< 1 Samuel 8 >

1 When Samuel was nowe become olde, he made his sonnes Iudges ouer Israel.
Lè Samyèl konmanse granmoun, li mete pitit gason l' yo pou gouvènen pèp Izrayèl la.
2 (And the name of his eldest sonne was Ioel, and the name of the second Abiah) euen Iudges in Beer-sheba.
Pi gran an te rele Joèl, piti a te rele Abija. Se lavil Bècheba yo t'ap gouvènen.
3 And his sonnes walked not in his wayes, but turned aside after lucre, and tooke rewards, and peruerted the iudgement.
Men yo pa t' swiv egzanp papa yo. Yon sèl bagay ki te enterese yo se te fè lajan. Yo te konn pran lajan sou kote nan men moun pou regle zafè pou yo. Yo t'ap fè patipri.
4 Wherefore all the Elders of Israel gathered them together, and came to Samuel vnto Ramah,
Lè sa a, tout chèf fanmi ki te reskonsab pèp Izrayèl la sanble, y' al jwenn Samyèl lavil Rama.
5 And said vnto him, Beholde, thou art olde, and thy sonnes walke not in thy wayes: make vs nowe a King to iudge vs like all nations.
Epi yo di l': -Gade! Ou fin granmoun. Pitit ou yo pa swiv egzanp ou te ba yo. Koulye a, chwazi yon wa pou gouvènen nou, jan sa fèt nan tout lòt peyi yo.
6 But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Giue vs a King to iudge vs: and Samuel prayed vnto the Lord.
Pawòl sa yo pa t' fè Samyèl plezi paske yo t'ap mande pou li ba yo yon wa pou gouvènen yo. Samyèl lapriyè Seyè a.
7 And the Lord said vnto Samuel, Heare the voyce of the people in all that they shall say vnto thee: for they haue not cast thee away, but they haue cast me away, that I should not reigne ouer the.
Seyè a di Samyèl ankò: -Ou mèt koute tou sa pèp la di ou. Paske se pa ou menm y'ap voye jete, se mwen menm menm y'ap voye jete. Yo pa vle m' pou wa yo ankò.
8 As they haue euer done since I brought them out of Egypt euen vnto this day, (and haue forsaken me, and serued other gods) euen so doe they vnto thee.
Depi lè mwen te fè yo soti kite peyi Lejip la, se sa ase y'ap fè m'. Y'ap vire do ban mwen, y'ap sèvi lòt bondye. Se menm bagay la y'ap fè ou jòdi a tou.
9 Nowe therefore hearken vnto their voyce: howbeit yet testifie vnto them, and shewe them the maner of ye King that shall reigne ouer them.
Se poutèt sa, koute sa y'ap di ou. Tansèlman, avèti yo pou mwen. Tou fè yo konnen ki jan yon wa pral boule ak yo.
10 So Samuel told all the wordes of the Lord vnto the people that asked a King of him.
Samyèl rapòte bay pèp la ki t'ap mande yon wa a tout pawòl Seyè a te di l'.
11 And he saide, This shall be the maner of the King that shall reigne ouer you: he will take your sonnes, and appoint them to his charets, and to be his horsemen, and some shall runne before his charet.
Li di yo: -Men ki jan wa a pral boule ak nou: Li pral pran pitit gason nou yo pou fè yo sèvi nan lame li a. Genyen ki pral aprann moute cha, gen lòt ki pral aprann moute chwal pou fè lagè. Genyen ki pral sèvi gad kò li pou kouri devan pwòp cha pa li.
12 Also he will make them his captaines ouer thousands, and captaines ouer fifties, and to eare his ground, and to reape his haruest, and to make instruments of warre, and the thinges that serue for his charets.
L'ap pran ladan yo pou mete chèf sou mil (1000) sòlda ak chèf sou senkant sòlda. Se yo ki pral pare tè nan jaden wa a pou li, se yo ki pral ranmase rekòt li yo pou li. Se yo ki pral fè zam pou li ak lòt lekipay l'ap bezwen pou cha lagè l' yo.
13 He will also take your daughters and make them apoticaries, and cookes, and bakers.
L'ap pran pitit fi nou yo pou fè odè, pou fè manje ak pou fè pen pou li.
14 And he will take your fieldes, and your vineyardes, and your best Oliue trees, and giue them to his seruants.
L'ap pran pi bon jaden nou yo, pi bon jaden rezen nou yo, pi bon jaden oliv nou yo, l'a bay moun k'ap sèvi l' yo.
15 And he will take the tenth of your seede, and of your vineyards, and giue it to his Eunuches, and to his seruants.
L'ap pran yon dizyèm sou tout rekòt danre nou yo ak sou tout rekòt pye rezen nou yo pou l' bay moun konfyans li yo ak lòt moun k'ap sèvi anndan lakay li.
16 And he will take your men seruants, and your maide seruants, and the chiefe of your yong men, and your asses, and put them to his worke.
L'ap pran pi bon domestik nou yo ak pi bon sèvant nou yo, pi bon bèf nou yo ak pi bon bourik nou yo pou fè yo travay pou li.
17 He will take the tenth of your sheepe, and ye shall be his seruants.
L'ap pran yon mouton pou chak dis mouton n'a genyen. Lèfini, l'ap fè nou tounen esklav li.
18 And ye shall crie out at that day, because of your King, whom ye haue chosen you, and the Lord will not heare you at that day.
Jou sa a, n'a rele anmwe pou wa nou an, wa nou menm n' ava chwazi a. Men lè sa a, Seyè a p'ap okipe nou.
19 But the people would not heare the voyce of Samuel, but did say, Nay, but there shall be a King ouer vs.
Pèp la te derefize koute Samyèl. Yo t'ap di: -Non! Se yon wa nou vle pou gouvènen nou,
20 And we also will be like all other nations, and our King shall iudge vs, and goe out before vs, and fight our battels.
pou nou kapab menm jan ak tout lòt nasyon yo. Wa nou an va gouvènen nou, l'a mache alatèt lame nou lè nou pral nan lagè, l'a mennen batay nou pou nou.
21 Therefore when Samuel heard all ye wordes of ye people, he rehearsed the in ye eares of ye Lord.
Samyèl tande tou sa pèp la t'ap di. L' ale rapòte yo bay Seyè a.
22 And the Lord saide to Samuel, Hearken vnto their voyce, and make them a King. And Samuel said vnto the men of Israel, Goe euery man vnto his citie.
Lè sa a, Seyè a reponn li: -Ou mèt fè sa yo di a. Ba yo yon wa pou gouvènen yo. Epi Samyèl di moun pèp Izrayèl yo: -Tout moun mèt tounen lakay yo.

< 1 Samuel 8 >