< 1 Samuel 22 >

1 Dauid therefore departed thence, and saued him selfe in the caue of Adullam: and when his brethren and all his fathers house heard it, they went downe thither to him.
Basi Daudi aliondoka hapo na akatoroka kwenda kwenye pango la Adulamu. Kaka zake na wote wa nyumba ya baba yake waliposikia hayo, wakateremka kumwendea huko.
2 And there gathered vnto him all men that were in trouble and all men that were in dette, and all those that were vexed in minde, and he was their prince, and there were with him about foure hundreth men.
Kila mmoja aliyekuwa na mahangaiko, kila mmoja aliyekuwa na deni, na kila mmoja ambaye hakuwa na furaha moyoni-wote walijikusanya kwake, na Daudi akawa jemedari wao. Kulikuwa na wanaume wapatao mia nne waliokuwa pamoja naye.
3 And Dauid went thence to Mizpeh in Moab, and said vnto the King of Moab, I pray thee, let my father and my mother come and abide with you, till I knowe what God wil doe for me.
Kisha Daudi alitoka huko akaenda Mispa huko Moabu. Akamwambia mfalme wa Moabu, “Tafadhali waruhusu baba na mama yangu wakae kwako hadi hapo nitakapojua kitu gani ambacho Mungu atafanya kwa ajili yangu.”
4 And he brought them before the King of Moab, and they dwelt with him all the while that Dauid was in the holde.
Basi akawaacha kwa Mfalme wa Moabu. Baba na mama yake wakakaa na mfalme kwa muda wote ambao Daudi alikuwa kwenye ngome yake.
5 And the Prophet Gad sayde vnto Dauid, Abide not in the holde, but depart and goe into the land of Iudah. Then Dauid departed and came into the forest of Hareth.
Kisha nabii Gadi akamwambia Daudi, “Usikae tena katika ngome yako. Ondoka na uende katika nchi ya Yuda.” Kwa hiyo Daudi akatoka hapo na akaenda katika msitu wa Harethi.
6 And Saul heard that Dauid was discouered, and the men that were with him, and Saul remayned in Gibeah vnder a tree in Ramah, hauing his speare in his hande, and all his seruants stoode about him.
Sauli akasikia kwamba Daudi amepatikana, akiwa pamoja na watu aliokuwa nao. Wakati huo Sauli alikuwa akikaa Gibea chini ya mti wa mkwaju huko Rama, akiwa na mkuki wake mkononi mwake, na watumishi wake wote walikuwa wamesimama wamemzunguka.
7 And Saul said vnto his seruants that stood about him, Heare now, ye sonnes of Iemini, wil the sonne of Ishai giue euery one of you fields and vineyardes: will he make you all captaines ouer thousands, and captaines ouer hundreths:
Sauli akawaambia watumishi wake, Sasa sikilizeni, watu wa Benyamini! Je, mwana wa Yese atawapa mashamba na mashamba ya mizabibu? Je, atawafanya nyote kuwa majemedari wa maelfu na majemedari wa mamia,
8 That all ye haue conspired against me, and there is none that tellerh mee that my sonne hath made a couenant with the sonne of Ishai? and there is none of you that is sory for me, or sheweth mee, that my sonne hath stirred vp my seruant to lie in wayte against me, as appeareth this day?
hata ninyi nyote mnapanga njama dhidi yangu? Hakuna hata mmoja wenu anayenijulisha kwamba mwanangu anafanya agano na mwana wa Yese. Hakuna hata mmoja wenu anayenionea huruma. Hakuna hata mmoja wenu anayenijulisha kwamba mwanangu anamchochea mtumishi wangu Daudi awe kinyume changu. Leo mejificha na ananisubiri ili anishambulie.”
9 Then answered Doeg the Edomite (who was appoynted ouer the seruants of Saul) and sayd, I saw the sonne of Ishai when he came to Nob, to Ahimelech the sonne of Ahitub,
Kisha Doegi Mwedomu, aliyesimama karibu na watumishi wa Sauli, akajibu, Nilimwona mwana wa Yese akienda Nobu, kwa Ahimeleki mwana wa Ahitubu.
10 Who asked counsell of the Lord for him and gaue him vitailes, and he gaue him also the sword of Goliath the Philistim.
Alimwomba BWANA ili apate kumsaidia, na alimpatia mahitaji na upanga wa Goliathi, Mfilisti”
11 Then the King sent to call Ahimelech the Priest the sonne of Ahitub, and all his fathers house, to wit, the Priests that were in Nob: and they came all to the King.
Kisha Mfalme akamtuma mtu amwite kuhani Ahimeleki mwana wa Ahitubu na watu wote wa nyumba ya baba yake, makuhani waliokuwa huko Nobu. Wote walifika mbele ya mfalme.
12 And Saul said, Heare now thou sonne of Ahitub. And he answered, Here I am, my lord.
Sauli akasema, “Sasa sikiliza, mwana wa Ahitubu,” Naye akajibu, “Niko hapa, bwana wangu.”
13 Then Saul sayde vnto him, Why haue yee conspired against me, thou and the sonne of Ishai, in that thou hast giuen him vitaile, and a sworde, and hast asked counsell of God for him, that he should rise against me, and lye in wayte as appeareth this day?
Sauli akamwambia, “Kwa nini unapanga njama dhidi yangu, wewe pamoja na mwana wa Yese, kwa kumpatia mikate, na upanga, na umemwomba Mungu kusudi amsaidie Daudi, kusudi aniasi mimi, na kujificha sehemu ya siri, kama alivyofanya leo?”
14 And Ahimelech answered the King, and sayde, Who is so faithfull among all thy seruants as Dauid, being also the Kings sonne in lawe, and goeth at thy commandement, and is honourable in thine house?
Ndipo Ahimeleki akamjibu mfalme na kusema, “Je, ni nani miongoni mwa watumishi wako wote aliyemwaminifu kama Daudi, ni nani mkwe wa mfalme na yuko juu ya walinzi wako, na mwenye heshima nyumbani mwako?
15 Haue I this day first begun to aske counsell of God for him? be it farre from mee, let not the King impute any thing vnto his seruant, nor to all the house of my father: for thy seruant knew nothing of all this, lesse nor more.
Je, leo ni mara ya kwanza kwangu kumuomba Mungu apate kumsaidia? Hapana! Mfalme usinilaumu mimi mtumishi wako kwa jambo lolote wala jamaa zangu wote. Maana mimi mtumishi wako sijui lolote kuhusu kadhia hii.”
16 Then the King sayd, Thou shalt surely die, Ahimelech, thou, and all thy fathers house.
Mfalme akamjibu, “Hakika utakufa, Ahimeleki, wewe na jamaa yote ya nyumba ya baba yako.”
17 And the King sayde vnto the sergeantes that stoode about him, Turne, and slay the Priestes of the Lord, because their hand also is with Dauid, and because they knewe when he fled, and shewed it not vnto mee. But the seruantes of the King would not moue their hands to fall vpon the Priests of the Lord.
Mfalme akamwambia mlinzi aliyesimama karibu naye, “Geuka na uwauwe makuhani wa BWANA. Kwa sababu wanamuunga mkono Daudi, na sababu walijua kwamba alikimbia, lakini hawakunijulisha.” Lakini watumishi wa mfalme hawakunyoosha mkono wao kuwaua makuhani wa BWANA.
18 Then the King sayde to Doeg, Turne thou and fall vpon the Priests. And Doeg the Edomite turned, and ran vpon the Priestes, and slewe that same daye foure score and fiue persons that did weare a linen Ephod.
Ndipo mfalme akamwambia Doegi, “Geuka na uwauwe makuhani.” Hivyo Doegi Mwedomu akageuka na kuwapiga makuhani; akawaua watu themanini na watano waliovaa naivera ya kitani siku hiyo.
19 Also Nob the citie of the Priestes smote he with the edge of the sword, both man and woman, both childe and suckling, both oxe and asse, and sheepe with the edge of the sword.
Kwa ncha ya upanga, aliupiga Nobu, mji wa makuhani, akiwaua wanaume na wanawake, watoto na wanyonyao, ng'ombe na punda na kondoo. Wote aliwaua kwa ncha ya upanga.
20 But one of the sonnes of Ahimelech the sonne of Ahitub (whose name was Abiathar) escaped and fled after Dauid.
Lakini mmoja wa wana wa Ahimeleki mwana wa Ahitubu, aliyeitwa Abiathari, aliponyoka na kukimbilia kwa Daudi.
21 And Abiathar shewed Dauid, that Saul had slayne the Lords Priestes.
Abiathari akamwambia Daudi kwamba Sauli amewaua manabii wa BWANA.
22 And Dauid sayd vnto Abiathar, I knewe it the same day, when Doeg the Edomite was there, that he would tell Saul. I am the cause of the death of all the persons of thy fathers house.
Daudi akamwambia Abiathari, “Nilifahamu kuwa siku hiyo, Doegi Mwedomu alikuwa mahali pale, kwamba hakika angemwambia Sauli. Nina wajibika kwa kifo cha kila mtu katika familia ya baba yako!
23 Abide thou with me, and feare not: for he that seeketh my life, shall seeke thy life also: for with me thou shalt be in safegard.
Kaa pamoja nami na usiogope. Maana mtu anayetafuta roho yako anatafuta pia roho yangu. Utakuwa salama ukiwa pamoja nami.”

< 1 Samuel 22 >