu Lengpa’a pansah ding atiu ahi.
2 And when Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat heard it, (which was in Egypt, whither he had fled from the presence of Salomon the King) he returned out of Egypt.
Hiche thu chu Nebat chapa Jeroboam in ajadoh phat chun, Lengpa Solomon akonna sochatna ding deina jal'a Egypt gamma ana jammang na munna (Egypt muna), kon chun ahung kile kit tan ahi.
3 And they sent and called him: so came Ieroboam and all Israel, and communed with Rehoboam, saying,
Israel lamkai ho chun ama chu akou uvin, chuin Jeroboam le Israel mipi chu Rehoboam kihoupi ding chun acheuvin ama koma chun hitin aseijiuvin ahi.
4 Thy father made our yoke grieuous: nowe therefore make thou the grieuous seruitude of thy father, and his sore yoke, that he put vpon vs, lighter, and we will serue thee.
“Napan kachung uva akoi namkol jon hi agih valle, hiche natoh hahsa le kachung uva kikoi namkol jon gihtah hi nei suh jang peh uvin,” atiuvin ahi.
5 And he sayde to them, Depart yet three dayes, then come againe vnto me. And the people departed.
Rehoboam in adonbut in, “Nithum joule kahenga hung kile kitnun,” ati. Hiti chun mipiho chu achemang tauvin ahi.
6 And King Rehoboam tooke counsel with the olde men that had stande before Salomon his father, while hee yet liued, saying, What counsell giue ye that I may answere this people?
Chuin Rehoboam lengpa chun apa Solomon damlai’a alhachaa anapang upa ho ahoulim pin, hiche miho hi iti donbut leng natiu vem? tin aman adong tan ahi.
7 And they spake vnto him, saying, If thou be kinde to this people, and please them, and speake louing words to them, they will be thy seruants for euer.
Amahon adonbut’un hiche miho chu nakhotoa ahile amaho chu lunglhai sah in, lang angaichat bang bang u chun donbut tan; chutileh amaho chu nalhachan pangjing tauvinte, atiuvin ahi.
8 But hee left the counsel of the ancient men that they had giuen him, and tooke counsell of the yong men that were brought vp with him, and waited on him.
Ahinlah Rehoboam chun upa hon thumop apeh uchu anoppeh tapon, chuin amatoh thakhatna hungseilen le ama jenle khangthah ho chu ahoulim pin ahi.
9 And he sayd vnto them, What counsel giue ye, that we may answere this people, which haue spoken to mee, saying, Make the yoke which thy father did put vpon vs, lighter?
Aman ama ho chu adongin, “Nangho thumop ipi hiding ham? Itilama hiche mihon kakoma aseiju napan kachung uva akoi namkol jon hi neisuh jang peh un, tia asei uhi iti lama adonbutna ipeh diu ham?”
10 And the yong men that were brought vp with him, spake vnto him, saying, Thus shalt thou answere the people that spake to thee, saying, Thy father made our yoke heauie, but make thou it lighter for vs: thus shalt thou say vnto them, My least part shalbe bigger then my fathers loines.
Amatoh hungseilen khom khangthah hochun adonbut nun, mipihon nakoma aseiyu, “Napan kachung uva eikoipeh’u namkol jon hi agih valle, hijongleh nangman neisuh jang peh un atiuchu kakhut jung mecha hi kapa kong sanga lenjo ahi,” tin seipeh tan atiuve.
11 Now whereas my father did burden you with a grieuous yoke, I will yet increase your yoke: my father hath chastised you with roddes, but I will correct you with scourges.
“Kapan namkol jon gih chu keiman agih jep'a kabol ding ahi,” tin seipehtan atiuve. “Kapan savun khaohola najep’u ahin, keiman tenggol pah mun’a kajep ding nahiuve,” tin seipeh un atiuve.
12 Then Ieroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam the third day, as the King had appointed saying, Come againe to me the third day.
Lengpan, “Nithum sungin kakoma hungkit nun,” atibang bang chun Jeroboam le mipi ho jouse chu nithum jouvin Rehoboam koma ahungkit taovin ahi.
13 And the King answered them sharply: and King Rehoboam left the counsel of the ancient men,
Lengpan upa ho thumop chu anotthap min, engse tah’in amaho chu ana donbut in.
14 And spake to them after ye counsell of the yong men, saying, My father made your yoke grieuous, but I wil incease it: my father chastised you with rods, but I will correct you with scourges.
“Khangthah ho thumop ajuijin, kapan na namkol’jon gihtah in asemin, keiman agihjo cheh’a kasempeh ding nahive, kapan savun khao holla najep u ahin, keiman sakol jepna a kajep ding nahiuve,” atin ahi.
15 So the king hearkened not vnto the people: for it was the ordinance of God that the Lord might performe his saying, which hee had spoken by Ahiiah the Shilonite to Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat.
Hiti chun Lengpa chun mipiho thu chu angaipeh tapou vin ahi. Ajeh chu hiche thilsoh ho jouse hi Pathen a kona Sheloh mipa Ahijah in Nebat chapa Jeroboam koma, Pakai in anaseidohsa thu chu guilhung ahi.
16 So when all Isarael sawe that the King would not heare them, the people answered the King, saying, What portion haue we in Dauid? for we haue none inheritance in the sonue of Ishai. O Israel, euery man to your tents: now see to thine owne house, Dauid. So all Israel departed to their tents.
Israel mipi ho chun lengpan athu sei angaipeh louphat uchun lengpa chu adonbut nun, “Jesse chapa David koma keihon ipi chan, ipi mun kanei diu ham? Israel! Naponbuh achun David in na insung bou vesuitan,” atiuvin ahi, hitichun Israel mipi jouse chu ain lam uvah ache tauvin ahi.
17 Howbeit Rehoboam reigned ouer the children of Israel, that dwelt in the cities of Iudah.
Ahinlah Judah khopi hoa cheng jing nalai Israel mite ding chun, Rehoboam in vai ahom nalaijin ahi.
18 Then King Rehoboam sent Hadoram that was ouer the tribute, and the children of Israel stoned him with stones, that he died: then King Rehoboam made speede to get him vp to his charet, to flee to Ierusalem.
Lengpa Rehoboam chun Adoniram kitipa ada achamlouva nakitohsah ho chunga mopopa chu asoldoh in, ahinlah ama chu Israel mipi hon song a anaseplih tauvin ahi. Hijeng jongleh Lengpa Rehoboam chu a sakol kangtalai achun anakaldoh man in, Jerusalem lama ana jamdoh in ahi.
19 And Israel rebelled against the house of Dauid vnto this day.
Hiti chun Israel mite chun tuni chanin, David insung chu adou jing nalai un ahi.

< 2 Chronicles 10 >